Read Playing the Millionaire Page 14

  “Can I let you in on a little secret?” I asked him.

  “Sure.” He smiled.

  “I love him, Edmond. For the first time in my life, I’m in love.”

  He reached over and took hold of my hand, which shocked the shit out of me.

  “I know you do and I’m pretty sure Mr. Quinn has the same feelings for you.”

  “You think?” I looked over at him.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I don’t know. A man like him could never love someone like me. I’ve done horrible things.”

  “Listen, Kate. Don’t beat yourself up about the things you’ve done. Put it all in the past and live in the present. Love doesn’t come around very often, and when it does, you need to hold on to it as tight as you can. Because if you don’t, you’ll end up living a life full of regrets.”

  “Is that what you’re doing?” I asked. “Were you in love once?”

  He let go of my hand and sighed.

  “I was stupid and let love walk right out of my life. Once I realized what I had done, I went to tell her that I was wrong and that I couldn’t live without her. I stopped at the flower shop and bought her a dozen red roses. I made a dinner reservation at her favorite restaurant and I was going to ask for her hand in marriage. She was out that day running some errands and agreed to meet with me when she was finished. She said she’d call when she got home. I waited for hours and I still hadn’t heard from her. I tried calling her phone, but it kept going straight to voicemail. Then my phone rang and it was her sister telling me that Vivian was in a car accident and was taken to the hospital. By time I got there, she had already passed away.”

  “Oh my god, Edmond. I’m so sorry.” I placed my hand on his.

  “If you love him, hold on to him. Don’t let self-doubt and fear keep you from happiness. Believe me, Kate, it’s the worst feeling in the world when you let the one you love go and never got the chance to tell them you were wrong.”

  He got up from the sand. “I’m going to get a drink. Want one?”

  “That would be great. Just water for me, though.”

  As I was sitting there with my eyes closed, reflecting on what Edmond had told me, I heard a man’s voice with a French accent beside me.

  “Well, hello again.”

  Looking at him through my sunglasses, I spoke, “Hello.”

  “How is your day going so far?” he asked.

  “Fine. And yours?”

  “Very good now that I see this beautiful woman sitting all alone on the beach.”

  “I’m not alone. My friend Edmond is with me. He just went to get me some water.”

  “No Gabriel?”

  “He’s busy doing work stuff. By the way, I didn’t get a chance to ask you last night since you hastily ran away, what are you doing here?”

  “Gabriel is a friend of mine and I wanted to congratulate him on the opening of his beautiful hotel.”

  This guy was full of shit. I could smell it a mile away.

  “Are you and Gabriel an item? Because last night, you said you didn’t have a boyfriend.”

  “I don’t, and no, we aren’t an item. Just good friends.”

  “That pleases me to hear that. How about joining me for dinner this evening?” he spoke.

  “As much as I would enjoy that, Marcel, I’m afraid I can’t. I have dinner plans with Gabriel. What kind of friend would I be to cancel to have dinner with you?”

  “Understood. A woman who values her friendships. I like that.” He smirked. “I’m flying back to New York tomorrow. Perhaps we can do something before I leave.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to be possible. Have a safe flight home.” I smiled.

  “A woman who plays hard to get is a turn on. Make no mistake, Kate, we will have dinner together one day. I always go after what I want.” He stood up and gave me a wink. Before he walked away, he turned and looked at me. “By the way, I never got your last name.”

  “Young. Kate Young.” I smiled.

  “I will find you, Kate Young,” he spoke as he walked away.

  I sat there, shaking my head in disbelief. What a tool.

  “Again?” Gabriel asked as he stood over me, handing me a bottle of water.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had business stuff to do.”

  “I did and then I said screw it. I think we should spend the day together.”

  “Where’s Edmond?”

  “I ran into him as he was getting your water and I told him to go explore Hawaii. On me, of course.”

  He held out his hand and helped me up from the sand.

  “What did Marcel want this time?”

  “He wanted me to join him for dinner tonight. I told him no and that I had plans with you. That guy is a real asshole.”

  “I know he is and I don’t want you talking to him. He’s trouble.”

  “No worries. He’s leaving tomorrow to go back to New York.”

  “Good. The only reason he’s here is to spy so he can steal ideas. The man and his father are as crooked as they come. Guess what?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m taking you on a yacht for the day.”

  “I get seasick.” I smirked.

  “I don’t really care.” He pulled me into him and kissed my lips.


  Gabriel and I spent the next few days exploring Hawaii and enjoying each other’s company. Each day, we grew closer and, as we did, my feelings for him strengthened. I had never felt this way before in my life and, to be honest, it scared me a little because it was all too perfect. I wanted to tell him that I loved him but I wanted to wait for him to say it first. Even though I was pretty sure he did, there was a part of me that was scared to death of rejection. This was the kind of life I had always dreamed of. Being me, Kate Harper, and no one else. I decided that when we went home to New York, I was going to tell my father the truth. He needed to know and I needed to tell him for my own sake. My days of living as a con were over. I was going to focus on getting a real job and live my life for me.

  It was our last night in Hawaii and Gabriel and I walked hand in hand on the beach along the shore. We stopped for a moment and took in the beauty of the sun that had begun to set over the ocean.

  “I’ve decided that when we get back, I’m going to tell my father the truth,” I spoke.


  “Really.” I smiled. “It’s time I take control of my life. I’ve been living in my father’s shadow my entire life. Doing everything he told me to do, and still doing it after he went to prison.”

  “I don’t understand. Your father didn’t want you to do what you did. You made that choice.”

  “I did it for him so he wouldn’t have to spend twenty years in prison. Being alone in a world where not one single person except him knew who I truly was, was frightening. It was easier to be all those different people so I didn’t have to face the reality of being myself all alone in the world.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

  “You aren’t alone, Kate. You have me.” He kissed the top of my head. “And Edmond. Let’s not forget about him.”

  A smile crossed my lips as I broke our embrace and looked up at him. Hues of rich orange, yellow, and red shadowed him. To me, he was my savior.

  “Thank you, Gabriel. That means so much to me.”

  He swept his thumb across my lips before his mouth met mine amongst the shores of ocean and underneath the sunset.

  Chapter Thirty


  Hawaii was perfection and Kate and I were growing closer every day. She was desperate to change her life and I trusted her. I told her that I would help her every way I could, and if she wanted a job at my offices, she had one. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life. She was still learning how to be herself and I couldn’t be prouder. I loved her. I was in love with her, and she took up every bit of space I had in my heart.

  Our thirty days were almo
st up, and even though the original plan was to let her go, I couldn’t. I wanted her to stay in my life, and I wanted to make her mine and mine only. The words “I love you” were on the tip of my tongue every day, but I had to hold back because I didn’t want to scare her. I had a plan. On day thirty, I would spend the day with her, buy her beautiful flowers, take her somewhere special, and profess my love for her. It had to be perfect. I wouldn’t have it any other way. This love was real for me this time. I had it all. A thriving business and career I loved, a beautiful home, family, friends, and a woman whom I adored and loved with every fiber of my soul. Sex with her was out of this world, and she even let me use the handcuffs on her. In fact, she was the one who suggested it. She pleased me in every way possible. I wanted to take care of her, but I knew in order for her to let me, she needed to figure out what she wanted first. I knew she loved me. Even though she hadn’t said it, I could feel it.

  I held her in my arms, her body wrapped tightly around mine as we lay in bed. Today was the day she was going to tell her father the truth. I asked her if she wanted me to go with her and she said that she wanted to go alone. I kissed the top of her head, thankful that she was with me.

  “Morning.” She smiled as she opened her eyes.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I spoke.

  “You didn’t.” Her finger ran across my chest.

  “I have to get ready for work. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you to see your father?”

  “I’m sure. This is something I need to do on my own. But, the next time I visit him, I would love for you to go.” She lifted her head and brushed her lips against mine.

  “I would like that.”

  I kissed her one last time and got up, hopped into the shower, and got ready for work. Before leaving for the office, we enjoyed a nice breakfast together, like we did every morning.

  “Have a good day.” She smiled as she kissed me goodbye.

  “You too, sweetheart. Good luck with your dad.”

  I spent a better part of the day in back-to-back meetings, and when I returned to my office, Thaddeus walked in and, instantly, I knew something was wrong.

  “You better sit down, Gabriel,” he spoke.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I narrowed my eye.

  He threw an article on my desk. I picked it up, and as I read it, my heart began to pound rapidly.

  “What the fuck is this?” I asked through gritted teeth as my grip on the paper tightened.

  “I—I don’t know.”

  I stood up from my chair and slammed my fists down on the desk. Rage consumed me.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “It was sent by messenger when you were in your meetings,” he replied. “How is this possible? Did you—”

  I ran my hands through my hair as I paced around my office.

  “Of course not!” I shouted. “FUCK! Get everyone in my office now!”

  I took off my suitcoat, threw it on the chair, and continued to pace around the office in disbelief. Thaddeus walked back in with my team and we took a seat at the table. I grilled them, one by one. I yelled, screamed, and showed them a side of me they’d never seen before. I trusted them and their answers. Then, something hit me. It had to be her. My staff would never betray me, but I wouldn’t put it past someone else. I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t believe it. But it had started to make sense. I grabbed my suitcoat and flew out of the office.

  “Lu, I’m going home. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I spoke as I rushed past her.

  Before walking through the front door, I took in three deep breaths to calm down. As I stepped inside, I called her name.

  “What are you doing home?” Kate asked as she walked down the stairs.

  “I have a question for you and I want an honest answer,” I spoke in a harsh tone.

  “Gabriel, what’s wrong?” she asked as she approached me.

  “Did you tell Marcel about my plans for the digital hotel?”

  In an instant, her face fell and a look of fear swept over her.

  “Of course not. Why would you—”

  I reached into my suitcoat pocket and pulled out the article.

  “Because of this!”

  She took it from me and began to read it.

  “And you think I was the one who told him?”

  “I certainly know my team would never do it.” I placed my hands in my pocket. “You talked to him, Kate. Don’t you find it odd that I would receive this article a week after we returned from Hawaii? After you talked to him!” I pointed at her.

  “Gabriel,” she spoke in a panicked voice as she walked towards me.

  I backed away and put my hands up. “Don’t, Kate. Just admit you told him.”

  “I didn’t tell him anything. I promised you I wouldn’t say a word to anyone.”

  “Then how the fuck did he find out?!” I shouted.

  “Stop yelling at me!” she shouted back. “I don’t know. But it wasn’t from me!”

  “Did he make you some sweet offer you couldn’t refuse? What a fucking fool I was for trusting someone like you!”

  Tears streamed down her face.

  “That was my father’s dream! We were all set to announce it in a couple of months, and now, Marcel’s company got to it first. And what a coincidence, theirs happens to be in Las Vegas.”

  “Gabriel, please. I didn’t tell him,” she begged.

  A part of me wanted to believe her but because of her past, I quickly shut that down. I turned my back, for I couldn’t face her anymore.

  “Get out,” I firmly spoke.


  “Pack your stuff and get out of my house. I’m done with you.”

  “Gabriel, no,” she cried as she grabbed my arm.

  I jerked away so hard she fell to the ground.

  “Don’t come near me. You played me for a fool for the last time. I’m going out, and when I get back, you better be gone. Go back to your apartment and back to your con artist life. I better never see you again.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  He walked out and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The air I tried to breathe was so constricted, I felt like I was suffocating. I sat on the floor, my arms around my legs, rocking back and forth while the tears fell from my eyes. This wasn’t happening. The pain I felt inside was unbearable and I began to hyperventilate. I didn’t know what to do. It felt like my heart had been torn in half. After a while, as I tried to calm down, I picked myself up from the floor and stumbled up the stairs, one by one, in a daze, until I reached the bedroom and packed all my things. Once I was finished, I took the phone he gave me out of my purse and set it down on his bed. I had thought about writing him a letter of some sort, telling him once again that I didn’t say a word to Marcel or anyone about his plans. But then I thought it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. He never trusted me like he said he did. Way back in the dark corners of his mind was always doubt. Taking the elevator down to the foyer, I dragged my suitcase behind me in one hand, my guitar in the other, and out the front door.

  When I reached my apartment, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Turning on the lights, I stood in the small foyer and looked around the place I didn’t want to be in. I wanted to be back at Gabriel’s townhouse, sitting on the couch, by the fire, snuggled up against him while we watched TV. This sadness that overwhelmed me was too much and I didn’t know how to make it stop, so I drowned my sorrows with a bottle of wine.



  I had Carl park the limo around the corner, but just far enough away so I could watch her as she left. The feeling of betrayal I felt killed me inside. She said she didn’t do it, and as much as I wanted to believe her, I couldn’t. Once she left, I walked up the steps and through the front door. I went up to my bedroom and found her phone lying on the bed. I picked it up, and in a rage, I threw it against the wall. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I called my brother Caleb,
who was in California recording his album.

  “Hey, bro. Can I call you back in a few? We’re just wrapping up.”

  “Sure. Do me a favor and facetime me. I need to talk to you.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not.” I ran my hand down my face.

  “Did something happen? Is Mom okay?”

  “She’s fine. It’s about Kate.”

  “Shit. Okay. Give me about ten minutes.”

  I headed downstairs, poured myself a bourbon, downed it, and took the bottle with me to my office. Opening my laptop, I waited for Caleb’s call. A few moments later, my phone rang and I explained what happened.

  “Gabriel, are you one hundred percent sure Kate was the one who leaked it?”

  “It’s a gut feeling, Caleb. No one on my design team would betray me like that. There’s too much at stake for them.”

  “Then what would Kate’s reasoning be?”

  “All I know is they talked quite a bit in Hawaii and it was after I told her about my plans.”

  “So what if they talked? Marcel will talk to anything with long legs just to get a good fuck out of them. It doesn’t mean she told him anything.”

  “And it doesn’t mean she didn’t.”

  “I thought you were over your trust issues with her,” he spoke.

  “I guess not. She played me. She gained my trust, only to stab me in the back.”

  “Bro, be careful with your words. You don’t know that and you don’t have proof.”

  “Her past is all the proof I need. I’m sorry I ever got involved with her. God, I’m so fucking stupid.”

  “Calm the fuck down, Gabriel. You’re not stupid. You just told me the other day how in love with her you were and how she makes your life so much better. Now the second something goes wrong, you automatically jump to the conclusion she did it. Unless you have proof, it’s not valid.”

  “Then I’ll get proof.” I pointed at the computer screen.


  “I don’t know yet, but I will. Maybe she didn’t do it on purpose or maybe it was just a mention, but I specifically told her not to say a word to anyone.”