Read Playing the Millionaire Page 8

  He collapsed, his muscular chest resting upon my back and his arms wrapped around me. I could feel the rapid beat of his heart against me as I closed my eyes and took it all in. The safeness I felt was overwhelming and I wanted to stay like that forever. Rolling off me, he stood up and I turned on my back and stared at him. He grabbed his clothes from the floor, walked towards the door, and looked at me one last time before leaving the bedroom.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, and went up to the terrace. After pouring a glass of bourbon, I leaned against the cement rail and stared out into the New York City night, trying to figure out what I was going to do with her. She conned rich men. She used them, and when she was done, she walked away with beautiful things and a lot of money. Money that she claimed she didn’t have. I called bullshit on that one. She was a person I could never trust. I thought long and hard and finally came up with a plan. One she’d probably resist but didn’t have a choice. Now she was going to be the one to find out how it felt to be used, and in the end, she’d walk away with nothing.

  The next morning, after I showered and got ready for the office, I headed down to the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Grace,” I spoke.

  “Good morning, Gabriel.” She smiled. “Breakfast?”

  “Sure. I have some time.”

  I walked over to the Keurig machine, popped in a K-cup, and heard someone stumble into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” Kate spoke as she sat down at the island.

  “Good morning. Coffee?” I asked.


  As soon as my coffee was finished brewing, I picked up the cup and sat down at the table.

  “What are you doing?” Kate asked.

  “Drinking my coffee. Why?”

  “You asked me if I wanted some and I said ‘please.’”

  “And? Just because I asked you didn’t mean that I was going to make it.”

  Her eyes narrowed at me as she got up and walked over to the coffee maker.

  “What am I supposed to do here all day?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Figure it out.”

  “What I’d like to do is paint, but I don’t have any supplies.”

  I glanced up from my phone and looked at her.

  “You like to paint?”


  “Fine. Make a list of what you need and I’ll send someone to get it and have the supplies back here later today. And when I get home tonight, we’re going to sit down and have a little chat. It’s time you started paying off your debt.”

  “And how am I going to do that?” she asked as she took a seat at the table across from me.

  “You’ll find out later.”

  “Since we’re both sitting here, you can tell me now,” she spoke.

  “I said we’ll talk later,” I firmly spoke. “Now, if you want those art supplies, you better start that list. I have to leave in a few minutes.”

  Grace walked over and handed her a piece of paper and a pen. I didn’t know she liked to paint. But what did I really know about her anyway? She finished her list and handed it to me. After looking it over, I glanced up at her.

  “Really? This is a lot of stuff.”

  She shrugged. “You can afford it. Or, I have most of it back at my apartment. Send one of your minions to go fetch it.” Her brow raised.

  “Where are they in your apartment?” I asked.

  “In a chest in the corner of the living room. I’ll need my easel also.”

  “I don’t recall seeing an easel in your apartment.”

  “That’s because you were too busy ransacking my room to notice anything else about my place.”

  “True.” The corners of my mouth curved up into a sly smile.

  I finished off my breakfast and got up from the table.

  “I’m leaving now. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “I’ll be counting down the hours,” she sarcastically spoke.

  Grace let out a light laugh and I narrowed my eye at her as I walked out the door. On the way to the office, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Caleb.


  “What are you doing for lunch?”

  “Gee. I don’t know. I haven’t even had breakfast yet, bro.”

  “Can you meet me at the Shake Shack at one o’clock?”

  “Sure. Good thing you picked that place because I wasn’t about to go to any fancy restaurant with all that weird food.”

  I chuckled. “Why do you think I picked your favorite burger place? I’ll see you later.”


  My meeting ended at twelve forty-five and I had fifteen minutes to get over to the Shake Shack to meet Caleb.

  “I’m heading to lunch, Lu. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  “Enjoy, Mr. Quinn.” She smiled.

  Carl dropped me off around the corner, and when I made my way to the restaurant, I saw Caleb standing outside.

  “Hey.” I smiled as we lightly hugged.

  “What’s with the lunch date?” he asked as we stepped inside.

  “I figured out how Kate is going to pay me back.”

  Our order was up, so we took it to a table and sat down.

  “Do tell, big brother,” Caleb spoke.

  As I told him my plan, he sat there and stared at me with a narrowing eye.

  “I’m all for the first part, but, bro, I’m not so sure about the outcome.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “It’s a little harsh, not to mention the fact that I don’t think you can do it.”

  “It won’t be a problem.”

  “If you say so. Listen, Gabriel, Dad was always about teaching us lessons. You know that. This concerns me. You’re playing with someone’s life.”

  “Just like she’s played with all those lives of all the men she ripped off. You think that’s okay?”

  “No. I don’t. But do two wrongs make a right?” His brow raised.

  “She ripped me off and she’s going to pay me back. Hopefully, she’ll learn her lesson and not do it to anyone again.”

  “You know what they say: Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. I’m pretty sure that applies to con artists as well.”

  “We’ll see, won’t we? Anyway, what’s going on with you?”

  “I got a call yesterday from Atlantic Records. They loved the demo I sent them and want to hear more, so we’re going to fly out to L.A. next week.”

  “Good.” I nodded my head. “It’s too bad things didn’t work out with Sony.”

  He shrugged. “Everything happens for a reason, right?” He smiled as we both finished our burgers and got up from the table.

  “You’ve always been the philosophical one in the family.” I smirked as I placed my hand on his shoulder and we walked out the door.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “It’s about time, Carl,” I spoke as he brought my art supplies into the house.

  “Sorry, Miss Kate, but I had other stops to make as well.”

  “Can you do me a favor and just take the easel up to the terrace?”

  “Very well.” He nodded.

  “Thanks, Carl. You’re a doll.”

  It bothered me all day as to what Gabriel wanted to talk about when he got home. He said it was time I started repaying him back. But how? Was he going to give me a job at his office? That wouldn’t be so bad. At least it would get me out of this damn house.

  I took the elevator up to the terrace and moved my easel over by the railing where most of the sun hit and overlooked the city and river. This would be the perfect place to paint. I walked over to the bar area and took a glass and filled it with water. Moving one of the small tables over by my easel, I set up my paint supplies, put a canvas up, and began painting. With each stroke of the brush, I was transported into another place. A place where I had no troubles or worries and a place where I could be me.

  A few hours had pa
ssed when I heard the elevator doors open and Gabriel’s voice.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “Fine,” I spoke as I continued painting.

  He walked over to where I was and stood behind me.

  “You’re painting the sea?” he asked.

  “The sea is only part of it.”

  “It’s beautiful. You have great artistic talent.”

  “Thank you. My mother was an artist. My dad told me that she loved to paint and had a very creative mind. She would tell stories with her portraits.”

  “And what’s this story?” he asked.

  “You’ll see once it’s finished.” A small smile crossed my lips.

  “I brought home dinner. Come and eat and we can discuss some things.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute. I just want to finish this last part.”

  “Very well.” He turned and walked away.

  Once I finished, I placed my brush in the water and took the elevator down to the kitchen. When I stepped out, I noticed Gabriel wasn’t there, so I went to the dining room where he had the table set and bowls of pasta, salad, and bread were laid out.

  “I got meat sauce, plain sauce, and alfredo. I didn’t know what you liked.”

  “All are fine. Thanks.” I took a seat and placed the napkin on my lap.

  My nerves were getting the best of me in anticipation of what he wanted to discuss, and I could no longer wait.

  “So talk, Gabriel,” I spoke as I picked up my fork.

  He cleared his throat as he set his napkin on his lap.

  “The way you’re going to pay me back is by being my companion for thirty days. A thousand dollars a night.”

  I arched my brow at him. “Excuse me?”

  “You will work off your debt by having sex with me every night. You will do as I say and do what I want. You will attend events with me and travel if necessary.”

  “I’m not a fucking prostitute!” I deadpanned.

  “Really, Kate? You seduce men, have sex with them, get them to fall in love with you, and then you take payment. If that isn’t prostitution, I don’t know what is.”

  “You son of a bitch.” I shook my head.

  “There’s no need for name calling. If you agree, which you really have no choice, you will be able to leave the house, with a bodyguard, of course, whenever you please. We will have dinner every night together and then we will go to my room and have sex. When we are finished, you will go back to your room and we’ll see each other in the morning. Once the thirty days is up, you will leave and go back to your apartment and to your life.”

  “Are you that lonely of a man that you have to resort to this?” I narrowed my eye at him.

  “I’m not lonely at all. This actually works out perfect for me. No emotions, no strings, nothing. And if you look at it, it’s perfect for you too.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “You’re incapable of feelings. It’s just another job for you. Clearly, you had no problems or trouble walking away from all the other men you ripped off and I won’t be any different.”

  “And if I don’t agree?”

  “Then I turn over all of your aliases to the police and you go to jail.”

  “Ah, Gabriel Quinn, CEO of Quinn Hotels, kidnapper and blackmailer extraordinaire.” I held up my glass of wine.

  He picked up his and held it up in front of him.

  “And Kate Harper, con artist and heart breaker extraordinaire.”

  “You know nothing about me, Gabriel.”

  “I know enough and, to be honest, I don’t want to know anything else. Do we have a deal or do I call the police?”

  I couldn’t believe his proposal. All this man wanted was sex. A thousand dollars a night sex. If that was what it took to get me out of here, then fine. Besides, I liked having sex with him. This was my chance to play him, find out more of his weaknesses, and take advantage. He thought he was playing me, but in reality, he had just taken the game to a whole new level.

  “I get to leave the house?” I asked.

  “Yes. You can go wherever you want, but you will be guarded.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “And you said I would have to do anything you want in the bedroom?”

  “Yes. Anything I want. You cannot say no.”

  I gulped.

  “I don’t do anal sex. That right there is out of the question. So, if you have the thought in that fucked up little head of yours, take it away now.”

  “If I’m paying a thousand dollars a night, you will do as I please, including anal sex.”

  I swallowed hard. He wouldn’t do anal. He didn’t seem like that type of guy. But then again, he did keep a pair of handcuffs in his bedroom. I’d call his bluff.

  “Fine. We have a deal.” I held out my hand. “But you do know I get my period. So then what?”

  “We do it in the shower when that’s going on.”

  “Okay. Thirty days it is and then I leave. Can we count last night as day one?”

  “No. It starts now, tonight. I do want to make one thing very clear to you. I am not like the other men you were with. I will not shower you with expensive gifts, flowers, or anything else.”

  “What if you’re tempted to?” I smirked.

  “Trust me, Kate. I won’t be.”

  “Are you always this cold-hearted with the women you’re with?”

  “Only the ones who think it’s okay to steal from me.” He cocked his head.

  “What about Greta?”

  “How do you know about her?”

  “Grace told me the other day you just ended a relationship with her. Why?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Were you together when we fucked at JFK?”

  “No. I wasn’t. I don’t cheat on the women I’m with.”

  I let out a light laugh. “Sure you don’t. You’re a typical rich alpha male. Temptation is your weakest point.”

  “Not mine. When I’m with someone, I’m committed. I never once cheated on Greta.”

  My heart kind of melted when he said that and I could tell he wasn’t lying. He was faithful and it was a rare quality among men. Especially men of his stature, but something was different with him. He seemed cold and emotionless. More so now than before.

  “Do you have any sexy lingerie?” he asked.

  “Back at my apartment. Why?”

  “Because I want you wearing it every night when you walk into my room.”

  “Then I guess we’ll have to go to my place.”

  “No. I’ll have new things delivered tomorrow.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to lavish me with gifts?” I raised my brow.

  “They’re not for you, sweetheart. They’re for me to enjoy.”

  “Seriously, Gabriel. What kind of freak are you?”

  “How does me wanting to view you in sexy lingerie make me a freak? And don’t even go there, Kate. I’m sure you’ve done some freaky shit with the men you’ve been with.”

  In reality, it was always just plain sex, very vanilla, which was fine with me. When the men would ask to try something different, I always told them I wasn’t comfortable, so they would drop it and resume with the normal plain and boring sex. Perhaps it was because I was never attracted to any of them and I always had the upper hand. But with Gabriel, things were different. There was an enormous attraction to him, and this time, I wasn’t in control. Overall, his need for kinkiness turned me on.

  “Do I at least get to pick out the lingerie?” I asked.

  “No. Like I said, I’ll have some things delivered tomorrow.”

  “And what about tonight?”

  “For tonight, your naked body will do just fine. In fact,” he looked at the time on his phone, “I want you naked and walking into my bedroom at nine p.m. Understand?” he spoke with seriousness.

  “Yes, master. Anything you say.”

  He held up his finger. “Don’t call me that.”

  The corner
s of my mouth curved up into a slight smile.

  “What do you want me to call you? Daddy?”

  “Absolutely not. What is wrong with you?”

  Me? He wanted to know what was wrong with me? He was the one putting this plan of demand into motion.

  “Fine. I understand, Gabriel.”

  “That’s better. You have thirty minutes to prep yourself.”

  I got up from my seat and headed to my room. His plan wasn’t so bad. Sex with him and the freedom to leave the house whenever I wanted to was a pretty good deal, not to mention the traveling part. The one thing I did believe he was true to his word about was turning me over to the police. He had enough on me to put me away for a long time and that wasn’t something I was about to risk.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was eight fifty-nine. It was time to make my grand entrance. I slipped off my robe and walked my naked body down to his bedroom. I had never been in there before and I’d never seen it because he kept the door locked when he was gone.

  When I lightly knocked on the door, he told me to come in. Placing my hand on the handle, I opened it and stood in the doorway with my arm resting on the doorframe and my hip pushed out to the side.

  “Come in,” he spoke as he sat on the edge of the bed in nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms with his bare feet firmly planted on the floor.

  I seductively walked towards him and stared into his hungry eyes. When I reached the bed, he planted his hands firmly on my hips and his tongue stroked my belly. Instantly, the fire down below erupted, sending a tingling sensation through my body that made me tremble. He slid his tongue down to my clit, giving it a few strokes before circling my slick opening. My fingers raked through his hair as I closed my eyes and pleasurable moans escaped my lips. His mouth devoured me while he dipped a finger inside, heightening my ecstasy. My breathing became rapid as well as my heart rate and a rush of intoxicating warmth rushed through me.

  He stood up and slowly circled around me, his lips barely touching my neck, until he was fully behind me. He took my hand and placed it on his hard cock, moving my hand up and down the fabric of his pants. I tilted my head back and his tongue explored my neck.