Read Playing to Win Page 2

  Chapter Two: Do She Really Do That?

  The girls stood nervously in the wings, waiting to be called out on stage for the results of this week’s competition. Even though Leisha had stood in this same spot over the past eight weeks, she still felt a tightening in her stomach while waiting for the voting results. Taylor was clenching her hands and pacing. Ashley was the only one who appeared not to be nervous, but she tapped her sticks against the wall in a little tattoo. Each of them knew that if they were voted out, tomorrow they would be packing up and going home. The dream would be over.

  Finally, Cold Chill yelled out "And here they are….Nightingale!" They all ran on stage, waving to the fans while Susan waved and threw kisses to the audience.

  Cold Chill announced,

  "Here we are…the semi-finals. Only three bands will return next week for the semi-final competition. Who will it be? Jack Daniels, The Screaming Demons? Rock Solid? Or Nightingale? The votes have been counted, and the final three bands who will return next week for our final competition are…"

  Cold Chill took an envelope from his pocket and opened it carefully. There was dead silence in the theatre and the girls all held their breath.

  "Jack Daniels, Rock Solid, and…… Nightingale!"

  The girls screamed and hugged each other as the crowd roared with applause. From the wings, Joey pumped the air with his fists and shouted, "You did it!"

  As soon as they walked out the back entrance of the theatre they were blinded by the late afternoon sun. Cheering fans surged around them. Two burly security guards held back the screaming mob.

  All the girls posed for pictures and signed autographs until Joey herded them into the van to go back to their hotel.

  "Where's Susan?" asked Kelly.

  Joey looked around, "Isn't she here? I'll go look for her. Wait inside the van."

  Five minutes later, he climbed into the van and told the driver,

  "Take us back to the hotel. Susan's coming later on."

  The other girls looked at each other with disappointment in their faces.

  When the girls got back to their hotel rooms, they showered and changed into street clothes.

  "When in L.A., shopping is a must!" Kelly declared. Of the five girls, she was the only one who had been to Los Angeles before, and knew the best places to shop.

  The four girls chatted excitedly as they tumbled into a taxi and arrived soon at a chic area of shops along Rodeo Drive. After grabbing a quick snack at a diner, they hurried to the first place on their list, a trendy boutique with great clothes.

  "We need new outfits for next week's show," Ashley said, "so let's get something really special."

  "I know just the place," Kelly smiled as her large brown eyes lit up, "It's got the greatest stuff, and you can wear it to clubs, too."

  "Then that's our next stop. Ooh! Look at these tops!" Ashley crowed. Soon, they were all busy trying on clothes in the small dressing rooms of the boutique. The dressing rooms were small so they could talk to each other over the top.

  Leisha winked at Taylor, asking, "So, has Danny asked you out yet?"

  Taylor frowned, "Danny who? Oh, you mean the drummer in Rock Solid? No. Why?"

  "I just thought the way he looked at you today implied he might be interested…cause if you're not interested in him, let me know."

  "Why, are you?"

  Leisha paused as she pulled a top over her head and yanked it down over her slim figure. She adjusted it and looked in the mirror, turning from side to side.

  "Mmm,… maybe."

  Taylor laughed, "Ha! Wait in line, sister! I saw him first!"

  Leisha pulled the top off and grabbed another, saying, "You know what they say, Taylor…all is fair in love and war."

  Taylor climbed into a pair of tight pants and zipped them up.

  “First come, first served,” Taylor retorted.

  Leisha shrugged, "Well, I guess I can wait until he’s tired of you…in about a week."

  Taylor laughed at the idea, saying, “Ha! In your dreams!”

  She and Danny had noticed each other the first week of the competition. He had said ‘hello’ a couple of times to her, but he always seemed too busy to stop and chat. Taylor wasn’t the kind of person to strike up a conversation with a guy she barely knew unless he made the first move. It just wasn’t her style.

  After paying for their purchases, the girls went to the next store on Kelly's list. The moment they walked in, they felt as if they were in an incredibly high-class night club. Music thumped and lights flashed across the ceiling.

  "Can I help you?" a sales clerk greeted them. She was young and attractive, with long brown hair.

  "Yeah," Kelly replied, "We need some really special outfits to wear on stage--"

  "Ohmygod!" the sales clerk cried, "You're the girls in that band! The one on America's Best Band!.... Night-- Night--"

  "Nightingale," Kelly concluded.

  "Right! I saw you guys on TV! We watch you every week! You guys are awesome!"

  "Thanks," Kelly smiled, "Can you help us find something to wear on next week's final show?"

  "Yeah! I sure can! Wait 'til you see these new tops we just got from Paris!"

  By the time they got back to the hotel after shopping and having dinner, it was nearly nine o'clock. Joey met them at the door.

  "Have you seen Susan?" he asked, looking concerned.

  "No. You mean she's not back yet?" asked Leisha.

  "No, and I'm getting worried. I've tried calling her, but she hasn't answered."

  "She's probably out with dream boy," Taylor said sarcastically.

  "We've got rehearsal for next week's show first thing tomorrow morning! She'd better not stay out late tonight!" Joey fumed.

  The girls showed Joey their new outfits and he was impressed enough to forget about Susan for a while. They talked about the rehearsal for the next show and what song they would play. After a lengthy discussion and a final vote, they decided on Winning Your Love. It was a tune they had written and one that the crowds back home had always loved.

  Because they had a busy schedule the next day, they got ready for bed and turned in before midnight. Joey paced in the hallway waiting for Susan, worried that something might have happened to her.

  When the girls won the first competition back home and found out that they would be going to L.A. to be on America’s Best Band, it took a lot talk to convince their parents that he would make sure they would be safe, and that he would keep an eye on them. Three of the girls were not yet 18. Some of the girls’ parents gave their blessing to go, but others, like Leisha’s, were worried about what might happen in L.A. over the course of the eight week competition. Joey established a set of rules that all the girls agreed to obey to keep them safe. He promised their parents he would bring everyone home safe and sound, but Susan was making it difficult for him to keep his promise.

  Around two a.m., Joey went to his room and got ready for bed, knowing there wasn't anything he could do about the problem, except give Susan a lecture when she finally showed up.

  Twenty minutes later, the elevator doors opened and Susan staggered out. She found her room number and fumbled twice at swiping the key card before getting inside.

  The room was dark and she tripped over a pair of shoes on the floor, landing with a thud on the carpet. This woke Ashley, who sat up and turned on the light.

  "Who-zat?" Ashley muttered, half asleep.

  Susan climbed unsteadily to her feet and gave a lop-sided grin.

  "Oops… Didn't mean to wake you," she mumbled.

  "Susan, where have you been? We've all been worried about you! Joey is going crazy! Why didn't you answer his calls?"

  Susan rolled her eyes and sighed impatiently.

  Ashley climbed out of bed and went to her, taking a sniff.

  "You're stinking drunk!" Ashley cried.

  Susan hiccupped and swayed, "Wha'? I am not!"

  Ashley opened the door between the
adjoining rooms and turned on the light. Taylor and Kelly were in separate beds and Leisha was asleep on a sofa bed near the window.

  "Susan's back!" Ashley announced, "And she's drunk!"

  Kelly sat up and said, "You'd better let Joey know she's back."

  Ashley nodded and went to the door connecting their room to Joey's, and she knocked.

  Their road manager, Jake, looked half asleep when he opened the door.

  "What's up?" he asked, squinting in the light as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.

  Ashley told him about Susan and he woke Joey. Joey wasted no time in going to Susan's room to find her sprawled across her bed.

  "Where have you been? And why didn't you return my calls?"

  Susan looked blankly at him.

  "I've been out with a friend. Iz zat a problem?" she slurred.

  "No, but drinking and not letting me know where you are, is a problem! I've told you before to ask me when you want to go somewhere, and tell me when to expect you back--"

  "You're not my father, Joey!" she yelled.

  "But I'm responsible for you…all of you! I promised your families that I wouldn't let anything happen to you while we were here!" he argued.

  "I'm eighteen! Old enough to take care of myself, and I don't need you as my babysitter!"

  "Forget it!" Joey waved a hand impatiently, "You're drunk! We'll discuss this in the morning. We have rehearsal at nine o'clock sharp, so you'd better get some sleep!"

  Susan struggled to her feet and stood with her arms across her chest, declaring, "I'm sleeping in late because I’m not going to rehearsal."

  "What?" Joey cried, "You certainly are going, Susan, and--"

  "I'm quitting the band!" she declared.

  The others stood around her, gasping in surprise.

  "What did you say?" Taylor cried incredulously.

  "You heard me! I said, I quit! As of today! I'm through with you guys and your stupid rules! I've got a new band now. I'm the new lead singer for Rock Solid. So let's just see who wins next week in the semi-finals!"