Read Pleasure Island Page 3

  Fortunately, there was no shortage of hotels in the New York area and there just happened to be one around the block from the club.

  An older building that had seen its heyday back in the twenties, it was still elegant, although it was falling toward the shabbier end of elegance, with its fading red wall hangings and the period Art Deco pieces decorating the walls.

  I told him to wait for me as I went to get a room.

  I still couldn’t remember his name.

  I had the feeling he didn’t remember mine either, and that was just about perfect for me.

  It felt like the stress of a decade had settled on my shoulders tonight. Any time my father and I got together, I had to deal with tension, but not quite like this.

  It was because of the security thing. There was little doubt about that.

  Of course, the stress over the security thing was why I was here to begin with.

  I needed to blow some of this steam off, and what better way to do it than this?

  “Here’s your room key, Ms. Golding.”

  I smiled at the desk clerk across from me as I accepted the key and turned back to my…date.

  We smiled at each other, and he offered a hand. Accepting it, I walked alongside him as we made our way toward the elevator.

  “You know,” he said softly. “I was about to head back to my place when I saw you at the bar.”

  I slanted a look up at him as the elevator doors opened. Stepping inside, I tugged him closer to me, taking advantage of the fact that nobody else had climbed on with us. “I’m so glad you waited,” I said against his lips.

  His kiss was hungrier this time, and I moaned in approval as he slid both hands down my back and palmed my ass.

  The elevator door dinged just as I was really getting into it, and I pulled back, pressing my finger to his mouth. “Hold that thought,” I whispered before grabbing his hand and tugging him along behind me.

  Once inside the room, we moved toward each other, and I grinned as his mouth came crushing down on mine.

  He skimmed his fingers up my back, tangled them in my hair then tugged my head back.

  I slid my hands down his sides, feeling hard, lean muscle. Oh, I approved.

  He pulled his mouth free, and for a second, we just stared at each other.

  Then it was on again. He crowded me up against the wall, and the long, sparkly chain that held my purse on my shoulder slid down, the purse itself banging against my thigh as he pressed a line of kisses from my mouth down to the neckline of my dress.

  He gave me a quick look.

  I nodded, and he caught the hem. The purse and my dress tangled as he disrobed me, leaving me standing in front of him wearing nothing more than my panties, bra, and heels.

  “Now, that’s a sight,” he said, a wolfish grin curving his lips.

  I gave him a slow smile. “Let me give you another one.” Turning, I took my time as I bent over, giving him a good, hard look at my ass. I had a good one, as I’d been told more than a few times. Snagging the chain of my purse, I picked it up and turned back to him just in time to see him dragging his hand down his face.

  I pulled a couple of condoms out and caught his hand, drawing him over to the bed.

  Tossing the condoms down, I turned back to him then guided him around until his back was to the bed. “You helped me with my clothes. Let me help you with yours,” I said, reaching for his jacket and pushing it off his shoulders.

  He rolled them to help with the motion, then stood still as I caught the hem of his shirt and pushed upward.

  As firm abs and a chiseled chest were revealed, I lifted my gaze to his.

  “Now that’s a sight,” I echoed, grinning at him.

  He covered the grin with his mouth, and I opened for him with a moan.

  This kiss was hungrier. Deeper. Darker. Closing my mouth around his tongue, I sucked on him and felt him shudder. Even better.

  The moment his shirt was free of his head, he caught my hips and dragged me against him.

  The feel of his cock, thick and heavy, had me all but swooning and I nudged him back onto the bed.

  He went willingly, and when I tucked a condom into his hand, he just nodded, all eyes on me.

  I skimmed my hands down his sides, then slid my hands along the waistband of the chinos he wore. Toying with the material there, I clenched my thighs against the ache that had settled between my thighs.

  I freed him from his trousers and took a moment to appreciate what I found. He wasn’t overly long, but he was thick, and I bit my lip, already anticipating how he’d stretch me.

  Closing my hand around him, I stroked him from root to tip, tightening my grip just a bit as I reached the head.

  He arched into my hand, lids drifting down.

  I pumped his cock a few more times, felt myself getting wetter, more ready for him.

  “Come here,” he said, his voice thick.

  I did so, bracing one knee on the bed next to his thigh, keeping my other foot firmly planted on the floor.

  He pulled me closer, dragging me onto his lap as he sat up.

  Oh, yet another thing that had my approval. I straddled him and rubbed against his cock, rewarded when he pressed his hand flat against my ass and urged me closer.

  He pressed his mouth to the curve of my neck, and I shivered as he kissed the exposed arch, then raked my skin with his teeth.

  He flipped open the catch on my bra. Shrugging out of it, I lifted myself up to him and gasped as he closed his mouth around my nipple. Raw, shocking heat. He circled the erect flesh with his tongue, his fingers all but digging grooves into my butt as he ground our sexes together.

  Whimpering, I shoved my hands into his hair and pulled.

  He met my gaze.

  I kissed him, hungry and full of want.

  After making sure he got the message, I broke the kiss and leaned back, holding out my hand for the condom.

  He tucked the small foil packet into my hand and lay back down on the bed, hands at his sides.

  Mine to do with as I will…

  The thought appealed to me, but the ache between my thighs was greedy.

  He laid with his knees hanging over the bed, and I stood, watching him as I slowly pushed my panties down. Stepping out of one heeled shoe then the next, I smiled as I tore the foil packet open.

  His breath hissed out between his teeth as I wrapped my hand around him, giving him one final stroke before I put the condom on, taking my time as I did.

  “You enjoy driving men crazy, don’t you?” he asked, the words coming out harsh and hungry.

  “I do.” With a bold look, I straddled him. “I don’t mind when they return the favor either.”

  A muscle bunched in his cheek. He caught my hips. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Then the time for talking was done as I took him inside me, gasping at the way he stretched and filled me. Bracing my hands on his chest, I held his gaze as I began to move.

  He arched up with each slow grind of my hips, sending hot licks of pleasure splicing through me.

  As he cupped my breasts, I covered his hands with mine and rotated my hips. I knew he must enjoy the view, but that wasn’t why I did it. I guided him to show him how I liked being touched and was rewarded when he picked it up.

  The orgasm built slowly, but as it started to whisper down my spine, I didn’t hold it back.

  After all, we had the room all night, and I had a couple more condoms.

  He began to move harder and faster, sliding one hand between my thighs to seek out my clitoris.

  I jolted against his hand, rocked by the sensation.

  Just as I started to orgasm, he tangled a fist in my hair and hauled my mouth down to his.

  I cried out against his lips as I came.

  That was certainly a good way to get rid of some stress, I mused as I collapsed against his chest a few moments later.

  Sighing in satisfaction, I closed my eyes and took a few minutes to rest.

ut just a few.

  I wasn’t done with him yet.



  “I had to be crazy,” I muttered as I narrowly avoided getting hit, trying to merge onto the exit ramp I needed.

  The GPS told me I was going in the right area.

  I recognized the big buildings around me – from TV and the like. The New York City skyline was one even I recognized.

  I was having more trouble recognizing me right now.

  I’d left Texas several days ago and rented a car to drive all the way to the East Coast.

  After finding out about Matt, I’d looked him up. It had taken some doing to track him down, but I’d finally managed it, and we’d spent more than an hour on the phone catching up.

  We’d skirted around the elephant in the room while we were on the phone, although I knew I’d have to face it once I saw him.

  Matt had been convicted of killing his mother, something the whole family had believed, including me. We were cousins on his mother’s side, and I’d always looked up to him. Although he was a few years older than me, he indulged in the case of hero worship I had for him, letting me tag along with him and the older guys he’d hung out with.

  He’d gone to jail, and it was like for the rest of the family, he ceased to exist.

  But after reading about how he’d been cleared of the crime, I did what I should have done ages ago – reached out.

  And that was how I found myself driving down a street that held more cars than I thought I might have seen in my entire life.

  Matt lived in Manhattan now, and he’d told me he’d love to see me.

  I’d decided to take him up on that…and more.

  I had money tucked away in my bank that I’d rarely touched while in the army. I’d had some idea of using it for college, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do so it was still just sitting there.

  I was going to do what Matt had done. Start over.

  And what better place than to try to do it in than New York City?

  The car rental place where I had to return my ride was only a couple of blocks from Matt’s apartment.

  The lady behind the counter had offered me a subway map, but I had no intention of getting on that thing without some idea of how it worked, so I passed.

  I had my rucksack and an oversized duffel that carried all my clothes, my shoes, and a few books. I’d had to hike carrying weight before, and this was just walking a couple of city blocks.

  Once I got my bearings, I set off in the right direction – I hoped.

  Finding Matt’s place turned out to be the easiest thing since I’d crossed into the metro New Jersey area earlier.

  The door was locked.

  I frowned at it.

  “You’ve got to use the buzzer if you want to go inside and visit somebody,” an older man said. He nodded to my right, and I saw the button, just like the doorbell back home.

  “You know what apartment you need?” he asked, pushing to his feet from where he’d been sitting on the steps.

  I told him, and he nodded, showing me how to use the system.

  I must have NOT FROM HERE tattooed on my forehead.

  Still, he was friendly about it, and when a woman’s voice came on the intercom, he clapped me on my shoulder. “There you go, soldier.”

  “Hello?” the woman on the intercom said.

  “Hi…ah…I’m looking for Matt…I mean Jake King?” When we’d talked, Matt – Jake – had told me that when he started over, he had really started over, including changing his name. I needed to start thinking of him as Jake.

  “One minute…”

  I blew out a breath and looked out over the chaotic street scene to my left.

  Welcome to New York, Liam.

  Matt – Jake – met me before I even got halfway up to his apartment.

  The tall blond striding toward me paused for a second to study me, and I could tell from the look on his face he wasn’t sure it was me.

  Shifting the rucksack on my back, I smiled. “Hey, Matt. Ah…I mean, Jake.”

  I didn’t have time to get anything else out before he closed the distance between us and hugged me. “Liam! Welcome to New York, kid!”

  He pulled back, grasping my face between his hands as he gave me a long, thorough study.

  “It has been too long,” he said, shaking his head. “Come on. Let me take one of these bags.”

  I tried to tell him I had them, but he insisted, and I turned the heavy duffel over to him while he asked about the drive, my parents, my brothers and sisters.

  I answered what I could, shrugged when I didn’t know the answer. I didn’t know the answer to a number of the questions. My parents weren’t the only ones who’d sort of lost touch with things – I hadn’t exactly tried to keep the lines of communication open myself.

  “Is everything okay?” my cousin asked as he paused in front of a door. “I mean, you were always a serious kid, but you used to talk more than this.”

  I managed a smile. “There’s just not much to talk about,” I said honestly. “My folks and I exchange cards on birthdays, holidays…I call Mom on Mother’s Day, but…” I shrugged, uncertain where to go from there. “They got their hands full with the younger kids. I always knew that once I turned eighteen I’d have to find a way to take care of myself – they’re barely making it as it is. Me going into the army just sorta…well, it made it easy for us to not talk a lot.”

  “That…” Matt blew out a breath. “Wow. That sucks.”

  “It’s just how it is,” I said, shaking my head.

  “That’s not how family should be.” He bumped his fist against my shoulder. “That’s not how it will be here. Come on, I want you to meet Michelle.”

  Michelle was waiting for us when we got inside.

  She smiled at me and offered her hand. I took it, giving her what I hoped was a discreet study.

  She was pretty. Not knock-out beautiful, but pretty. A smile spread across her face, and I decided I might have to change that opinion because her smile really made her stand out.

  She glanced over at Matt and shook her head. “I guess I was expecting a double of you – I wasn’t sure I could handle that.”

  I flushed, although the easy way she’d delivered the comment made it clear she was being playful.

  “I appreciate you all letting me crash here for a while.”

  When I’d broached the subject of leaving Texas and coming to New York, Matt had told me that I could stay with him and his fiancée. I’d been prepared to quickly find other accommodations if the fiancée wasn’t quite onboard with that idea.

  But judging by the welcome in Michelle’s smile, she was happy to have me here.

  “Jake tells me that you used to be kind of like his kid brother,” Michelle said, gesturing for me to come farther into the apartment.

  The Jake threw me for a second, and I had to remind myself of the name change. Looking over at my cousin, I shook my head. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to you not being Matt.”

  Jake shrugged. “You will. I did. Just takes time.”

  “Jake, why don’t you show Liam the guestroom while I finish up dinner?”

  Michelle left the two of us alone, and I looked over to Jake, waiting.

  He gestured down the hall. “It’s down this way. Nothing fancy, but I figured after four years in the army, you wouldn’t be too picky.”

  I took one look at the room almost double the size of the room I’d had back at my parents and laughed. “Compared to what I’m used to, this is like five-diamond accommodations or whatever they call them.”

  He dumped my bag on the bed and gestured to a door off to the side. “Your bathroom. It’s small, but it’s got what you need.”

  “Thanks.” As he turned to go, I cleared my throat. “Hey, uh…can you give me a minute?”

  He looked back at me, his expression curious. “Sure.”

  “Look, I’m sorry I believed what they said about you and…well, you
know.” I shoved my hands into my pockets, not certain what else to say.

  A faint smile crooked Jake’s face, and he looked younger, like he had back when we were kids. “Hey, I believed it too.”


  “Don’t, Liam.” Matt – Jake – turned to face me completely, his hands on his hips. “Police, medical people, witnesses, they all said the same thing. What else were any of us supposed to believe?”

  “I could have stayed in touch,” I said, shaking my head. “Like you said, that’s not how family should be.”

  He gave me a rueful grin. “But you’re here now. Most of the family still doesn’t talk to me. So…lay off on yourself, okay?”

  Dinner was a simple thing, the three of us sitting at the island in the kitchen, eating chicken and potatoes, drinking beer and catching up.

  Or in the case of Michelle and me, we got to know each other.

  “What did you do in the army, Liam?”

  I had to wait until I washed a mouthful of food down – Michelle was a good cook. Meeting her blue-green eyes, I said, “Infantry. I’m also trained as a medic.”

  “Infantry,” Michelle said softly. “That had to be…intense.”

  The conversation almost seemed to echo the one I’d had with my friend Gavin back in Texas. As Michelle studied me, I fought the urge to squirm uncomfortably.

  I hoped to hell she didn’t ask anything else.

  She didn’t.

  “A medic, huh?” Jake asked. “Thought about going to medical school or anything like that?”

  Over the past hour, it had gotten easier to think of him as Jake, mostly because he was different from the guy I’d known as Matt growing up. He still had a caustic sense of humor, but there was something more…collected about him, I guessed.

  I didn’t know if that made sense.

  Of course, it could just be that he’d grown up – spending several years behind bars, no less. Why wouldn’t he seem to be a little different?

  Meeting his eyes, I shook my head. “I don’t know if I’m good enough with people to be a doctor. I need to figure out something though.”

  “Well…” Jake shifted on the stool where he sat and gave me an easy smile. “I might have an idea there to help you out.”