Read Poor and Proud; Or, The Fortunes of Katy Redburn: A Story for Young Folks Page 4



  "I suppose it is all for the best, mother," said Katy, when she hadtold her sad story of disappointment. "I can't get those words out ofmy head, since you have told me about my father. I feel just as thougheverything would come out right, it does go very bad just now."

  "I am glad you feel so, Katy," added Mrs. Redburn. "It will make youmuch better contented with your lot. I have suffered so much that Icannot help repining a little, though I feel that my destiny and yoursis in the hands of the wise Father, who bringeth good out of evil."

  Katy had not yet reached that spirit of meek submission to the will ofHeaven which looks upward in the hour of trial, not doubting that theall-wise God knows best what is for the good of his children. If shebelieved that misfortunes were all for the best, it was only an impulsederived from the story of her father; a kind of philosophy which wasvery convenient for the evil day, because it permitted the sufferer tolie down and take things easily. It was not a filial trust in thewisdom and mercy of the heavenly Father that sustained her as theclouds grew thicker and blacker around her; it was only a coldindifference, a feeling of the head rather than the heart.

  But Mrs. Redburn had been reading the New Testament during Katy'sabsence, and a better and purer spirit pervaded her soul than when theweight of the blow first struck so heavily upon her. She was welleducated, and capable of reasoning in a just manner over hermisfortunes; and those words on the watch seemed to convey a newmeaning to her, as she considered them in the light of Christianrevelation. They were not the basis of a cold philosophy; they assuredher of the paternal care of God. The thought strengthened and revivedher, and when Katy appeared to announce a new trial, she received theintelligence with calmness, and felt more ready than ever before toleave her destiny in the hands of Heaven. For an hour she conversedwith Katy on this subject, and succeeded in giving her some new viewsin relation to the meaning of the words she had so often repeated thatafternoon.

  The poor girl felt as she had never felt before. Upon her devolved theresponsibility of providing for her mother. She had no other friend,and that day seemed to open a new era in her existence. She felt strongfor the work before her, and resolved to lose not a single day inputting her resolution into operation. The teachings of her mother,breathing a spirit of piety and resignation, were grateful to herheart, and added new strength to her arm.

  There was still food enough in the house for Katy's supper, for hermother could not eat, though she drank a cup of tea. The morning sunwould shine upon them again, bringing another day of want andwretchedness, but the poor girl banished her fears, trusting for themorrow to Him who feedeth the hungry raven, and tempereth the wind tothe shorn lamb.

  She laid her head upon her pillow that night, not to sleep for many aweary hour, but to think of the future; not of its sorrows andtreasured ills, but of the golden opportunities it would afford her todo something for her sick mother. At one o'clock the next day Dr.Flynch would come for the rent again and her mother could not pay him.She felt assured he was cold and cruel enough to execute his wickedthreat to turn them out of the house, though her mother had not beenoff her bed for many weeks. What could be done? They could not pay therent; that was impossible; and she regarded it as just as impossible tomelt the heart of Dr. Flynch. But long before she went to sleep she haddecided what to do.

  Worn out with fatigue and anxiety, she did not wake till a late hour;and her mother, who had kept a weary vigil all night, was glad to seeher sleep so well, and did not arouse her. She was refreshed by herdeep slumbers, and got up feeling like a new creature. She had scarcelymade a fire and put on the tea-kettle, before a knock at the doorstartled her. Who could wish to see them in their poverty andwant?--who but some evil person, coming to heap some new grief uponthem? She scarcely had the courage to open the door, but when she didso, she saw the smiling face of Tommy Howard.

  "Good morning, Katy," said he, as he handed her a little basket he hadbrought. "Mother sent this over, and wants to know how Mrs. Redburndoes to-day."

  "She is about the same. What is in this basket, Tommy?"

  "O, you know;" and he turned to run away.

  "Stop a minute, Tommy," called Katy. "I want to speak to you."

  "Well, what is it?"

  "You haven't told anybody about it--have you?"

  "About what?"

  "What I told you yesterday," replied Katy, hanging her head with shame.

  "What do you mean?"

  "That we had nothing to eat," and Katy blushed as though it was a crimeto be hungry and have nothing to eat.

  "Not a soul--catch me! that is, I hain't told nobody but mother."

  "I am sorry you did, even her. My mother is very proud, if she is poor;but she wasn't always so poor as she is now, for she is the daughter ofa rich merchant."

  "You don't say so."

  "Yes, I do, Tommy; so please don't say a word about it to anybody butyour mother, and ask her not to mention it."

  "Not a word, Katy, mother won't say a word either."

  "And sometime I'll tell you all about it. Thank you for what's in thebasket, Tommy."

  Without waiting for anything more, the noble, generous boy leaped downthe stairs and passed out at the front door.

  "What have you got there, Katy?" asked Mrs. Redburn, as she entered theroom with the basket in her hand.

  "Something Mrs. Howard sent us," she replied, as she opened the basket,and took out a plate of butter and half a dozen hot biscuit, which shecarried to the bedside for her mother's inspection.

  "What have you done, my child?" exclaimed the poor woman, a flushgathering on her pale cheek. "Have you told the neighbors that we havenothing to eat?"

  "I couldn't help telling Tommy when I asked for the floundersyesterday; he told his mother, but no one else knows it."

  "I had rather starve than beg, Katy; but I cannot compel you to do so."

  "I will not beg."

  "Then let us send those cakes back."

  "No, mother; we must not be so proud as that. I think that God sent usthis food through Mrs. Howard, and it would be wicked to reject Hisbounty."

  "Do as you please, Katy."

  "Some time we shall be able to pay her; and that will make it allright."

  Mrs. Redburn could not taste the biscuit, but Katy ate heartily. Herpride was not inflated by the remembrance of brighter days. All she hadwas inherited from her mother.

  After breakfast she put on her bonnet and left the house, assuring hermother she should be back by twelve o'clock. She would not tell herwhere she was going, but evaded her questions, and got away as soon asshe could.

  As she passed down Washington Street, she stopped before the store ofSands & Co., for she wanted to see Master Simon Sneed. She did not liketo enter the store; so she waited on the sidewalk for half an hour,hoping he would come out. As he did not appear, her impatience wouldnot permit her to lose any more time, and she timidly opened the door,and inquired of the first salesman she saw if Mister Sneed was in.

  "Mister Sneed!" laughed the clerk. "Here, Simon, is one of yourfriends. Wait upon her."

  Simon, with a flushed cheek, came to the door. He was horrified at theinsinuation of the salesman and wished Katy had been on the other sideof the ocean before she had come there to scandalize him by claiminghis acquaintance.

  "What do you want now?" he demanded, rather rudely. "Is it not enoughthat I am willing to help you, without your coming here to bring meinto contempt with my associates?"

  "I didn't think there was any harm in it. I waited outside for half anhour, and you didn't come out."

  "I can't leave the affairs of this firm to attend to every little----"and Master Simon's naturally good heart prevented him from uttering theunkind words that had been on his tongue. "I suppose you come to knowabout the watch. I haven't had time to call upon the mayor yet, but Iwill do so at dinner time."

  "I only wanted to ask you if you know where Mrs. Gordon lives,"
repliedKaty, very sad at the thought of the mischief she had done.

  "She lives in Temple Street, over back of the State House. What do youwant of her?"

  "I want to see her. Do you suppose you can get that watch back?"

  "I'm certain I can. When my friend the mayor hears my story, you maydepend upon it he will get the watch, or upset all the pawn-brokers'shops in the city."

  "Are you acquainted with the mayor?" asked Katy, timidly, for, sincethe adventure of the previous day, she had entertained some slightdoubts in regard to the transcendent abilities of Master Simon Sneed.

  "Certainly I am. It was only last week that I had a long and extremelyinteresting conversation with his honor on the sidewalk here before thestore."

  Katy was satisfied, though Simon did not offer to introduce her to hisdistinguished friend. How could she help being satisfied in the face ofsuch astounding evidence? And Simon's declaration was true, forwhatever faults he had, he never made up a story out of whole cloth. Itwas undeniably true that he had conversed with the mayor for ten fullminutes, at the time and place represented. Simon had been sent out tohold his honor's horse, while a lady with him did some shopping; buthis honor preferred to hold his own horse, and amused himself for thetime in listening to the big talk of the nice young man.

  After receiving more explicit directions in regard to the residence ofMrs. Gordon, Katy took her leave of Simon. Next door to Sands & Co.'swas the store of a celebrated confectioner. In the window, with sundrysugar temples, cob houses of braided candy and stacks of cake, was agreat heap of molasses candy; and as Katy paused for an instant to gazeat the profusion of sweet things, a great thought struck through herbrain.

  "Mother used to make molasses candy for me, and I know just how it isdone," said she to herself. "What is the reason I can't make candy andsell it?"

  She walked on towards School Street, up which she had been directed toturn, full of this idea. She would become a little candy merchant. Shefelt sure she could find purchasers enough, if her merchandise onlylooked clean and good. It was a great deal better than begging, and shethought her mother would consent to her making and selling the candy.What a glorious idea! If she could only make money enough to supporther mother and herself, how happy she should be!

  Full of enthusiasm at the idea of accomplishing such a vast project,she scarcely heeded the crowds of people that thronged the street andrudely jostled her. If she saw them at all, it was only to regard themas so many purchasers of molasses candy. With her brain almost reelingwith the immensity and magnificence of her scheme, she reached TempleStreet. After a little search, she found the number of Mrs. Gordon'sresidence on a splendid house, whose grandness quite abashed her. Buther courage revived as she thought of the purpose that had brought herthere, and she boldly rang the bell. The door was opened by a servantman in a white jacket, of whom she inquired if Mrs. Gordon was at home.

  "Mrs. Gordon is at home, but we don't trouble her at the call of abeggar," replied the well-fed servant as he glanced at the homelyapparel of Katy.

  "I am not a beggar," she replied, with spirit, her cheek reddening withindignation at the charge.

  "You can't see her; so go about your business."

  "Who is it Michael?" said a gentle voice within.

  "Only a beggar, Miss Grace; she wants to see Mrs. Gordon," replied theman; and then a beautiful young lady came to look at her.

  "I am not a beggar, ma'am; indeed I am not. I want to see Mrs. Gordonvery much. Please to let me speak to her."

  The sweet, pleading tones of the child produced their impression on thebeautiful lady, and she bade her come in. Katy entered, and Michaeltold her to stand in the entry while Miss Grace went up-stairs to callMrs. Gordon.