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  About Douglas H. Plumb

  I was a full time self employed software engineer until Dec 2001 when multiple bad things had happened in my life, 9/11, some dealing with the Law Society Of Upper Canada, Canadian attorneys, and a subsequent attempted robbery from a distributor for which attorneys were of absolutely no help. An experienced friend sure was (thanks again Bill).

  I learned the truth about how money gets created and how it relates to the Legal system. A couple of other things that happened at a personal level, all of which had all happened within a period of months. It changed my consciousness in a matter of months. Things that mattered no longer did, things that didn't matter suddenly did.

  I quit my dream job and just about jumped off my thirty second floor penthouse apartment balcony.

  I wanted a deeper understanding of things so I started reading political philosophy, morality and ethics because most other people that also knew something was wrong were reading history and current events. I believe that these are symptoms and that philosophy is what gets you to the root. Not enough people read philosophy in my opinion.

  Reading Aristotle and Plato taught me that anyone who hasn't read their works on political science cannot possibly understand political theory. Doing this would be like trying to learn to ride a bicycle without first learning to stand up so you can get on one. From those two I went on up through the philosophers including all of Kant and some of the modern theorists such as Adorno and Horkheimer. During this time of studying politics I was a street activist marching against the Iraq war and PNAC (Plan for the New American Century), did street actions and woke up hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to 9/11 truth with my friends at Toronto 9/11 Truth. Lots of people found my 9/11 truth DVD's in their mailboxes in Toronto Center. I ran for politics at the Federal level for CAP, a Canadian monetary reform party, and spoke truth to thousands of people.

  Only a handful of engineers and scientists will associate their names with the official conspiracy theory regarding what happened on September 11 2001. Most stay silent and will not discuss it. This event says as much about the society we live in as any other in recent history, in my opinion.

  I lived off my copyrights during these eight or so years, only working for two of them. I continued studying politics and keeping up with some current events to answer the who, what, why, how, when, and where of this monolithic Progressive conspiracy we face. That's what I did every day. I still haven't figured out the who yet. Dr Stan Monteith, RIP, of RadioLiberty had studied this for fifty years, he says its like the "Murder On The Orient Express", a book and movie. Everyone at the "top" is in on it and I think I agree with him on that. Most conspiracy theorists are only looking at symptoms, not the root.

  My argument in this book is not referenced, except for certain expressions and ideas. I hope, will be intuitively obvious.

  The book is an effort to prove that consciousness exists and that it is necessary for society to exist and to show the beauty of Western consciousness. Science gives you a warm cup of coffee and gets you to work on time, it has nothing to say about the important truths. Not everything can be explained by science. The materialist Bertrand Russell even agrees that ethics and science are different.

  Consciousness, moral consciousness rather than self awareness, is something that is necessarily eliminated for a socially engineered state, a Progressive state, lead by scientific experts where life and its meaning become variables in equations and abstracted instrumentalized reasoning. Our "betters" become our Gods and determine what is right and wrong for us to fit with their agenda. We are no longer conscious in a moral or ethical sense.

  There is no scientific reason that freedom and justice are any better than tyranny and injustice.

  The book was motivated by my tutor in all of this, a sage from Iran, someone who helped explain the philosophers and how to read philosophy. He said I could never write non-fiction, which I tried. This led him to believe I could maybe write fiction. So I tried it and he affirmed this. I guess I should also thank him. I spent four years thinking about this book and almost a full year writing it. I'm not afraid to receive criticism for my work. Its how we learn. Life for the learned is a series of mistakes. I like to learn from my mistakes rather than have people stay silent about them.

  I wrote this because I have something to say, not because I've had an ambition of being a fictional author. Fiction seemed like a great vehicle.

  I hope to do another one one day, perhaps I will have something else to say one day. Perhaps I will restate what is in this book but in a completely different and more abstracted and universal way. This book is very empirical and written for people who know little about political science. Art has an important place in the world. It can illustrate truth in an interesting and abstract way.

  Public opinion rules the world. The masses ultimately determine what society will be. We must re-discover the ancient Greek values of courage, wisdom, prudence, as well as law, morality and ethics and start obeying laws, particularly those ones regarding slavery. Our politicians, bankers and attorneys are not the people we should be seeking moral guidance from.

  There is no reason why Chinese political prisoners and children need to be making our shoes and smart phones. Its wrong and our modern society no longer concerns itself with moral right and wrongs, even with regards to slavery and murder. To change, this must change, we must change.

  Buy American or from other "free" societies whenever possible, even if it is sometimes a little bit inconvenient. Support your friends, neighbors and relatives instead of communism, political imprisonment and slavery. Ask "why" when the TV tells you we need another war. Is it a war to keep the economy going? Should our economy be based on unlawful wars? Do wars really help the economy or just create more debt and the short term appearance of economic improvement?

  If you like the book and think the message is worth repeating and important, please spread the word. I believe truthful art can be as powerful as any medium used in waking people up to the truth that surrounds us so we can all do something to change it.

  Doug at etfacoustic dot com, or from my Linked In profile. I'm Canadian and use a cartoon rather than a photo as my picture.


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