Read Power of Three Page 22

  Especially since the girl couldn’t ever know the truth of her parentage.

  A few minutes later, they heard a bell ring and a flood of students poured out of the building.

  “Ah, there she is,” Lucy said as the girl ran over and gave Elain a tackle hug around her waist.

  “Hi! Grandma didn’t tell me you were coming.”

  “She didn’t know.” Elain glanced at Jasper, who had his nose in the air and was sniffing.

  “Is that your dog?” Fiona asked.

  “No, he belongs to Lacey. Just brought him along for the trip.”

  “May I pet him?”

  “Hold your hand out to him to sniff first.”

  Jasper did, and Elain was relieved to see he slowly wagged his tail.

  She’d wait to get the story from him when they were safely back in Marston’s room.

  “Are you staying for dinner?” Fiona asked.

  “No, sorry, not tonight. I’ll try to schedule another time really soon though.” She reached out and touched the girl’s bare arm and felt more relief to sense no anger, no rage inside Fiona. Just a little normal disappointment that her friend wasn’t staying long, the same as any child might feel.

  “Oh, okay.”

  They walked back to the house together, and Fiona gave Elain a long, detailed update about everything she’d been doing in school. Once they were inside, Fiona gave Elain a hug before heading upstairs to her room to do her homework.

  That’s when Lucy turned on Elain. “I can tell a familiar when I see one,” she whispered. “Why did you bring him?”

  Elain didn’t even bother acting surprised or trying to deny it. “I needed to know about her other side.”

  “Her other…” Lucy’s jaw dropped. “Oh!”



  Elain looked down at Jasper. “Well?”

  He sat and seemed to be thinking it through before he looked up at her and chuffed.

  “She can pass mostly?”

  He wagged his tail.


  He shook his head.

  “Crap,” Elain muttered.

  “What?” Marston and Lucy both asked.

  “Let’s keep Fiona under wraps for now, away from Lina and Mai and any other Seers besides Lacey, until I can figure out what, if anything, needs to be done. I know Lina and Mai know everything already, but so they don’t accidentally say the wrong thing around anyone else. Or Fiona accidentally gives them information about Marston.”

  Jasper chuffed and wagged his tail. He apparently agreed with that plan.

  “I cannot keep this from my husband,” Lucy said.

  “I don’t expect you to. You need to tell him.”

  “I’d have you tell him yourself but he said he might not be back until after dinner tonight. Should I have him call you?”

  “Only if he needs to, but I might not be able to talk openly about this once I’m home. I need to make sure I explain to Lina and Mai how critical it is we don’t let anyone else know about Fiona’s past. Lina’s still all explodey when it comes to cockatrice. Rightfully so, since they killed her parents and Kael’s family”—she shot a glare at Marston, who had the decency to redden in the face—“but I might need to work up some sort of plan.”

  “But so many people who were at that mega-Clan meeting know about her existence…” Lucy didn’t finish.

  “Yeah, that is a flaw in the slaw, but that’s also why Fiona needs to stay here for a while and not be exposed to outside shifters.”

  “All right. Please, if there’s anything we need to know, tell us.”

  “Oh, I will, believe me.”

  Once they were back in Marston’s room and Colleen was happily immersed in playing with a toy, he bent over to pick up Elain’s purse for her so she didn’t have to.

  “How is your newest doing, anyway?”

  “Growing like a weed, thanks. I’ll keep you posted about the plans for the recognition ceremony.”

  “And what will you claim is your excuse for not bringing me?”

  She shrugged. “Seer Says. I’ll tell the truth, that you’re in extreme danger and while I decree Colleen is part of our Clan by birthright, I am standing in for her father.” Elain smiled. “Besides, I’m sort of her godmother anyway. If Ortega is there, as her godfather, he’ll back me up. As will Lacey.”

  “Ah. Very sneaky, Seer.”

  “I try. It’s a tricky fricking balancing act sometimes.”

  “Very well. Just let me know when.”

  She hesitated, then leaned in for a hug, which shocked her as much as it apparently shocked him.

  She still felt a sickening, sticky wave of guilt oozing from him. But she was prepared for that.

  And in a way, it made her happy to feel it. Because it meant beneath all of that was a man who had truly changed for the better.

  A man who, despite wishing he could die upon his daughter successfully achieving adulthood so he could be out of his mental anguish, was at his core a basically good man.

  Despite having done some pretty craptastic things in his life.

  Downright shitty things.

  Things that if you looked at the other side of them, actually weren’t quite as shitty as they might appear at first blush.

  But Lina wouldn’t do that. Lina would want to fry his balls first—literally—and ask questions later.

  Maybe it is a good thing I’m the strongest one.

  She finally broke their hug and stepped back. “Keep up the good work, Martin.”

  He looked surprised.

  “What?” she asked.

  “No ‘Damocles?’”

  “Yeah, well, that’s not as funny anymore. I have a strong feeling that you and I are going to be working together a lot over the years. Don’t be shocked if I decide to make you keep living when the time comes to cash that final check.”

  He frowned. “That wasn’t our deal.”

  “I know what the deal was. The deal was you’ve submitted to me, totally. So I get the final say, right?”

  A sad sigh escaped him. “Right.”

  She poked him in the chest. “That means you don’t get to kill yourself, either. If I say you keep sucking in air and converting it to CO2, you keep doing that, for as long as I say.”

  “You are mean, aren’t you?” But he smiled.

  “Yeah, well, sometimes girls need their fathers a lot longer than they realize.” She thought of Liam, of his years in hiding.

  How it was a dream come true to have him walk her down the aisle at her wedding.

  “I’m going to do what’s best for Colleen, not for you,” Elain said. “Just keep that in mind.”

  He nodded. “Thank you.”

  She slung her purse over her shoulder, grabbed Jasper’s collar, and returned to where she’d left on the path behind Lacey’s.

  Fortunately, Lacey was still alone when Elain returned to her house.

  “That didn’t take long. So how is Martin?”

  Elain unsnapped Jasper’s leash and hung it by the back door. “He says hello.”

  “And Colleen?”

  “You were scared to find out, weren’t you?”

  “Damned right. Why did you think I never took him with me? I didn’t want to know.”

  Elain rubbed Jasper’s head. “Colleen will pass, except with Seers. So we’ll worry about that later. Fiona might be a little trickier.”

  “He sniffed Fiona, too?”

  “Yeah. He couldn’t get a good read from just her room.”

  “What did Ortega think?”

  “He wasn’t there.” Elain quickly ran through a summation of her visit. “So I wouldn’t be shocked to get a call from him later.”

  “Goddess, I hope Lina doesn’t ever sense I’ve been helping hide that man,” Lacey said. “She’s the only one I’m worried about. I know Daniel and Mai would see reason if we sat down and explained it to them. Lina…”

  “Bye-bye fricking Bolivia.”


  “Well, for now she’s distracted with her other stuff. Maybe at some point we’ll be able to reason with her.”

  “Tell me how that works for you, because I don’t want to be anywhere near her when you do.”

  “Hey, she can’t even reliably poof by herself over long distances yet. The Beasts have her too busy to give her so much as a moment’s peace, between them and her duties. I think we’re safe for a while.”

  “You think? Or you know?”

  “I’m going to be researching spells to protect the happy bubble around Ortega’s compound.”

  Lacey smiled. “Wise move.”

  Cail was still in his office, but with the door open so he could hear the babies, when Elain returned to their house in Arcadia.

  “That was fast.”

  “I didn’t need very long.”

  His nose wrinkled. “Where did you go?”

  “To Lacey’s.”

  “But I smell—”

  “Seer Says. Sorry.” And Elain made a mental note to herself to go grab a shower and wash the clothes she just wore before Lina stopped by and smelled them. Lina wasn’t a shifter, but Elain didn’t know what kind of powers Lina’s goddess gig gave her.

  He sighed. “Got it.” He pulled her in for a kiss. “Lucky for you I trust you. I know whatever it is you have to do, it’s important.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

  “Anything dangerous?”

  “Nope. Just trying to figure some stuff out. Supernatural administrivia.”

  He pulled her into his lap again. “Mom said if we want to go out tonight, she and Dad were planning to stay home and they’ll babysit for us.”

  “Oooh, steakhouse?”

  “You read my mind.”

  She grinned. “Kind of the gig, except that was just me wanting a steak.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Elain didn’t know if it was the delicious steak dinner that left her totally stuffed, or the delicious sex with her men—which had her stuffed in different ways—but when the vision hit her she immediately knew what it was.

  For once, it wasn’t a vision of a nuclear apocalypse.

  Rodolfo, alive and obviously before his capture and torture. Talking to a man who looked a lot like her father, but who wasn’t. A cash payoff. The scene switched before she could get a handle on it and Rodolfo was then talking to someone else, a woman Elain didn’t recognize. But it was obviously another cash payoff.

  Another scene shift, another payoff, to another woman. And then again, to another man who resembled her father.

  Two more men, and a woman, and another man.

  All obviously in the past, since Rodolfo was now dead, but as Elain lay there while her men fell asleep, she was wide awake and trying to figure out what it meant and why she was having a vision of past events regarding Rodolfo now, of all times.

  She lay there, trying to recall as many details as she could. Which wasn’t much, because they’d flashed by so quickly she hadn’t been able to absorb much of the details.

  Why would I get a vision about stuff that happened in the past?

  Could it possibly tie into the nuclear bomb vision, somehow? Maybe they were involved in it? Or had knowledge?

  She knew there was one person she could ask.

  A yawn escaped her.

  And as much as she wanted to go ask him right that moment, she knew she couldn’t just pop in and do it. She needed to prepare.

  She’d been wanting a word or two with her uncles, anyway.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Elain had an appointment with Dr. Alberto for both Ellie and Connor. Her men had been slated to go with her, but then Rick and Jan had another ranch-related emergency they needed Elain’s men to hold their hands through. Since Joss was due for another well-child check with Dr. Alberto in two weeks, they called and got his appointment moved and Carla went with Elain in the minivan.


  They had reached I-75 when her mom finally said it. “What’s on your mind, honey?”

  Elain felt her cheeks heat. “What?”

  Carla glanced her way. “Don’t ‘what’ me, honey. I raised you. I know that tone of voice you had all morning while talking the guys into this.”


  Elain already knew Lacey was home today. “We need to take a little side-trip after the appointment.”


  “Seer Says.”

  “Dare I ask?”

  “Lacey’s looking forward to seeing you and the babies.”

  “Why do I have a feeling your guys don’t know a thing about this?”

  “That would be because they don’t.”

  “What am I supposed to tell your father if he asks?”

  “Seer Says?”

  “Is that a question, or an answer?”

  “Mom, please.”

  “I’m guessing this isn’t a dangerous trip, then?”

  “Not in the slightest.”

  She hoped.

  When they finished at the doctor’s office, they headed back to the parking garage.

  “How, exactly, are we going to do this?” her mom asked.

  “Don’t buckle anyone in.” Elain glanced around, making sure there weren’t any security officers, or other witnesses. “Set all the carriers on the middle seat, and you stand behind it.”

  “Stand? I’m not that short.”

  “Fine, Mom. Crouch.”

  Elain hoped this would work. Otherwise, she’d have to go get Lacey, bring her there while she transported her mom and the babies individually, and then take Lacey back.

  She called Lacey. “We’re on our way.”


  “Yeah. Is your living room empty?”

  “Hold on.” Elain heard the sound of walking. “Jasper and I are in my kitchen.”

  “Okay. Hold on.”

  With the phone propped between her shoulder and cheek, Elain had her mom grab hold of the handles of Joss’ and Connor’s carriers. Then Elain held Ellie’s carrier and her Mom’s hand.

  She closed her eyes and envisioned them appearing in Lacey’s living room, with her mom standing behind the couch and Elain stooped over in front of it, the baby carriers on it, just like the seat in the minivan.

  We’re at Lacey’s.

  It was her mom’s stunned gasp that told Elain it had worked.

  Elain opened her eyes and spotted Lacey standing, wide-eyed, in her kitchen doorway, her hand around Jasper’s collar. He started wagging as soon as he spotted Elain.

  “Holy. Shit.” Lacey ended the call and walked over, letting go of Jasper’s collar. “That’s something I haven’t seen before.”

  Elain tucked her phone into her back pocket before she reached down and petted Jasper’s head. “Stick around a few years, I might be able to move cars like Ryan.”

  Did the old Seer blanch just a little? Elain wasn’t sure, and didn’t have time to figure it out.

  “Can they hang out here for a while?” Elain asked.

  “How long?”

  “Uh, not sure. Afternoon? Don’t tell anyone they’re here.”

  “Seer Says?”

  “You catch on quick.” Elain noticed her mom looked a little pale. “You all right?”

  “Um, yeah. Sure.” Carla stood and looked around. “We’re…we’re in Maine.”


  “At Lacey’s.”

  “Uh-huh. Mom, you good?”

  She looked around again. “We didn’t grab the diaper bags.”

  “Aw, crap. Hold on. Nobody move.” Elain poofed herself back to the van, grabbed them, and then also remembered to make sure the van doors were locked. And she grabbed both her and her mom’s purses.

  Back to Lacey’s. She left the diaper bags and her mom’s purse there and grabbed her phone. “Be right back.”

  “Literally?” Lacey asked.

  “Quick phone call.” She walked to the
back porch and dialed Callie’s number.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” Callie brightly said. “How you doing?”

  “Are you home?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Just a sec. Oh, wait. You decent?”

  “I’m dressed, if that’s what you mean.”

  Elain hung up on her and headed back inside. She grabbed her purse. “Ellie’s got enough pumped milk in there to last the afternoon. I nursed her while we were at Dr. Alberto’s, so she should be okay.”

  Lacey reached out and grabbed her arm. “Where are you going?”

  She glanced over at her mom, then back to Lacey. “Need to go pay someone a visit for some information.” She tossed Lacey a wink and then appeared in Callie’s foyer.

  “So that’s why you hung up on me.” Callie was smirking. In her arms lay her sleeping baby girl, Elise.

  A baby girl who was the reincarnation of Ysimel, Eiselman’s mate in a former life.

  Another reason to keep the kids apart for a while.

  Free will.


  “Sorry. Kind of in a hurry. You alone?”

  Callie frowned. “Sir’s not home. Spill it.”

  “I can’t, sorry. I needed a base of operations.”


  “Someplace to poof from. Mom and the babies are at Lacey’s.”

  “You poofed them all up here?”


  “At the same time?”


  Callie’s eyes widened. “Holy crap, that’s…amazing.”

  “Sorry, sweetie, but I’m on a tight timetable.”

  “Ah. Gotcha.” She pointed over her shoulder down the hall. “Far as I know, you’re in my guest bedroom, making Seer-related phone calls, because the cell reception is better here than at Lacey’s, and you needed privacy.”

  Elain hugged her. “Thank you!”

  “And I didn’t interrupt you because you mentioned a nap!” Callie called after her.


  If this wasn’t so serious, Elain would be laughing.

  She locked the guest bedroom door behind her and sat on the bed, pulling out her cell phone.

  In her purse she had the gun and two extra magazines. She hoped that she wouldn’t need either of them, but…

  You never know.

  She dialed Marston’s number, her heart racing until he finally answered. “Elain?”