Read Powers Page 28

taking two long-stem candles out of a bottom drawer and a big box of matches.

  “Thank God!”

  “Got something to put the candles on?” He asked, turning his light towards her cupboards.

  “I can use saucers.”

  “Just what I was going to suggest… Which shelf?” he asked, opening and closing the doors of each, searching for the saucers.

  “On your right there.”

  “Ahhh!” he opened the cabinet and pulled out two. “These?”

  “Yes! Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He lit a match and melted the wax on the bottom of the first candle and stuck it to a saucer, and then he did the same with the other. Soon the room was lit enough that she could see his handsome face with no problem and the light shining from the candles glistening in his eyes.

  Gonna melt! Damn! Gonna melt! Paul? Where are you?

  Star had been dancing around them while Dorian was looking for the candles and saucers. Now that the room was lit, Dorian took the time to let the dog jump up on him and he gave him several vigorous pats. “Good to see you, too!” he said.

  Star seemed appeased then and dropped down.

  Amber realized that Dorian was dripping wet. “I’ll get you a towel.”

  “Here…take a candle with you,” he suggested, handing one to her.

  She nodded and smiled slightly, taking the candle with her to the bathroom where she got a towel out of the linen closet and brought it back to him, handing it over. “Thank you for coming out in this to check on me.”

  “Oh…no problem,” he said, quickly rubbing the towel over his hair and shoulders, then handing it back. “It’s what good neighbors are for.” He smiled contemplatively.

  She realized she should let him know that she was expecting company. “Paul’s coming… should be here any minute.”

  “Oh? Hope he doesn’t get stuck someplace. The roads can get bad really quick during storms from what I hear.”

  “I suppose they can.” He was looking at her intently, making her extremely nervous. There was something about him, something powerful in his countenance that drew her in. She suddenly wanted him to hold her, wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything. Still, there was Paul. She did love him. She was sure of it. But what was this she was feeling for this strange man? Why did she want him?

  “You…okay?” he asked with a compelling stare.

  “Sure,” she replied vaguely and went to turn away from that mesmerizing gaze.

  And then suddenly she was in his arms and he was kissing her fiercely, and there was no way she could resist. She kissed him back this time. She heard herself whimpering like a little child again. She wanted him! Oh how she wanted him! He kissed her neck, her shoulders and then her lips again. Oh God! Oh God! He backed her up to the wall, pressing himself up to her. His kisses were so sweet and yet so wild. Her whole being was afire with desire. But she knew Paul would be there soon. She finally found the strength to speak. “Wait…Dorian…Wait!”

  He pulled back, looking at her expectantly. “Yes?”

  “I hardly know you. And there’s Paul. He’s…”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  She nodded. “I can’t do this to him.”

  “I see.” He stood there staring at her in the candle-lit room, flames dancing in those eyes that were piercing into her very soul. “You don’t feel anything for me?”

  “…Didn’t say that.” She gulped. “I definitely feel something for you. I just haven’t had the time to figure out what…exactly.”

  “Is that it?” he asked. “You want more time?”

  “We’ve never been on a date,” she explained. “Of any kind.”

  He nodded. “True…So you want a ‘traditional’ courting?” he asked, almost appearing amused.

  “Honestly…I’m not sure what I want. I’ve never felt like…like the way you make me feel... for anyone. Not sure what it is. I need time to figure it out. And I do care very much for Paul. I just need time to sort this all out,” she breathed. “Can you understand that?” she asked, beholding him pleadingly.

  He was silent, studying her intently for several long seconds, but then he finally said, “You’re a good person. I have to respect you for that.”

  “Then you understand?”

  “Don’t exactly like it. But yes. I understand.”

  “You’re really different. I’ve never known anyone quite like you. And if you really do want to be with me…why haven’t you asked me out?’

  “Well…you seem to be spending all your free time with that Paul guy. And I really haven’t had much opportunity to ask you out.”

  She considered what he said. “No. I guess you’re right. But you certainly didn’t hesitate to kiss me.”

  This seemed to amuse him. “True. I admit…I’m not your ordinary guy next door…And obviously this Paul is.”

  “Yes! He’s very nice and very sweet, and thoughtful. I do like him a lot.”

  “Like? Or love?”

  She didn’t really want to answer. “That’s not fair. It’s too soon.”

  He skewed back his head, eyes locked on hers. “Okay…Amber. I’ll let you think on it a while. However, I will tell you this much. I really do like you, too! More than like. And I am the jealous type. Not gonna lie about that. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you.”

  “Seriously?” she asked, trying to read what was behind those mesmerizing eyes. Was he speaking truthfully? Or just playing with her?

  “Seriously… Didn’t you feel something that first day in the store when our eyes met?”

  “You felt that too?”

  “Oh…yeah! I knew then and there I wanted you. And I have a feeling that isn’t going to change.” And then he was kissing her again, with even more passion than before, literally sweeping her off her feet in the embrace. He finally drew back and set her back down on her feet. “Paul’s almost here,” he said. “So I’ll leave you now. But you think long and hard…you hear?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Then he was out the back door and seconds later Paul was knocking on the front. And Star couldn’t seem to decide which door to go to, turning around several times and whimpering, but finally went to the front door.

  “How’d he know?” she gasped, swirling around. “How in hell did he know?” she hurried to the front door to let the soaked Paul in.

  He quickly stepped inside, eyes focused through the kitchen. “Did I just see Lodovico slipping out the back door?”

  “Yes…His power’s out too. He just came over to check and see if I was okay. Helped me find my candles.”

  “Can’t say I like his coming over…” But if he’s looking out for you, guess I should be grateful.”

  “Where’s your truck? I didn’t hear you pull in.”

  “Would you believe a felled tree?”

  “A tree!”

  “Yeah…I’m lucky to be alive. It came down just seconds before I reached the spot.”

  “Thank God you’re okay!” She hugged him them, in spite of the fact that he was soaking wet. She quickly pulled back.

  “Yeah…Thank God!”

  “I’ll get you a towel.” She wasn’t about to give him the same one Dorian used. She felt that that somehow wouldn’t be just right. She grabbed another towel from the bathroom. He was taking off his jacket and shirt when she handed it over. “Here you go.” She took his wet things and tossed them in her small dryer that was in the washroom next to the bathroom and then returned to the kitchen where he was now seated at the table.

  He held up the other towel. “I take it that this one was for Lodovico?”

  “It was. He was soaked, too.”

  She reached out a hand for both the towels. “I’ll toss them on the washing machine.”

  He handed them over and she quickly took them to the laundry room and returned.

  “This has been quite a night,” he sighed heavily.

  “I’d make you some cof
fee…but no electricity.”

  “That’s okay. I just want to be with you,” he said, standing and reaching out for her.

  This was a really weird moment for her, still tingling from Dorian’s passionate embraces, but her heart ached for Paul. She went into his arms, letting him hold her close. It felt good, really good. She turned her face to his and kissed him. And he eagerly returned the kiss. Suddenly the lights came on. They both looked up.

  “I’ll be a monkey’s uncle,” Paul said. “I thought for certain the power would be out all night.”

  “So did I. Guess I can make you that coffee now?”

  “Sounds good. I did get a little chilled out there. And I’m not looking forward to going out in it again too soon.”

  “You don’t have to,” she said. “You can spend the night here.”

  He looked up, pleasantly surprised. “You’re…certain?”

  “I’m certain,” she said without hesitation. She had come to the conclusion that if she was going to find out for sure how she felt about Paul that maybe they did need to take it to the next level. “That is what you’ve been wanting, isn’t it?”

  He grinned hugely. “Not gonna lie, babe.”

  “Then why don’t we just go to bed right now?” She reached out her hand. “Come on!”

  Dorian sat on the railing of the front porch. This wasn’t what he had wanted, ate at his gut something fierce. Still, he also understood why she was doing it. He realized that in trying to stop her he had actually pushed her into Paul’s arms.

  He couldn’t bear to stand around and watch. He flew off, pissed off with himself more than anything.

  A few miles down the road was a stranded motorist, a Hispanic man in his early fifties. Dorian alighted behind a tree at the side of the road. He was