Read Powers Page 30

and me,” he said. When he finished, he set the first aid materials aside. “Our little secret.”

  She nodded, feeling like she was in some kind of fairy tale. “Yes…Our secret.”

  “You won’t tell Paul.”

  “No…Never!” She shook her head. Though common sense told her that she should tell someone, she was acutely aware that she really didn’t want to.

  As though he read her thoughts, he broke into a broad smile. “That’s my girl!”

  So mesmerized by him was she that she couldn’t think clearly, felt as though she’d been drugged by some wonderful drug. She wanted more. She realized she was leaning towards him and he took her in his arms and began kissing her again. The fire of such desire she’d never known rose through her, filling her breasts, her limbs, her entire being. She just wanted to be his. This he thoroughly understood and he snatched her up and carried her off to his bedroom.

  In no time, he claimed her, taking her to un-swept heights, sending her soul soaring above the very clouds. She gave herself to him so completely that she trembled from head to foot, barely able to withstand the passion he raised in her. He kissed her and kissed her, setting her skin on rapturous fire.

  “Dorian…Dorian…Dorian…” she said over and over as he took her to the very stars and then there was such an explosion of passion, of such ferocity, that for a brief moment she felt her soul fuse with his. And then it was finished and the sweet rapture began to gradually subside.

  She realized her eyes had been closed and she opened them to stare up into his wondrous blues. He smiled hugely. “Hi! There. You back to earth yet?”


  Amused by her response. “I’m crap, huh?”

  “Not hardly,” she breathed, slowly beginning to regain her sensibilities.

  “Good.” He rolled over beside her.

  Her hand went to her neck and the bandage, as she realized he really had bitten her. “I didn’t imagine it!”

  “No you didn’t,” he replied.

  “You really are a vampire?” she turned and looked at him, realizing that that was a stupid question. “Of course you are.”

  “Not to worry, sweetheart. Not to worry.” He got out of bed and slipped into his jeans. Bent down and picked up her clothes and handed them to her.

  She thanked him, got out of bed and dressed. With her back to him, she asked. “What do I do about Paul? He loves me.”

  “What do you want to do about Paul?”

  She wriggled on her sweatshirt and turned to him. “I don’t know! I don’t want to hurt him…He’s really a good person.”

  “And so are you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t care…Tell you what. Go ahead and see him for a while…Give yourself time to think this all through.”

  She was astonished. “Now I am really confused! I thought you were hurt when I slept with him?”

  “I was…But now… I know you’re mine.”

  “But couldn’t he say the same thing?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “If I were human that could be the case…but I’m not. Now that you’ve been with me…You may find that you can never be satisfied by a mere man.”

  She started to argue with him, but he gave her a look that said he knew better. And she knew he was right. “Point taken.”

  He moved around to the side of the bed where she was. “Amber…I’m here for you…always! Just remember that.”


  “I want you to see Paul.”

  “You really do?”

  “Yes! I want you to see for yourself that it will never work with him…now.”

  “You knew this all along, didn’t you?”

  His grin said it all.

  “You’re rotten.”

  “I know…But you want me anyway.”

  “Oh! You! What have I got myself into?”

  He answered her by kissing her again, and she quickly forgot the frustration that he had caused. Then he released her. “I love you!”

  She stared at him straight on, pondering his words. “I honestly don’t know what I feel! I am so freakin’ confused!”

  “You will know…soon enough.” He kissed her forehead. “And you keep that wound clean.”

  She touched her neck. “Why did you bite me…if you weren’t going to kill me?”

  “Didn’t you read that book I gave you?”

  “Not all of it.”

  “I suggest you read it, sweetheart.”

  “Okay…I’ll do that.” She changed the subject. “Guess I should get back home…I should paint or something.”

  “You can stay… if you want?”

  “I’d better get back.”

  “Suit yourself.” He walked her to the door. “Later.”

  She nodded. “Yeah…” And she left.

  Once home, Amber was eagerly greeted by Star, who seemed concerned about her, whining. “I’m okay, boy…” she said and headed to the bathroom. There, she gently pulled back the bandage to look at her neck. Weird! She thought. Two small holes, almost looked like she’d been bitten by a large snake. The area was still tender, but not as bad as she might have thought. And it was strange that while he was biting her, she had actually wanted him to. The desire had been ever bit as strong as wanting the sex with him. “Yeah…I’m okay,” she said, carefully putting the bandage back in place and looking down at her dog.

  As though he knew something was different, he cocked his head sideways, but he couldn’t quite figure it out.

  “I know…I must be crazy. But I’ve never had sex like that! Never! Damn! Gotta get my mind on something else. Got to!”

  She went off to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich, not that she really wanted one. It was just something to do.

  Paul phoned around noon, and it was obvious he was still under the spell of their night together. She had been certain that hearing the love in his voice would bring on instant pangs of guilt – But it didn’t! Still, she didn’t want to hurt him! Couldn’t! He wanted to know if she would like to go with him and Judy to get Bebe. She almost said no, but then decided maybe she should.

  He was happy when she said she would and told her he’d pick her up around six. They’d leave to come get her as soon as Sally arrived.

  Amber finally decided to drag out her paints, as the sky had cleared. She set her tripod and equipment up in the backyard. This time she wanted to paint the side yard to the left, and include the storage shack in the far corner. And though she fought it all afternoon long, the desire for Dorian’s touch plagued her constantly. She wanted, needed to feel his touch again. It was a relentless fire that just wouldn’t be quenched.

  Star lay beside her feet while she painted, getting up only occasionally to chase after a bird or get a drink of water from a pan she’d set beside the porch steps. It seemed forever, but the sun finally sank behind the trees. She glanced at her watch. It was time to clean up, eat and get ready for Paul and Judy to pick her up.

  She gathered up her things, but couldn’t help but look in the direction of Dorian’s cabin. She wondered what he was up to. A thrill went through her just thinking about his touch. “Damn! Gotta stop this!”

  She carried her supplies back to the shed and then took her painting inside to set against the wall. Star plopped down on the love seat. “You might as well,” she told her dog. “I’m gonna leave in a little while anyway.”

  He woofed.

  She laughed and went to clean up.

  Dorian came in the store just as Paul was turning things over to Sally. As usual, Dorian went back to the beer cooler.

  This time, taking out two six-packs instead of one. He looked over at Paul, who was eyeing him. “Hi!” he said brightly, and walked over to the counter, sitting down the two six-packs. “Nice out today.”

  Paul really wanted to ignore him, but responded politely, “Yes…It was.” Then to Sally, he said, “You can take over from here. Judy and I are going to go pick up Amber and then get our dog.” He
glanced at Dorian.

  Dorian gave no detectable reaction.

  “Good for you!” Sally said, smiling up at Paul.

  Paul nodded, “Night…Mr. Lodovico.”

  “Night,” Dorian said. Then he noticed Sally’s neck. Something Paul had obviously missed. “Cut yourself?”

  She looked at him strangely and grinned shyly. “Yes…yes…I cut myself.”

  “Better take care of it…You don’t want any infection settling in.”

  “No…I certainly don’t.”

  “Goodnight now…” he grinned tersely and walked away.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Lodovico.”

  Amber was sure she was going to feel terribly guilty when she saw Paul, but oddly enough, when he came to the door, it was almost as if nothing had happened at all. No nagging feelings of guilt! She had surprised herself. She did make a point of wearing a turtleneck sweater to cover up Dorian’s damages, and she hoped that this night she wouldn’t need to undress for Paul, hoped that he would be too tired to spend the night. Otherwise, she wasn’t sure how he’d react to her wound.

  Paul was dressed up more than usual. The red shirt he was wearing looked new, and so did his jeans. And he smelled really good! “Hi!” he said, eyes shining.

  “Hey there, Paul,” she said, letting him kiss her cheek. “Is that a new shirt?”

  “Yes…It is.” He grinned uncomfortably, looking embarrassed. “Just wanted to look my best for you.”

  “I’m flattered,” she replied, finding it much easier to be natural with him than she would have ever thought. What happened to the guilt? Should be steeping in it by now.

  He inserted his arm through hers and led her over to the truck. Judy gave her a welcoming smile and hopped down. “You can sit by my brother,” she