Read Powers Page 33

obvious by his dejected expression that this was not at all what he wanted to hear. His focus lingered on her face quietly for a full minute, not saying a word. He wanted her to love him willingly.

  There was a part of her that screamed run! Get the hell away from him; choose the gentle, sweet and safe Paul. And then there was that part that wanted Dorian to hold her in his powerful arms and make wild love to her as only he was capable of.

  He broke the long silence. “Okay…you love him. I can respect that, Amber…Believe it or not…I’m not a total monster. And in spite of what you say…I believe you feel something for me too…outside of my abilities to influence you. Think about it. Am I not correct in this?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Remember that first time we met in the store…You did admit you noticed me too. That electricity or whatever you want to call it that happened between us. That was real! Had nothing to do with what I am…You do remember?” He took her by her shoulders. “Don’t you?”

  She thought about it. He was right again. There was something between them. Part of her did care about him. But it was so different…so alien from anything she’d ever known. “Yes…I remember.”

  His face relaxed. “Thank God for that!” he released her shoulders. “Care if I sit down?” he asked, motioning to one of the kitchen chairs.

  “Go ahead.”

  “And it happened more than once…” he continued, looking up at her. “That spark we share. Amber, I swear…that is not the vampire in me doing it. We have a chemistry…It doesn’t happen often…but I honestly really care about you. I want to share my life with you!”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Share your life? Don’t vampires live forever?”

  “We can…but we can be killed by other vampires… or by humans that happen to get really lucky.”

  “You said for me to see Paul…Do you still feel that way?”

  “Yes…in some ways. I want you to see for yourself the difference.”

  She didn’t like the sudden cockiness in his tone.

  “Oh…I’m seeing the difference,” she quipped, realizing as soon as she said it that it might not have been the best way to respond, for she saw a flash of anger behind his beautiful eyes. After all, he was a vampire. Still she didn’t like being in a situation where she had to choose.

  He responded snappishly, “Now…don’t get cute. I am being totally honest with you, Amber.” He’d had his chair back against the wall, but now sat forward, his stare cutting into the core of her being.

  Instinct told her that had she been anyone else, he wouldn’t have held his composure. “Okay…sorry…I think.” She sat down too.

  His voice softened. “We’ve touched on this before…but I want to go over it again. You know that I can completely control you…”

  She was about to object.

  “But!” He held up a hand. “That’s not what I want! I want you to choose to be with me. Want that more than anything!” He reached over and took her hand. “How can I make you understand, Amber…I want to love you! I want you to love me! For eternity!”

  “Wouldn’t I have to be a vampire too…for that?”

  “Yes! That’s why I bit you.”

  She withdrew her hand and it flew to her neck. She gasped. “You mean that I…”

  “Relax…Not yet. I have to work on it a little at a time. Otherwise, I’d kill you. And that’s not what I want. Don’t worry. You’re not a vampire…yet.”

  She expelled air. “Oh God!”

  He stood and assisted her in rising.

  “Amber…Just think it over…Please?”

  “I will.”

  “I’m not asking you to rush into anything…but I am tired of having this conversation. But that’s the vampire in me…Not a whole lot of patience going on. Again…see Paul. And try not to feel too guilty. You slept with him…and you slept with me. You care about him…and I know you care about me! So, logically, shouldn’t you feel just as guilty for betraying me as for betraying him?”

  Her jaw dropped, mouth open wide. She was utterly speechless. But she did see the twisted logic in his reasoning. She suddenly burst out cackling at the irony of it all.

  He broke into a huge grin. “I am right, aren’t I?”

  “Paul was right…You are cocky!” she managed.

  His eyes twinkled. “But I am right!”

  “Oh…God!” she breathed. “Yes! Yes! You’re right

  “That’s my girl.” He grabbed her and planted one of his passionate kisses on her again, and then quickly released her. “I’ll see you later…And have fun tonight.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “How’d you know?”

  “Heard every word. I was at your back door when he called you.” He pointed to his right ear. “Acute vampire hearing…Told you to read that book…”

  “Yes! Yes you did.”

  “By the way…where is it?”

  Oh shit!

  Observing her expression. “Don’t tell me…You gave it to someone else!”

  “Didn’t give it…Loaned it.”

  His face darkened. “To whom?”

  “Please don’t hurt him! He’s going to return it to me soon.”

  “Did you give it to Paul?”

  “No…Not Paul.”

  “You didn’t give it to Grady?”

  She winced.


  “I’m sorry, Dorian…That was before I knew…you.”

  His eyes flashed anger, but not so much at her…just for the situation. “How long has he had it?”

  “Several days.”

  “Okay…Either you can get it back…Or I can take it from him. And that might not be pretty.”

  “You mean you’d kill him?” she gasped.

  “Not if you get it, Amber! But he’ll know I’m a vampire, if I try to get it from him…Then I’ll have no choice!”

  “Okay…I’ll do my best to get it from him today.”

  “Just don’t appear too anxious…otherwise, he might think you’re being coerced into getting it back.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Softening, his eyes returned to their beautiful shine. And he kissed her forehead. “I’ll catch you later.” Then he grinned wryly and said, “Give Paul my regards.”

  “You ass!” she said as he let himself out.

  He guffawed, eyes flashing, amused, and walked off.

  Star jumped up at the door whining after him.

  “Guess he forgot to tell you goodbye…Sorry, Star.”

  Paul never looked better to Amber than when he showed up at her front door, arms full of yellow roses, and wearing a white turtleneck and black blazer. Though it was cool out, Amber dressed in a slinky black little dress with thin, rhinestone straps with a lightweight jacket to match. She also drug out her black stilettos with rhinestones across the toes.

  Paul took one look at her. “Woe!”

  “You like?” she asked, taking the flowers.

  “More than like!”

  She quickly exchanged the fresh roses for the old ones, running fresh water in the vase first. She centered them on the table. Star padded in from the bedroom, wagging his tail.

  “Hello, Star.”

  Star went to jump up but Paul caught his paws. “Not this time, buddy…Don’t want to snag my blazer.”

  Star woofed and dropped down.

  “Good boy.” He gently stroked the dog’s head. “You watch the place while we’re gone…Don’t let anyone in…Especially if their last name is Lodovico.” He glanced over at Amber.

  She made herself roll her eyes, doing her best to play her part, not wanting Paul to suspect anything.

  Neither one noticed the raven perched on top of the cabin, watching them intently as they drove away.

  Soon as they were out of sight, Dorian flew back to his cabin, changed into his human form and went outside.

  He had considered following them, but then had changed his mind. He really did
want her to have the freedom to make her choice, and hoped more than anything that it would be him.

  It was two in the morning by the time Paul and Amber pulled into the drive. Amber had let herself drink a little more than she was used to and was feeling tipsy to say the least. Paul had wanted to spend the night, but decided he’d rather make love to her when she was sober. So he tucked her in, kissed her goodnight, told Star to keep a watchful eye on her and left.

  Dorian was elated.

  Soon as Paul was out of the driveway, Dorian let himself in the cabin, as locks meant nothing to him, and he’d been previously invited in. He pulled up a chair from out of the kitchen and sat there with Star’s head in his lap, and watched her sleep until daylight, at which time she awoke. He vanished into thin air, but the chair was still there. “Hmmm…” she said to herself. “Paul must have put it there.” She went on off to the bathroom, relieved herself and went back to bed. The second she was asleep again, Dorian reappeared.

  When Amber showed signs of waking up again, Dorian went to the kitchen and put coffee on for her, bid Star goodbye and let himself out. Amber couldn’t believe it when she walked into the kitchen and saw the coffee pot was just finishing brewing. She knew then. “Dorian!”

  After she was good awake, showered, dressed and had had her breakfast, Amber phoned Paul. He was checking out a customer when he answered, so she had to wait a minute. After the customer left, he got back to her. “Morning, gorgeous…How’s your head?”

  “Remarkably…okay! Considering.”

  “No hangover,” there was a smile in his voice.

  “No! I can’t believe it!”

  “Thought surely you’d be all moans and groans this morning.”

  “Yeah…I’m amazed…By the way, did you take a chair in my bedroom last night?”


  “Oh…Guess I must have put it