Read Powers Page 43

across her chest, face looking so innocent and lovely in her death sleep. He took a stool from his bar and sat down at her bedside, took one of her cold hands in both of his and kissed it with loving gentleness.

  This was the part he hated, the waiting, the wondering if all went the way it should. Or would she not rise at all? Would he end up burying the only woman he had loved in a very long time? He knew that probably wouldn’t happen, but still the minute possibility of it lay in the back of his mind.

  “Please be all right,” he whispered tenderly, eyes misty. “I have waited so long for you, Amber. I have waited so terribly long!” he leaned over and kissed her still lips and a tear slipped to her face. “I love you, Amber! I love you!” It was too soon, though. It would be a while longer. The earliest he could hope for would be around noon. He’d have to have patience. Patience!

  He was glad he had plenty of beer in his refrigerator. Klaus had picked up extra for him, along with a few borrowed pints of blood from the hospital that Amber would need when she revived. Dorian grabbed himself a beer and returned to her bedside. He wasn’t going anywhere until after she awoke.

  All was blackness for what seemed an eternity – nothing – no sound, no movement, no pain, not even confusion, just a deep well of darkness. Then, slowly, a tiny light in the great distance slipped through. It swirled and zigzagged lazily around. After a while it appeared to grow, double in size, and looked as though it came forward a little. It swirled here and there, leaving misty streams of increasing light in its wake. And then sound broke through. Rushing air was the most prominent. Somewhere in some great distance a bird was singing. Somewhere, trees swayed slightly in simple breezes.

  The light grew brighter and closer, sound increased in volume. Then there were scents, all kinds of odors, some pleasant, some not so pleasant. And then there was the wonderful aroma of sage and pine. It was a familiar scent. One she knew!

  A chair, something, scooted across the floor. Then someone squeezed her hand. That someone spoke, “Amber? Amber? Can you hear me? I’m here! Amber…I’m here!”

  Then the hunger came. Hunger like she’d never known. It was a hunger full of pain. Rushing blood echoed in her ears, her temples throbbed – the pain was unbearable! She gasped in air, bolted upright in bed and screamed a blood-curdling scream.

  “Amber!” Dorian said, grabbing her and enfolding her in his arms. “It’s going to be okay! I’m here, baby!”

  She pulled back from him and stared, attempting to focus. She should know this man! His handsome face was kind and full of love.

  It took her a moment, and then she recognized him.“Dorian?”

  Overjoyed that she had made it, he held her tight. “Amber…You made it! You completed the transition!” He set back, gazing into her hazel eyes. “You made it, sweetheart!”

  “I…made it?” She glanced around. “Where am I?”

  “My cabin. I had Klaus leave you here.”

  Her eyes danced around, still getting their bearings. “Klaus... Yes. Klaus. Klaus killed me.” She held out her open palms. “But I’m here! I’m not dead!”

  “You’re one of us now, Amber.”

  Her eyes went to his clear blue ones. “I am?” The hunger hit her again. “I’m so hungry! I’m so damn hungry! My head is killing me!” Her hands flew to her temples and she rocked back and forth.

  “I have just the thing for you.” He reached over to the nightstand and picked up a glass full of a red liquid. He handed it to her.

  “What’s this?” she asked, grabbing it with both hands. “It smells wonderful!” Then she turned it up and drank it dry. Her eyes brightened. She gave him back the glass. “More!”

  He chuckled and happily handed her another full glass he had waiting. “Here you go.”

  She guzzled it down too.

  “There’s plenty, Amber. Take it slow. You’re spilling some.” He lovingly wiped off her chin with a wet cloth.

  She handed him the second empty glass. Eyes hopeful. “More?”

  He exchanged the empty one for another full one. He reached out a hand and stroked her hair, noticing how it shone in spite of how long it had gone uncombed.

  He was filled with joy watching her appease her hunger. He couldn’t wait to take her hunting. But she had to have sustenance first, so she wouldn’t lose it while he trained her to do it properly and safely, without killing all her victims, human or otherwise.

  At last, she seemed satisfied. She gave him the last empty glass.

  “Better?” he inquired.

  “Much better.” she studied him intently. “Dorian…I thought I’d never see you again!”

  “I told you I was coming back.”

  “But I knew I was changing. And that’s why Klaus killed me, because I was changing anyway.”

  “Yes. He did what he had to do, Amber. I am grateful that he was able to take care of you for me. I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you during your transition. I really didn’t think you would turn that quickly. Wasn’t sure you would. But I did have this feeling in the back of my mind that it was possible.” He fingered the raven necklace she was still wearing. “You like it?” he asked.

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you!”

  “ I hope you’ll wear it… always.”

  “Of course I will. Dorian?”

  “What, my love?”

  “Am I a vampire now?”

  An amused grin stole across his face. “You just drank a quart of blood like it was nothing. Yes! I’d say you are a vampire now.”

  “I missed you so!”

  “I missed you! It was all I could do to stay away from you. But I felt it was necessary. You did make your choice…Thank you for choosing me.” He chuckled then. “But it might have been a little awkward had you chosen Paul…Because you would have had to turn him!”

  The realization of that hit her. “That never even occurred to me.” Then there was an edge of a laugh, and then another and she suddenly burst out cackling at the irony.

  “Oh…Amber…I love you!” He grabbed her and hugged her tightly. “I never want to leave you again!”

  “And I don’t want you to!”

  “Tonight, I’ll take you hunting. Show you how to do it without making a really big mess of things…Like I did when I first turned. I had no one to help me. The woman that turned me didn’t seem to care whether I made it or not. Anyway, she bailed on me… Was gone when I woke up with the worst hunger in my existence. I went freakin’ crazy. Killed several people before I got the hang of feeding right…Damn near got caught and staked.”

  “How horrible! Did you ever meet up with her after that?”

  “I did.”

  “What did you say to her?”

  “Hell! I killed her! You don’t just turn someone and then desert them. That’s why I came back the instant I knew you had died as a human.”

  “You knew?”

  “Felt it in my soul…And you will now be able to feel such things, too.”

  She had a funny look on her face. “Strange…Seems like I almost remember calling you.” She looked around the room. “Where’s Star?”

  “Klaus left him outside…but with plenty of water and food. In fact, he’s asleep on my back porch right now. He knows you’re in here.”

  “Good…That’s a relief. I’ll have to thank Klaus for taking care of me and Star.”

  “I already did. But if you want to do it personally, that would be nice, too.”

  “I do.”

  “They’re going hunting again tonight. Said we could come along. That is…depending on if you had made the transition or not. I thanked him…but told him that I wanted it to be just the two of us the first time. I feel it should be personal, something shared between just you and me. Especially, since I wasn’t here for your transition. Is that okay?”

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She twisted her head around, relieving the kinks. “I think I should go home, shower and grab a few clean clothes.”

ay…I’ll be here when you get back.” He kissed her cheek.

  “I’ll be back very soon!” She sprang out of bed. “Damn! I feel really good now…that I ate!”

  He looked as though he would burst with pride. “The right nourishment will do that to you.”

  She left in a blur. He chuckled and went to put coffee on.

  Klaus was at the door knocking by the time the coffee was finished. He looked serious when Dorian let him in. “What’s up?”

  “I take it she’s awake?”

  “Yes! Doing good. She chugged down a quart of blood like you wouldn’t believe…now she’s at her cabin taking a shower and changing clothes.”

  “Good! Glad to hear that…I know you were worried about her…I was too…a little.”

  “What is it? I take it something is wrong?” He motioned to a stool. “Have a seat.”

  “You know all the killings that have been going on lately?” He said, taking his place on a stool.

  Dorian looked at him askance as he poured coffee for the both of them. “That wasn’t you?”

  Klaus gave him a stern stare. “I admit that I’m bad, friend…but you give me far too much credit.”

  Dorian handed him his coffee. “Then who was it?” He took a stool and drank from his cup, studying Klaus over the brim. “I know you killed Shelia and that old man by Paul’s that night.”

  He tilted his head slightly. “Guilty on those counts. But the blood-baths that have been going on – Not my style!” He shook his head.

  Dorian took another sip of his coffee and sat his cup down. “I’m glad to hear you’re not the one doing it…as I’ve come to like you as a friend…You’ve been a big help with Amber.