Read Powers Page 47

point. If they’re not the ones…they’re not the ones. But we sure seem to be getting a really large population of vampires around lately.”

  “Looks that way.”

  Grady went to walk away but hesitated in his tracks and grinned strangely. “And to think… only a few weeks ago we didn’t even know they existed!”

  “Yeah it is ironic, isn’t it?”

  Grady bobbed his head and tipped his hat. “Later…Paul.”

  “Have a good day, Grady!”

  “You too!’ and he was out the door.

  Dorian stood behind Amber on his back porch with his arms wrapped around her, kissing her cheek.

  “You did really well last night,” he whispered in her ear. “You hypnotized that nice young man and did a clean feed like you were a pro. And all he’ll have is a bad headache when he wakes up this morning. I am so proud of you!”

  “Look who I have for a teacher,” she noted, facing him.

  “Guess I could take a little credit,” he said, grinning charmingly.

  “Changing the subject…what do you want to do today?”

  “Oh…hadn’t really thought about it. Why?” Cocking his head, “Something you have in mind?”

  “You care if I drag out my paints and do a little painting”

  He smiled sweetly. “Of course I don’t mind, honey. Just because you’re not human anymore, doesn’t mean you have to give up all the things you like to do…For instance, I still love my beer!”

  “You!” she giggled. “Kind of noticed that.” She ran a finger along his lip-line. “You are so handsome…No...Not handsome. You’re beautiful!”

  Flashing a brilliant smile, “Yes…”

  She slapped his shoulders. “Conceited too!

  “Won’t deny that.”

  “Seriously. I’d like to paint you, Dorian. Would you mind sitting while I attempt to paint a portrait of you?”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t expect that one. But what the hey…Got nothing else better to do…Except…make love to you,” he said with a mischievous squint.

  “We can do that first. If you want?” She replied, smiling alluringly.

  “You got it, babe!”

  Seconds later they were rising above the trees again, lost in their own world of splendor. Star just eyed them briefly, sniffed and went off to chase a pheasant.

  Amber had just finished sketching in Dorian’s portrait when Grady pulled in the drive. The ranger got out of his Jeep, shifted up his pants and headed down the driveway towards them, as they were just to the left of where the driveway ended. Dorian was laid out on the grass, bare-chested, and his head propped up on one hand, elbow to the ground. Grady noticed the painting in progress.

  “Good likeness!” he commented, moving up to Amber. “I didn’t know you were an artist?”

  “I try,” she said, looking down at Dorian. “I guess we can call it a day.”

  He jumped up and brushed off his pants. “Afternoon, Grady.” He retrieved his black t-shirt from off the ground and slipped into it. “What can we do for you?”

  “In the neighborhood…and I was kind of wondering if you were back from Europe.”

  “That I am,” he said, smiling amiably and turning his gaze to Amber. “Just got back yesterday morning.”

  “I guess you couldn’t help then.”


  “There’s been a rash of killings around for the past few weeks. I’m looking for anyone who might have a clue, even unawares, as to who these killers are.”

  Dorian gave Amber a sideways glance and then focused on Grady. “Yes…Amber told me about them…” He shrugged apologetically. “Sorry…Can’t really help you.”

  He blew out air. “That’s what I was afraid of.” He couldn’t help but notice that Amber seemed different, prettier than he had remembered. And as he gazed into her noticeably hazel eyes, he realized she was downright beautiful. “You do you hair different? You look…”

  “Gorgeous!” Dorian finished for him and wrapped his arms around her from behind, snuggling his body up to hers.

  “Yes…I was thinking along those lines.” He couldn’t help notice the possessive move on Dorian’s part. There was no doubt that he considered Amber his.

  “Just taking good care of myself,” she said, squeezing the gentle hands that held her close. “Grady, would you like some iced tea? A Coke?”

  He put up a palm. “Nah…Gotta get going. Didn’t really think I could find out anything…but have to try any and everything.”

  “Understandable,” Dorian said, smiling briefly but ambiguously .

  “Well, you folks have a good afternoon.” He walked off to his Jeep.

  Dorian and Amber waved as he pulled out of the drive.

  Grady wondered where Star was and then saw him running up from the back woods with a pheasant in his mouth. He chuckled and drove off.

  Dorian followed Amber into the house. “Grady doesn’t really trust us,” he noted. Then to Star, who was trying to bring his prize catch in the house, he said, “You eat that out here.”

  Star let out a muffled woof, dropped down on the porch and tore into his kill.

  Amber just smiled at the dog and then said to Dorian, “I’ll put my paints away after a while. It’s dry out right now… air will help the paint dry quicker. Hopefully, we can finish it tomorrow.”

  “Hopefully,” he said, taking her in his arms. “I’m thinking Klaus and Sally will be over later, after she gets off work. That’s what I’m picking up from him, anyway. He wants to see if we can hunt down those vampires that are messing things up for us around here.”

  “I’m going!”

  “I know…You’d be hell to deal with if I tried to stop you. I know that now.”

  “Good!” she kissed him quickly. “Now…I need to use the bathroom.”

  Grady dropped by Paul’s. He needed gas anyway. He set the pump to fill the tank and went inside. Paul looked up from where he was stocking toilet paper on a shelf.

  “Hey there, Grady! How’s it going?”

  “So…So…You’re looking more chipper today.” He went up to his friend.

  “Yeah. I’ve accepted the fact that Amber is with Dorian now. No point in pining away the rest of my life away over it… Still hurts, but guess I’ll get over it in time.”

  “That’s my Paul.”

  “What’s on you mind? You look…perplexed.”

  “I know that Dorian wasn’t here during the vicious attacks. He just got back yesterday…according to him…Just left him and Amber. But there’s still something about him.”

  “Yeah, I get that, too.” But Paul wasn’t about to tell him what it was. At least, not at that moment.

  “Have you seen Amber lately?”


  “Have you?”

  Paul shook his head. “No…” It wasn’t exactly a lie. He hadn’t seen the human Amber. “Is she okay?”

  He guffawed. “She’s more than okay! She was pretty before. But you should see her now!”

  Paul set the box aside, stood and folded his arms in front of him. “And?’

  “Hell! She’s just about the prettiest thing I ever saw! Her skin looks like porcelain…and I got to looking at that Dorian. Paul – Dorian’s skin does too!”

  “You sure?”

  “Shit! I know I may be a little off sometimes…but I’m not that off. She’s changed…somehow. Really changed. You can tell it’s Amber to look at her, but it’s like she’s this whole other person.”

  “So…What do you think?”

  “That’s just it! I don’t know what to think. And I tell you one thing, that Dorian doesn’t make any bones about her belonging to him. It’s in his face, in his eyes. When I got there she was painting a portrait of him…And it’s a really good likeness.”

  “You don’t say. I knew she painted. But didn’t know she did portraits.”

  “Anyway, he jumped up and put his shirt on. He was bare-chested…and he folded his arms a
round her from behind, and the very action of it said it all. No disputing the message. I got the feeling he’d kill any man that came near her now.”

  “Hmmm,” Paul said, raising an eyebrow. “Glad I’ve accepted the situation.”

  “Though he seems nice enough…And I have no legitimate reason to suspect him of anything…I don’t trust him! Sorry…I can’t help it. And I think he’s responsible for this change in her.”

  “But don’t you think it’s a good change? That maybe she’s just really happy…and her happiness is what’s making her look so pretty? And it is what has brought about the change?”

  Grady snorted. “Well…You still loving her might give you a different perspective. Maybe one could look at it that way…but I’m still leery.” He hiked up his pants. “Guess my tanks full now…Better pay you and get back to work.”

  “I’ll ring you up.” Paul headed for the register and took Grady’s money.


  “Have a good evening!” Paul called after him.

  Two women customers filed in as Grady left out the door.

  It was nearing dark when Jerri’s dogs began barking excitedly. She jumped up from her kitchen table and peeked out back. She had Jeff inside with her, but the rest of the dogs were in the kennel. “Never heard such a ruckus in my life!” Just as she grabbed her coat and was about to open up the back door, she heard several consecutive screams in the distance. “Oh my God! Sounds like someone’s killing somebody!”

  She opened up the door but left the screen latched, now unsure what to do. There was definitely a woman screaming and something else – growling, savage growling, but it didn’t sound like any animal she ever heard. Hands now shaking, she took out her cell phone and called Clifford, as he was one of her closest neighbors. The phone rang