Read Pr*ck Charming Page 1

  Pr*ck Charming

  Royally Screwed: Book 4

  Madison Faye


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  Author’s Note

  Pr*ck Charming

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


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  His Captive Mountain Virgin

  Pretty Dirty

  Flirting With The Law

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  Author’s Note

  This is a novella length book of approximately 150 pages. I’ve included some extras in here as well, which may inflate the number of pages in your e-reader. So please be aware that this complete story of a book will “end” at around the 33% mark on your e-reader.

  Also, this book is exclusively available on If you are purchasing this book from someplace else, it is a pirated version :(.

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  Copyright © 2018 Madison Faye

  Cover: Coverlüv

  Photography: Wander Aguiar

  Pr*ck Charming

  He’s the most notorious bad boy in royalty.

  The kind of man your mother warns you about.

  He’s not the man you get drunk with, or get tattoos with.

  He’s not the man you wake up naked in a hotel bed next to.

  Oh, and he’s definitely not the one you accidentally marry.


  Rough, wild, uncivilized and filthy. The tabloids like to write all sorts of shit about me, but some of it’s pretty spot on. Like the tattoo I’ve got you-know-where?

  Yeah, that one’s true.

  I wasn’t looking for trouble that night, but I sure found it in her – Princess Faith LaFleur. If I’m the notorious bad boy, she’s just as infamous for being good, sweet, innocent, and untouched.

  I saved her from a tight spot, but it all gets fuzzy from there. Fuzzy, close, kissing, tattooed, a couple of “I-do’s”, and a whole bunch of naked from there. And the next thing I know, I’m waking up next to the last girl on earth I should have anything to do with.

  Because that sweetness comes with a whole big helping of sass, and there’s more fire in her than I ever saw coming. Oh, and throw in the fact that her father’s behind a plot to take my crown and steal my kingdom, and we’ve got ourselves what you might call a situation.

  The world will tell me that this is wrong, and that I should walk away.

  …Not a chance.

  First, I made her my wife. But now, I’m going to make her mine.

  Grab your best gown, put on your princess crown, and buckle up! Wickedly hot, dominant alpha prince? Check. Filthy, over-the-top, out-of-control fantasy? Also check. Packed with insta-love, kindle-melting steam and enough heat to make you summon a cold drink from your loyal subjects?

  Very, very check ;).

  Sit back, dig in, and enjoy! As with all my books, this one is safe, with no cheating, and a HEA guaranteed.

  Chapter 1


  I’m naked.

  That was the first thing that hit me as I slowly opened my eyes: that I was naked, and in a bed. But it wasn’t my bed. I blinked, and then suddenly, the second thing hit me, and it hit me like a ton of bricks to the head. I winced, the pain lancing through my temples and my stomach rolling with nausea.

  Okay, so this was a hangover.

  I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and seeing stars explode across my brain. Oh, this was definitely a hangover alright. My first one. Slowly, I opened my eyes to tiny slits, peering around the room. Okay, not my bed. Not my room either. No, this one was huge, and gilded, and…oddly familiar as my brain struggled to piece together the foggy bits of remembering what had happened last—

  And then suddenly, the third thing hit me.

  …I wasn’t alone in the bed.

  Strong, muscled arms held me tight, nestling me against a hard, chiseled, big, warm body.

  Yeah, I freaked.

  I gasped as I sprung from the bed like I’d been hit by lightning, jumping away from the bed and staring at the man still lying in it, his face buried in a pillow. I tried to swallow the dryness in my mouth as my eyes darted over his muscled body, my heart pounding as I glanced at the swirls and lines of tattoos criss-crossing his skin. My head spun and ached, my bleary eyes squinting as my brain tried to piece it all together.

  What the fuck did I do?

  I was in a strange, huge hotel room. In bed with a gorgeous, shirtless stranger. I was naked, and I remembered absolutely nothing. My pulse hammered through me, my breath coming in quick gasps as I slowly shook my head.

  …Please no.

  Please tell me I hadn’t just done what every sign pointed to me having done. Please tell me this wasn’t real. Please tell me I hadn’t slept with a stranger while completely drunk for the first time.

  …Please tell me I hadn’t lost my virginity to him.

  I turned, my breath coming in short, quick little gasps as my heart sank into my stomach. I felt the panic rising, my head spinning as I pushed my fingers through my hair. I froze, my eyes suddenly locking on my wrist — the wrist that was currently wrapped in a bandage and covered in clear tape.

  What the FUCK.

  I felt the panic explode through me as I scratched at the tape, clawing it off and ripping at the bandage as the fear lanced through me. I got my fingers under it, and without waiting another second, I yanked the thing off of me.

  Oh fuck.

  I didn’t know what I’d expected to find — a wound? Had I been in an accident? Had I been attacked? Whatever worst case scenario my brain had been jumping to, when I pulled off that bandage, I knew one thing: the reality was much worse.

  My eyes focused on the bright, red, fresh rose tattoo inked across my wrist, and suddenly, everything came rushing back to me.

  The concert.

  The man — the very same man still lying asleep in the bed. I remembered that look in his eyes, and that grin that promised all sorts of bad decisions. I remembered his touch, and his whispered words.

  It came back like a series of lightning bolts flashing through my mind. The drinks, and then more drinks, and then so many more that I lost track. The fountain, his hands on me, his lips so close to mine. I remembered the kiss, and for one second, I remembered the way the whole freaking world had just stopped when his lips touched mine.

  And then I remembered the rest of it, and this time, the room really did spin. I remembered the chapel, and the priest. I remembered saying certain words.

  Oh holy fucking shit.

  I staggered, blinding reaching for anything as I felt myself tumble. Because right there, I remembered something else.

  …I remembered getting married.

  Slowly, I turned, my hands covering my mouth as my wide eyes stared at the tatto
oed stranger lying naked in the same bed I’d just been lying in with him. No, not a stranger, I thought as it all came back to me in a horrible rush. Not a stranger at all. The man lying in bed — the one with the muscled, gorgeous body covered in beautiful tattoos — the one with the smug, cocksure, pulse-quickening smile, and the piercing dark eyes, and the filthy, panty-meltingly dirty mouth — wasn’t a stranger at all.

  The man in the bed was Prince Cole McCabe of Luthane. The most tabloid-infamous bad boy in royalty. The kind of man your parents warn you about. The kind you most certainly do not wake up naked next to. The filthy prince with the reputation as long as my arm. The one who allegedly had a tattoo on his, well, you know.

  The man lying in bed was all of those things. Oh, right. All those and one more thing…

  …My husband.

  Yeah. I was screwed. Royally, royally screwed.

  Chapter 2


  My pulse pounded in my ears. My stomach tied into knots, and my heart felt like it was sinking into my chest. I’d gotten drunk once — one freaking time — and I’d woken up with all of this: naked, tattooed, in bed with, and married to the biggest bad boy in the entire royal world.

  …My parents were going to kill me. Actually, for real kill me.

  I sucked in a breath of air, still feeling the room spin as I slid my hands up my face and pushed my fingers into my hair. I took a deep breath, trying to stop the spots swirling across my vision as I bent over and sucked in another breath.

  “Now that’s a sight a man could get used to waking up to.”

  I shrieked, my hands jerking to cover myself as I whirled and suddenly locked eyes with him.

  Prince Cole. Prince Cole who was very much awake, very much grinning at me, and very much letting his eyes drift over every single inch of me.

  “I— you—!”

  “And a good morning to you too.”

  My hand shot out and grabbed the comforter, yanking it off the bed against my body as I backed away, scowling at him.

  Prince Cole just chuckled, sitting up and then leaning back against the headboard with his hands laced behind his head. His grooved, perfect, inked muscles flexed, his abs rippling as he grinned that charming, smug smile at me. My eyes dropped low, and when I saw the thin sheet tenting over a huge bulge between his legs, I felt my cheeks burn as I quickly looked at the floor and hugged the blanket tighter.

  “Nothing I haven’t seen before, sweetheart.”

  My eyes darted back to him, narrowing as I scowled. I felt my skin tingle under that gaze, a shiver tease through me as his eyes slowly dragged over me, as if he was looking right through the comforter.

  “Coffee?” He stretched, wincing slightly himself as his fingers moved to rub his temples. “I could go for some coffee. Let’s get room serv—”

  “Did we…”

  The words tumbled from my mouth, my cheeks going bright red as I swallowed thickly. I took a shaky breath.

  “Did we, uh, you know…”

  Please tell me I didn’t lose my v-card DRUNK to this man. Please.

  “Did we what, Princess.”

  My cheeks burned as I chewed my lip.

  “Did we, you know, do it?”

  Cole’s grin grew wider, until a deep chuckle escaped his sinfully perfect mouth.

  “Do it? Did we do it?” He smirked at me, his dark eyes sparking. “You mean did my pee-pee touch your no-no—”

  “Just answer the question!” I blurted out, my grip tight on the comforter.

  Prince Cole didn’t answer me. He just leaned back, one hand behind his head and the other lazily and very distractingly teasing over his muscled abs. His eyes locked with mine, and when I felt that heated gaze burn right into me, I shivered, my thighs squeezing together.

  “No, Princess,” he finally growled.

  The breath I’d been holding came out in a whoosh, though there was a very confusing part of me that felt, well, disappointed before I shut that part of me up.

  “Trust me,” Cole grinned, winking at me. “You’d know.”

  I blushed, my eyes quickly dropping to the floor.

  “We didn’t, but you sure did beg for it.”

  My eyes darted up to his, my face burning hot as I glared at him.

  “You’re disgusting. I most certainly did not.”

  “Trust me. One of us can hold his liquor slightly better than the other one.”

  I blushed again, glaring at him.

  “I didn’t beg for anything, you ass.”

  “No?” He grinned. “Then riddle me this, Princess, how come one of us is buck-naked and the other one isn’t?”

  I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, my eyes shifting around the room — everywhere but him. More of the night was coming back in flashes — the shots of God knows what backstage at that concert I never should have gone to. The champagne in the limousine later. Jumping into that fountain clothes and all, holding his hand.


  Suddenly, he grabbed the sheet covering him and yanked it away. I shrieked, quickly jerking my head to the side and staring at the wall.

  Prince Cole’s deep laugh filled the room.

  “I’m dressed, prude.”

  Slowly, I turned back, only to gasp and quickly look away again. Oh, he was dressed all right — if you call a pair of black, skin-tight, molding to every single thick, big inch of his erection boxer briefs “dressed.”

  “Do you mind?” I hissed, staring at the floor as the heat burned through my face.

  “I could take ‘em off if you’re that bent out of shape.”

  I swear, I didn’t imagine him doing just that in my head. I swear.

  “Could you put some pants on please?” I muttered.

  “Could you?” He chuckled again. “Actually, don’t. I think I much prefer you naked.”

  Somehow, my face got even hotter as my eyes burned a hole into the floor next to the bed.

  “So, we didn’t…?”

  “No, Princess,” he said softly, his deep voice suddenly a little more tender.

  “But you sure did beg for it.”

  The scowl exploded across my face as I whipped my head up and glared at him.


  “Cheap date.”

  My eyes narrowed at him. God he was so fucking good looking. So unfairly good looking. The muscles, all of those sexy tattoos. That glint in his eye that sent a teasing pulse of something wicked right through me. And as much as I wanted to lie to myself about the little voice whispering inside of me, I couldn’t. And I couldn’t shut it up. The little voice that whispered that it knew that all I wanted to do was crawl back into that big bed with him and curl back up in those big arms.

  I quickly shook the insane thought away.

  What was I, fucking crazy? Yeah, it was time to get the hell out of there. The scowl returned to my face as I glared at him.

  “Where the hell are my clothes?”

  “So is that a no for ordering coffee from room ser—”

  “Where,” I snapped.

  Prince Cole grinned, nodding his chin to a sofa across the huge hotel suite. There, draped over the back of it was my dress from the night before. I gave him another glare as I wrapped the comforter round myself and stomped over. It was still slightly damp to the touch, and again, I remembered the fountain we’d jumped into. I blushed as I snatched the dress up and glanced back at him.

  “Um, do you mind?”

  “Mind what?”

  I pursed my lips. “I need to get dressed.”

  “Don’t let me stop you.”

  I huffed, whirling back away from him as I bunched the dress up and started to tug it over my head with the big duvet still wrapped around me. I yanked the dress down, when suddenly, I stopped. The duvet wrapped around my ankles, and I gasped as I suddenly went toppling over, the still-damp dress tangled around my arms and head.

  Strong, powerful hands were suddenly on me, tugging the dress down and pulling me to my fe
et. I jerked away, blushing as I felt the blanket tumble away from me, and I quickly yanked the dress down over myself, my head popping through the neck to see Cole standing right there in front of me.

  My breath caught, the nearness of him sending a heated thrill through me, and the scent of him making my heart skip. My eyes dragged down over his gorgeous body covered in all that ink, down lower and lower, until my eyes landed on the still hard, still huge bulge tenting his boxers.


  I swallowed, pulling my eyes back up to his. Yeah, big mistake. I blushed, feeling the heat and the power in those dark eyes of his burn right into me.

  “I still think I prefer you naked.”

  I blushed, shaking my head and scowling at him again.

  “Where’s my underwear?” I snapped.

  He frowned, one hand coming up to stroke his perfect, chiseled jaw.

  “I honestly have no idea.”

  I groaned. “Whatever. I’m leaving.”

  I watched his jaw twitch, and his eyes flashing something.

  “I’ll call you a car.”

  “I can call my own car, thank you very much,” I snapped back.

  “Fine,” he growled.

  I looked down, my lip pulling back between my teeth.

  “Did we…I mean…” I took a shaky breath before I forced myself to raise my eyes to his. “Did we really get married?” I glanced down at my bare hands, and then down at his. “I mean, we’re not wearing rings.”