Read Preacher Man Page 20

  The young Grygorian Guardian was so nervous at seeing the unannounced Royal visitors that he hit the red emergency button to summon an officer. His pachydermal nose waved about as he tried to figure what to do. His voice grew even more squeaky and nasal as he tried to stall the royal visitors. "Nyes, ma'am, nnwe cann take nnyou nnere as soonn as we can nnget nnsomeone nhere nto ntake nnyou."

  A Triandese captain strode quickly to the gate, “What is the meaning of that alarm, Mister?”

  Still too nervous to speak well, the Grygorian stepped aside and pointed at Royal visitors. The captain's face immediately broke into a smile. She ran toward the group, “Tristan, you old mud dauber. What are you doing here?”

  The leader, a tall, brown skinned female had been half turned away speaking to one of the other planners. She turned at the sound of the captain's voice, “What the… holy mother of pearl, Sheel, baby." and hurtled herself into a massive bear hug. Triandese lion women had been known to break the ribs of large males in wrestling matches. No one would have considered getting in their way.

  Tristan continued after the round of hugging, "Well, ya see, I get a call last night from the Vice Frog face his self. He says, ‘shake our boots over ta some back water fort.”

  Sheel’s hackles rose on the back of her neck and shoulders, “I’ll back water fort, ya…” she drew back her fist.

  “Come on, baby sister, I’m jest teasin’ ya. Any way, That man's always in a hurry, but, he's the boss frog.”


  “So, I rounds up my boys, the boss sends us his personal flier, and the next thing we know, I'm here lookin' at you, Sis.”

  “Well, tell me. Are y'all gonna build us a new church, are ye?”

  “If'n that's the job, we're the one's ta git 'er done.”

  “I reckon you are, Sis. Come on! I'll fetch ya' ta the old man. He'll be chewin' on his crutch cuz you'ns showed up unnannounced. Gone make my day jest ta see that.”

  “Sounds like a fine way ta start my mornin’, baby sister. Thanks. You know how I love ta jab these backwater wanna be Napoleons.”

  “If’n I know him… and I do… he's about to give birth to a water melon turd. He probly thinks yer here ta replace him. I got two questions.”

  “Shoot, Sister.”

  “Kin I watch ya jab the Frog?”

  “The more the merrier.”

  “Will ya bunk with me, darlin'?”

  “I don’t know, we gone be here fer two moons. I caint eat yer cookin' that long.”

  “Oh, come on…”

  “I mean it. I aint eatin' yer lousy grub.”

  “I wasn’t gone tell ya but, ya drug it out of me. Ya don’t haf ta worry bout ma cookin’. I got me a cooker-boy since I got these captain's bars.”

  Tristan made a big deal out of inspecting the new brass on her sister’s collar, “So ya finally fooled 'em, eh? And it comes with live-in boy toys?”

  Sheel ignored the insult and continued, “Now don’t be making fun. My little fellers a good'n. If'n yer nice ta me, I'll let ya play with him. Ya got a play easy though. He's one of them Earther males and he breaks easy...” and off they went, exchanging gossip, punching each other in the shoulders when they exchanged insults.

  The rest of the planning patrol followed behind. They were Frogger males. They were dwarfed in size and ferocity by these two Amazon females. They knew better than to speak when Tristan met one of her sisters on an outer-world job. She was quick of temper and quicker of violence when angered. She owned them and they knew it. She built well and her jobs came in under budget. All the extra money went to them, so, they knew they had to just stay out of her way and do what ever she said.

  They finally got to the Commandant's office. She turned to them, “Look, you guys take a hike around the outside of this fort to scout the best location for the Cathedral. The Vicate wants it outside of the influence of his cousin.”

  “Aye, aye, ma’am.” They saluted and headed off to meet her demands. Stiffly, she was ushered into the office with no waiting. Tristan delivered her orders and stood quietly watching him digest this new bitter pill. Each order was signed by the Viceroy personally. The orders had arrived in the flier at Transdeer, Tristan's home, only this morning.

  They were always prepared to jump at a moments notice on the whim of their benefactor. They had scrambled and got on board within a few ticks. She left orders for the rest of the crew to follow with the equipment on the next shuttle out bound. Now, only hours after hearing of this commission, they were already here.

  To builders, one place to build was just like another. The challenge of a new job to do was enough for them. As the Viceroy's favorite builder-planner, Tristan was used to this kind of pace. Pressure was her specialty. She got jobs completed on time. This forced the Royal family to overlook her rather harsh personality flaws.

  He tossed it on the desk, “Why was I not conzulted about zzis?”

  She picked up one copy of her orders and tucked them into her jacket. She left one copy on the desk, “I think the Crown Prince keeps his own council. I was only told this morning. My orders, LIKE YOURS, have the Royal seal. That's enough for any loyal soldier of the realm."

  “What can I do now… orders are orders. It's his credits. What do you need?”

  “I will need local assistance to hire laborers. I will be chosing from your pool this afternoon. I reckon we’ll be here six to seven weeks.”

  “Wha..? You are taking my miners? In those same six to seven weeks, the mine must be rebuilt! We are behind schedule as it is. This is an outrage.”

  She ignored his whining, “and I have security needs.”

  “Ummm… So?”

  “While I’m here, I’ll be borrowin’ this puny captain.” Although she received a poke in the ribs from Sheel, she paid no attention. “I need her and her main squad to aid my efforts. She says that she is the officer of the day. She will have to be replaced. I am sure that anyone can do it.” another poke drummed against her back.

  Tristan loved seeing the sweat break out on the Commandant's forehead when he saw her Emperial signet. She loved ordering these petty napoleons around when ever she could. What she didn't know was that she had been specifically chosen by the Viceroy mostly because of the grief that he knew she would be giving this Commandant.

  The Commandant knew that his performance would be monitored closely. If he ever wanted to get off of this hellhole of a planet, he had better go along with this obnoxious female. He smiled, “Pleeze take what ever you need, Madame Builder.”

  Taking their leave of the Commandant, they headed for the bazaar. “Does he always smell like that?”

  “Hell, he usually smells worse. They cleaned him up when we heard you was at the gate.”

  “Damned Froggers always smell like a swamp in the heat.”

  “He smells like one when it's freezin’ cold, too. Look, there's our Padre now.”

  Tristan saw a tall man walking among the people outside of the Command Office. Everyone stopped him to touch his hand in the two fingered greeting of Tarra. People extended their pointer and middle fingers and touched them lightly and then their own forehead. The braver ones would speak a greeting. The ones who were too shy simply reached out to touch his new, blue robe as he passed.

  Zeer was acting nonchalant. Pretending that this meeting was an accidental sighting of an old friend, he looked up, smiled in recognition, and headed their way. “Captain, How nice to see you again. Isn't this a lovely day.”

  This meeting was no accident. He had headed for the main gate plaza to meet them when he heard one of the Par Cat guards telling the others mentally that a Royal flier was landing. Tapping into their mental news line kept him up on things.

  “Father, how are the new babies and their mammy?”

  “Fine, Sheel. Everyone is fine.”

  “I shall have ta get by ta see 'em today.”

  “Fine...fine...They’ll be home by supper… Who's yer friend ?” He was studying the wom
an before him. Except for her sister, she stood a full head taller than her group. She was broad and muscular. Her fur was short and a chocolate brown. Her fur had tiny silver stripes that only showed in direct sunlight. Triandese were humanoid like Parcats. Unlike, Parcat paws, their hands were more like human hands, having no fur in the palms and no claws. They wore little or no clothing in the heat, just a vest for carrying stuff. Her feminine parts were large and well formed. She was beautiful. There was an instant attraction between them.

  “Zeer, darling.” purred Paris into the back of his mind. He straightened up with a shock. “Do thee wish to ever see me and these wee bairns again, sir?”

  “Yes, Par,” acting innocent.

  “Alright, because I love thee. Thee may look. Dinna touch, my sweet.”

  “Now, darling… I have no need for other females beyond thee.”

  “Dinna fergit it, Daddy.”

  The two sisters, who had no mental speech capacities, were unaware of all of this. “May I introduce you, Father, to my sister, Tristan Denoor. She has come bearing the Viceroy's signet and seal to build us a right proper church.”

  “Well, Tristan Denoor, I am truly glad to make your acquaintance.” He took her hand in a firm grip. “I certainly did not expect to see results this quick from the Royal decree.”

  She smiled sweetly at him. “I am on a short order. May we begin, Father?”

  “By all means, Madame Builder, please begin. How long do ye think it’ll take…”

  “Coupla moons, mebbe.”

  “It’ll be grand ta watch. Beyond the occasional dustup, we get little enough excitement out here in the deep desert.” Walking slowly together in the morning heat, they arrived at a tent. Tables had been set up. On it, her newly returned crew had pinned down lexite sheets with the drawings they had just made. Until the noon meal time, Tristan and the other planners worked with Zeer to choose a site.

  The spot chosen was in a corner of two walls outside of the compound. She told no one of her secret orders sent by special courier. She owed a favor to the Holy Visitor. He assured her that he would discharge the debt if she made sure that under no circumstance was she to build the church with in the original walls. She wanted to build more for him. She was determined to succeed.

  Zeer squinted up at the suns. Another landing craft banked over the parade ground and landed just outside the walls.

  “That’ll be the last of my boys. I suspect they are bringing in the rest of the equipment…”

  Zeer smiled, “Let’s go have a look, shall we?”

  Sheel pointed, “I got us a couple a grounders.”

  Tristan pounded her on the back, “You’re the best, baby sis.” They all piled into the grounder and took off in a cloud of dust. The builders piled into another grounder that was waiting and followed.

  Zeer stood in the shade of the wall and admired the view, “Why, Sister Tristan, this is a grand site fer a grand church.”

  “Yes, Father, let’s build a hum dinger.” She turned to the men waiting nearby, “You heard the man, let’s build us a church!”

  The crew began measuring and laying out the stakes. Zeer watched them from a shady spot as the Cathedral and his Rectory were laid out. Late in the afternoon, as the crew was nearly done, the Commandant's grounder rolled to a stop in a cloud of dust. "What is going on?"

  "We are placing the church stakes, Sir."

  "Why is it out here? How am I to protect a church outside the fort." He brightened, “Is a new wall going outside this place?"

  "I am sorry, Commandant. The Viceroy gave me specific size requirements for his cathedral. There was no place large enough for the size of a church called for by his orders inside the walls."

  "But, but, the new wallz? Madame Builder, I must insist on a larger fort then.!!!”

  She got into his face, towering over the little man, "As you can see from these clusters, Major, that you are addressing a superior officer. You will mind your tone, Mister!”

  The little man gulped visibly, “That’s not what I meant. I was expecting a larger fort to encompazz za new buildings.”

  "Aint gonna happen, Major. I aint got no orders to build no new walls. I gave you your copy of our orders. You did read them, didn’t you. No orders for other new buildin’s were ordered. What his Majesty says goes. Dat’s da law."

  “Of course, I read them…I was just asking.”

  “Asking is a dangerous business. That’ll git ya in trouble every time, Sir.”

  “Why couldn't we juzt move a wall. The fort was too small anyway.” He had expected that this new church would add to the dimensions of the fort. If he could upgrade from MS Class to District Class, he would get that Rear Admiral's Star that he wanted and not even have to move.

  “I am sorry. We have no orders for the walls to be redone in any way... I was given strict code guide lines and I must follow them to meet these codes.” She shook a booklet at him, “My orders are to build the Viceroy’s Cathedral outside of the walls. That’s what I will do.”

  “But... But...”

  Sheel stood over the little male, letting him sputter. He was so angry that he couldn't even speak. He sputtered, turned on his heel, and practically dove into the grounder. She could see him whipping the cushions on back of the driver's seat as they sped off into the growing dusk.

  As the first circle of the sun touched the horizon, “Got to go, ladies. Duty calls at Evensong. Its been fun.” Zeer got into a grounder and the driver raced with him back to the gate. Quickly climbing the gate steps, he drew himself up and pulled his hood forward. He dropped his blue cloak to allow the white one underneath to show.

  Sheel grabbed Tristan’s vest and pulled her into the other car, “Come on, big sis… you aint never seen nothin’ like this in them other places you build. You need inspiration about why you’re buildin’ this boy his own cathedral.”

  “I saw the viddies.”

  “It aint nothing like watching him live.” They raced after him and ran into the courtyard of the fort just as he was spreading his arms to begin. Without saying a word, the entire bazaar gathered around the two lionesses in a half circle facing the two suns. Together, they chanted the EvenSong Vestry from memory

  "To seek the glory of the Master's face." Zeer and the lucky watchers finished their prayers just as the orbs slid below the mountainous horizon in a red bath of fire and clouds. His luminescent robes appeared to burst into flames.

  Tristan whispered reverently, “You were so right about the the Fire Eagle. I’m glad you dragged me out to see one live.”

  Sheel turned to her sister and replied in an awed whisper, “This place has its moments.”

  “I sure can see that…” Then she noticed the Commandant coming at her again, “Not many, though. We gotta jump!” Laughing, they jumped into their grounder and drove off.

  “That Preacher Man of yours is good.”

  “Yes, Ma'am. That he is.”

  “Does he play?”

  “No, Ma'am, no he don't. He's got him one of them purty Parcat wife. She just gave him two new born younguns.”

  “We Tritonians simply caint compete with Parcats. Them girls got some girlie witchcraft in 'em.”

  “Yup, that they do. An I don' unnerstand it neither. They's so tiny and weak and we be so strong.”

  “Always my luck, eh. I shore do like to play with the big ones when I kin git one.”

  “Zip yer drawers, missy. I got a Earther fer ya. Don' fergit that.”

  “Oh, well, if'n that's all I kin git. I'll take a boy, if'n I caint git no man.”

  “Always a woman's lot...”

  Rousing himself from his meditations, Zeer turned to Tristan. “We'll need a big window to catch the light from these glorious double suns. The effects here are so spectacular. It would be a shame to miss them.”

  “Yes, sir. I was a thinkin' that my own self. We can do that. I'll try ta make it as if we was outside even when yer inside where it'll be nice and cool.”
  “Have at it, girl.”

  “Ya see, mostly I build military stuff, Father. I shore am excited by the chance ta make somethin' purty. I gotta make the walls as thick as the fort. I have a new Terraplast that is clear. I hear they’s makin’ it with colors… I’ll check my journals ta see what I kin git!”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Tristan and Sheel had a spy in the Palais. Their niece was in the Vicate’s personal guard. She hated the smell of the pond, but, the pay was excellent. Later that night, the girls called her. Juni told them what the two Froggers had discussed about the fort on their way home. Sheel turned to Tristan when they clicked off, “I’m gonna have to get a new assignment now. Them Frogger's plans could kill my career.”

  Tristan had an idea. “I have a plan. We’ll jist get you assigned to guard the new cathedral. That should remove you from the political disaster the VR and his boys are planning for yer boss frog and this fort.”

  “Oh! Could ya do that, Tris?” Sheel was relieved. “My black market in Quallium is not doing too good. By the way, kin ya take some ta Ma? She’s been running low.”


  “What else do you know.”

  Tristan answered, “You see, the Vicate and the VR are this here Commandant’s cousins. There is some serious bad blood between them boys. The Vicate has it worst. He was the Frog behind the plan ta remove the church from the fort. He knows that this arrangement will also remove the church from the military jurisdiction. He never misses any opportunity to kick his cousin in the pants.”

  Sheel was recovering, “It’s gotta happen fast. The VR’s plan will put us all out of a job. His plan will cause the people to move outside PDQ. The fort would be declassified from a fort back to a mining town.”

  Tristan chimed in, “Nope… You wasn’t listenin’ right…It’ll be upgraded to a district. The two V’s will be watching the population closely, to strike the fort's colors at the right moment and the Commandant will become a Centurion Major again, just when he’ll think he should get a Rear Admiral’s Star.”

  “The Vicate must hate that boy somethin' awful. Juni told me the other day that when he heard the plan he had begged to be present for that ceremony. She was sayin how it was all she could do to keep from laughing yesterday when the Vicate was telling one of the Visiting Cardinals that His Holiness is hoping that the Commandant will blow a blood vessel.”

  “Preacher Man?” Listening to the two Amazons in his head, he had forgotten all about Paris waiting for him at the hospital. She was to stay until sundown to protect the bairns from the heat while bringing them home.

  “Yes, me darlin...”

  “When are ya comin' ta get me outta this place...?”

  “Soon as I kin get there. I been buildin' us a home.”

  “Work, work, work...”

  “I want a proper home for the wee bairns. Wait’ll ya see it!”

  "Just hurry!"

  "You just rest..."

  "Paris missy snuggles."

  "Very funny, Missus."

  “Say, ladies, may I borrow this here buggy ta get me family ta home?”

  “It’s yours, Father. We’ll order another’n”

  “Pick it up when you come fer a visit later.”

  “Nope… That’s not the plan, Father. You and the Missus keep it for inspecting your church. Good luck.”

  “Thankee.” He jumped in one of the grounders and headed for the hospital.

  When they emerged from the hospital, they found most of their flock waiting to see the new family. Every one crowded about, "So sweet... What's their names?"

  There were so many questions. Paris handled them sweetly and gently. She was now the Shepardess. Her responsibilities to the flock were many. She wanted Zeer to be as proud of her as she was of him. The next morning, the grounder was still at their door. They took it to watch the Terraformers hard at work constructing their church. Zeer and Paris watched with the boys at a distance. There was much activity and little danger.

  Framers spent the next week arranging hard metal poles into the proper shape. It was rounded on the sides having no corners. It was gigantic, holding forty to fifty thousand souls easily. The roof inclined sharply to the top of the walls of the fort to a single point. The bell tower reached almost to the canyon rim. This was the classic shape required by The Cathedral Commission.

  Huge hoses were set up and attached to booms. Gradually, layers of soft Terraplast came out of the hoses attached to pumper vehicles that had just come in by road from Space Port City. The pumpers had been landed at the port. Placed on trailers and long hauled across the desert. The formers, hanging from cranes off the fort walls, smoothed it and prodded it into the shape while it was hardening. Each day, another layer was laid and molded. The workers sweated and cursed the suns as they worked. They could only work a few hours in the morning and a few hours after sundown. It went slowly. Tristan fumed and raged at the slow pace. Her reputation was at stake. She was glad that she had bid the job out at double the time. At this rate, she was just barely going to get it in.

  Anyone who was off duty came to watch the new walls take shape. Tristan grabbed as many of them as she could, at the Commandant’s expense, as extra laborers. He watched the construction on the local viddies and watched his profit quota disappear in a sea of red ink. The mine repair was going too slowly. At this rate, he would lose his commission.

  Since the walls of the church would become the new outer wall, it was as thick as the old outer wall. "Them thick walls will make living inside of our Rectory so much cooler, Sonny..."

  "Aye, Dad. This'll be me first home in almost thirty cycles."

  "This'll be my first home ever." piped in Paris.

  "We'll just have to make it extra special, then, won't we, love."

  "Yes, sir, that we shall."

  "You two are so sweet. Yer givin' me cavities."

  They paid him no mind, holding one child each in the shadow of the fort wall and watched their new home take shape. They were asked from time to time where the doors and the windows should go. Except for that and tending the flock, they were left alone watching Tristan and her group.

  The next morning, Zeer moved the bus out to the garage area inside of the church built onto the fort. That was when he had found out about his new status. The same Tritonian was at the gate. Without even motioning Zeer to stop, the guard bowed low and waved the craft through the gate. Zeer took no chances on the guard changing his mind. He drove through the gate and parked his vehicle in the new garage.

  Passing back into the gate, he stopped at the guard house, "Good morning, me son."

  “Good morning, Father, please pass right through.”

  “This is so odd, Paris. I never expected to get through without at least a perfunctory search.”

  "Yes, it is quite odd."

  He had dropped his stash of Quallium over the wall beside his new home while pretending to watch the construction earlier in the evening in preparation for this move.

  "It never hurts to be prepared fer the worst, sonnie."

  "Aye, Dad."

  He leaned close to the Guardian, "Tedra, me son, what gives?"

  “Thee are under the personal protection of the Viceroy, now, Father.”


  “Yes, placing you outside of the fort has released you from the rules of this fort. Thee may come and go as thee pleases.”

  “No more 20% tax, eh, laddie buck.”

  “Aye, Dad. I'll wager he turned two shades greener when he hears the Viceroy's people tell him about that one.”

  “I'd have given a gram of Quallium to have been there ta see it.”

  “Me own self as well.”

  As the summer waned, the building was done. A secret gate was carved into the wall of the fort. Zeer moved Paris, their boys, and their stash of Quallium into the Rectory. He was preparing now to make his first turn around the district. Zeer and Tristan knew of Sheel's wish to be rid of the Commandant.

  Tristan got the Cathedral done two weeks early. The Viceroy called to congratulate her. She showed him the viddys of the Cathedral and the Rectory, “Very nize, Madame Builder. How may I reward you?”

  “Sire, I thought you might want to form a special Legion to guard your new Cathedral.”

  “Yez… yez I do.”

  “Well, the Commandant’s aide is an excellent officer,” she keyed up Sheel's service record. Her face was replaced by this document on the VR’s viddy screen, “perhaps you might consider her as the new commander of your Cathedral Guardians. I know that she would do thee proud as a Major in this post.”

  “I will conzzider it...” and the screen went blank.

  The next morning, the Commandant’s communication screen crackled to life. A single Lance Corporal was alone at her desk. “Incoming orders… Admiral Detura on deck… Pipe all hands!”

  The LC stood at attention at her desk. She saw the Admiral’s adjutant staring glumly at her. She stuttered, “Aye, aye, Sir… Lance Corporal Mina Delaflor on deck, Sir.”

  “Where is the Commandant?”

  “I I I don’t know for sure…”

  “Don’t lie to protect him, LC… my Admiral wishes to speak with him.”

  While she was almost certain he was still in bed, she said nothing. “Missy… you go find him right now and have him call me at this number.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir.” The adjutants face faded from the screen. With a whoosh of breath, she collapsed in her chair. She hit the Captain of the Guard’s beeper.

  Sheel called in, “Report?”

  Major, Admiral Dentura was on the comm, sir. He’s looking for the old man.”

  “And you figger he’s still in his rack?”

  “Yes’m. It’s barely tenth arn, and he never comes in before the nzed mid day news.”

  “I’ll handle this, LC. Retain your post.”

  “Aye, Aye, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Send me the number.” They exchanged salutes. Sheel turned to her sister as she clicked her speecher closed. It beeped that the message had come through.

  “What’s up?”

  She practically threw Tristan into their grounder, “Come on, Sis. We’re gonna have some fun.”

  They passed Zeer as he was walking back from a home visit. “Can you come with us, Father?”

  He looked at faces of the women, “And why should I do that?”

  “Cause ifn ya don’t, yer gonna miss the Commandant getting’ a butt kickin’ from his Admiral.”

  Zeer jumped in, I would na miss that fer a pirate’s ransom.”

  They drove quickly to the Commandant’s quarters. The young soldier guarding the door was astounded as two officers and the Father barged through the door with out so much as a by your leave to him. They found the Frog lying in a dried patch of mud and puke. Quietly, Sheel pushed his vid unit over by the drunken sleeper. She turned the volume to full blast and, rapidly entering the number into the keyboard, hit the call button.

  The admiral’s adjutant came into view, “What is the meaning of this???” bellowed the Rear Admiral at full blast.

  The Commandant was stunned into awakedness, “I…uh…what izzz zizz?” He struggled to a sitting position with his back against the wall.

  “Explain your self, Mister!!!”

  “I… ummm… What time is it?”

  “Nearly the eleventh arn, Mister… Why are you still in your rack?”

  “I was out til nearly dawn chasing pirates out at the edge of the valley.”

  “Get yourself ship shape, Mister. I want you in your office in 20 ticks for a call from the Admiral.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir.” He snapped a salute as the screen went blank. The others left him there saluting at the blank screen.

  Back in the grounder, Zeer said, “Where to now?”

  “I got something to show ya. She drove to her new office. They roared through the gate with out stopping. The three of them ran into her office. She typed some instructions into her comm. unit.

  A corner cam in the old Commandant’s office flickered into view. The Commandant came into his office. The Lance Corporal made herself scarce. Before he could respond, the comm. unit crackled to life, “Admiral on the deck…Attention!”

  The Commandant snapped to attention. “In what universe do you suppose that you have the right to keep me waiting over an arn, Mister!”


  “SILENCE,” roared the Admiral. “These are your orders.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir.” The Commandant said softly.

  “Which part of SILENCE don’t you understand,” roared the Admiral again.

  “We are upgrading in rank a certain Capitainne de Legionairres Sheel Denoor to a Legion Major. She was commissioned to form a Legion of Guardians from the available local pool of trained personel.”

  “My… My troops???”

  “Your Troops??? Are these not the Empra’s troops???

  “Yes, of course, but this fort?”

  “Your fort’s status is shakey, Mister.” For once, the Commandant kept quiet. The girls were holding their sides from laughing.

  Tristan perked up when she heard her name. “Major DeNoor is to lead this Legion in defense of the Viceroy’s new Cathedral.

  “Aye, aye, sir.”

  “Further, you are ordered to perform the advance in rank in a public ceremony.”

  “Today, sir?”

  “Immediately, Mister.”

  The Commandant was all too glad to do this as he thought this would surely be leading to his elevation to Rear Admiral. Still, he fumed that he would have to recruit and train new troops. He was sure that the feeding and housing these troops. The worst part was that her troops couldn't be controlled. He was too drunk or stupid to see that his power was slowly being drained away.

  Both Tristan and Sheel’s beepers went off. The message was a full assembly. Zeer went with them. He noticed that Trevor and Jani were set up to film. He connected, “Trev?”


  “This oughta be good…”

  “That’s why we stayed here. You back water bumkins are hot news.”

  “Very funny, bucko.”

  The Commandant went through the motions. He pinned on the Major’s new rank. Tristan had brought out her old clusters for the event. Once that was done, he read the print out of the Admiral’s orders and stalked off.

  In the weeks that followed, Zeer began to consider the vastness of his charge. His new area and flock now consisted of the entire valley and all of the Purgatory canyons. The canyons were dotted with little tiny mines that only supported a few miners, but were still producing well. Zeer knew that he needed to make contact with the elusive natives. He and Paris fought a bit, but she knew he had to go. She got him to wait until the boys were older and the church was done.

  “What if I wait til after harvest of me garden?”

  “All right…but I won’t like it.”

  He swept her into his arms, “Thee…”

  His plan was to take his bus around his parish to see his new flock and bring them the Master`s Word. Sheel and her aide were going to accompany him on his bus for first turn. Another busful of troops would stay with them. It eased his mind knowing that the rest of the new Legion of Guardians would stay with his family.

  The next item on the agenda, though was to get the Cathedral blessed. Once again, the news crews descended on Emeswan. Tristan had made powered parking lot for their buses outside the church where they paid no parking fees. On schedule, the Royal Flier arrived, bumping softly next to the new stage that Tristan had built for this day with some leftover Terraplast.

  Now, the Royals could just emerge from the cool ship, do their business and within a few ticks, they would be right back in a friendlier environment. Zeer was waiting on the platform as the door whooshed open. Tristan bounded out first, dispensing hugs all around to the ones waiting for the Royals to emerge. Zeer beamed, “This is an unexpected pleasure, Tristan.”
  “I wouldn't miss this for the world, Padre. I never built anythin' as purty as this and, now, we gonna make the viddys. Mebbe I'll get ta do more churches instead of forts and bunkers. I might become famous as an artiste.”

  Zeer laughed and went off to see to final arrangements. When all was ready, the viddies were running, he signaled the provost, a Par Cat officer in the VR’s personal staff. She ducked inside and the The Vicate and the Viceroy came out to stand behind Tristan. No mention was made of the absence of the Commandant, who at this moment was trying to sober up and dress. He had not been warned (on purpose) of the visit as a further embarrassment.

  The old priest touched Tristan’s shoulder. She turned and knelt before them.

  “You will have rightfully earned any fame you get, Sister. This is a beautiful church. A fine Cathedral to bring the Master's Word to the flocks of Tarra.” They waddled on past the kneeling soldiers and builders to see the rest of the church. It was only a few steps through a beautiful rock garden. Cameras on the fort wall got a great overhead view for the viddies.

  Sheel grabbed Tristan and they walked off arm in arm. Both were talking in whispers nonstop at the same time. Neither appeared to be listening as only sisters can do. The Royal entourage came to the large stone porch in the shadow of the church.

  "Your Majesty... Your Grace," Zeer knelt and kissed the rings of the Viceroy and the Father Visitor, “Welcome to the Master’s newest home.”

  Just then, the Commandant’s grounder rolled to a stop and he piled out, “Your Majesty. Your Grace,” he knelt.

  “You’re late again.”

  “I…I…wasn’t told of your arrival.”

  The Viceroy waved his hands like he was swatting flies, “I have no time for you now. We will deal with you later. Go to your office and consider your fate.”

  They walked past the stricken man, frozen in his spot. Zeer laughed inwardly as he quickly lead them into the cool sanctuary. “Come see the wonders that you have wrought.” The old men beamed and waved to the cameras and they went inside.

  Janni’s camera was the only one allowed to follow the group as Zeer walked them through the cool rooms. She had been jealous of the guy up on the wall for a second, but, he was still up there baking in the sun, and she was here in the cool with the best scoop of the day. Their shoes echoed in the vaulted walkways. Even the voices became hushed as they entered into the hallowed presence of the vaulted ceiling and the beautiful colored windows.

  Paris met them at the portal connecting the church with the Rectory. She was a gracious hostess. She liked being the Sheppardess. Like Zeer, she knelt and kissed both rings, “We are so proud to share our humble Rectory this evening.”

  “What will your cousin say about your visit?” said Zeer later as they were dressing for Even Song.

  “If he is smart, he will say nothing,” said the Father Visitor darkly, allowing Zeer and two other minions to fuss over his scarlet robes and cap. “Frankly, my son, this is the coolest that we have been since we have ever been here. This is a wonderful place for a church.”

  “You may thank the Master for guiding Tristan in finding the location, Your Grace.”

  “Yes, Colonel DeNoor is the best. Anyway, I told the Commandant that we must pray here all night before the blessing.”

  “I will pray for your stretches of the truth, Your Grace.” and they laughed together.

  In their room, Zeer and Paris were resting. Zac snorted, “I, fer one, will be sleepin' at the pleasure dome until this place is rid of reptiles."

  “Dad, Froggers are amphibians.” He could tell by the lack of energy in the room that knew the old man had already gone.

  They had timed the Dedication service to the setting of the two suns. The colored windows, shaped in a Fire Eagle were ablaze. The Vicate moved to a special section of the dais. As head raised his arms in a pure white robe, one of the acolytes activated the lifters. The Vicate was centered in the eagle. His voice, high and clear led all of the Even Song rites.

  The music was perfect, the people joined their Vicate, honored and a little awed by his presence. His prayers of dedication were poignant and clear. He finished with a call. “We gather in the hand of the Master to plead for the Master’s Spirit to remain in this place…”

  “O main…” intoned the crowd.

  “To plead with His Spirit to fill and feed the seekers who would be coming.”

  “O main!”

  “I ask the Master for wisdom and guidance for the new Sheppard and his new flock.”

  “O main!” was the last word. The Vicate rode the lifter down and stood in line to receive new converts as they went to the rooms to be gathered by acolytes.

  Janni caught it all for the news channels. There was much interest here. Since the new stardom of this new Father, any news from this town was big. This mine was the chief source of Quallium based energy for the sector.

  This Vicate, having aligned himself with the rising star of the Viceroy, was one of the Red hats that was being talked about when and if the ailing Papa should not recover from his current grave illness. There were even rumors that poison may be involved. This fuelled the rumor mills on all the entertainment/gossip shows. Her producer, matching this priest and this mine, was counting the rating points. It approached 98 % for this sector and more than 25 % for the entire net

  After the service, the crowd wandered off. The evening grew quiet as the new Father and his guests shared a meal on the shaded veranda. After a bit of sherry, Zeer and his guests turned in.

  In their bedroom, Zeer and Paris were preparing for sleep when a knock came at the door. It was Sheel. She came in, her face was all red. She appeared to be holding her breath. "What is it, lass?"

  That was it. With a explosion of laughter that startled the boys, Sheel bent over the bed. Without being able to help themselves, Zeer and Par began to laugh also. This went on for several minutes until the boys began to cry out in fear.

  The boys crying settled everything down at least enough for Sheel to tell her story between new bouts of laughter. "The Father... ha,ha,ha... Visitor... ha,ha,... regrets," this word sent her off for several minutes until she simply had no breath for laughing.." inform you...oh, my sides, I think I hurt myself, ha, ha, ha...that he will be sleeping in the Royal Yacht... Ha,ha, ha..."

  Zeer wiped tears from his eyes from his laughing, "He canna stay in me Rectory, lass?"

  This question sent her off laughing so much that she had to go into another room and walk around to compose herself. Zeer and Par tried to read her thoughts to figure out what had set her off. Her mind was a jumble of images. None of them made any pattern or sense. So, they gave up and waited for her return.

  She returned. Holding her hands out in front of her in a "stop" signal, she pleaded, "Now, don't say nuthin' ta me..." She was obviously struggling to get this out.

  Her audience waited patiently. They tried to keep their faces calm. they didn't want to set her off again. “Ya see them Froggers sleeps in water. Yer bed..." she almost lost it, but managed to barely hold on, "aint... aint got no water in it. He cain't unnerstan' how y'all kin sleep in such a dry bed; but, he says yer welcome to try." They all laid on the floor and laughed for a half an hour. Every time they almost stopped, one would look at the other and off they would go again. In the gray light of the desert planet's dawn, the entire fort turned out for a special Sunrise Service called, “The Light of the Master's Word” to welcome the newest Fold for His sheep.

  “Look out there, Father.”

  “Goodness, are these folks all here for us?”

  What they saw was that in the night, a tent city had formed all around the church. Miners and their leaders had gathered from the far reaches of the district to partake of the spiritual feast offered that morning. They were members of his Fold, too. In the first gray shades of light, they could all see the long line of supplicants.

  Zeer turned to his head usher, “Tan, me boy, start figgerin’ out whic
h of these is a delegation and which are just here fer confessions. I will meet with the leaders of all the little towns before the service. Gather the leaders in the small chapel.”

  Tan, a golden Par Cat Captain, bowed low, “Yes, Father.” He trotted off to get his troops organized.

  Within minutes, his efficient head usher was giving instructions over an out side loud speaker system. Immediately, the mob in front of the church began to organize itself. Several lines formed at the little doorways as all ten ‘confessional open’ signs were lit up. Confessional councilors began to hear their stories and assign penances to match.

  A much smaller second group moved in another direction toward a set of curved, peaked doors and into the small chapel. This room could hold several hundred. Zeer entered from the front vestry. The room in front of him was filled to over flowing. He gave more instructions to the ushers and within a few ticks, giant viddy screens came to life in the courtyard to carry this meeting to the ones who could not squeeze inside. Upon noticing ehir Sheppard, all of these grizzled creatures stood. Zeer waved his hands, “Sit… sit… its too early for formality… I will speak from here…There are too many of you this morning to fit in here today, so we will beam the meeting out to everyone.” The room grew quiet.

  “As you all know, I will begin my first tour of the newly formed parish of Emeswan soon. Ushers are passing out cards. Please fill out these invitation cards with directions and grid coordinates to your towns. All invitations are officially accepted. As your new Sheppard, I will personally visit each of the towns and mines on the outer rim in this trip.” The room erupted in applause

  “Now…as the tips of the suns are visible…I must get ready for Morgen Tide… Bless you all… let’s light this place up…” He left to thundering applause.

  He followed internal hallways to the main Vestry. He found his two Royal guests being dressed. He bowed, “Your Majesty, Your Grace, lovely morning for birthing a church.” Both men nodded as they were dressed. Zeer quickly got into his own blue garments.

  The head usher entered just as they were finishing, “Ready, gentlemen? Good. If thee will follow me, I will show you the best way to the Processional.” Their little parade bustled down a series of hidden pathways to the door. The head usher checked the screens, nodded to the Guardian General leading the tactical support crew. The general made a hand signal to his troops and they all sped out the door and fanned out to create a pathway for the procession.

  Ignoring the military escort, the procession formed in the doorway and began the slow walk to through the crowd. In the front of the procession was the Viceroy followed closely by the Father Visitor. They were decked out in their finest vestments. The tops of the walls were lined with the Viddy cameras. Their red dots could be seen in the dark. Until the Royals showed, the crews were hopping around trying to keep warm in the predawn chill. "Damn, how could a place be so beastly hot in the day time and so bloody cold at night?”

  "Hush, here they come."

  Once the procession began, they were totally focused on the show. They didn't want to miss a single frame. The Hero of Emeswan was getting his church and they were getting air time, the life blood of any newsie.

  In the twin sunlight's golden flames, the Fold and its new Sheppard were fully vested. Zeer thought to Paris, watching the Vicate work, “Say what ye like…the Frog’s a great priest…”

  “Aye, love, the ceremonies are beautiful.” People wept as the prayers were prayed and the songs were sung. As soon as the last prayer was breathed into the rapidly warming air of the court yard, all the off worlders headed for their vehicles to get out of there before the heat of the day ruined their mood or their hairdos which ever they valued most.

  Chapter 10