Read Preacher Man Page 28

  "This is too much." He took off the ring and replaced it in the box. He stuffed it in her pocket, "You keep the ring, I canna deal wi' it right now."

  She sliped the ring back on his hand and patted his behind, "All right, then, ma darlin' Preacher man. Be about thy Holy Mother Church's business. Morgen Tide awaits thee. Look at the sea of faces that waiting for this morning’s Fire Dance.”

  Zeer looked up, still stunned. “Aye… the Work.”

  “I must see to ma wee kits...I canna be bothered with thee any longer..." and she kissed him, pushing him out the door.

  "Blasphemy... I'll see thee in confession."

  "In thy dreams, boyo."

  "Thee are my dreams... asleep and awake, madam, asleep and awake."

  "And thee..." he heard softly in his mind.

  He sighed and softened, "Alright, me darlin'. When is the installation?"

  "Soon...I reckon they'll get to us any day now, when ever the Viceroy thinks he needs some more air time on the news."

  "Thee has no shame." He chuckled. "See ya later," he thought to her as he wandered out onto the veranda. There were four brown robed young freres, newly arrived Brothers of the Word. They knelt quickly and kissed his new ring. One spoke, "Ahhh... Cardinal ...yer Grace... we await thy orders. Sunrise nears," he pointed out at the crowd, "as thee can see, the people are again too many for an indoor service."

  "Calm down, boys… I aint elevated yet. I am still just a good Shepherd such as thyselves."

  Zeer looked out at the open square below. People had been pouring in for the Viceroy's visit. Tents filled every available space. "Come on, Sheel, push yer magic buttons. Let's go call the Suns." He climbed aboard the lift. Sheel did as asked and the pulpit rose over the crowd. She lifted him until he was framed by the two rising orbs of light.

  Zeer turned to the face double sunrise and spread his arms in the now familiar gesture. Then, he turned to the crowd as if a living flame and began. The thousands below sang the songs they had all come to love.

  Little Jim came up behind Sheel and rested a warm hand on her shoulder. She pressed herself back against him. The both looked up and sang. When the service was quiet, he whispered softly into her ear. "This bright sunrise makes you look lovelier than ever."

  "Thank you, dear." She patted his hand and continued singing.

  Paris came up to them as they stood with eyes constantly moving, more two than one. She waited, then, "Ahh Hum..."

  She noticed that Sheel and Jim were scanning the crowd. They were ever mindful of the dangers of the open air service. The thought that they needed to be so vigilant unsettled Paris. Paris whispered to Sheel, “Is he in danger up there?”

  “Nah,” said Sheel.”The front of that unit is clear, bomb proof, plas-steel. My sister terraformed the front to look like wood, but, it would take a direct rocket hit to give my sister’s work a tiny scratch.”

  “May the master ever bless your whole family, dear.”

  “We’re just doing our job, Sheppardess.” Joining hands, they added their voices to Zeer’s voice to the morning blessings. This morning, Sheel was truly thankful for her many blessings.

  After the service, the house staff brought out a round of drinks and snacks to greet the new priests. "Big doin's today, yer Grace. Thee needs ta keep up Thy strength..." said Mrs Tren, rocking one of the sleeping boys.

  He squeezed her hand, "It could be interesting."

  "Them Froggers just can't leave us alone, can they?" came a ghostly voice.

  Zeer ignored his father. Saying anything now could lead to another of his tirades. Sheel came in and knelt before him, “May I have an extra blessing, Father? The royal visits are a chore.” He placed his hand on her bowed head, and they had their private prayer.

  "Oh, pleeeese, now I have to listen to two sets of love birds gushing all over them selves," said the old voice.

  Paris defended her friends, "Zac, you old fart, they are not gushing."

  Zeer was just passing by and heard this last exchange. "Dad, some of us living people are in love."

  Paris continued, "Yeah, you old dust cloth, you should be so lucky."

  "I was... once..."

  "Yes, Dad. I remember." he said as went into the chapel for confessions. The new priests had lines going along with the staff who had been there longer. Things went so smoothly that Zeer was done quicker than usual.

  He came into the family room where everyone was gathered playing with the boys. He got Jim attention. "When do they arrive?"

  Little Jim looked up. "My security printout says they are to be here early this morning. It could be any time. My experience with the Imperion is that they usually want to be gone before it gets too hot for them or the news hawks sculptured hairdos." Just then, his belt radio spoke, "Jim...Royal boats ID is on the sat-grid."

  As one, they took off at a run for the landing area. Jim touched the side of the cube on his belt, "Are they coming down?"

  "The littler one is. The others are holding in orbit. They have debarked from the jump freighter. It looks like battle cruisers in a Zed Zeta security pattern around the biggest ship. I’m guessing that’s the royal barge. I’m sending you the visual."

  They turned the last corner to see the Vicate's flier settling down in a cleared area. They waited, but the portal didn't open. Gradually, the dust settled. Just then, the radio crackled again, "There's activity on the screen again, there it is! The second barge dropping, Sir!"

  They saw a silver dot grow into the Viceroy's Royal Barge settle in huge clowds of dust. They let the worst of it settle and moved across flight deck toward the craft. The Vicate waddled across the short distance and clambered into the Royal Flier.

  Zeer shrugged, "The Asker receives."

  Zzarrat and others converged on the door and waited as it was opened. Zeer pressed to the front. He blocked the path of an ancient fat little Frog woman, "Madame Secretary, I need to speak quietly with His Majesty."

  Zac’s ghost made a spitting sound, "Now, I really am leavin'."

  "Don't ya wanna hear my plan?"

  "If'n it involves them reptiles."


  "Like there's a difference."

  The little frog woman giggled. She had always liked Zeer. "Alright, you big cutie. I'll make room for you first."

  The secretary went back inside. In a few ticks, she waddled out, "Come on, I got you three ticks."

  He gave her his biggest grin and tickled her chin, "Oh, Thee are a dear." She giggled again. The rest of his small group waited by the stairs. In the room just inside sat the oldest Frogger that he had ever seen. He was wearing white robes trimmed in gold. Zeer knelt and kissed the Vicate's ring, "Holy Father," he said softly.

  In two rows on either side of the path to the Papal throne were some ancient Cardinals. One of them asked, "Did Thee get our little package?"

  "Aye! I must admit, I was confused."

  Another one looked at him quizzically, "Do Thee not wish to be elevated?"

  Zeer knelt again, "Holy Father, I must speak to Thee and the Viceroy first. Please excuse me."

  The old Frog bowed, “I understand. Let us go in now.”

  Before anyone could speak, he and the Papal See went into the next chamber where the Viceroy was being dressed for the news conference behind a curtain. He walked in to find the Viceroy sitting in a chair being ministered to by several small Froggers. "I beg to be able to speak with thee, Sire."

  The Viceroy looked impatient, "What is it, now?" He turned, and smiled, "Ah, our new Cardinal."

  He knelt before the little throne and leaned close and whispered, "Sire, I must confess that Thee does not know me at all. I canna accept this office without the truth."

  The Viceroy laughed a high, squeaky laugh, "Oh, you silly man, I know exactly who you are. I have a very good staff around me. I know that you to be Zeer MacTarn, brother to my sworn enemy, Shannon “Black Patch” MacTarn. I have known for some time that you were once a wanted
thief and a rogue.”

  “Sire… I am most astounded.”

  “Your sacrifice here in my mine has proven to me that you are more than that to me.”


  “More… Your work here forces me to call you a friend to this Office.”

  Zeer thought for a moment. The talks thay had enjoyed in the last few weeks had been friend to friend. “I am honored, Sire, that you see me as a friend.”

  “Right! So… For your servize to our crown, you are pardoned for any past crimes. Zeer MacTarn, the thief has died. You are alive. Act alive... help us now! We still have much work to do."

  Zeer put his head in the lap of his Empra, "Thank you, Sire. My family will continue to pray for thee daily."

  The Empra pushed him away gently, "Now, Zeer MacTarn, free man, get about our buziness. We have a show to put on for the Impirion to marvel at. Are Thee ready?"

  Zeer stood, "Aye, Sire, I am ready to serve Thee and the Master."

  He ran to the door, waved his friends inside, and lead them back over to the Vicate. He knelt and kissed his ring, "Will Thee ask me again, Holy Father?"

  The old Frogger looked around to make sure that the viddy cams were all working. A Tritonian in a headset nodded yes and pointed to the old Frog. He said, "Roan Taflick..."

  "Excuse me, Holy Father, my name is Zeer MacTarn, a free man... pardoned and free... "

  "Oh, yes, I forgot.” He began again, “Zeer Patrick MacTarn, will Thee accept the office of Cardinal to the faithful of this planet we call Tarra?"

  "I accept, Holy Father." A small cheer went up from his friends and family who had pushed their way into the small cabin.

  Zeer's blue robes were then removed and scarlet ones replaced them. The Papal Vicate inspected the large man before him. Finally, the he spoke in a high, squeeky voice, "Thee has done a great service to the Empra. For this, we and the Master have chozen Thee to serve this place and these people."

  An old paronese Cardinal at the center of the group said, "Come, Cardinal MacTarn, take thy place." He motioned to an empty seat on their row. Zeer walked over and sat. Again, there was applause from the group.

  Paris walked up, "I brought something for Thee, ma sweet." She handed him a ring with a large scarlet stone. Red lights shown deep within each stone. He slipped it on his middle finger next to the one he had been wearing. The others applauded, congratulating him.

  Then the Vicate rose. He turned to Paris and put an old scarred copy of the master’s Word in her hands. “Mrs. Mactar, as we all know, the Word must have a home. Every home needs a mother. The Vr’s church now has grown to a complex. Your rectory from this day forth is Purgatory Abbey. Will Thee serve as Abbess?”

  She kissed his ring. “It will be my honor, Your Grace.”

  The old man smiled at her. He held her hand. He reached to take Zeer's hand, "Be blezzed. Be well... we will see Thee later in your Abbey for a congratulatory meal."

  Zeer bowed and backed out. The rest backed out ahead of him. At the door, he said, "We will go ahead to prepare for Thy visit."

  Out of the door, they all hugged them both. Finally, Zeer got to Jimmy. "I am sorry that you had to find out this way, ma Friend."

  Jim looked sadly at his friend, "I was wondering when you would trust me enough to tell me."

  "How long have you known who I was?"

  "I have known a long time, but, by the time I found out, you had saved hundreds of miners and become a major hero. I checked you out thoroughly. In the more than two cycles since your arrival, you have proven that you are not the man described in your file."

  "I'm not, never was really, you know how legends outgrow the men inside them.”

  “Yeah… Noone could be that good… or that bad.”

  “I had wanted to retire for a long time. One of the trades that my father taught me was to be a traveling preacher man. It felt very natural when I found this vehicle and a dead priest and assumed his identity.

  "I see."

  "There's more... a lot more... this holy life gets into you, takes one over. Once I got here, the people were so nice and they truly needed me. Soon what I was just doing what seemed natural. I had na seen me brother in more than twenty cycles until a couple of weeks ago. I thought he was dead long ago. I saw him at Tarrad Washoe while you were chasing his rabbits. He told me he was into a little smooggling."

  Little Jim shook his head and gave a rueful laugh, "A little smuggling. And the Viceroy kinda wants ta be Empra."

  The Preacherman looked at his friend, "So, exactly when did you discover who I was?"

  "Since that night that your wife called you in my office, the automatic voice ID filer printed your name from your voice prints. We were distracted by all of the smuggler trouble. The pirates kinda blew up my office. You had saved us all and then, you and Sheel were gone before I had a chance to rebuild the identifier and review the reports."

  "I wanted to tell ya, I couldna think of a good way. You had some other view of meself."

  "The man I had come to know had done no harm and a lot of good here. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The criminal records of the Imperion are filled with good people on the wrong side of some Frog or another."

  "That's putting it mildly. My family is the Royal heir to the throne of Emerish Planets. We've been hunted like dogs since the Great Entitlement."

  "Yes. I hoped it would be something like that, my friend."

  "Alright, Mister. let's go make lunch for the Viceroy shall we?"

  They jumped into their grounders and headed for the Rectory. When he was ready, the Viceroy called. They all went out to meet the Viceroy and the Vicate in the Rectory meeting room.

  Once the royal party was seated, Paris bowed and kissed the Viceroy's ring, "Your Majesty,"

  "Madame Abbess..."

  Next, she kissed the Vicate's ring, "Your Grace..."

  "Thee has a lovely home, Madame MacTarn..."

  "Thank thee, Holy Father."

  "Shall we begin?"

  Paris sat next to husband while Zeer showed Tristan and Zeer's plans. They watched as holo-images of the various new buildings, roads, and waterworks were discibed. Some were already in various stages of completion. "In just less than a cycle, your town has grown to more than a hundred thousand souls."

  "The people are beginning to forge a fine town here, Fazzer."

  "The kindness and foresight of the Imperion and its Viceroy has paid off, Your Majesty."

  "Yes, your Majesty, thee are trulee wise," echoed the Vicate.

  Zeer took a chance, "Wise enough to know when to protect and even to add to your investment, Sire."

  The Viceroy's eyes narrowed to slits. He leaned toward the Preacherman, "What do you mean?"

  "It is becoming plain that your plan to turn this into a farming colony has worked."

  The Viceroy mused a moment, then, smiled, "Yes, it has..."

  Zeer continued, "Perhaps it has worked a little too well."

  The Vicate was getting nervous. He was afraid that the Viceroy would be upset by this challenge to his ideas. "The Cardinal speaks boldly," he chided.

  Zeer reached into the pocket of his robe. He placed before the Viceroy the biblio-disc that he had brought for just this moment. Upon seeing the title, the Viceroy's eyes immediately opened in surprise, then he settled back in his chair, beaming.

  Zeer felt more confident, "I speak no more boldly than a young Governor you might have heard of... the one who wrote this classic work describing the benefits of this very solution." Zeer said softly.

  The Viceroy said smilingly to his old friend, "This young fellow will go far. He has a keen senze of power."

  The Vicate was getting more confused by the moment. He read the title, "Notes From Colony #10, by...oh by the Living Word, Your Majesty, you wrote this report?"

  "So I did, your Grace. This is a humble diary I kept of my first command," he looked shrewdly, “written more than sixty cycles ago.”

he Viceroy leaned back and flicked out his tongue a few times. He looked at Zeer, "You know, Fazzer, I wazz about to upgrade the government from a town administrator to a city commission."

  "If I may, Sire, I remember how you handled the situation at Colony #10. Like us, they were in an explosive growth situation. Your programs back then expanded their economic base. You are on the verge of doing that here with your massive farm program. Once we get the farms established, the new water from our lake will allow farmers here in the Valley and the ranchers to continue to move south along the river. That new food supply will allow an even larger population to be supported.

  “Yes I can see that.”

  “Instead of being a drain on the Imperial resources, we should become self supporting in a couple of solar cycles. Your far reaching political choice at Colony #10 was to set up a Magi Circle. It saved you a ton of credits by not setting up one government and then changing it when it was outgrown. In another cycle or two, we may have a population in this district exceeding three hundred thousands. This would plan ahead for that day like you did before."

  The Viceroy leaned forward, "Yes, go on..."

  He brought up a map of the entire Purgatory region, "With government control coming from here and going out into the district, more security would be afforded by a Magistrate's Circle with trained Mages to protect the Imperion's interests."

  The Vicate, not wanting to be left out, said, "That may be true, Your Majesty."

  Zeer continued, "With a Magi Circle, we can control the surrounding canyons from one central office rather than a series of disjointed Fras trying to manage little sectors. We might even cut costs enough to reopen some of the marginal digging sites."

  He looked deeply for a moment into the Preacherman's eyes, "My first question is a tough one. Where are we to find a perzon qualified to be a Mage willing to come to this forsaken place?"

  "The man is already here, Sire. When your little sister was visiting a mine here once, a man saved her life. She repaid him by sending him and his brother to the Academy of Law. This man is currently the Fra of the Purgatory Canyon. He is able and qualified." He pushed a file over for the two men to look over. The men mumbled to each other as they turned the pages of Jim's history. In a few ticks, the Viceroy sat back in his chair to think.

  Zeer left him alone for a time, then, he asked softly, "May I introduce him to your Highness?"

  "I thought he was up in Purgatory Canyon?"

  "He was brought here two days ago by your Chief of Security to be in charge of the local security forces for your visit, Sire. He is the best man possibly on this whole planet."

  "Alright… alright… let's meet him."

  Zeer went to the kitchen.

  Jim was leaning on a counter and Sheel was leaning on him. "Fra, come with me please. Someone wants to meet you."

  They went out to the dining room. When Little Jim saw who was there to meet him, he dropped to one knee, "your Majesty...your Grace..."

  "Your Majesty and your Grace let me present Fra James Magregor, Justice of Purgatory Mine and the six towns in the Canyon."

  "Rise, my son " As he did, the two old Froggers looked up at him. The Viceroy waved him to a chair. “Ohhh, you are a big one, are't you?”

  "Y...yes, Sire. "

  The Vicate spoke first, "My son, would you like to help your Empra?"

  "With my life, Sire."

  Not one to waste time, the Viceroy spoke quickly, "We are forming a Magi Circle here at Emeswan."

  Jim looked sharply at the Preacherman. So, that was what all the Preacherman's questions about his Law courses last night had been about.

  "So, we are looking for a Mage to run it."

  "A Magistrate? You mean me? "

  "Will you accept this post."

  "I live to serve, but say the word and I am thy servant... Your Majesty." He kissed the Viceroy's ring.

  "Jimmy..." Sheel ran across the room, launched herself at her man, and kissed him. The visitors were taken aback by this outburst.

  Zeer stepped into the confusion, "Sheel... Major DeNoor... Calm your self down, we have guests!"

  She dropped to one knee and bowed, "I am sorry, your Majesty. I am so excited for him."

  The men chuckled, "The exuberance of youth..."

  When he got them settled down, he continued, "There is another potential problem area."

  "A problem, yer Graze." Both Frogs sat forward.

  "Aye, Sire, security will be a problem."


  "Aye, Sire, the situation will deteriorate as long as we have a drunk running the garrison."

  The Viceroy sat and thought for a moment. He whispered for a moment with the Vicate. "That is right, yer Grace,” he turned to Zeer, “what do you suggest?"

  Zeer continued, "This young woman, Major Sheel DeNoor, would be my candidate for Magi Circle Commandant." He placed her file on the table before the Viceroy. They all watched the old men turn pages and mutter to each other.

  "There is the slightest of problems. At this momwent, she is the same rank as the current Commandant and, he has more time at that rank."

  "Umm Hmmm. Tell me more."

  Zeer leaned forward and dropped his voice to conspiratorial level, "Now, if you were to reward her for protecting us in our brush with the pirates last week to say, a lieutenant colonel, this would relieve you of any problems with a review board."

  "Ohhh, cardinal MacTarn, you did read my book?"

  "Yes, Sire. I read it several times. It proved extremely valuable as a blueprint. I couldn't help noticing how you protected yourself by moving your own people in with you at Colony #10."

  The Viceroy looked thoughtful, "Yes, I did...didn't I?"

  "Yes, Sire. It was a good move then, and it is a good move now. As we add farming to the mining interests here, we are in a position to become an even larger jewel in Thy crown for this sector."

  The Viceroy turned to Sheel, "Well, Major, do you have a suggestion about the security?"

  She looked stunned, "I...I...could study the situation and make a report..."

  "No, you misunderstand me, Major. Would YOU accept this commission and my challenge?"

  She knelt before the prince, "With my life, Sire..." She kissed his ring. He looked at the Vicate. The other man nodded, smiling at his private joke. They were both happy to have watched another knife stabbing into his cousin's back. She bowed her head down, unable to believe her good fortune.

  "Alright, done and done." He touched the top of her head, "Sheel DeNoor... I commission thee Lt. Colonel and Circle Commandant for Purgatory Parish, Tarra planet."

  "Thank you, Sire."

  Sheel and Jim hugged each other. Zeer hugged Sheel whispering, "I told you, with the Master's help, I would think of something, didn't I?" He remembered that he had, in his disguise bag, several sets of every rank for uniforms that he had “appropriated” in his past. He pinned the eagles on her collar.

  She stood there uncomfortable, "Thank you, Father. I mean, Cardinal. I don’t know whether to hug you or kiss your ring, Sir, I mean, Yer Grace. Ohhh, Here…" and she just hugged him tightly.

  He shook Little Jim's giant hand, "Congratulations, me son."

  You too, Cardinal, you did the work, not me."

  "You helped build it, boy, I just sold it." They laughed together. “It was your spotless record up in the canyon country that made your way smooth.”

  The Viceroy was keenly aware that the media was waiting outside. He stood up, "Well, children, shall we go meet our brothers of the press."

  They stepped out into the blasting heat. The news hawks had been waiting in the heat for hours. They fired their cameras up and pressed forward for the announcement. The Viceroy quietly spelled out the important facts from the last two hours of meetings. He was able to make it sound as if he had personally planned and constructed each and every step of the plan.

  Zeer was amazed at his memory as he worked quickly without using notes. Zeer was pulled back f
rom watching the crowds when he heard his name, "Cardinal Mactarn, please come up here." Zeer moved to the front of the platform. The people cheered to see their popular new cardinal being honored by the Viceroy. He waved and they cheered some more.

  The Viceroy raised his hand and continued, "We have decided to reward this whole planet for your decades of service to the Crown with the addition of a new Cardinal. We have chozen Cardinal Zeer MacTarn to lead you." (more cheers...)

  Next, the completely ficticious story of the several run-ins with pirates last week were described in lurid detail. He finished, "As a result of heroic efforts to protect the new Cardinal in these incidents recently, we are elevating this woman, Sheel DeNoor, to the rank of Lt. Colonel. She will handle military and security duties for the Magi Zircle." The crowd cheered loudly.

  "And finally..." He motioned to his new Magus, "I am appointing Jamez Magregor as the Mage for the Magi Circle that we will form to run the newly formed state of Purgatory that will govern this region." (louder cheers)

  "Final Lines of authority will be released later. The Military Authorities at Space Port City will be consulted about security and air support for this region...and now... your questions."

  He was able to call the reporters by name and answer their questions, at length, Zeer noticed, without saying anything meaningful at all.

  Zeer was daydreaming, then his ears perked up when he heard his name mentioned, "We will be approving final plans for the formation of the Magi Zircle in one moon from today."

  "Luckily, thee already has them ready, ma love," Par thought to him.

  "Nearly so, ma sweet, they are not quite done, he made a lot of changes to my proposals." There followed several ticks of cheering from the crowd. The Viceroy and the Vicate gave the cameras their photo ops by shaking hands with the new officers and then with Zeer.

  Then, while everyone was distracted by the interviews with the new officers, the royal visitors slipped into their Flyer. With a whoosh, it lifted off in a cloud of dust, the ship and its passengers were gone.

  Immediately, the news hawks finished their statements and leaped into their fliers to chase after the Viceroy’s ship. As usual, only Trevor and Janni were still there. “Trevor, ma son,” Zeer called mentally.

  Trevor jumped. It still shook him to speak mentally with an earther, “Yes, your Grace.“

  “We are not done, mind brother…”

  “Janni, “Trevor said to his mate, “Point that thing at the Cardinal…I don’t think he’s done.”

  In her camera’s eye, she watched as the little group stood a moment watching the fliers depart. She saw Zeer turn to Sheel, and ask, "Well, Colonel, with all your new post and responsibilities, who will lead my family Guardians?"

  She turned to her second in command, a Par Cat lieutenent, "I have a good man for you, Your Grace." She motioned him over, "Captain Praseer, step forward."

  The young lieutenant looked around confused, "Captain? Oh, you mean me! Great!" He stepped smartly to the front and stood before her at attention.

  "Cardinal, do you accept this man, a newly minted Legionnaire Capitan, Armand Praseer, as your Guardian Commander?" Zeer looked at Paris, she smiled sweetly and nodded.

  The young man knelt and grasped the Preacher man's hand. He placed the back of it against his forehead, "I pledge my sword and my life to thee, thy wife and our kits..." echoed deep in Zeer's head. Zeer placed his other hand on the bowed head.

  Zeer spoke aloud for the camera, "Do thee well, my son. Will thee guard the Master's home from all dangers?" Zeer well aware of the cameras trained on them both. Zeer slipped captain’s bars into her hand.

  "With my life, Your Grace..." said the young man gravely, also aware that his brother's camera was right near his head catching all of this drama. Sheel pinned the bars on his collar. They exchanged salutes.

  “Ma bloomin’ feedy! Listen at them. Falling all over themselves and calling me own wee son, yer Grace,” said a ghostly voice.

  “I was wondrin’ when you’d be poppin’ off, Daddo.”

  “I missed most of it. I was off at the pleasure dome while them stinkin’ lizards…”

  “They’re Frogs, Dad.”

  “Whatever… While them varmints were here stinking up the neighborhood.”

  “Buzz off, you old goat. My man has work ta do. Thee look good in scarlet, ma love!”

  “Head of the Frog’s bloody church.”

  “Hesk a hesh, Dad. It’s the Master’s Church. I do His will, none other. As did Thee, I might point out.”

  “Aye… Okay, I’ll back off a mite on that point.”


  Little Jim looked down at the jewelled star on his chest. "Well, I don't need this any more." He turned to a man at the front edge of the crowd. "Teddy, come up here!”

  A giant of a man, half again as big as Little Jim came up to the stage. Jim put his arm around the bigger man’s shoulders, “My brother, will you be my Fra?"

  Ted Magregor looked down at his older brother, "Wouldn’t Dad be mashed? A Magi's cloak and gavel for you. And now, in the same day, a Fra's jewelled star for me.”

  “Dad would be proud, sez I."

  Zeer laughed, “And, sez I! I didn’t even know him, but I know you two and he grew ya ta be stout oaks in a harsh wind. This was what he must have wanted.”

  A sad, faraway look came into Little Jim's eyes. He turned to face away from the crowd, "Dad died in a mine accident. If he were here, he'd be glad that we're out of the mines."

  "I'm only out because of you, big brother."

  "Brother or not, I wouldn't have picked ya, if you weren't the best man for the job."

  Janni heard the voice of their director, in the truck, "Keep it up, you two. I am watching our ratings skyrocket as this story is picked up by more and more stations. I never heard of this MacTarn guy, but the viddies love him."

  All new jobs filled, Zeer said, to the only camera still running, "There will be daily press releases starting enzed hours. Now, this little gang will be off to the Abbey for one of Mrs. Tren’s great lunches. Thank you!"

  In his head, Trevor heard, “You and Janni may come, but the camera must be off.”

  “Deal, your Grace.”


  The Viceroy and the Vicate watched this drama on their viddy box as they flew home. The Viceroy chuckled to his cousin, "That new Cardinal has a good sense of politics. Always leave them news hawks wanting more."

  Inside of the Abbey, they gathered in the cool dining area. Paris turned to Sheel, "Where will you live, dear. You know that you can stay with us."

  "Ah, Mizz MacTarn, I don’t need it. Tristan has just completed my new home. As soon as I could, I signed up for a homestead on the south border of the first sector. I hired one of the farmers nearby to farm it for a share of the profits. I went to see it this morning. She really outdid herself. We got 40 acres of green dirt and 15 hectares of water. I can garden and make myself a home. I been travelin’ the military trail fer most of my life, I aim ta plant roots right here and watch ‘em grow.”

  Zeer beamed, “Let us agree together in the presence of the Master to pray for a blessing on all of our dreams.”

  “O main!” said all.

  Sheel turned to Little Jim, “Would you live with me there, ma sweet Jimmy?"

  "That sounds wonderful, dear."

  The Preacherman looked sternly at them, "I canna allow our two newest officials livin' in sin? What would your new neighbors say?"

  Jimmy looked at Zeer, then he got a twinkle in his eye, "Exactly! What was I thinking, your Grace? I'd be defrocked before I even got frocked. The Mage living with some newly pinned shave tail, besides I have a nice house up in Purgatory Canyon where it’s much cooler."

  Sheel looked stunned, turning her head back and forth between the two men, "But...but..."

  The two guys made the mistake of looking at one another. They broke up laughing. Zeer had to sit down. Jim fell to the floor.
r />   "Cruel! You male animals are so cruel, and we just don't deserve it, either." Paris shook her head disgustedly at them, "Come on, Dear. We'll go look at your new house. Maybe if we ignore them, they will go away." This only made them laugh all the louder.

  When he saw that they were actually going to leave, Zeer tried to sit up straighter, "Oh, come on girls. We were only kidding."

  Jim got up, took Sheel’s arm, and turned her toward him. Sheel wouldn't look at him. He cupped her chin in his hand and brought her face up to his. "The Preacher man is right, Darlin', we caint live that a way."

  "Oh, Jimmy, I..."

  "Now, let me finish. I am asking you here in front of these witnesses to be my mate. "

  Sheel looked very sad, "I'm sorry, love, I cain't..."

  His mouth fell open, "Whaaat!!!"

  "Gotcha..." She laughed merrily and jumped into his arms.

  He hugged her a moment. Then he smacked her soundly on the rump, "You...are a baaad girl." He shook his finger at her.


  "I nearly had a heart attack."

  "I promise you, Sir. No damage will come to your heart. It belongs to me."

  "Yes, Ma'am...that it does..." He swung her in a circle.

  "So, when do we do this?" said the Preacherman.

  Jim looked at Sheel, "Tonight." He looked at Sheel. She nodded, "if we can?"

  Zeer nodded, "I've been looking over the old books for the best Writ of Troth, preparing for this wedding since the day you two met. In an old viddy books, I found a sweet ceremony just right fer the likes of you. I was ready before you two were."

  Paris grabbed Sheel's hand, "Whew...these, talk, talk... Yer new rank comes with a raise and so does Jimmy's, we gotta go spend some of that man's credits."

  "Yeah...let's git goin'"

  "Right...Let's see... dresses, flowers, a cake...lots to do!"

  Mrs. Tren stood in the doorway, blocking their exit. “Ahem!”

  “Abbess… am I to believe that you would let some one else bring a wedding cake into my dining area?”

  “Ummm? No?”

  “Good answer, Mum. I shall make the cake. I have Captain Praseer’s sister and three of her cousins to watch the bairns. We shall be fine. Didn’t I hear tell of shopping. Move along now. All of the food will come from my staff and your kitchen.”

  “Right… That is sorted,” She turned on her heel and strode off to her kitchen, the queen of all that she surveyed.

  The two women laughed and ducked out the secret inside door toward the old market for wedding finery, followed closely by Praseer and the Abbess’s Guardians.

  Chapter 16