Read Preacher Man Page 31

  Back on Tarra, immediately following the meeting, there was silence. The viddy cams were turned off. No one spoke. No one moved. Then, Sheel turned her head to look at Jim. His face broke into a smile. She answered his smile and looked at Zeer.

  The Preacher man leaned back and began laughing. "He bought it... he bought it all..."

  The room broke up into cheers and hugs and laughter. Sheel started a square dance with Little Jim and Paris. They danced until they were tired. Paris turned and motioned to Mre. Tren.

  She stepped foreward, "Ma'am..."

  Paris took the tray she was holding, "My friends, let us raise a cup to this new adventure."

  Zeer stepped over and took her in his arms and kissed her, "Me darling, thee are always right on time."

  He popped the cork and poured foam and Champagne into the glasses. He and Paris handed them to each of their friends. "Raise a cuppa cheer, me friends..."

  "Hear! Hear!"

  They saluted each other and drank, throwing their glasses into the fake fireplace and laughed like children. When they had had a good laugh, Zeer turned to Jim, "Well, your Mage-ness, is it time to tell the masses?"

  "Yes, First Citizen,” He looked at his wrist timer, “it is time indeed for the nZed Report."

  Zeer was astounded to note that it was mid-day. They had spent the entire morning in this meeting. He looked out at the new city square. He was astounded to discover that the entire city was gathered in a huge crowd under the balcony. The Mage went outside and held up his arms. The crowd below him fell silent. The viddy cams pointed up at him.

  His amplified voice echoed across the open area, "Fellow citizens...the Empire has approved the plan for changing the government of this region ...”


  When the roar died down, he continued, “In a week, you will go to the polls to fill four Magi-at-large posts...let the campaigns begin..."

  The crowds cheered and began filtering off. For the next week, posters appeared on every scrap of wall on every building. Candidates and supporters spoke to gathered crowds. Zeer stopped by the new Dan being built for visiting Askirabim. It fit perfectly into the space between the Guardian post garage and his Rectory. There was an underground connection between the two houses.

  Satisfied that the Bird people would be comfortable enough, he came in to his office and slumped in a chair, "Man! What a day."

  Paris patted his shoulder as she went by, "Thee loves this, ma husband."

  "I know I do love it. I am a sick man."

  She put Shannie in his bed and sat on the arm of his chair. She stroked his hair, "Yeah, but I love thee for it."

  "Well, thank the Master that it is over tomorrow."

  "Aye." She stroked his wild hair softly.

  The next morning, as soon as she left Patch, Tantee ran into Sheel's office and flopped in a chair, "Mornin' Sis."

  Sheel jumped, "Dang, Sis, you scared me outa my skin!"

  "Sorry, baby, How's it going?"

  Sheel shrugged, "I can't say. It's still early, but the Preacherman seems to be leading all candidates. All he has to do is finish fifth and he is on the Circle."

  Tristan came in. She listened to Sheel's explanation for a moment, then went over to another chair in the corner. She plunked into it, slid down, and closed her eyes, "And, how’s Little Jim doing?"

  "Silly girl, he's the Mage, he runs the law courts and administers the Circle, no matter what!"

  Tristan laughed nervously, "Oh, yeah, I fergot."

  "Any way, so far, only the third shift and the first shift at the mine have voted. That's mostly comprised of the Ssarrians. The Paronese are deeper in the mine. They'll be voting as they come out later."

  "Hmmm..." Tristan was asleep.

  Sheel went on talking, unaware that her sisters were not listening, "Basically, it's simple. Each ethnic group has their own candidate for First Citizen and the Preacherman is everyone's choice for Second Citizen. What do you think? Tris? Tris?"

  The older sister was snoring in the corner. Tantee laughed, "Let her sleep a while. I gotta git ta work. See ya."

  "See ya later, baby."

  Sheel resumed pacing around the offices. Then, the numbers began changing rapidy. Sheel shook her sister, "Wake up! The last shift is coming out now."

  They gathered close, staring at the numbers, "Yes, that'll be the test alright. After the last shift comes out and votes there'll only be a few percent yet to vote. This party could start within the hour."

  Tantee bubbled, "I can't wait. I'm off shift, and I already voted."

  "That's sweet of you, dear." Sheel said absently. She stared at the screen, watching the votes come in from the last shift of miners began pouring in.

  Little Jim stuck his head in from the outer hall door, "How're we doin', sweets? Hi, baby T."

  Sheel did not answer at first, as she watched the growing tallies. "Wait a tick, hon, can ya? It changes every tick. Close the door, huh? "

  "Sure..." He had walked in, then back to shut her outer door, and sat heavily on a corner of the desk watching the numbers. Positions were changing rapidly. Talia Ssarriss had held first place all day as his Ssarrian miners came out and voted solidly for their leader just before dawn. The Preacherman dropped to second and then third. As they watched, Captain Praseer began to move up the list, "Paronese must be coming out," mumbled Jim to no one in particular.

  Tristan woke up, "Well? Is it over yet?"

  They all turned as one and said, "Hush..." and went back to the screen. As predicted, the Preacherman was again in second place and moving up fast.

  What nobody here knew that the Paronese Cats had all been told to vote for The Preacherman for First Citizen and Praseer for second. First Citizen votes were worth five points and the other four votes were worth descending values. Most of the Ssarians had voted for him for Second Citizen. Those four point votes in combination with the Paronese five pointers were rapidly pushing him to the front.

  Within an hour after the last shift had come out of the mine and voted, the Magi Circle was chosen. It consisted of the appointed positions of Mage given by the VR to Jim Magregor and Lt Colonel Sheel as the Civil Commandant. The Preacherman was elected as First Citizen. Talia Ssarriss was chosen as Second Citizen and Armand Prasseer was Third Citizen.

  Every news screen in the district lit up with the results and an invitation to the general population. Every one was invited to the Fellowship Hall of the Administration building. Little Jim raised his coffee cup, "Let the party begin!"

  People began pouring into the room to congratulate the winners. The Circle Elect moved from group to group shaking hands and accepting their congratulations. Once things quieted down, Zeer lead a few close friends to the Abbey. Zeer and Paris had planned a dinner party at home to celebrate. The Builders had made a large meeting room in the back of the chapel and the small one in halls that connected it to the house. They pushed their way through the crowds of newsies and locked themselves in.

  Weaving through the crowds in the big room, he went to find Paris. Mrs. Tren smiled and thought to him, “Congrats, Sir, I will handle this lot. She’s in the kitchen."

  "Thankee, Ms. T, I'll be only a tick."

  He found his wife in the kitchen. Paris moved around the table and grabbed Zeer around his neck, "I am proud of thee, ma sweet." She hugged him.

  "Pretty scarey, though, what do I do now?"

  Just then, Zac came charging into their merged minds. He was furious, "The Toad's pet pup, me own flesh and blood."

  "Dad, I am no man's pup. I can do some good here."

  "You'd better, bucko..."

  Paris stepped in there, "Hush your face, ye old buzz gwump."

  In their minds, it was if they were all three standing in a room arguing. An outsider would, of course, only see two people sitting at a table, holding hands and staring into their eyes. They returned to the party. Zeer lead prayers for strength, patience, and guidance for the new leadership. Then, he lifted
one hand, "Paris, me darlin', a glass please."

  She handed him a glass. He raised it, "To the Empra..."

  "To the Empra..." the crowd echoed.

  "To us..."

  "To us..."

  "Let the party commence."

  After the party had gone on a while, a messenger came up to tug on Zeer's sleeve. Zeer looked down into the greenish-yellow eyes of a Ssarrian girl. "Yes, daughter?"

  The girl was almost too frightened to speak, "Fasser. Please to come with me."

  Zerr was tempted ask her where, but he could tell that she was frightened by this large crowd. She wouldn't talk. She just kept pulling on his sleeve. He knew that Ssarrians hated crowds and noise and this party had plenty of both, "Alright, dear."

  She pulled him into the church foyer. Waiting there was Talia Ssarriss, the newly elected Second Citizen of the Magi Circle, and a delegation of Ssarrians. They bowed, "Congratulations, First Citizen."

  "Talia, me old friend. Knowing your distaste for crowds, I really appreciate you coming to the party."

  "We felt that we must. We wish to honor Thee."

  "And thee, my friend. As the Second Citizen, we will make a good team. How is the new nest?"

  Talia and the rest of the Ssarrians had formed a colony out at the edge of the small river that ran at the far side of the valley. They had dammed it up and formed a swampy area. The Agriculture Commission had provided native Ssarrian spores and seed plants for them to grow. "Thank you for asking, Father. It is hot enough and the water remains plentiful. It is beginning to look like Ssarrisss. Soon we will have a proper nest."

  "I wish a blessing on thy nest."

  "We desire just such a blessing, Fasser. Soon you must visit us. We have much to discuss." He had a strange, very serious look on his face. Zeer wondered what to make of it.

  "I can free up some office time tomorrow after the Morgen Tide songs are breathed."

  "Oh, no, Father. Thee must come to the nest. We must have a blessing and perhaps we would be able to speak alone for a time."

  "Is tomorrow afternoon soon enough?"

  "We are pleased that you will honor our nessst. Please now, return to your guests. We have kept you from them."

  Zeer returned to Paris, "Where have ya been," he heard in his mind.

  "Talia Ssarris was in another room. He wants to see me tomorrow. Ever since the baptism, I have been dying to hear more about the Verdollium. I hope that he will tell us tomorrow."

  When she saw Zeer slip away with the Ssarrian girl, Tantee kissed her sister and hugged every one in sight. She acted much like the innocent partier, but she was anxious to get home. Shannon "Black Patch" MacTarn had promised her a surprise visit and she wanted to get there before he did to prepare. So many people wanted to talk to her that she was unable to get away until much later than she had intended.

  She drove her grounder a little too fast as she rushed to her small home on the edge of town. She could tell by the number of men lounging around the neighborhood that Shannie was already there. Her heart raced as she hurried into the house. Doggy was asleep on her couch with the viddy playing.

  The young woman passed quickly through the house and up the back stairs. Entering the bedroom, she looked around. All of the lights were off. Then, she saw him already asleep. She undressed quickly and snuggled into the bed. "Shannie, darlin, it's me..."

  He seemed to stir as if deeply asleep. "Who is it now? Is that you, Doggy?"

  "Doggy? I'll Doggy you, you old pirate. Who would it be in my own house?"

  "Oh there are so many, I lose count."

  She snuggled herself on top of her lover. She had become too used to this game to be upset. She began to move her velvety soft paws over him slowly. She loved watching him respond to her loving. "Soon, my furless friend, I'll make you forget all of those others."

  "Yes, ma furry darlin', you just might."

  Later, as they rested, she said, "He's in, ya know?"

  Careful not to let on how much he had gleaned from her mind without her knowing, he said, "Yes, me darlin', it's all over the viddies. Me own brother is First Citizen of the district. My dad must be coughing up a furball somewhere." He barked a cold laugh.

  "He's yer brother, Shannie. Aren't ya happy fer him? "

  "Ecstatic, ma sweet. It tickles me no end that me own kipper is First bloody Citizen of the richest district in the Emperion. And him only a few moons away from livin' with the Empra's own death sentence on his gray head. Ha, ha, ha." He buried his face in her ample busom and had a good laugh.

  "Yeah...but, that's over, now.He’s pardoned."

  "Aye..." His voice turned dark and scarey, "He's got his bloody life back."

  "Are ya jealous?"

  "Perhaps I am jealous just a wee mite."

  "He's still yer brother."

  "Aye, the Viceroy and the damned Imperion canna take that away."

  "Can we use this, Shannie?"

  "Rest assured, little darlin'. We will try to use him somehow."

  "And, my sister knows who you are?"

  "Aye, she was there when we met in Tarrad bloody Washoe."