Read Preacher Man Page 34

The next morning, the new First Citizen slept late. He rolled over to reach for his wife. "Where are thee?"

  Paris snuggled into his arms. She licked his cheek with a scratchy tongue, "Right where I belong, First Citizen..."

  "Aye," he sat up, "Hey! What time is it?"

  She wiggled closer and pulled him down, "I dunno. Is it time for snuggles?"

  "Aye, that it is," and they did. After a bit, they lay resting.

  "Hey? Why wasn't I awakened for the Morning Song?"

  “You were too tired, me love. I sent them off saying that the acolytes needed the practice anyway."

  Zeer got up stiffly, "Too tired, me red wazoo. I'm as fit as a..." and he fell back on the bed.

  Paris laughed a moment, then, she licked his face, "Turn over, luv. I'll make you fit." She crawled over him and began kneading his back with the strong, velvetty pads of her forepaws.

  "Mmmmm, too much partyin’. oooh... ahhh... I'll give ya three moons ta quit THAT, me darlin' wife." In a moment, he was snoring again. She laughed softly, crawled off him, dressed, and went off ta feed the kitts.

  Later, she was sitting at the table with a cuppa when he stumbled in. He kissed her cheek and took it out of her hand. His wet hair was dripping onto the shoulders of his thick, red robe. In a gulp, he downed the sweet liquid, "Perfect!"

  "Yeah”, She sighed, “I worked half the mornin’ to get it that way just for Thee, ma husband."

  He grabbed a sausage biscuit and headed back to dress, "Yer the best."

  She just shook her head and made another cup. In a few ticks he returned, fully dressed, "Well, I'm off ta see the world. G'day!"


  “What me darlin’?”

  “Am I ta pick me kitten’s Guardian?”

  “Aye, lass, care ta come with me? That’s what we’ll do first.”

  Going to his office, they picked a new Guardian leader. The new Captain took his wife home. Zeer met with the new circle to deal with several hours of problems, then, Sala, his secretary buzzed, "It's eleven fifty, First Citizen. You asked me to call thee..."

  The rest, hearing what his secretary said, got up as well. Jim spoke over his shoulder, “Meet ya at the press conference. I’ll get me robes.”

  "Aye, see ya there little brother. Thankee, Sal..." He gathered a few sheets of Lexite off his desk, went to the newsroom, and prepared to give the regular midday news conference. When they saw him, they all stood and raised their hands to be recognized.

  Zeer pointed, "'re first..."

  "What shall we call you?"

  "I can see your problem. I do wear a few hats..."

  The newsies laughed politely, "So? What'll it be? Cardinal? Preacherman? Or, should it be First Citizen?"

  "Okay, okay. My first official decision is that for these mid day news conferences, I am to be addressed as First Citizen Zeer MacTarn as most of our work here will be secular."

  "Alright, First Citizen, what are your plans?"

  Just then, Jim walked in. Zeer turned to him, "Ahhh! look, the Mage, himself, is here. We can start."

  Jim took over, "Hold it right there. The first item that the Circle had to decide was the new name of this area."

  The newsies jostled each other, "Really? Why?"

  "Emeswan was the old name, it was the evolution of a maintenance station to an old fort called MS - 1. But now, it has been re-purposed because of the glorious plans of our beloved Viceroy. It cannot remain a fort, and the new town that is growing here outside of the old fort needed a new name."

  "What is it?"

  "What are you gonna call it?"

  He held up his hands, "We have a name, a great name. We are calling it Namudan. That is spelled N…A…M…U…D…A…N."

  “What’s it mean?”

  “The Askirabim are the aboriginal natives of this planet.” (A hologram of an Askirabi village appeared over the crowd.) "You may have seen them...” The picture is replaced with a photo of an adult, “They are a reddish, birdlike people.” The next picture was a close up of a Nest. “Namu Dan means Home Place.

  rst Nest. All of their homes are called ‘Dans'. And their main nests are called Namu-Dans." The image changed to a picture of a typical Namu-Dan.

  Next, Jim showed a holo-map showing the old borders, "The Viceroy has re-organized this whole region." The image changed to show new borders and names. He pointed to different things on the map as he talked.

  "As of this morning, Namu-Dan is the government center for Purgatory District which reaches out to include the whole of Purgatory Valley and Canyons, Tarrad Washoe, Glemmen Washoe, and the new Ssarrian Swamp areas at the far end of this valley. It will include all four of the old Vast Reach Desert Districts. It will reach most of the way to Space Port City."

  "Space Port City remains a military base, providing air cover and support its own troops and citizens and to the troops that remain here under Lt. Colonel MacGregor’s command. Master Builder Tristan DeNoor will govern the water projects here and in the Southern lands that the Askirabim call the 'Farthest Reaches'. which are mostly unpopulated Districts. I would like to note that the natives... that is, prefer the parts of Tarra that we hate. So, calling these regions unpopulated, we are only speaking of off worlders. That is all for today, my friends."

  Abruptly, they turned and left the newsroom. The newsies called after them, but they just kept on. Zeer slapped his friend on the back, "Good conference, my son...glorious plans…beloved Viceroy…laying it on thick."

  "Thank you, know he’s watching…Let him have a stroke or two. Lunch?"

  "Nope! Thanks! It’s time to go and see Talia’s new nest, we’ll eat out there."

  "Oh, yeah...have a good time..."

  "Wanna come 1400, I'm ta meet a certain lady friend of yours..."

  "Wish I could...I've already got a full court docket..."

  "Work, work, work...that's all we do..."

  The Magus laughed, "Some of us, anyway..."

  Zeer hugged his friend, "Walk in the Master's steps, my son..."

  "And Thee, Father..." Zeer headed for the flight deck on the roof of the Magi Building. Climbing into his flitter, in the back of his mind, he heard, "Preacher man?"

  "Yes, me love?"

  "Your lunch is waiting, Sir."

  "No can do, Madame. I have to fly out to the Ssarrian nest to eat lunch with Talia and bless it.

  "Sorry, I forgot. How about supper, then?"

  "Sure... right after I swing out to see Tristan's dam and power project out on the edge of the valley. I shall be home just in time for Even Song..."

  "Okay... we miss thee."

  "And Thee..."

  Zac popped in, "Oh boy, let's go see some lizards in their natural habitat."

  "Dad, who invited you along any way?"

  "I invited meself."

  “Ya canna go if'n yer ta act like this."

  "Okay... I'll be good. I'm just dyin' ta hear their story."

  Paris cut in at that point, "Dyin'...didja hear what he said! He's dyin'...ho...ho.."

  "You two have the have the sickest sense of humor..."

  "You used ta think I was funny enough when ya was younger."

  "Age brings wisdom if'n ya study, says the Word."

  As he flew off, Paris could still be heard laughing in the back of his mind. Zeer looked around, "No one else is comin', T?"

  Tantee was going over her preflight checklist. She spoke over her shoulder, "Nah. Sheel and Tristan are already out workin' on something ...After lunch, I'm ta bring ya ta these coordinates," she pointed to a map on her dashboard, "...after 1400."

  "Okay, let's go, then."

  Down in an alley behind the Magi Building a hooded figure watched the flitter take off with great interest. Without saying a word, he climbed into a ground vehicle and drove off.

  Paris stood on the veranda and watched Zeer's flitter lift off from the roof of the new Magi Circle Headquarters. Something about t
hat flitter made her uneasy. She gave an involuntary shudder. Little Shannie crawled up to her. She sat and lifted him up into her lap, still looking at the flitter. As practiced as any kitten, he began a soft meowing sound and a nuzzling of the clever openings in her shirt.

  "Oh, I'm an old worry wart," she told herself. She could not shake the feeling that someone was watching them though.

  "No Thee are not, Mum." said the old Rectoress, mind to mind, washing dishes in the sink behind her, "There IS somethin' goin' on... I can feel it, too. Something wi' the Mister that just doesn't seem right."

  They stared at each other for a moment, then, Zac, who had been sleeping in the Nursery awoke and began to cry.

  "I'll get `im, " said Mrs. T. She took Shannie, now asleep, from his mother's arms, left, and returned in a moment with the other twin on one shoulder and a tray, "Second shift for lunch, Mum, and a bit of a snack for thee..."

  "Thank you, Darlin'..." Paris whispered in agreement, continuing to stare out the window at the flitter, which was little more than a dot in the sky. Without moving, she settled the baby into a comfortable eating position and sat and rocked him distractedly, humming a lullaby, and eating her sandwich.

  After a clear flight, they reached the Ssarrian nest. Tantee expertly landed on a grassy plain near the edge of the swamp. She turned to Zeer and smiled sweetly, " Here we are, safe and sound, Sir."

  "Thank you, dear. I dinna know how long I will be."

  "Take your time, Sir. We don't hafta meet my sisters until 1400."

  Zeer smiled, "Plenty of time, then. Have you had lunch?"

  "No, Father."

  "Come on, then. This is a party. You might as well come, too."

  They unbuckled themselves and stepped down from the flitter. They could see Ssarrians coming out of the lush swamp grass. The lizard people formed a small group behind the son of their leader, Toma Ssarriss. Toma walked up to the flitter and bowed, "Our nest is honored by thy visit, Your Grace. We have prepared a feast to celebrate thy blessing. "

  He turned to Tantee, "I see that you have brought a guest. Thee are welcome to our nest as well." Tantee bowed gravely.

  Back at Tantee's home, lying comfortably in their bed, Black Patch MacTarn watched it all through Tantee's eyes. "Blessing their nest, huh? Well, me little kipper, we'll be seein' what you're up to now," he mumbled to no one in particular.

  Through Tantee’s eyes, he watched Toma lead the way along hard packed, built up dirt paths into the swamp. He saw, cleverly disguised as lumps and bushes, the home nests of the Ssarrians. He watched as Toma explained to Zeer and Tantee how exited they were to finally able to live in a civilized Ssarrian manner half-in and half-out of the water the way Ssarrians were supposed to live.

  They continued up to a platform with an open walled roof. In the shade was a meeting area with some tables and a few three legged chairs for their tailless visitors. Seated on his tail at the center of the farthest table, Zeer saw Talia talking in exited sqeeks and grunts to the older Ssarrians gathered around him. Seeing Zeer walking up, they stopped their conversations. Talia got up and walked out to meet Zeer. He bowed low, "Our nesst iss truly blesssed wiss ssy presssense."

  Zeer bowed, "I am blessed to be invited, me friend."

  "Knowing that you, a revered non-Ssarrian, were coming, we built this platform so we can all be comfortable for our lunch and the blessing ceremony."

  "It is a wonderful idea. I was amazed at your progress in such a short time."

  Well it is a marriage of proper weather and lots of water."

  Tantee was seated at a table in the corner. She had come to know many of the younger Ssarrians at some of the dance bars. She sat with them and was soon chatting exitedly about new music and games that they all enjoyed.

  Back in his bed in Emeswan, Patch was furious at Tantee for not sticking with his brother. He had been effectively cut off from eaves dropping on Zeer's meeting as long as she was fooling around with these young idiots. Luckily for him, she turned her attention to Zeer as he began the ceremony.

  He said a small prayer to the Master that he would remember the Blessing that he had learned last night. Again, he thanked the old Preacherman for his library. Zeer stood. He held a clear glass of water high over the crowd. Everyone raised their own glasses.

  "We are here to ask the Master's blessing on this nest and its people."

  "By the Master's will...Bless our Nest, we pray..." answered the crowd in unison.

  "Will this nest nurture its young and protect its infirm?"

  "By the Master's will..." said the crowd as Zeer poured a bit of water into Talia`s hands. It ran down through the reeds and disappeared into the pond below them.

  Zeer turned to Toma on his other side, "Will this nest feed the hungry and rest the tired?"

  "By the Master, it will," said the crowd as he poured some water into Toma's hands.

  "Our Precious Lord and Master...Bless this nest." Zeer tipped his fingers into the glass of water.

  "Bless this nest!" they echoed as he flicked his fingers so that water flew about the room onto the rest of the crowd. He tried very hard to get at least one drop of water onto every person there so that they might share the blessing. As each person received their drop of water they began to cheer. This continued until the entire room was cheering loudly for the new nest.

  Once again, watching Zeer perform his rituals, Patch was astounded by his brother's ability, "The kid's a natural, all right," he mumbled to himself.

  Talia said, "Let's eat!" With that signal, Ssarrians came out of the underbrush bringing trays piled high with protein plants and fresh green salads.

  Patch was getting bored. His mind began to wander. Just when he was beginning to think that this meeting was not when he would find out where the Verdollium was, a young Ssarrian female came up to whisper something in Tantee's ear.

  In his mind, he heard, "Tantee, do you see that young male over there?"

  "Yes, Darlin..." he heard Tantee say absently.

  "Is he not beautiful?"

  Tantee was not attracted to Ssarrians. She tried to be nice, "If you say so, darlin'". Tantee's eyes roamed over the girl and settled on a small stone around her neck. Patch saw what had drawn her attention. Around the girl's neck on a cerrulite chain was a small greenish blue rock, carved in the shape of a flower. "Where did you get this, Ssaleen?"

  Patch was no longer listening. He sat up in bed with a howl of delight. "By the Master's fuzzy beard. That's it!"

  Doggy and two other guards came running from various parts of the house. "What's a matter, Admiral?," Doggy yelled.

  Patch jumped out of the bed. He danced around the room with Doggy as his surprised partner. "We're rich! We're rich! I've found it! I've finally found it!"

  Then, he saw the other guards watching him as if he were crazy. He stopped dancing and barked, "Aint you boys got nothin' ta do?"

  "Uh, sure, Boss." and they scampered back down the hall. One looked at the other one and rolled his eyes. The other one silently laughed and twirled one finger around one ear. When they were gone, Doggy looked at his boss and life time friend, "Okay, what is it?"

  "The Ssarrians have Verdollium."

  "They do!?!"

  "Well, Doggy, me bucko, if'n they dinna have it, they know where to find it."

  Doggy had been friend and first mate to this man since they were wee lads. His hunches had always paid off before. "Well, all right then!"

  What Patch did not want to tell his friend was how he really had found the verdollium, so he continued with another story, "I been rackin' me brain...I seen one of their young females with a carved necklace in some greenish blue stone around her neck."

  "Yeah, So?"

  "Doggy, me thick headed friend. It just came to me. That green stone was pure Verdollium. I'll bet me good eye that it is."

  While Patch was dancing, he lost track of his brother out at the nest. Gradually, Talia had maneuvered Zeer to the edge of the platform. "Let us view
the new rice crop, Father."

  "Aye, that would be good." They ambled off slowly, just two old friends out for a stroll.

  When they had passed out of view of the others and hearing, Zeer turned to Talia, "You did not bring me here to discuss crops, though, did ya?"

  "No, Sir, we have more important topicss to discuss."

  "The Verdollium, for instance."

  "Yes, that is right."

  "How much is there?"

  "My wife found a rather large vein. We cannot say exzzactly how big. We were afraid that if we took the time to test it, the word might get out."

  "Yes, me friend, we're all dead men if'n that bit of news were ta get ta the Pirates."

  "Yes, Father, that is why we have sealed up see vein and have told no one about this. I am sorry to say that see cavein is partly caused by our attempts to seal it off. What we did dig up has been buried around in the nest."

  They continued onward, talking of other things. They circled the nest, looked at the crops, and were back at the platform before Tantee, who had been told by Patch not to let Zeer out of her sight, even noticed that he had been missing.

  He walked up behind her," Well, darlin', time's a wastin'."

  The entire party walked though the swamp back to the flitter to see them off. They climbed in and buckled up for the short hop to the new construction that Sheel and Tristan wanted him to inspect. The crowd of Ssarrians bowed in unison. Zeer waved and spoke into his helmet mike, " Let's go, Darlin'."

  Not looking at Zeer because she was busy with her switches and preflight checklist, she was struck once again how much the two men in her life sounded the same.

  When she got home, Patch, Doggy, and two other guards were playing cut throat at the kitchen table. She came up behind Patch, put her arms around his chest from behind and nuzzled his neck.

  "Hey, woman, can'tcha see I'm tryin' ta work here?"

  "Oh, right yer workin' so hard...a pirate's work is never done."

  "It's a lousy job, but somebody's gotta do it."

  "Yes, I see. Well, I'm gonna take a bath. Anyone care ta join me?"

  Patch shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know." He looked at Doggy then the two guards, "How 'bout you guys?" They knew better than to respond.

  She turned on the room, suddenly holding a large kitchen knife, "Don't anybody say a word," She snarled menacingly. Then, with a short laugh, she threw the knife and stuck it in the cabinet between the two guards.

  Patch turned to her with his palms up, "Look, babes, I was just kiddin'."

  "I'll kid you, bucky..."

  Then, Patch got a stern look on his face, he grabbed her wrists, "That's enough. Now settle down." She began to calm down.

  "I want you to look at this..." He pulled a piece of lexite out of his pocket that showed a drawing of a flower necklace.

  She looked at it, "So?"

  "Ever seen one like it?"

  "Yes...where'd you see it?"

  "On a lizard girl in the market place. Toma's cousin, I think her name was Ssaleen."

  "Yes, I saw it today."

  "Where did she get it?"

  "She said her cousin carved it from a rock he had found."

  "Well, me furry darlin', that `rock' will make you richer than all the Frogger princesses in all of the galaxy."

  "Why, what is it?"

  "There is probably enough Verdollium in that flower to power a city the size of Space Port for twenty Tarrian moons. "

  "Whew..." the mind whistled through her teeth. "And she was gonna give me that necklace or have her cousin make her another one."

  "Oh, I think that we can think of a better use for those rocks that carving them into necklaces, eh, boys?"

  The other men at the table chuckled and nodded their heads in agreement.

  "Well, I'm fer a bath, " and she turned and headed upstairs.

  When she was gone, Patch turned to Doggy, "The lads all set?"

  "Aye, aye, Admiral. All they need is fer you ta pick the place and the time."

  "We must hit the Ssarrian nest just before sun rise when it is still asleep."

  "Tomorra, then?"

  "Aye, lad, let's get it over with."

  "Right you are, Sir."

  "Yes and quickly done and back ta our cool mountain caves, eh Dog-man?"

  "Cool mountains...aye, there's a plan worth fightin' for..." he closed his eyes to think of it. He hated the heat and humidity of the low countries. A man of his size never did well in this kind of climate.

  Patch stood up suddenly, "Well, lads. You'll just hafta keep yer credits until I can gather them from next time. I must see ta me mate. She seems ta need me extra today and I know that the Dog man here has a lot fer you all ta do. Don'tcha, Doggy, boy?"

  Doggy jerked from his reverie. He stood as near to attention as a man of nearly four hundred pounds could. "Aye, aye, Sir... That I do, Sir... Get right on it." and he waddled out to the comm center set up in a back room.

  He touched the controls expertly. He heard the crackle of static that told him he was being received. Without identifying himself he spoke quickly into the microphone, "Code Green... Blue... Blue..."

  "10 by 10... Green, Blue, Blue, it is..." and the set was dead. He sat and wrote in his journal for a while before turning in for a nap.

  He came back to the kitchen, "You lads had better turn in, too. There'll be precious little sleep this night. In four hours, we'll be breaking for the rendezvous. Be ready!" And he waddled off to his room.

  The other men chuckled after him. His intensity was always amusing to the other members of their pirate band. The other two men began to clear off the remains of their game and meal.

  Patch went up the stairs slowly and painfully. He slipped quietly into their bedroom. Tantee was slipping off the last of her clothes. He watched her.

  She was covered with a reddish fur with brown tips. Though she was of a totally different coloring than Sheel, he was struck by how much they looked alike. Tantee was twelve cycles younger. She reminded him of the way that Sheel had looked when they first had become lovers. "How beautiful Thou are, ma sweet."

  At first, she jumped. She had not heard him come in. "Oh, it's only you, Patch. I thought maybe it was one of the boys sent up ta do a pirate's work."

  He moved to her quickly. Holding her tight in his whipcord, strong arms, he kissed her savagely. Pulling away from her, he snarled, "There are some jobs a man must do fer his self," and he threw her down on their soft bed.

  They wrestled while removing his clothes. Once on the bed, off his nearly destroyed feet, he was able to move as quickly as anyone. They joined together as one. Neither had known lovers to move them as they moved together in this loving.

  Later, lying in each other's arms, the bath forgotten, Tantee whispered into his neck, "Thee are a beautiful lover, ma sweet."

  "I'll bet you say that to all the Pirate admirals..."

  She kicked at him, "Pig..." He rolled away from her to get a ciggy. He lit it, coughed from the acrid smoke and settled back.

  "Thee wouldn't cough if you got rid of them blasted smokes."

  "Aye..." was his distracted response. They had fought often about his personal habits. Smoking was one her least favorite of them.

  After a bit of silence, he spoke softly, "We'll see if'n you still think I'm so wonderful after tomorrow."

  Why?" she rolled over onto her stomach putting her face close to his.

  He paused while stroking the soft hair on her face absently, "Tomorrow, Thee must decide if'n yer ta ever see me again or no."

  "I caint be decidin' somethin' like that. I love ya."

  "Tomorra, I gotta leave this place forever. If'n ya come with me, sweets, Thee canna come back here neither. Either your sister would kill you or my people would."

  "It's the Verdollium, aint it?"

  "Aye, lass. I canna wait any longer. Tommorra we strike for the Verdollium. We must take it and run before someone else does."

  She nodded grimly.
She had loved this sad man since the day that she had first laid eyes on him in the cantina. "Patchie, I caint live without you. If'n yer leavin', then I am too."

  He hugged her. "It's a tough choice fer ya, sweets. I am sorry that I've come between you and yer sisters."

  "Life is hard and then ya die. I jist know that where you go, I go." They curled up in each other's arms and went to sleep.

  While she slept, Patch hooked into Doggy's brain. Using a technique that he had developed in his youth, he was able to suggest things subconsciously to Doggy, helping him prepare for the attack the next morning and still allowing his feeble body to get much needed rest.

  Chapter 18