Read Preacher Man Page 37

  The Viceroy called in as planned, and they gave preliminary reports. They didn't give too may details in case the Pirates were listening. So, with that, the meeting broke up. The Viceroy leaned back tiredly, "These reports look good." He looked at the men and women on the screens around him. "We will be there as soon as we can." They bowed as he signed off.

  As the Viceroy sat and thought a moment, he had been startled by an urgent call from Tarra. He snapped his screen on, "What?"

  The bowing shadow said, "Your Majesty?"

  The Viceroy recovered "Yes? " he answered coolly.

  "Sire... I wish to return to active duty. These years in the rear have ruined me. When you removed my stars, I realized I needed action. Please, I must ask it? Someone must watch this local scum. They cannot be trusted. I will do that for you."

  The Viceroy sat and thought a moment, "Alright. We will activate you. Your troops are attached to Legion One. However, your stars will not be returned until This campaign is over. We will all be dead or you will have cluzters to go around them and wealth beyond belief if we are saved."

  The little Frog stood ramrod stiff and saluted, "Again, Your Majesty, I pledge my life to you,” and signed off to join the patrol about to head for Purgatory canyon. The Viceroy stood and waddled off to his breeding pond and the new crop of breeders that had been delivered to the Palais.

  As the Viceroy was talking to the old Commandant, Zeer and Paris were in their grounder heading home. Laying her head on his shoulder, she asked him, "Are ya goin into Purgatory Canyon with the troops, ma sweet?”

  "No, darlin'. Sheel has put Jimmy and me in reserve. She says we're too old for combat. Imagine that! Us bein’ too old, indeed!"

  "Well, I'm glad ta hear that." Satisfied, she nuzzled into his chest and was fast asleep. Zeer drove quickly into the secured garage. The front and back Guardian vehicles pulled in and the portal was sealed.

  “Wake up, ma Lady…we’re home.”

  “Okay, I’ll go see ta ma wee bairns…”

  “I’ll be along directly. The Ta-Namu wants ta see me a tick.”

  “Don’t be long, luv.”

  He headed through the tunnel into the Namu's wadi. Askirabs bowed as he entered. Zeer touched his two extended fingers to the extended fore claw of the leader as she walked up. "We thank thee for the lovely Dan, Zeer-Namu."

  "It is a blessing to serve thee."

  "It is a blessing to be served by thee." and they shuffled off into the dimly lit rooms to the central chamber.

  Zeer noticed that the game was set up just for the two of them. “Ka, what gives?”

  “My Mother calls you, Zeer-Namu…”

  “I am to go alone?”

  “Yes, Father, only you are called.”

  "G'bye, son."

  "G'bye, Dad. Be safe." With a palpable twinge, he left Zeer's mind. Zac headed out south with an Askirab guardian joining a search party.