Read Preacher Man Page 43

As they were hurrying along the hall, Zeer looked up at his huge friend, "Do ya think we could dispense with our black robes at this meetin', Jimmy, me boy?"

  "Yes, Father, we'll save the pomp and circumstance for the News Hawks."

  Sheel added, "Well, I'm sure that this'll bring them runnin. I'm surprised that we haven't had to clear any of them for landin' yet." The Magus put his hand over the recognition panel. The computer opened the door to his office. He ducked down and entered. Even the oversized portals Tristan had made for him were not big enough. Zeer and Sheel followed him through his private chamber into the Inner Chamber. They split up and headed for their seats.

  The Inner Chamber was set up with four groups of tables and chairs a circular pattern. At each section of the table was a large chair for each elected Citizen. The other chairs were for the advisory staff of each Citizen. At the north end of the group of tables was a raised table and a single chair set aside for the First Citizen.

  From the gallery, Trevor watched them assemble. Looking down, the Citizen Floor looked like a broken ring. Today, the gallery quickly filled with curious people filing in to see their new government in action. They pushed and shoved until all had found seats. The Guardians sealled the portals when the seats were filled.

  Between each section of the ring was an aisle that passed through the table to an area of cream colored carpeting. This was the speaker's place. From here, the speaker could address the Circle. Tristan had designed the center area this way because she felt that people liked to walk as they talked and could address any questions coming from the circle as they spoke.

  The Citizen Floor was nearly empty. Already seated were a group of Ssarrians. Zeer noted that, when they sat, no one sat in their Citizen's seat.

  Next to the Ssarrians was a group of Askirabim. They had been to the Magi Circle because of their indiginous status and, as such, the true owners of the planet. Ka-lo-Prim sat in their head chair. It was good that she spoke a hissy type of Galactic Standard. Her mental abilities would have allowed her to follow what was going on, but, when she spoke, she spoke out loud so the non-mental types could know what she wanted to say.

  Tristan was waiting at one of the back chairs of the Commandant's table. She stood when Sheel got to her seat. There was also a young ensign also there to keep notes. The three sat as one.

  At Zeer's table a young priest sat next to Paris, preparing to keep notes. He bowed to Zeer. Zeer smiled to him, “All set, Yim?"

  The young man smiled, "Yes, I am, your Grace."

  "Good lad." Zeer sat next to his wife. They touched hands briefly. Paris had brought old Zac with her to help give Zeer council. As he was settling into his chair, Zeer heard Praseer coming in through the doors behind the opposite table. There were several old Par Cat males with him. Zeer nodded to them as they hurried to their seats and settled down for the meeting.

  “Didn’t find anything, Dad?”

  “Nothing I wanted to find.”

  “We gotta talk after this. You’re not gonna believe my story of the latest from Ka-Lo-Prim.”

  “We can’t wait to hear your tale sonny.”

  Seeing all of the tables filled, the Mage pounded the gavel. "I call this meeting to order." He turned to the Communications Officer, "Sparky, is our link with the Viceroy in Place?"

  "No, sir, they say it will be an hour or so, yer Honor. His number one says he's in another meeting."

  Zeer smiled at the young man, "Thank you." He turned to the body. "We need the time to get ready. Any other business before we talk to the Prince?"

  "All security screens clean and green, sir."

  "All right, then, Cardinal, can we start properly?"

  Zeer rose."Let us ask the Master's guidance in today's work."

  As one, the crowd rose and began the Master's Prayer of the New Covenant. Then, Zeer prayed for wisdom and grace in humble obedience of his call.

  That being done, the Magus looked over at the Ssarrian table, noticing that the new leader of the Ssarrians was sitting in chairs near the back of the area. She was one of the few Ssarrian elders that remained alive. She had been mining at the time of the attack and was spared. He nodded to her. She returned it and turned to the Magus’s dais.

  Little Jim looked around, "People, we seem to need to replace a member here." All heads nodded in solemn agreement. He raised his arm and held his hand, palm up, toward the Ssarrian table, "Who will speak?"

  Toma, Talia's oldest son rose, "I will speak for my house."

  "Toma Ssarris, we welcome your comments."

  "I recommend Ssarratt Manninn for our seat, First Citizen. With our diminished status in the demographic pool, we wish to move down in the Circle. We yield to Prince Praseer. “

  Praseer rose, "No, Sir, I know that we can count on Ssarrian replacements. Your people are too valuable in the mining operations. You will keep your seat."

  "Alright, Your Grace, as to my old friend, she was second in command at the Ssarrian nest and a trusted adviser to my father. She will be an able replacement." She smiled at him from her seat across the table at her new assistant.

  Zeer looked around, "Second?"

  Praseer stood, "I will second this worthy motion." Zeer bowed and smiled at the Ssarrians.

  "Okay, any further discussion?"

  There being none, the Magus pounded his gavel again. "I call the vote. Please push the appropriate buttons on your desks to vote. He sat down and watched the count on the board over his head. All green. The newly elected member moved to the Third Citizen's chair at their table.

  Jim stood, "Citizens, the Circle is now complete."

  There was applause from the floor and the gallery. He sat, made a note then looked up, "Anything else?"

  Praseer stood, "I have a proposal, Sir."

  "The chair recognizes, Second Citizen Praseer."

  Praseer went to the tan circle of carpet where his voice would be amplified. He motioned to his father who was working at the console on their table. The old cat put some info disks into their machine. He began to call up data to the screens at each table. When he was ready, he motioned to Praseer. Praseer pointed, "If you will all watch the screen, please."

  Screen after screen, showed the Paronese Royal Council's assessments of their situation and some solutions. For the next hour, he reviewed the work that his family had done, except for the secret mining, regarding food, water, and shelter. The rest of the Circle was amazed at this planning.

  Even though he had just already heard most of this, by the time Praseer was done, Zeer looked at his former aide in a new light, "You surprise me, Sir."

  "Preparation is everything, Father. Our spies have said for some time that there was trouble brewing from the pirates. We didn't know what or when. We merely sought for a plan to save our people. With your marriage to our dear Paris, you became one of us. We have been listening to your sermons. As the Master's children, we are all in this together. We must help each other or perish..."

  Little Jim leaned forward, "Can these plans be expanded to include the non-Paronese members of the population?”

  Praseer turned to the dais, "Your Honor, these plans do include the population at large."

  There were cheers of noticable relief from the gallery. He continued, "The problem is that the town has outgrown the fort and its antiquated resources. To meet the new demands, we have dug new wells, and we have some food stored for just such a moment as this. We are not ready with all of our plans. We just ran out of time. "

  The Mage nodded, "I see."

  "Also," he motioned to his dad. The old male touched some buttons on the console and different charts came up, "there are the outlying districts to consider. When news of this attack is broadcast, those people will come in here, too, but their support resources will not."

  "Yes. I can see that." Jim shook his head as if to settle all of the data that Praseer's people had brought to the meeting. He stood and paced around. Then, he sat heavily in his chair, "my goodness, Little
Brother, you have done a lot of work."

  "Sadly, we did not have time to complete our preparations."

  "Way better than nothing, my friend..."

  Praseer bowed, "Thank you," and he sat down.

  "Armand," Zeer asked, though he knew the answer, "how many people can we support at this time?"

  "The fort has enough stored for about sixty thousand of us for one moon." He waited for the mumbling to die down.

  They all looked at Sheel. She read from sheets in front of her, "We have enough resources for another twenty thousand for about the same length of time."

  Praseer continued, "Okay, then I suggest that we keep the fighters only. The more people that we have here, the less time we could stand a seige."

  "Well, me son, let's hope that it does not come to that."

  The gallery erupted into shouts and loud discussions.

  Ssarratt stood. "Chair?"

  Zeer gavelled the room to some semblance of order, "The chair recognises Third Citizen Manninn."

  Praseer sat down. She waddled into the center circle, "This plan doesn't half cover the people in this fort alone, much less in the outlands." Again the room erupted in shouting.

  Zeer gavelled for order. Ssarratt moved slowly over to look at the Par Cat table, "What about the non-fighters?" Again shouts and discussions rained down from the gallery.

  He pounded the gavel for order, "People...people, we are not going to get anything done here if we can't have some order. One more outburst and the room will be cleared."

  Trevor sat quietly filming the whole meeting. After a moment, the room settled down. Just then, the old Bird-woman stood and spoke in Askirabi, "Jim-Samu..."

  He looked at his old friend and held up his hand. He turned to others and said softly, "Please excuse me, I know that you do not speak their language. I will translate as we go."

  Then, he turned back to the Askirab female. She began to speak quickly in a high, squeaky voice. Zeer and the Par Cats could follow the conversation in their minds. "We can hide thy nestlings from the Black-Patch and his devils. We would ask that mothers come to help care in the off world ways."

  Jim turned and translated this to the room. At once they cheered the offer. Then he bowed to the Askirabim. He looked down at his old friend, "Thank you, Ta-Namu."

  She bowed as well, "It is a blessing to serve thee."

  He bowed and smiled in return, "It is a blessing to be served by thee."

  Again the gallery was a sea of shouting people. Jim turned to Sheel, "Commandant, clear the gallery or we're never gonna get anythin' done today. I`m sorry folks."

  After a few moments, the room was again quiet as the gallery was cleared and the portals sealed.

  A young woman walked over and whispered in Jim's ear. He sat heavily into his seat, rubbed his face with his huge hands, and said, "Okay, here we go...the Prince is on-line..." He hit the switch to bring the Viceroy's face into focus on the huge screens all over the room.

  "Well, what can we do for you, Zzitizenzz?”

  Jim cleared his throat, "Your Majesty, we have been attacked by pirates flying the colors of Black Patch MacTarn."

  "Yezz...we have zeen the weportz..."

  "And that's not the worst of it, Sir. There were bodies found wearing the colors of other pirate bands as well. We are facing some kind of coallition of these devils."

  "But your reports do not explain why they would, after all these cycles, attack a peaceful mining town?"

  The Magus answered deliberately, "There are reasons so delicate that we cannot discuss them over an open hyperspace linkup. Please understand that the reasons were sufficient and the situation here is critical."

  The Viceroy was visibly annoyed with the answer. He seemed about to demand a full explanation, then he changed his mind, and said, "I will accept your answer for now, Mage. However, we will expect a full report on our arrival."

  "Yes, Sire, you will have it."

  "We will be leaving here in a few ticks. We have already ordered a full Scramble for my Legions. We will be there as soon as possible." The screens on every desk went blank.

  Zeer looked around, "Well, shall we go tell the people?”

  The others nodded in grim agreement.

  "Okay, here's the plan. Praseer?"

  Praseer stood, "Your Grace?"

  "You are now in charge of the quartermasters corpes."

  "Actually, Sir, I am less suited than another."


  "Could you appoint my Uncle Jin, instead of me? He has done all of the work in my Royal Council. Let me be on his committee. That is really his area of expertise. His committees are already set up. May I suggest we use him, instead?"

  Jim nodded, "That makes sense. I second the nomination."

  Zeer leaned forward, "I appreciate your candor. Okay, let us vote." The board again went full green. He turned to Armand’s uncle, "Jin Praseer, please step forward." He indicated a seat at his table. The wizened Paronese nobleman moved to the Magi's table and sat as the room applauded.

  After the room quieted, he spoke, "I am honored to serve this worthy cause."

  Jim barked a short laugh, "Well, my friend, it would be stupid not to choose you after all of your work."

  Zeer turned to his wife, "Mage, I nominate the Abess and Ka-Lo-Prim, the Ta‑Namu, to be in charge of the evacuation of children and mothers."

  Both females stood and spoke in unison, "We will serve."

  The Magi turned with a smile to his wife, "Sheel will be in charge of defense and will be military liason with the Viceroy when he gets here."

  She nodded, "Aye, Sir."


  "Yesss, Sssirr?"

  "I am positive that the Viceroy will want the mine to be running as well as possible to pay for this military action. Will you oversee the mine for us for the duration."

  She bowed, "Yesss, Sssirr."


  "Yes, Sir?"

  "Where is your brother, Trevor?"

  The Second Citizen turned and pointed at the gallery to the press box. Trevor stood, "Yes, Sir?"

  "Sir, we need an information Officer. Can you do it?"

  "Sure, but I'm under contract to SpyNet."

  "This is war, sir. I'm sure the Viceroy will have no problem grabbing you, so, get on board."

  Trevor made a face, "SpyNet is grab-proof. We are owned by the Empra's mother."

  "Can you help us?"

  "Do I get exclusives?"

  "No, Tevor, you will give exclusives, not get them."

  "Oh, yeah, what power I’ll have. I'll do it."

  "Have you gotten all of this?"

  "Uhhh, no. My brother said no cams in here."

  "Yes, good, quite right, this must be an open environment to brain storm. So, will you help us?"

  Trev looked at Jani. She nodded yes. He smiled.

  "How fast can you get it up loaded?"

  He shrugged, "We’ll know the answer to that in fifteen ticks if the equipment works. We'll know in five."

  The Magus stood, "That's it then, I want this story out, but very carefully... just the barest of facts. No details, just the headlines. Keep your first dispatches to safe topics, just appointments and such."

  "Got it."

  He turned and faced the Circle, "We will have press conference in twenty ticks. Let us get our reports together." He left. The Paronese huddled around Uncle Jin. Paris and the Ta-Namu headed for her office already conferring mentally as they organized their plans. Zeer listened to them, then shut them out to think.

  Zeer and Jim got up and headed out. The rest of them formed up behind Zeer as they headed for the balcony over the town square. The whole town was gathered below waiting for news. As they saw the Magi Circle come out onto the balcony, they quieted.

  Zeer spoke into the mike. "People..," His voice echoed across the open space. It seemed to swirl about with the dust devils. "The attack this morning was the opening round of a war declared by the
pirates from Pergatory Canyons."

  "Ohhhhh..." was a roaring response.

  "It was not the last attack. Until further notice, we are under a state of seige."

  The crowd's noise drowned him out.

  He waited a moment for quiet and continued, "This morning, thousands of Ssarrians were killed in their nest down by the river."

  A roar from the crowd flowed around the square.

  Zeer held up his arms, they fell quiet. "The Viceroy is bringing troops here to defend our mining town. The new town must be evacuated as soon as possible."

  The crowd below roared its disapproval. He let them roar until they were tired. He held up his arms for quiet. After a moment, the noise dropped to a level where he could be heard.

  "I need you all to go home and prepare to be evacuated either to the fort or to hiding spots in the mountains. Fighters and miners will stay. All others must leave. All buildings will be temporarily taken as military housing. They will be returned after the war."

  Once again, he was drowned out by noise of the crowd. He waited. "Stay in your homes until you are contacted." Then, he turned and left the roaring crowd behind him as he reentered the cool building.

  At his office door, Zeer turned as the group behind him headed for their own offices. He shook each hand and wished them good luck then turned and went inside of his office. Sheel followed Jim into his and closed the door.

  Zeer connected with Paris, "Good Luck sweets..."

  "Thank you, dear..."

  "Okay, I'll work here. May I pick you up on the way to Even Song. We will need prayer more than ever now. We can eat together after Eventides."

  "Okay, baby..." and she turned her attention back to Ka-lo‑Prim and the evacuation to the Namu Dans.

  Even Song prayers were sparcely attended. Zeer lead them through the songs and prayers for the Master to regain control of their world. After, they walked out into the cool evening. They passed by a Par Cat sub-echelon driving a grounder flying the flag of Paron. He was waiting for Praseer to come out. Paris walked over and touched it lovingly. "It is so beautiful. I miss paron so much." Silently, she sat in the car and rode.

  Zeer noticed a tiny tear drop onto her chest. "I have never seen you like this..."

  "It has been so many cycles since I saw our true flag, ma sweet. It has been hidden since we were merged into the Emperion. It stays with the Di et Wa."

  The next morning, Zeer climbed to the ramparts of the fort in the predawn gloom. Below him dust clouds swirled around the dark figures huddled below. Sounds of grief and fear drifted up to him as people were being evacuated. Males and females of all species were parting with kisses and hugs. Fathers were placing crying children into the flitters that were to take them to the Askirab hideouts.

  Paris came up behind him. He jumped as she touched his back. His mind had been so full that she was unable to break into his thoughts. She came around him and nestled into his arm. Holding him tightly she thought to him, "Tis a sad day, Preacherman."

  He spoke softly. His mind was too stressed for mental speech. "Aye, lassie, there was so much promise here. I meant for us a new life for us. Speakin' of sad, are the bairns and Mrs T. about ready?"

  "Aye, I shall miss them."

  "No, Mrs. MacTarn, you'll be right there with them."

  Her claws immediately leaped from her fingers, even though she continued to hold tightly to her man. He felt the nails digging into his arm. Her voiced hissed menacingly from her clenched teeth. "I shall do no such thing, Sir...”

  He stepped away from her claws, "Now, lassie, please don’t lose thy temper." Her temper had not improved a bit in the time they had been together.

  “I am way past anger, here, boyo.”

  Trying to hold his temper, he pointed at the scene in front of him, "Look about thee, Lass. These people dinna want to leave their kith and kin, but they're doin' it."

  Tears came to her eyes, "But..."

  He grabbed her shoulders in his big hands and looked deeply into her eyes, "Kin ya no remember the the hundreds of Ssarrian dead, Paris?"

  She moved away from him and stared down at the people below, "Aye, there is nothin' wrong with me memory."

  "Oh, my darling Paris..."

  She turned with fire in her eyes, "Don't even start with me."

  "You can’t stay here!"

  "Sir, you fergit yerself."

  "But, Paris, I can’t be worryin' about you when I've so much else ta do."

  She walked up, grabbed his beard with a hand on each side of his face, "And, ma sweet stupid mate, who is to look after your ugly puss if'n I leave you here?”

  "I have thousands of people looking after me."

  "Sure, but none can do as I do."

  He smiled grimly, "Aye, Thee are unique."

  Even though her eyes were full of tears, she remained firm. She turned away again, "Anyway, I have already joined the Medical Corpes."

  "You did WHAT!?!"

  "Do not forget that back home, I was a trained Med tech. I've already talked to Doctor Parthusian. He remembers my help at the cave in, and he was glad ta have me."

  Zeer's shoulders slumped in defeat. He pulled her close to him. He had wanted with most of his heart for them all to be hidden with the Pra-Namu. Still, a tiny part of his heart was glad to keep her there. "Well, does Mrs. T know about this?"

  Paris laughed, "Aye. She threw the same fit as you."

  "I knew I loved that woman for some reason. Maybe I should have married her instead. At least she has the good sense to know when ta run."

  "Like you, I suppose."

  He just hugged her in response, and they watched load after load head for the hills, "No, I reckon I aint that smart, either."

  "Well, there ya go. We're quite a pair aint we."

  "Aye.” said Zeer’s dad. “Who'd have either one of you?"

  Paris laughed at Zac as Zeer climbed up on the wall. The twin suns reached over the horizon together sending a golden blaze at him. Down below, people stopped what they were doing and gathered beneath him. He spread his arms to begin the Songs of Morning and the Songs of Passage for the dead and dying from the Battle of Ssarrian nest.

  When the service was over, the people returned to their tasks. Zeer turned and headed for his new office in the old Command Center. There, the four committees were merged into one using scaled down staffing because staffing was short since the evacuation. Whole departments were shut down for the duration of the War. Nobody knew what was going on or where to find anything.

  Jin Praseer was sitting in the first office. Boxes and papers were piled everywhere. He looked up from a pile of papers and smiled, "I'll do every thing that I can to get us up and running by sun up, your Grace. I require little sleep these days."

  Zeer touched the old man's shoulder, "I know you will, Uncle...I have all the faith in the world in you."

  They headed for home. As he was passing a corner, a young Ssarrian female grabbed his sleeve. “Fasser...may I sspeak wiss you?"

  "Yes, Daughter." Zeer recognized her as the mother of his first baptism.

  "I am ssso sssorrry,” she cried. Zeer patted her hand. She continued through her sobs, "I wass the one who requested ssat you be given ssee green rocks. Itss all my fault. It was an act of pride. Now, my mossser and fassser, all ssose peepo are all dead."

  He held her to his chest as she cried, "Thee are not to blame, darlin'. The Devil is a strong force of evil. But the Master will guide us home."

  Paris walked up behind them. She patted the girl on her back. She added, "Greed killed those people, sweetie, not you." she lifted her chin, "Have you got a place to stay?"

  "Yesss, Abess. I am working in sssee mine. We have moved into well spaces under the old office buildings. We are warm, wet, and comfortable there. We can work and live. Sssere are babeess to tend and rocksss to dig. I can work to forget."

  "Dinna worry, lass, we'll get the men who did this."

  She bowed on a knee, "An evening's ble
ssing, Fassser?"

  The two placed their hands on her green, pointed head. Paris prayed, "Be blessed, child. Thee will get better. Remember, it was not your fault."

  “O main!” The young woman thanked them and left. They turned and hurried to their own children getting ready to be evacuated. They looked at each other and thought simulataneously, "Poor child..."

  At their door, they found Mrs. Tren and several acolytes piling the children's belongings into a pushcart for the trip over to the flight deck. Zeer picked up one of the boys and Paris picked up the other. Yanni and Mrs. Tren pushed the cart and the rest filed along behind. Everyone was too sad to speak.

  The children were crying though they really didn't know why. All around them children were crying, and they just joined in. Even though the boys were weened, Paris' breasts still hurt when she heard them crying like this. She desperately wanted to nurse them one more time. She, like everyone else, was afraid for her kittens and her man. It never occurred to her to be concerned for her own safety in the upcoming battles.

  A troop of Guardians jogged past headed for the new guard posts that Tristan was building. Zeer watched them, suddenly feeling sad and old. He remembered the time when young Emerish men had marched off triumphantly to fight. They had been so confident. Like it was yesterday, his mind returned to the burned out shells of their home to his Mum and Sissy's funerals. How could he bear to do that again, he wondered. "I canna allow it." he muttered.

  "We both won't allow it, husband.”

  He looked at his wife. With his free hand, he reached out to her. With his arm on her shoulder, they walked the rest of the distance to the flight deck. Sadly, they processed the boys. As they waited, she said goodbye to her wee bairnes. With kisses, tears, and waves they sent their precious cargo on its way to hopeful safety.

  "These nestlings I will keep myself, Pra-Namu." Zeer heard in his mind.

  "Thank you, Ka-Namu."