Read Preacher Man Page 57

Chapter 34; A Solution for Peace

  The last part of the job was to mine the mother lode using metal detectors and to clean up the pile of leavings under his brother’s old pirate cave by P-6. Tristan ran a digger, and Zeer ran the hauler. First, they flew into the canyon just far enough not to be in direct sight of the valley. Here, she dug in the bottom of the river to make a particularly shaped pool. In this pool the rushing water created a whirlpool. While she was doing that, Jim and Zeer dug at the pile of leavings with the scoop arm. They poured each scoop full into the swirling water. The stones were separated from the dirt. Jim lowered his magnet over the pool, and the Verdollium jumped onto the magnet.

  On the second day, when they had stopped for lunch, Tristan sat on the edge of the hauler and looked at the growing pile in the wagon, “Whew…I caint believe we’re givin’ this to him. I love him and all, but this is above and beyond the call.”

  Zeer picked up thumb-sized stone. He kept hunting until he had handed her five of them. He put them in her pocket. “There…that is enough wealth for two life times. You really dinna want more. That’s all Paris and I are takin’. It’s all that Sheel and Jim are takin’. Any more and there’d be trouble fer sure.”

  She shook her head, “No, Father, I don’t really need no more trouble.” She held the stones in her hand. “I’ll keep one fer Dad and one fer Mom.” She threw back two of the stones.

  Two days of hard work later the rest of the Verdollium was in the Empra’s compound. The Empra had nearly two tons in his vault. He had enough wealth for his whole family for ten lifetimes.

  Over the last several moons, a smaller version of Home World style court had developed at the sundown end of Namu Dan. Tristan brought in twenty crews to build villas all at the Sun Up end of the old Fort. Some of the new arrivals were ministers and functionaries. Most of them were useless hangers on. They were cousins and minor royalty of the Empra. They were always looking for diversion from the drudgey of their useless lives. By the sixth moon, hunting was all the rage. What the Royalty loved to shoot most was Zurfs.

  Zurfs were tan with short snouts and big round ears. Their soft leather was prized for shoes and clothing. Large eyes helped them see to graze at night. They stood about one meter tall. Two huge rear legs propelled them in leaps over rough terrain. Zeer had seen them jump a three-meter fence from five meters away. Zurfs used to be hard to find. They stayed away from people in the old mining days.

  In the old days, people hunted them by riding one-man flitters through the canyons. Seeing a Zurf was few and far between. They lived on the trash heaps and garden patches of the few inhabitants of the mining villages. They were threatened by the moving of the population out of the canyons that had caused them to nearly starve. Then, coming down out of the canyons following the miners, they found the farmers.

  Farming had altered the life style of Zurfs immediately. They had never seen grain before in these quantities. They developed a taste for it right away. Their territory moved from burrows in the outer reaches to running freely through the valley feeding on the grain growing there. The more food they got, the more they reproduced.

  By the second cycle, they were a huge menace to the farmers of the valley. Zurfs ate their grain but the worst part was that they stomped the grain around the plants they were eating. It was becoming very costly. Hunting was the answer.

  Royal hunts were more and more festive. People drank, and they rode their flitters fast and crazy. At first, they used old-fashioned gas pressure pellet rifles. As the betting grew and the prizes increased, the hunters created new weaponry for these events. The newest toys were repeaters. They shot at anything that moved. It was a wonder more of the idiots didn’t kill each other.

  Most of the Royals were Froggers. Now, that the valley was safe, the Royal hunters were all over the valley. Buzzing around first light in one-man flitters chasing the elusive Zurf creatures until the heat drove them to their ponds. Contests were held. Prizes of pure Quallite were paid. A grand party was mostly the result.

  Zeer waited for a week or so after the cleanup was over in order to appear as if it were an innocent meeting. He made an appointment to go shooting with the Empra. Early morning found them out racing the wind, betting with their friends and shooting at anything mildly Zurf-like. Throughout the morning, they stalked the beasts, acting casual and normal. By mid-morning, they had shot three apiece. Finally, it became too hot for the Empra, He sat in the shade of a barn, sweating, “Your Graze, I am cooking. I muzt retire to my pond.”

  Zeer took off his hat and wiped his forehead with a cloth, “Aye, Sire, it has become quite hot. I think we have done our civic duty by ridding the valley of a few of these beasties.”

  They got into a grounder and headed back for their homes. Once in the air-cooled interior of the vehicle, the Empra lay quiet for a time. When he was cooled somewhat, he turned to Zeer, “Zo, ma frere, two timez you have zaved my life and two more timez you have zaved my crown. What must we do to repay zziz debt?”

  “I have one more thing to show thee before we settle.”

  “Ohhh? Are we negotiating?”

  “We might be once you see this.”

  “I am intrigued I must zay.”

  “Meet me after Morgen Tide tomorrow.”

  “We are going where?”

  “To Pergatory #6…a new mine I found.”

  “Really? A new mine?”

  “Aye, Sire! Let’s tell the newsies we’re tired of flatland Zurf hunting. We are looking for a challenge. The newsies are bored with hunting, and they hate Purgatory Canyon, so we will have privacy. We can take the Magregors for security. He is known as the best hunter in the canyons anyway so the choice won’t look too fishy.”

  The next morning the little hunting party set out in a small air-conditioned barge. Quickly they made their way up the canyon. At the correct turn, Zeer directed the crew into the hidden opening. Directing the crew to remain in the vehicle, they disembarked the vessel and headed up the hallways. Zeer and Jim had cleaned out the bodies and repowered the air handlers and light systems. It was a pleasant place now. They left Jim and Sheel at the first turn.

  Zeer lead the little Frog to Shannon’s kitchen. He handed a cool drink to the Empra and sat across from him at the table. He pointed to a black box next to the Empra. “Sire, this is a metal detector. It is set to scan only for Verdollium.” He hit a red button on the front, powering up the unit. It began beeping immediately.

  The Empra got very excited, “Doz zizz mean what I zink?”

  “Yes, Sire…it’s possibly a mountain of Verdollium. You are officially the richest man in history.”

  “You are giving me zizz?”

  “I’m trading it to you for four things.”

  “Name zem. I promiz nuzzing.”

  “I will accept 20 stones of Verdollium that I get to choose.”

  “Done. For za zecond zing?”

  “Six planets will change relationships with the Imperium. The first planet is this one. Ka Lo Prim, the Ta-Namu must be officially designated as Royalty. She ascends the Throne of Skulls and is designated as the ruler of this planet.”

  “Zo…ziz mine would be herz?”

  “No, Sire. She has no interest in these things. You declare this planet a personal protectorate of yours. This bequest is ceremonial and long over due.”

  “I will consider it. Next…”

  “Paron must be freed. Armand Praseer…”

  “My General D’Legionaires?”

  “Aye…the very same. Long ago, he had been chosen by his people to ascend the Paronese throne.”

  “And za last zing?”

  “Sire, more than anything else, I seek peace between our houses.”

  “Our houzez? Are we at war?”

  “Aye Sire, Thy house and the Clan MacTarn have been at war…well… thanks to Shannon’s uncivil war for nearly 50 cycles.”

  “Fifty zyclez? What do you mean?”

  “Two generations ago, our grandfath
ers began a bitter war that has never been ended. Me own brudder, as the Crown Prince of our System, is currently fighting both of us now to break a yoke that need never have been between us.”

  “You are talking about my grandfather’s Entitlement…I zee…go on.”

  “Through the work of the Master’s hand, we, Your Royal self and my humble self, who had nothing to do with that starting or fighting that war, can come to an agreement that will end this war forever.”

  “How might we do zat?”

  “I propose an end to a small portion of your grandfather’s ‘Great Entitlement’.”

  “Go on.”

  “This is what I know. I know that for nearly a decade before the war, your grandfather and my grandfather were allies, set against the another great UKP. They worked together to defeat that rotten house. The original deal was to free our house and lands, and you would get the rest of UKP’s holdings.”

  The Empra nodded, “I remember zee ztory.”

  “Your grandfather had other plans. For reasons never divulged, he turned on our house. His plans added all UKP houses and lands plus the Emerish lands and titles. In one fell swoop, he became the leader of the largest body of planets in the Council of Empires. History says that your grandfather, over the next few cycles, picked off the smaller empires one by one until his holdings stretched from one end of the known universe to the other.”

  “Yez…zat iz true. He waz an evil man.”

  “What a burden for you, Sire.”

  “Exactly…to tell zee za truth, your Graze, it is sometimez too great of a burden.”

  “Well, let me help you to very quietly relieve yourself of six planets. We will not leave the Imperium, just alter our state to sovereign fealty. We swear undying loyalty to Thy crown, but we will be free to govern ourselves for the first time in history.”

  “How do we do zat?”

  “My grandfather is pardoned. His bones are to be returned to Emerand.”

  “Okay. Zen?”

  “My father is pardoned. His bones were vaporized three cycles ago, but it is a simple thing for you to expunge the entire line of MacTarns.”

  “Zee entire line?”

  “Yes, the last thing is going to be the hardest to understand.”


  “My brother must be pardoned and be allowed to ascend his throne.”

  “Zat I cannot do!”

  “You must know only this, Sire. My brother will die by my hand after he sees one sunrise from the Emerald Throne Room. He will not see a second sun rise. I swear it!”

  The old Frog thought a long while, saying nothing. Zeer waited. They began the long walk back to the royal air bus. Finally, just before the last turn at the gate, the Empra spoke, “To be truthful, I have plenty of planetz. What are zix planetz to me?”

  “They mean a great deal to us, Sire.”

  “I agree on one condition. You may have your kingdom back, but your brozzer must be brought to juztize and you must do it. You know zat any agreement between you and I would mean nuzzing to zzat pirate…your bwozzer.”

  “I agree. He must die at my hand.”

  “What next?”

  “Let us start slowly. We will announce my retirement from the College of Cardinals. As the second in line to the Emerish throne, by this time, I should be the 47th Earl of Emerand, Baron of the Realm. Returning my titles would go a long way to begin to heal my lands.”

  “I can do zat easily enough. How do we deal wiz your bruzzer?”

  “I know how we can smoke him out. Tomorrow, at the nzed conference, you choose to announce that the Emerish people can begin to resettle their old holdings under my stewardship. Shannon would have to challenge me for those fiefs.”

  “You have a diabolical mind, Fazzer. I like zat.”

  “Thankee, I think.”

  They got back aboard the Barge. The Empra settled into his soft cushion, “Now, I wizh to zzink.”

  They sat in silence until the flier stopped on the landing pad on the roof of the Abbey. The Empra turned to look at his friend. “Az usual, ma frere, you zeem to have covered most of zze problem points with ready zolutionz. I will consider zziz, and we will talk tomorrow.”

  “Thankee, Sire. I await thy pleasure.” He got out and went into his office. He knelt and prayed for guidance for them all.

  The next day, Zeer received an invite to the palais for midday meal. He and Paris arrived just after the nzed news conference. Praseer was already there.

  “Your Majesty.” They bowed.

  Praseer laughed, “Don’t jump the gun, your Graces. There’s a lot to settle yet.”

  They hurried along after the guide. In the misty darkness, they found a table set for them. Zeer was optimistic. They bowed and kissed the Empra’s ring. He smiled and waved them to their chairs. “Zit, please, zit.”

  Food was served and they ate and talked of ordinary happenings of the parish and their children. The Empra had over 400 children by his many wives. “It iz difficult to chooze between my twenty zeven crown prinzez. I know zey will zort zemzelvez out over time. Zze oldezt eight were all born in the zame zycle.”

  “I wish them all luck. It will be difficult for anyone to fill thy shoes, Sire.”

  “Oh, well…when that battle happenz, I will be dead, and they will have to work it out.”

  “Not for a long time, I hope.”

  “As za Mazter willz, ouis?”

  “Mais ouis, Mon Roi,” bringing a chuckle from their liege.

  The Empra got serious. “I have conzidered your propozal. I owe you all a great deal. What you azk iz very fair. I have plenty of planetz. My biggest problem iz wiz your retirement. You have ministered to me and to my people better than most that I have seen. I will always need your ministry and your council.”

  Zeer leaned close to his friend. “Aye…it was a tough choice. The peace between us began with my ministry. I canna fergit that, but I hear my great grandfather calling me to heal my own lands. I know that governing a land within the Master’s plan is a ministry. I will wear His robe and frock, but not the Scarlet. I canna be prince to more than one land. If you will let me, I will lead my people as a simple Father, nothing more.”

  “An interesting choize, ma frere’. I will seek council from zee az a peer.”

  “I will serve thee as you see fit, Sire. I would miss thy wry wit too much otherwise.”

  “Zank you, Fazzer. What about za rockz?”

  “Mine or yours?”

  The Empra laughed, “The onez I may be giving to you.”

  “May I keep these?” He showed him all but Tristan’s three.

  He chuckled, “Alwayz ready, I zee. Yez, zose are good choizez. You may keep zoze.”

  “Thankee, Sire.” And the little bag disappeared into the folds of his cloak.

  “Let us speak of your Barony. I will return ziz title to you as purzuant to your conditionz. The final judgement of regarding your bruzzer must be met.”

  Zeer leaned forward, “Yes, Sire.”

  The Empra stood and held out his hand, “Let uz be clear. I will make za announzment tomorrow. When your bruzzer iz dead, I will finalize our deal. I can do no else to maintain za dignity of my Crown.” Zeer nodded and sat back in his chair.

  The Empra turned to Praseer, “You have done great zervize to za Crown. For zat, I return your title to your houze, az well.”

  “Oh, thank you, Sire.”

  “Zere are conditions for you az well. I will give you three zyclez to prove your ability to rule. If, in zat time, your people are as well cared for az zey are now, your house will rule under my crown.”

  “I accept that task. I will make thee proud, Sire.”

  The little frog pointed a long finger at the cat. “AND, make no miztake. Your fortunez are bound togezzer wiz him. Until za Baron bringz hiz bruzzer to juztize, no one is free, not even me.”

  Praseer knelt and kissed the Empra’s ring. “I pledge to you, Sire, that you will never be sorry.

  “And you, Baron?”

  Zeer kept his brother’s secret. He took his little friend’s hand. “I promise that I will get my brother’s consent to peace.” He knew that this consent could only end with Shannon’s trip through the Master’s Gate.

  “Or hiz head. I do not care which.” The Empra said very solemnly.

  “I hope it doesna come ta that, Sire.”

  “I will leave zzat to you, ma frere’.”

  Praseer asked, “What about your forces on Paron. Will they be leaving?”

  “Yezz. I have alerted Paronese Command. All troopz of Paroneze dezent will be rotated home immediately. You will command all troopz until your people are in place. We wizh to maintain order. Off world troopz will rotate out az zoon az order iz proven.”

  “I’ll begin today to move my government and troops into place. I am afraid most of my people will seek early release from your legions, Sire.”

  “Zzat will not be nezezary. Zey will be granted tranzferz to Paroneze units and ztationed at home. We may need zem though. I hope peaze will reign for a time now.”

  “That is a wonderful solution. We will pray for peace, Sire.”

  “Zat iz all, zen?”

  They all nodded. The Empra picked up a paper from the stack by his throne. They were dismissed.

  They bowed. Zeer spoke for them all. “Be blessed, Sire.”

  “And to you all. Lead well, Children.”

  “Thankee, Sire. Our highest wish to be as good a leader as Thee.” They left. They walked normally as far as the veranda of the Rectory, then they whooped and danced for joy. They headed for Par Cat HQ to start their work.