Read Preacher Man Page 59

Chapter 36; Grand Announcements

  The next day, Zeer led Morning Song. It had a slight bitter sweetness. He knew it was his last Service as Cardinal of this planet that he had come to love. Even the Empra was sitting in the Royal Box. This time, he did not rush off after Morning Song. He had put the word out that news was forthcoming.

  Praseer was there with his whole Royal Paronese Council. Talia led the Ssarrian contingent. They sat on their tails in a chairless area of the kirk designed for them. The Askirabim did not come to the service, but they were waiting by the door when the others came out. They all followed the Empra out to the veranda of the cathedral. Mikes and a podium had been set up there for the announcements.

  The newsies were half crazy. Word was coming in from all over the galaxy about strange troop movements. They shouted questions and, as usual, the Empra ignored them. He set the reader screen so that he could keep his notes and held up his hands for quiet. Within minutes, all were waiting. “I have a few announcements to make.”

  “Za Pirate war iz over. Za criminals who attacked this peaceful valley have been beaten. In two pitched battlez, 95% of za known pirate vezzelz were diztroyed. We are hunting za last of zem, but zey are broken.”


  “Three groupz were mozt helpful in ziz war. Before I go home to begin my rule, I will reward zeir zervize.”


  He let the cheering die down. “Firzt,” he motioned toward the Askirabim on his right, “I want to introduce Ka-lo-Prim, the Pra-Namu of this planet.”


  “Za zovereignty of za Pra-Namu will remain protected forever under my Crown. But zhe iz za royal houze of Namu.”


  “Ziz planet is to be returned to its original name. It iz to be called Azkir by za wishes of her Majezty.” They exchanged bows.


  “Your own James Magregor will become her Prime Minister. His Magi Zircle will become the Royal Council of the House of Azkir.”


  “Namu Dan will remain za capitol, and all farmers who wizh to ztay are commended and will be supported fully.”


  “Hiz wife, General Sheel Magregor-DeNoor will ztay on az her Commander-In-Chief. I will continue to zupport all programz in place.”


  “Mining will continue to zupport za budget of her government. In return, Za Crown retainz za right to mine where I wizh.”


  “To repay the effortz of za Zzarrianz to return the mine to full ztatuz, Talia Zzarriz will run zizz mine. Zzey are za bezt minerz zat we have.”


  “As for me, I will be moving back to Home World. I will vizit from time to time to worship in my cathedral, but I am needed more at home.”

  “Next, we wizh to recognize the efforts of organization and fighting prowezz of za Paroneze. I have agreed to allow za Houze of Wa to create a government on Paron. Za Houze of Wa will retain zovereignty under my Crown.”

  (cheers and howls from the Par Cats)

  “Lazt, we cannot forget za two timez zat Zeer MacTarn zaved my life. I told him zat if we lived, I would give him what ever he wanted.”


  “I have agreed to all of hiz requeztz. Firzt, I wizh to call out to all Emerish people to go home. Za war wiz my Houze iz over. Za Clan MacTarn callz you home to rebuild your worlds. Zeer MacTarn, my friend, I return to you all of the landz and titlez just az zey were before za war. Now, I prezent to you all, za Earl of Emerand, Prinz of the Emerish Planetz, Protector of Paron and Askir, Cardinal of za Blue Ztar Quadrant.”

  The loudest cheering erupted. Zeer waited, tears in his eyes. After a time, they fell silent, “My brothers and my sisters in the Way of the Master, I am both sad and happy on this day. I am sad to leave you all. Over these brief cycles, you have adopted me and my family as your own…”


  Zeer stepped to the mike. He looked out and spoke solemnly, “I will always call Tarra my second home.”


  “This harsh place has made us all stronger. But, I will never forget that it was you, the people of Emeswan, have taught me what joy can come from a life of work in His Word.”


  “But I had a calling before you called me here.”


  “Yes, friends. Upon the death of the elders of my clan, I was called to rule my own people first. Through the blood and dried bones of my father and the fathers before him, I must be who I am.”

  A whoosh of sound of disbelief came from the crowd as he pulled a short fighting sword from his robe and the solid gold hand blaster in the other. He raised them high, glinting in light of the two suns. “I am Zeer MacTarn of the Clan MacTarn. We have fought for nearly fifty cycles to be free. Today, thanks to the far sightedness of this Empra, we are free. So, as the leader of my people, I offer my weapons, my fortune, and my very honor in peace to my Empra.” He dropped the weapons with a loud clang on the dais.”

  “We will fight no more forever. The war is over, Sire. Thank you for this peace.” He knelt in front of the Empra and moved the sword to lay at the feet of the Empra.

  The Empra, not one to be upstaged, took the sword and blaster and stuck them in his belt. The people cheered. The whole crowd shook hands with each other for the viddies, but the show was over. The various parties broke up to get to work on the new worlds they would be building.