Read Prelude To A Song Page 2

A Fly on the Wall

  I miss the boys and worry over their well-being. So I often wonder where they are and what they’re doing. My imagination is wandering. In other words, I’m curious about a day in the life of Ryan and Kevin.

  At this moment, I imagine the living room is empty and quiet. Kevin and Ryan are still in class, and this is a good opportunity for me to snoop around. Yes, I know all about invasion of privacy, but they frequently recite the same answers anytime we talk on the phone. As a mother, I sense they’re hiding certain aspects of their lives.

  At least, the place is somewhat clean for bachelors. You would be surprised at the pigsty they inhabited in the past. Expired newspapers and magazines crowding the coffee table, half-filled glasses and mugs propped on the end tables, and books aligned on the floor nearby the couch. Decaying food left on the counter, a stack of messy dishes in the sink, empty soda cans and snack bags beside an overflowing garbage container.

  Don’t get me started on the bathroom, and the bedrooms were atrocious. There were dirty clothes on the floor, wrinkled linens and crumpled sheets over an unmade bed, and balled up socks next to the closet. I’m unsure on whether the socks are fresh or soiled. How hard is it to throw dirty shirts and jeans in a hamper or make your bed in the morning?

  I swear these men were not raised to be such slobs. The temptation to clean the apartment is immense, though my limitations restrict me at the time being. Especially in the bedrooms, opened packets of unmentionable items are screaming to be thrown away in the wastebasket. There are just some things a mother should not view and the wrappers are at the top of the list. Nevertheless, I am relieved over their safe practices.

  Despite the reprimand of an unclean home, Ryan and Kevin learned a valuable lesson. Lazy and messy gentlemen are unacceptable to women and that significant issue dampened their sex life. So the boys cooked and cleaned while balancing school and social activities. Of course, their dating scene improved considerably.

  The sight of a vacuum cleaner, broom and dustpan, cleaning solutions, and regular garbage separate from recyclables bring me joy and satisfaction. The punishment suffered were also examples valued. My sons are grown-ups and responsible members of the community.

  Kevin also appears happier about his living arrangement. Ever since his sister left a few years ago, he always felt misplaced, similar to an abandoned child. Although Kevin considers me, Ryan, and Corey (my youngest son) his family, he misses having a “real” home. Therefore, Scott permitted Kevin to make changes to the apartment, and render it his own. A place Kevin can call “my home.”

  Extra income earned over the summer break was invested into home improvements. Ryan and Kevin labored over the decor of the apartment. The carpets were removed to expose beautiful hardwood floors. They replaced the outdated kitchen tiles with updated linoleum flooring and resurfaced the cabinet doors. A new stove-top oven, an efficient dishwasher, and microwave under the hood were installed. The entire bathroom received a complete makeover with brand-new overlays, fixtures, accessories, and vanity.

  In truth, I chipped in for half of the expenses, the living room, and bedroom sets. If Kevin and Ryan insisted on upgrading the place, their home should reflect more sophisticated furniture. I added a feminine touch by hanging a mix of green, brown, and beige drapes for the living room windows. The boys refused any curtains in their bedrooms; they preferred plain window blinds instead.

  While inspecting the bathroom for cleanliness, I recognize the voices of young men entering through the main door. I’m ecstatic Ryan and Kevin are finally here. It is time to be a fly on the wall and observe their natural, everyday routine. Now the fun begins.

  The men seem older to me, even though I last saw them a month ago during Christmas break. Their change in appearance is noticeable. Kevin’s build is massive and his stance is intimidating, yet the attitude indicates character and dignity. Moreover, the facial stubble and messy strands imply a mature and hardworking man.

  Meanwhile, the eyeglasses Ryan seldom wears and groomed hair reflect a more refined gentleman. His tall and athletic frame is also imposing. Even so, the demeanor of his posture denotes pride and self-confidence. My boys have grown up to independent and respectable adults.

  In addition, their older appearance and conduct signifies experience. Evident by the beer bottles in the refrigerator, the men’s fitness and health magazines fanned over the coffee table, and the box of condoms inside the bathroom medicine cabinet. Regardless of their young age, I am pleased with their upbringing and outcome.

  After Ryan and Kevin drop off belongings in their rooms, they grab a snack and soda from the kitchen and settle on the couch. The TV is clicked on, and Ryan flips through the channels.

  Kevin comments, “Don’t forget to do the grocery shopping. We need another jug of laundry detergent. I wanna wash my sheets tomorrow.”

  Ryan answers, “We just did the laundry last week.”

  “Ry, Beth was in your room last night. Did she or did she not cum all over you?”

  Ryan replies, “How is that your business?”

  Kevin dictates, “If you want her coming back to your bed, then you better wash the sheets and keep your shit clean!”

  “Speaking of cumming, who was that girl with the big boobs the other night?” Ryan inquires.

  There are certain exchanges a mother should not overhear, and this conversation is one of them. I understand men often converse in this manner, but to witness my sons speak crudely is horrific. I’m appalled, and the reflex to shout, “Be quiet and go to your room” is mounting.

  Kevin admits, “She did have an awesome pair of jumbo titties. One of the guys from work invited me to his bachelor party at a strip club. There she was, tits and shiny thong, dancing. So I had a few singles to spare, and she entertained me all-night.”

  Ryan chuckles, “Sounded like she did more than entertain you the other night. Her tits must be a mouth full. You practically need two hands to handle one boob.”

  “Her fake tits hardly bounced, but who cares, she let me do all sorts of fun things with her.”

  Laughter erupts, as well as a nauseating stench.

  Ryan is disgusted and grumbles, “Kev, did you have to fart up a dead skunk? Dude, I’m eating!”

  “Look who’s talking! You just burped and it smells like shit. Do you fart out of your mouth Ry?”

  Enough already, I’m leaving! Kevin and Ryan are laughing, burping, and farting. My sons are pigs, and if they wish to stay healthy, I need to go right now before I beat them senseless. The topics for discussion are sordid and offensive.

  “Fuck you, and never mind about the gas problems! What are we gonna do for a song? We can’t let Elle write most of the album.” Ryan gripes in return.

  I am ready to depart when Ryan mentions Elle. The subject immediately switches to her, and this holds my attention. Elle seems like a fascinating young lady. I adored her from the moment Kevin and Ryan told me of the new girl in their band. I did not personally meet her, yet from what I’ve heard, Elle is remarkable. She was a pleasure to speak with over the phone on Christmas, and I’m sure a joy to meet in person one day.

  Kevin enquires, “Got any ideas?”

  Ryan answers, “She loves the bracelet we all gave her.”

  “I wanna write a song for Elle.” Kevin responds with eagerness.

  Ryan is chuckling, “You really have it bad for her.”

  Kevin slams a soda can on the coffee table, irritated by Ryan’s comment. In spite of this, Ryan glares towards Kevin’s direction unconcerned.

  Kevin mutters, “Listen Ry. I see the way you look at Elle. You probably think of her as much as I do. At least, I don’t hide the fact.”

  “C’mon Kev, there’s no denying Elle is beautiful. I can’t help but notice beautiful women. She is in the band, and it’s not right to stare at or flirt with her the way you do, especially in front of Jay and Drew. Don’t forget she has a boyfriend.”

  The focus of this convers
ation is interesting. I’m eager to know the juicy details. Ryan and Kevin did not share anything else regarding Elle besides her talent and skill to me. They are taken by her beauty.

  Kevin relaxes on the couch again after changing the TV channel. “How can I forget about the lucky man Elle loves so much. Speaking of Drew and Jay, what’s their deal with her? I get that they are family, but they’re not related. If I grew up around Elle, I’d definitely notice how gorgeous she is and throw the sisterly thing out.”

  Ryan crumples up his potato chip bag into a ball before responding. “I spoke to Elle about clearing up their history. They all consider each other as family. They love one another, but they are not in love with each other.”

  Loud laughter explodes from Kevin. The explanation seems humorous. “Ry, do you really believe that? Jay is overprotective of Elle, always making sure he knows where she is at all times. I don’t know how Drew deals. When Sean is not around, he holds her hand and hangs out with her alone. Drew always gives in to Elle for everything. Don’t tell me they weren’t or aren’t in love with her.”

  Ryan chuckles in response to Kevin’s keen observations. “Their interaction around each other is suspicious. I don’t understand why Jay or Drew didn’t make a move on Elle in the past. But I believe the overprotection is because they are good friends.”

  Kevin responds, “Yeah right.”

  “It’s not a good idea to mess around with her Kev. Things will get complicated for the group. Elle is not the type to mess around anyway. We all find her attractive, but we can’t kiss or touch her because we feel like it.”

  Kevin widens his smirk and taunts, “Finally admitting you want to kiss and do more than touch her. I knew it! You have the hots for her as much as I do. What do you like about her other than her looks?”

  This discussion is quite intriguing. Ryan and Kevin are both attracted to Elle. I’m impatient, waiting to uncover the possible reasons for their attraction to this young woman. The curiosity is building; I am discovering certain matters they have been concealing from me.

  “Kev, I admit Elle is hot, but I have a girlfriend I can kiss and do more than just touch. Don’t forget about all your other women who are really hot.”

  “But they ain’t Elle.” Kevin replies.

  Ryan adds in, “Yeah, she’s pretty but don’t forget she can be a bitchy brat sometimes.”

  Kevin nods his head in agreement, chuckling. “I know, especially when she doesn’t get her way. She’ll just nag and nag on the reasons why her way is better, almost to the point where you have to give in so she’ll shut up.”

  “Except for the whining, Elle is nice to hang out with most of the time. She’s the only girl I know who’ll sit down and watch football with us. She’s easy to talk to about almost anything. She really listens to my problems and gives me good advice.” Then Ryan chuckles out another statement. “Remember when she made us lunch one day and ‘jacked up’ the grilled cheese by accident.”

  Kevin frowns and winces at the same time, rubbing his abdomen. “Don’t remind me. How the hell do you mess up a grilled cheese sandwich? She left the flame on too high and burnt one side. Then guilt tripped me in to eating it. My stomach hurt for the rest of the night.”

  Ryan laughs again, holding his stomach. He’s probably recalling the taste of this inedible lunch. “When she wasn’t looking, I ate the side that wasn’t burnt. But I wrapped the rest of the food inside a paper towel to throw in the garbage.”

  “You’re an ass for lying about an important phone call, leaving me in the kitchen with Elle. I couldn’t think of an excuse not to eat the food. Elle kept smiling and looking at me while she served the sandwich with the nice side up.”

  Both are chortling at Elle’s horrible skills in the kitchen. After they reminisce over the spaghetti in watery meat sauce she prepared for dinner, Kevin changes the subject. “So she’s a spoiled brat who can’t cook anything decent. Besides that, she does have some good points.”

  Ryan leans back against the couch cushions to ponder Kevin’s response. His eyes brighten, and the lips turn upward into a huge grin. “Alright, Elle has talent, intelligence, humor, and guts. She is loyal to her family and friends. Did I say Elle’s an awesome singer and musician? I could listen to her sing all-day, and those light eyes are...”

  Kevin stretches out on the couch and props his feet on the armrest to sigh. “I agree, and you are right on about her singing. Those lips are so juicy. I wonder what it would be like to kiss them. When she performs, I wonder what it would be like to have her play for me alone. She’s a great dancer, the way she moves her body, it drives me crazy. Elle is more than gorgeous; she is sexy, fun, and feisty. I can stare into her beautiful eyes all-day.”

  Ryan places his feet on the coffee table and crisscrosses his arms while relaxing on the smaller couch. “It’s almost like you’re under her spell. You would do anything she wants and everything for her.”

  Kevin is grinning, “I would do anything to make her want me. Let’s write a song for my little bad-ass.”

  Ryan’s facial expression is familiar. The sparkle in his eyes and the crooked smile convey an idea is brewing. “We’ll use the bad-ass point for her song. Remember when we first met her? You called her that and said you think you like her. I agree. She is sassy, and I like her for being brave enough to take you on.”

  In accordance with the suggestion, Kevin sits up to relay, “Let’s write about what makes her so bad-ass and sassy.”

  I am excited over their project. The enthusiasm displayed by Kevin and Ryan is contagious. I enjoyed discovering more about Elle despite her negative aspects. The hour is late, though I am unable to leave without learning the result of their composition.

  Within thirty minutes, the lyrics are complete. Every positive attribute of Elle is described in the song. The comical remarks between the two boys are entertaining. Ryan and Kevin go back and forth answering one another’s comments. Ryan begins the first line of each verse, bridge, chorus, and fade of the song. Kevin answers and ends every section of the musical piece.