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  American Mail Order Brides

  By Kirsten Osbourne

  Copyright 2015 Kirsten Osbourne

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  This 1500 word prequel is what ties together the ground-breaking American Mail Order Bride books. The project includes fifty mail order bride books, one for each state, which will be released one per day from November 19th, 2016-January 7th, 2016.

  Roberta, manager of a garment factory in Lawrence, Massachusetts, finds a very large discrepancy between the amount of money on hand and the amount her books say she should have on hand. When she calls in the owner to talk to him about it, she knows immediately the discrepancy is caused by him. After the factory burns to the ground a short time later, she feels responsible for the women who are now jobless. Can she find a solution that won't leave all of the women unemployed?

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  I'm a writer. I get what others would consider crazy ideas often. Many of them are so huge, I know they'll never be able to be pulled off. The American Mail Order Bride project was one of those huge crazy ideas, that I would have said could never be put into motion.

  I was talking to a new author in May of 2015, Cindy Caldwell. She had yet to finish writing her first mail order bride story, when something she said sparked the idea for fifty related stories with mail-order brides for all fifty states. I told her I had a brilliant idea, and she told me she had experience "herding cats." I immediately named her project coordinator.

  We then conscripted (there's no other word, because she wasn't asked!) Pamela Kelley, who writes as Ashley Merrick to join what we later affectionately referred to as the three-headed beast, and we started very discreetly drafting other authors we knew to write with us.

  Six months later we have a total of forty-five authors writing about mail-order brides for all fifty states. The books will be released in order the states joined the Union. One book per day from November 19, 2015-January 7, 2016. We invite you to join on us on our epic adventure!

  I want to thank all of the authors who joined me for this project, but especially Cindy and Pam. This could not have happened without a coordinated effort, and I'm so glad they were the ones by my side!

  Thank you also to Erin Dameron-Hill, the best cover artist in the world. She not only made our template for our covers, but she worked tirelessly to make all of these covers beautiful. will show you every cover for the project as well as release dates for each book. is the Facebook page to join for daily updates and prizes.

  Please join us!

  Lawrence, Massachusetts 1890

  Roberta McDaniel leaned back in her chair, rubbing her hands over her face. She’d been over the books three times, and something just wasn’t adding up right. Nothing frightened her more than having to go to the owner about the discrepancies in the financial reports of the factory, but she was the manager, and it was therefore her job. She’d called him in, and he was supposed to be there any minute to talk to her about it. She said a quick prayer for courage.

  Bob Brown was in the doorway when she lifted her head. She put her hand over her heart to calm her nervousness. He closed the door and glared down at her. “You asked me to come in? You know I hate this place.”

  Roberta nodded. “I’m really sorry to have to ask you to come in, sir.” She got to her feet as she spoke. “Please, sit down. I have something important to discuss.”

  Bob took the seat across from her, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee. He had dark hair that was always slicked back, and she’d never seen him without a business suit. “If this is about your inability to keep track of the money coming in and out of this place, there’s no point in wasting time. Just get to the point.”

  Roberta frowned. “How did you know the books were off, Mr. Brown? I didn’t mention that in my note.”

  Bob shrugged. “I know everything that goes on in this factory.”

  “Did you take the money?” She knew she was being rude and insubordinate, but at that moment, she just didn’t care. She needed to get to the bottom of where the money was going and she had a very distinct feeling the problem was sitting right there in front of her.

  “What does it matter if I did? It’s my factory. The money is mine.”

  “It matters because I thought one of my employees was stealing from the company! It matters because I’ve spent four days going over the books and couldn’t figure out where the money was. It matters because you were supposed to let me know if you removed any money at all.”

  Bob shrugged again. “Your opinion doesn’t matter to me a great deal. I’m closing the factory, effective immediately.” He got to his feet and strode out the door.

  Roberta ran after him, catching his arm. “Mr. Brown, please! You can’t do that! There are over one hundred women working in this factory. You can’t just close it!”

  “I can and I will. Good day, Miss McDaniel!”

  Roberta touched the back of one of her closest friends, Sarah, who worked on one of the sewing machines there in the factory. “Come to my office,” she whispered softly.

  Sarah looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip. She and Roberta were roommates along with two of the other girls in the factory. They shared a small apartment just blocks from the factory. She jumped up and followed Roberta into her office, closing the door. “What’s going on? You never call me in here during the day!” She frowned. “Did you talk to Mr. Brown?”

  Roberta looked down at her hand and realized she was shaking. “Yes. He’s the one that’s been taking the money, and he said he’s closing the factory, effective immediately!” She shook her head. “But then he left. Am I supposed to tell everyone? How can I handle this?”

  Sarah sighed. “I know I always give the same answer to these things, but let’s pray about it. I don’t know how else we can get through.” She walked around the desk and took Roberta’s hand, praying softly for her friend to find the right words to say and to handle things in a loving way. Just as she whispered, “Amen,” she heard the sound of breaking glass and the screams started.

  The two women looked at each other and ran toward the door. Roberta reached it first, wrenching it open. The sight that reached their eyes was pure pandemonium. Flames licked up the sides of the walls. Two of the windows were broken, and they appeared to be where the fire had started from.

  Roberta called out loudly, “Get out! Everyone!”

  She and Sarah ran through the factory, making sure all of the others got out. By one of the broken windows, where the fire was the worst, Roberta saw a rock. It was obvious the fire had been started deliberately, and she knew just who had done it. Bob Brown was not a man anyone should respect.