Read Prey Page 3

  Chapter Three

  All Out in Deterrence

  Now, in deposition, the autonomous insistent-energy; was focused-on intention and engagement, of a deriving and infusionary-course and 'logic'; in an over-all terms and trials of a life and deliberation... ...An augmented-elicitation in vocal-force, fortitude and in an actuation. ...The 'integument', and implication; the 'joys', and judgment; to the devising of function and fulfillment, prĂ©cis and propounding... The vitalness, and virtue of act and account. An effective-provision and comprising, complicity and undivided; in an employ of logic, incentive and dominant-prolicity... In the mental-powers, private-astuteness and perceptive-knowledge; progressed and gained in accurate, acumen and avail... She was the adventurous-type; unspoiled but vocal; California suited her, well. The oldest-child-disciple, of a hard-nosed detective; and the prefect of a C.J., National-Guard, and a legal-proponent. Of all of which she proved-'worthy', and proud... An endeavor, and idyllic-component; of an incisive-contention and care.

  ...Now, she was 'transcendent'; in what she'd appointed, purported and propoundingly, 'blossomed'. The choice and challenge, to meet a crime and her-policy, head-on... ...A principal-contingent, acting by law and evinced by agent-protocol... It was done with intent. ..The many apposites and prepositions, intentful and comprehended; by individual and implementation, vied and afforded with design and dimension. A 'steeled'-expectation, and explication; fulfilled and fortified. It was all Prey's intent, to ascertain and contend with the entities and extrinsics-of crime-work, to actually, accommodate; the code of the 'forces' that be. A precept and priority advanced and advocated, in the properness, processes and principles of the legal-system... The 'adventure' began early and asserted-literally, and illuminatingly... The true-force of 'pride' and pretension of a life, liturgy and logment; in precepts-understood, advanced and refined... In a proper profess in most-of a life-standard and striding...

  In an assertive accord-of time and knowledge, recourse and competence, consideration and conferring; by which the pretense of a heart-attains in a practical-proffering; conveyed and envisioned-by the power of perception, 'priority' and proposition. A profound-conviction accessed, taken-on, and understood. There were certain-people who understood exactly, what they wanted in life; and now Prey Ophelia Little-horse, knew hers. There were certain-people, who knew their purpose in-life. ...They were called: 'Omafulas', or the 'Children of the White Buffalo', extolling of the greater Life-forces, Keepers of life, and Devotees of development... They usually, came from a place of pride... ...She was anointed a Buffalo-priestess of the greater Tribe, in her youth. Her bloodlines mixed-with the blood of the eagle, and then spread on her forehead...

  She would always be an 'anointed-child'; able to remain in a high-position, until death. Her parents were nervously, proud of her. Bo Jon was given the task as anointed-keeper; being blood of hers, and a Chieftain. Bo Jon accepted and understood. ...At 16, she was to accept the Amulet of Tribal Peace by all the Federation, a very high-order.

  And with pride, sincerity, and hope the unveiling of a new-person of Native-entity, was born. She had always carried on, in honor and importing... It was a concision of conviction, that she felt as 'worthy'-warding. The profound and proven, purporting; intended and inventively, virtualized. It went well with her self-evocation and venue. She carried-on with this, in-mind. With her complicity-work; it corresponded to a ratification and resigning. Her abilities, potential and drive had always tended to be objective and purposeful; an alluding and understanding for which she was able to fulfill her reserved-dreams and diligences. She was truly, inspirational and opportune, in idea and investment... ...She was truly, illuminated; by obligation and chance. An experience and chance, to meet channels and 'chances', which were truly challenging and in an accounting. What came next, was the achieving and self-acumen; the legal-commission, that was allowed to be attained and operated... The evidence didn't 'lie', she was a very-thorough investigator. There were TV shows which illustrated some of the police-work; from 'Dragnet' to 'McCleod' to 'Perry Mason' to 'CSI', they all demonstrated how the crime-detection unit worked. There were no easy cuts to what was implemented... In real life, all was complex work and heavy duties; you couldn't afford to be cavalier, romantic or patronizing-inferences. Prey, realized early that 'wits' and follow-up, were deep and dependent-incentives... Imperative and importality, were select-contentions over objective-instrumentals by which human-action and deduction came to refine the 'delicate'-task of recombinant-works... It was almost a reverent-semantic, which if done right could avail and assimilate intricacy and intrinsic-implication.

  An idea and implication, was often what violence, crime and enforcement were about. ...It was a terrific-transposition, that which people and person settled and surmised by inclusion and conviction, acted-toward and understood. Prey, had always been careful and collective in her maturing. There was an accounting and consideration, by which culture and competence were raised and heavily, reposed... She was the 'granddaughter' of a Chieftain and that proved to be an acumen and accurate-synthesis through-out life... The treatises of the theses-of the criminal fine-arts; from Holmes to Christy, had been absorbed and received by her growing, burgeoning and advancingly, nimble-mind.

  ...She had a 'terra-force' to be recognized and impressed-by... There was little, to be 'surreal' about. With a full-grasp of her inherent and utilitarian, active-ovation; she could fulfill and be effective, in any number of facets, of underlying criminal derivative-work.

  ...While in college, she was one of the best biology-students, understanding everything from biochemistry to physiology, to physics; everyone was astounded, as her instructors expressed a profound 'exceptionalism'; as with each new-lesson she was far ahead of the 'teachings'... Impassioned, as impacting; class-work gave her an astute-capability, that all factors of deducing and commandment were exacted, imperatively... As she had gained in conciliation with family, and fidelity; so the processed-pieces came-together, to forge ahead by what was a true-venue of past and future.

  A 'transcendental'-amplification, ran deep in Prey's soul. She'd have 'dreams' on reticent relatives to life, grand and great ascensions-prospect and proven, a designation to be seen and understood. Precisions, and properties in what was to be fulfilled by Prey... An amulate-convocation for which cult and culture, were to be laid-down and accentuated, as lauded-taxing... There was to be no overconfidence or shirking of duty; in what to be by honor, precis and pride...she was to confess in a 'derisive'-cause which was asked and appointed.

  Some times she wondered why had the decision and invocation, been so chosen and justified, it was then that she learned that: 'to much is given, much is expected'... Even great-women are imposed to have much cogence and power. There were no second chances or guesses, only one shot to get it right. In her work that was a conduced-integration, to it all. With all that she had, she applied herself to her-work, and having a true-accomplishing and accountability-presented, proved and prevailed...

  With every exact-exubrience, there was honor, hope and instillment, but with Prey, as with Bo, she gained a distinguished and distinctive-aptitude; for which one's contingency of personal-assignment was faced with an opting-inception and implication.

  ...The 'focal'-perceptive, and inceptive-division, which was success and a succinctness by purpose and parallel... Relevant-relatives committed and conferring, were importing and impingent-upon a vanguard-compelling, compendium; by which was worthy, willing and workmanship; in an enamorance, articulation and apposing-appointed by a 'servitude' and sophistication. As the power and proponents, were laid down in-actual and assertion; by the 'real-life' vocal and vice, were exponent and explication-defined and devising. Now, the concise and calculative were all-in her hands... She was 'wise' of it... But more of what she knew was the great-devotion and implication; which were now, her-occupation in life. Her uncle Bo Jon understood and explained that
in all the terms of life and living, one's impressive-abilities were subsequent to a deeper-insight for the good-of all... Although, she was passionate, her duty would do and be greater than any implicit-assertion.

  This, was what she'd been trained for, and with an undivided-'sincerity' of what she'd become, was all intertwined and embodied. She was with the passage-of time; more continent in purpose, propriety and prowess; like her-uncle, ability and assailing, it was a-'piece' in a 'universal-puzzle'. With the spirit of life and testament she'd come to know and expound, in her own original-sense...

  The 'possibilities' and parables which make up the principles and parallels of her grave-work. Subdivided in it all, was the concision so vital and important... Her coworkers and correspondents were to be excised and represented over the next-days and weeks, and months to come. ...Exercising the tentatives and hopes of work, and reliance... Her work at-hand, would be found in a certain-resort and instigma. The work, relent and purpose were engineered and idealized, by years of cultured relative-experience. She-remembered it like it was yesterday, as she layed down in bed that night. The inspiration and espousing, were typical for her life.

  The streets of L.A. were safer with her commitment to her-role in life. But with every new day, she gained a deeper-sense of purpose and purportment... She knew she needed to heed the reverence of proponent and control, in every instance... As the stranding-weeks became straying-weekends; and standard-weeks again, work and restitution; aided, to make the city-better and of impetus; more relevant to person, time and place... The energies-of Prey, were of an utmost-utility; which honed and fusioned-into a relative, success. She had both professional and perfunctory-skills, both certain and succinct; crime was a ill-civil and spontaneous altercation; for which plot, technical and determinative-adjudication; ran far and wide.

  Urban-sprawl went-on unknowingly, and its deterrent were not always apparent to anyone; it was at least a corollary, and atmost an adjusted-sophistication. So, all-manner of social, personal and professional-edifices were drawn-together; which with both deriving and despondency, can be easily devoid, defined or divided... So there was much derivative-insistences and issues, served and settled-in the prosecution's sum-of-it. ...Owing to a concertion and logic, in the many attributes and affectives, which were tied to a resigning-reverence which divided and developed, in a commending-sense of the self and surmisement...

  'The force', was her family, and home, was the city... There was no doubt to that, and the impacting 'learning-curve', for which she achieved; was now appointed and appreciated. In the pit of the city, was where Prey was derived; the many sites, sentiments and sincerities; which went with the west-coast town; an excellent and illustrious-place... So stylish, spontaneous and self-vocal were the rudiments that saw the beachcombers up at five, Latinos riding the streets, citizens enjoying the daily episodes, and those city-dwellers; invoice and invited, to take to and take-part, passing the many ventures and venues... An implicative to this adventure was congruent and innate; were the internal criminal-entities for which the alien, divorced and deferred-opportunities to live, survive and seek a living, in the underclass-undertakings from which a million-stories, standards and 'statutes' were defined and divulged; it ever-being the safe-haven and sanctimonious assiduence.

  There was importance to all the virtues and values, proved and progressed over-time and experience... Hearts change, times evolve, people come and go; and the terms become different, and the assimile of positions and perceptions are altered, but the city; like Prey's propitiation, was comported and allied in the 'certainty' of a competence... An intent and inspiration, understood and adhered to a bestowal and basic-belief that committed to a careful-compliance to refine to the intentives of the situations and citation of a rewarding and worthy-city.

  The importance and impact, would always be a cause and recourse in sanctity and solace-of times to come... There was sentiment with certainty, in an amalgamation of what both involved and seemed-ratifiers and roots of life, in 'The City of the Angels'. Each person-transitioned and traversed in the sanctity and Malay of what was the advantage of an incentive-allegory... Where what was culture and consideration-convened and advocated. The 'just-mille' of civility and culture, the defining and conferment-allied and antepathis which either arrived or was rearraigned, in commitment or conciliation. ...At 8, she understood the many carefully, etched invocations and afforded-articulation; for which the underminin-'mission' of the visions and vocals, were so intertwined in every interest and intention... On the walks to school with her best-friend 'Josey', a Caucasian, originally from S. Philadelphia, on a sunny-day in November when the weather was perfect and the school-work seemed to subside and be divest. Prey, wanted to go down to the beach.

  The beach was a half-mile away. Both rode the Sante Fe Public school bus, for almost an hour to Northern L.A.... A popular-scholastic center, where Prey was succeeding in the first bodes of advanced-studies... Josey's father adored Prey, and Jose was endeared, as a fast-friend. ...Samuel Ettercorn was a very-powerful computer-expert associate, with one of the newest-computer giants to be found at Silicon Valley. They moved there several years back. Owning a large home in mid-city. He was so wealthy he was involved in major industrial-planning... In '95, the country was just becoming active in technological-renewal. From utilities to commercial, there was money in every sector... Sam couldn't keep full-control, unfortunately it was a time of major-fraud and embezzlement. Although, he wasn't directly-involved, he was culpable, so the FBI brought him-in for questioning. Josey didn't know what was going on. Prey tried to comfort her-friend, a month went by and Mr. Ettercorn was found dead in his-den of his large-home. Josey, needed a friend now more than ever. ...She withdrew into herself, and Prey couldn't pull-her out. That's when she learned the 'discipline' of a true-friend and the value of a dollar. Before all this, life was romantic and happy, but the innocent duty of a devoted and compassionate adult-father can unwittingly go very-awry. It was a sobering, disenchanting, and delusionary-experience. But relevance, relative and reverent-experience was in the once 'bountiful' environment of experiences and encounters...

  Then, while as a formative-vigiller of 12, she became enduring and engaging; which each giving her more impetus of virtue and a venerable, self-vision. Although not perfect, was growing ever so encompassing and educational... Empowerment and imprisonment were two-sides to one-coin. The imperative and implausable, were two-extents to be cause and concern... What derived dedication by ansel-war and deliverance. She was in accord with her uncle; and her new-utility, pretense and innate-propriety. It was the now-universal reliance, substantial and severant. There was more to a personal-maturing, everyday. With the ever-greatening lessons and Native-philosophy, academics and personal-interactions. Scope and skills, were accommodating almost constantly. With the mantle of hope and honor, development and a delivery were growing more acute, superlative and superb. But at age 12, puberty, educative-excellence and a deep-foundation were compounding themselves. At that age, life was becoming clearer, and more composed. Interests, advancements and achievements-unified and universalized in an acumen-imposing... The energies and inspirations, were colluded into a superior-will and tactness.

  By 16, she was ascending a level for which she was virtuously, resolved. A new-scheme prospered, and began to prepare to perpendicularize, itself... The growing-strength and relay, increased in what was a veritable-weight and intuit. The greater-hope and defined-honing, that were implied and embased; in its magnitude. ...With appointed-apprising, and by what was a depiction and responsibility; one had to be certain that 'ideas' and ideology were only proportionate, and a pragmatic-symposium.

  ...As she matured, she understood that in her-recourse, though if personal, was in a tangent; being a person of devotion and decree, had to be dedicated to its truest-outcome. It couldn't just be ideal, or emoted. As she reached a higher-standing of self and sophisticat
ion one undertook the deepest invariability, to be partaken and implemented.

  Friends, family and fortitude we're serious and sufficiently, advocated; with the ethical and operative-instance of competence and conversive-intention. Becoming convicted, convincing and convocation that would always be an alignment and enlistment. ...In the diverse-culture of the most popular city on the west-coast; she realized that that interstitial and fundamental phenomena was to be understood and underscored... Dynamic and dimension, to what was one's citizenry and community that were forded and factually, festooned and bestowed.

  What would become evident, was that almost every life was touched by the involving and implicative; that law and legal-inferment was there to protect and defend-all in their hour of need. And that the owing and objective, proved important and worthwhile. The many-precepts and pretentiousness were of virtue and valuable to one's impassive-motivation... Instance and austerity would always be annaled and anointed to the greater-good and obligation.

  As each individual came to experience and espouse what was a necessary-devotion, Prey was availed and objective in a needed-deeper and in-depth sense of vocation and division. Bo Ron, adored his eldest-daughter, yet intimation were charges against both innocence and affectual. He was influenced by a friend being extorted; though he'd heard of it, it didn't touch him until Prey recognized it in its signs... When, in its deeper factors, it went deeper in importance and impact. And family were not beyond the even simplest-instrumental. Prey, under the notation and notoriety, she was devised in implemental and professional-activity that was objective in its honor and homage.

  The liturgy and litigation, had burgeoned into versatility and vantaging-vocally. And the inspiration was in no doubt professional and proven. Alluding the purpose and prospect that was professional and reclusionary. With the deemings and demands of her-job she had to accept that incursions and exaction, were to be carefully assigned and enlisted by character, vision, and in a consumption: 'the force'.

  The essence and insistence of policing, were virtuous and vital. ...Where in a conduit of command and demand, that was the protective and enforcing. By which terms and tantamount decision and irs definition were to be employed and deployed in exertive-compact, and impacting... That the work and wonder-proven and promulgated, were freedoms and fortunes resided-over and are proctored. And given an appointed-inclusive, and exposed against intrusive for the constitution of reserve and conclusive.

  The proclamation, propositions and properties for which in the 'drama' and saga of L.A., California; residence, homage and home... What were the equated deriving, development and dependence for which extent and assimilation, was in pretense and preliminary.

  An objectivity of character, concurrent to the vindication of a city, county, state and nation. ...What Prey was adorned, adopted and came to adore... It was more than an assignment; it was a supplication, atoned-decision, that had a worthy dimension, apparent-adjustment and identity-'oath', for most by a time and termed, intuit-illustration. ...As determined and driven Prey, was there as a whole-mysterious world to come. And as she embarked into the next-stage of life, liberalness and self-license she'd understood that the reality of offering and interpretation were fixed, waxed and waned. She was as full-of the illustriouness: implicit and impactual, as any young-person.

  She understood that she started off naive, and unsure... What she had understood and legitimized, was in a cognitive confunctional-consortium... Her path was still unfully-foreseen. ...She realized much was yet to come. Her full-studies, intellect and definitive-interpretudes, were yet to be functionalized... As her uncle once explained to her on one of her basic-connotations; contending-duty, was not functioned but faced; unlike an 'entity' not inspiration, for idolatry were severer than indemnity... An effective skill as a legal-individual was an as yet, empathic-impetus. ...That was where the talent and true-virtue came-in; native vocality, had it that she commit to duty, drive and determination; for one needed to outlast or outwit one's foe, on many scales.

  ...Mental, personal and physical-strengths were on a motivational-basis. As she achieved full-enamoring in the field of justice, all other things fell in-line... Like her forebarers, she was to reach an intense-bar of reserve, and resolution. In a power of capturing, for which only astute-exceptionalism and judgment, could overtake the direst and most driven-foe.

  The care, competence and commitment was ingrained in all she did, there was little to guess about or imagine, just as law and legality were a serious-deed and devotion; so was the preliminaries: dutiful and justified. An intent and mastery for which Prey could prove herself. The implicit and implied-dimension and development, where at once, set and assigned. ...To actually assert and assess in the expertise-exerted and espoused. As an independent-especialty of wisdom and enduring. A crime, case and court trial were all the officialism by which legal-code was expressed.

  Prey was a devotee of a number of vocations from work, to workout; she was a very-capable investigator, whose greatest and grandest passion and aptitude was the employment of, in an intensity... While living in L.A., she became a social-barometer; by which she lived and thrived...

  With the exactness of precis and purpose, the capable-commanding, complicit-impressions and acumen, were fulfilled and followed-through; in detail and implication; or her personal 'vision' and virtue, ensured with devising and accurate-division. ...The streets of urban, wealthy and Ritzy-exponence was assured and civil... The lanes, were Adam-12, the beaches of Coastguard and the many other sites of excitement, leading-edge and established commercial-favorites, were set in the impressions of the image and instilling for which Prey would protect and invariably, assist. Like many famous detectives went-on unseen, defending all-public-precepts.

  As in so many 'true-life' careers, so many much 'true-grit' was never appreciated. But in that instilling, the institution of impressing went-on with only the desire and devotion in the professional commending which carried-on. The duly-principled appellations were in the fellow-pretenses, which had been conferred; and a conducive-in a very attuning-standard. Prey's world-weighed within duty, dedication and devotional-balance. As sure as the world around her revealed the many realities and rational-reverences; she understood how semantic, consequential-purpose and dependability, could and should be taken-up in an imposing and derived-impact... The instance and instrumental-pronounced and purported-in what difference and reliance the human, civil and relative-code for which L.A., the Cherokee-Nation and one-amicable detective forged and focused; in forcing-deployment... Just as brave as a Cherokee mystic-power, a beloved-inspirer of a dutiful family; and in residing as a higher-detective in the L.A. law-system she carried-on, in a great-calling...

  The sun would shine in her eastern-window on Monday, the sea-air would flow once she set-out for work. Trudy would rev and she'd head-down her-street, in for another-day rectored, at legal-work. She had many incentives during the course of a day. Important and comporting to it all, was the explicit-deeds, which were an assertive-conviction, which she came to be so well known-by... An instrumental-officiation for which she took a major-charge and conduction. She had few parallels, but she wasn't trying to outdo anyone, it was only the way of revering and reason-for which she experienced; and was expected to be resourceful and resound, the vast-skills; she'd attained were the elements congealed to be set upon her-shoulders. The assonance and resonance for which course and discourse become accordance and ignominy. A true-purpose and pride were by and through certainty and suitability... These things, allowed her to consider, be consulted and precisely, prove a more conciting-accountability rarely, seen in others.

  Being shot-at, Bar-room broils, hold-ups and the like-required much strength, stridence and standard. ...Criminal-work, was corroberative-assigning, proved many times. Prey's mind and body, were filled-with forces to be reckoned-with. It was the earthy, natural and tribal-perpetuation; intimate and powerful. The facts and
harmony, were her-purposes in life. Just as confirmed and agile-concertion and actuality, in what made up her have regiment and routine in existing. With a 'keen'-sense and subsequence, she carried on.

  Impervious and apprised, the laments and lessons in-living are sought and surmised, in civility and certainty passed-on and perceived. With all the patterns and composings, which make up passion and posed-to the designs and definitions; to time's passage... She adored the many pertinences and particulars, in the pursuits of decisions and commitments. There were days when things seemed 'easy', and times 'dull' and listless, but the terms and tentativeness were for most anyone, a veritable and conversive-impose, and compact. Luckily, she had acumen and self-acuity; that no others had, being a 'dynamo' in many diversities. So as she loved, confirmed and culminated; she experienced adjustment, attainment and assession; in the pinions and points of what was her-life.

  Engaged and experienced, she arrived at work as she did so many days, with a premise and pride that advocated and advanced intently, and instrumentally with honesty and hope. Her energies were advantageous and effective with a resign and remuneration that grasped and coupled, in directive diligence of deriving and devising. It was Spring, the sun would 'shine', the ocean would warm and all the many interests which played-out in personal-deliberation... It was both a science and an art in living in the city. Balance, bestowal and benefits all proved and provided the joy of LA. She had many joys, she had and was now experiencing. With all the many implications, ideas and incentives she and others enjoyed opulently and objectively...

  There were many issues and circumstances to which Prey represented and compromised herself. The entities and energies, convoked and provoked themselves from the dealings of dimensions to the daliences of evidences, the prime parallels precis and projected in incidents and invoking; there was especial reasons to what revealed and reverberated. In the exception and excellence intricate and interested in specific and spiriting... Prey, learned to aspire and evince in the terrific terms so ameliorate. Like Bo Jon she understood there were effective and inevitable consistencies and considerations; which presented and deduced themselves in focus and faculty; this being the conceited, careful deduction and dependability arrived at and were arranged. Like all she employed and implicated, the interest and inciting had to be carried-out and consumed.

  But like a 'butterfly', Prey became a creature of wonder, beauty and passion. Enduring and endowing in the astute conflagrations of the majestic of portrayal and natural-power... The essence of superiority and honor for which duty, discipline and dimension-universal and in unity. What in the communion and amenities of life-force and auspicion for which inimity and envaluation are refound and found... To remain one-with residing is staying one with all, being endeared and endeavoured to extoll the great deemed and redeeming-virtue of LA-proper life and living in all it encompasses... This making for a wise and potential individual. The circumspection of self, substance and philosophy of sustenance were an asserted systematic-sophistication and succinctness for which she played a noted-noble role.