Read Prey Page 9

Chapter Five

  El pulled into his driveway and took in the scene before him. Trace’s jeep was parked behind his truck in the car port. La sat on the front deck stairs with her face in her hands, and there was no sign of Trace. El tapped down his annoyance, he’d been on a conference call with his government contacts when La’s distress call came in. He climbed of the bike and stalked toward the front of the house. His boot crushed the leaves underfoot as he moved , and La glanced up to meet his gaze.

  “Before you say anything. I tried, but she’s not budging, and I could break in, but I didn’t want you to kill me for scaring her.” La made the statement in one breathe.

  He stomped up the stairs and rubbed his palm over her hair as he passed her. “Forget about it La. I need you to go find Reese now. I’ll take care of Nae. Where is Trace?”

  La lifted her face to look at El. “Hell if I know. He doesn’t tell me a damn thing.”

  “Maybe he would, if you listened. When you find Reese, follow him for a bit before you bring him to me. I want to know what he’s doing when he thinks no one is watching.”

  “Okay. What about Trace? The jeep?”

  “Leave ‘em. Trace will turn up.”

  “Yes sir.” La stood and gave a mock salute. She ambled toward the tree line, stripping off clothes as she strode. Minutes later, a large Bald Eagle burst through the branches and into the skyline extending its eight foot wing span to glide on the currents.

  When Aristotle found La, she was a baby bird hiding in the hollow at the base of a tree. They had just emigrated from Africa, and Ari was just a cub himself. As Gunter discussed business plans with him, the only building standing was the bar, and it was in ruins from years of neglect. All around them, pride members were working. They were living in tents and trying to rebuild a forgotten and abandoned town in the middle of nowhere. He’d only been clan chief for about a year, and he was still a young lion himself. Ari came running up to him, begging to keep his new pet. Since he’d made it a point to keep all the orphan cubs together, keeping a baby bird seemed like a great distraction for them, and later on, it made a great way to teach them hunting skills. Then, she shifted.

  El snorted.

  That was unexpected. But he wouldn’t change a thing. He watched those kids grow up into fantastic beings, and even though he threatened them with dire consequences on an almost daily basis, they were his family. And, if necessary, he would kill to protect them.

  He pushed the key in the lock and turned it. The door easily swung open. El eased into the great room and glanced around. He lifted his face and sniffed the air. Tendrils of her candied ginger smell wrapped around him. His cock hardened as he took deep breaths. After adjusting his shaft, he moved through the room and into the dining area. Nae sat with her back to him. The knife block, which usually sat next to the stove, was now on the counter, close to her. He moved around to her side and caught a glint of steel when she tightened her grip on the handle.

  Without turning her head, she spoke. “Why is there a full grown tiger at your back door?”

  El looked up and followed her line of sight. Trace, in his tiger form, lay against the patio door, his face smashed on the glass with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. El stepped farther into the room. Trace rose, yawned, and trotted away.

  Nae continued to study the exit. “One more step big man and I will cut you.”

  “Woman, haven’t you figured out your threats don’t scare me?” El moved around the island.

  “They should. So what, are you ready to come back to Reno?”

  “I believe we had this discussion, and I’m sure I made myself clear. Nevada is not going to happen, but I will certainly enjoy your efforts to persuade me.”

  “Sorry babe but that was a one off.” She swiveled around on the stool. “You didn’t answer my question. I’m waiting for you to explain the tiger.”

  “Suiker, if anyone else talked to me the way you do I would have ripped out their heart.”

  “Forgive me if I’m not shaking in my shoes.” She stood, marched up to El, and pressed the point of the chef’s knife into his belly.

  “I thought we established yesterday I have no fear of death. You will learn not to test me mate.” He moved forward. The sting of the knife was momentary as it sliced through his skin. Warmth spread through his torso as blood blossomed in the spot where she’d pierced his skin.

  She looked down and jumped back, pulling the knife from his body. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” Then, she mumbled almost to herself, “Of course not. How should I expect a man with a pet tiger to behave?” Her head snapped up. “Uhh–what the hell did you mean by mate? Oh my freaking God. You run a cult don’t you? That’s what this is. Some sort of freaky religious group!” Nae shook her head. “How could I have been so stupid? Look buddy, the sex was good. I mean really, really good but … um … not that great.”

  He cocked a brow.

  “What I mean to say, is it was awesome, but not so much…” She flailed her hands and the knife carved the air. “This is coming out wrong. Listen, why don’t you just come back to Reno. We’ll straighten out this mess you’ve gotten yourself into, and then you can return to your followers.” Her head bobbed as she spoke. “And—umm—just so you know, I’m a free agent. I belong to no one.”

  El pressed his lips together to keep from chuckling. “That’s where you’re wrong suiker. You belong to me.” He closed the gap between them.

  She slid out of his reach and held the knife up. “I already cut you once. I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Seems we are at an impasse.” Tired of talking, he faked forward, and then twisted around, going in the other direction.

  An eep escaped through her lips before she took off, running in the other direction.

  His beast snapped at its chains. The urge to chase down his prey overwhelmed his human side, and his hair grew longer, becoming the mane of his beast. Razor sharp teeth filled his mouth, and his paws formed where his fingers had been. His jeans split at the seam, the buttons on his fly flew off one at time pinging around the room, and his claws burst through the toes of his shoes. He tore off his vest, but struggled to get the shirt over his head, and the collar rolled into a thin band and started to choke him. The lion in him was winning. He dropped to his knees, fighting an internal battle to stay in his human form. His vision switched from full color to the muted version of his beast. He thrashed his head, opened his mouth, and roared.

  The glass insets of the cabinets shuddered in their moldings. His bones broke and realigned, and then broke again as he gained control. He banged the floor with his hands as fingers appeared, only to turn back into the nubby digits of his paws. Short gold fur erupted along his arms. He rose up on his haunches and clawed at the tightening cotton around his neck.

  Suddenly, soft palms skimmed over his skin, and the touch of cold steel stilled him. The sweet smell of sugar with a touch of spice calmed his beast, and he tightened its tethers, wrenching the animal back into the recess of his soul. It became easier to take a breath, and the tattered fabric tumbled down his chest. Rubbing his neck, he stood and turned to face Nae.

  She held the knife in a loose grip, her eyes were wide, and her thin brows were drawn together. “What the hell are you?” Her voice was filled with awe.

  He swallowed several times to sooth the rawness of his throat. He kept his tone a gentle rasp. “Don’t ever run from me again. The lion in me thinks you want to play, and I will chase you down.”

  “Um—you’re a guy.” Nae’s voice rose. “Sweet heavens, what have I gotten myself into?” She dropped the knife and started to back away.

  El prowled forward. “I would never hurt you–well–only if you want to play–but that’s different. I mean, you’re the woman destined for me, I wouldn’t … couldn’t … do anything that would put you in harm’s way.”

  “I’m no creature.” Her voice continued to escalate.

  He sighed. “You don’t have to
be. Believe me, I am more than enough beast for the both of us. You’re my mate. You calm down my animal. You excite me. No other woman has ever done that for me, not even my own kind.

  She scrubbed her face with her palms. “This is too much. I was only supposed to haul your ass back to Reno. I did not sign up for this.” She circled her hands. “Whatever this is…”

  “I think you’re in shock, you’re not behaving normally.” He held out his hand. “Take a ride with me, and I’ll explain everything.”

  “Exactly how is one supposed to respond when they find out the man…”


  “Whatever–person they slept with is a lion. That was what you were turning into right? I mean, is there even a term for your condition?” She covered her mouth with her hand. “Damn, is this a new form of bestiality? I am not a freak. Is it communicable? Now that we’ve had sex will I turn into an animal?”

  “Calm down.”

  “Said no one ever; when they found out their lover was a beast.”


  “I have a na…”

  El snaked an arm around her waist and jerked her up against him. “Believe me, I know. I just spent most of the afternoon gleaning any and all information from anyone who would share anything pertaining to you. Personally, I don’t think that little stunt you pulled in high school should have gotten you expelled.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “How do you know about that?”

  He nuzzled her neck and traced the shell of her ear with is tongue. “Want to know why you don’t fear me?”

  Nae reared back confusion swirled in her sinful eyes when she met his gaze. “I have never been scared of you, not even when you did that spooky shit in the kitchen.”

  He smiled. “Because deep down you know as well as I do that you’re the other half of my soul.”

  “Dude, you are cracked in the head.”

  “Babe, whatever I am, all that I am, is yours.” He gripped her hair and pulled her head back.