Read Priceless Page 13

Doing this with him had felt so good.

  I left the bed carefully so I wouldn’t wake her up. I was on a mission of great importance. Really fucking vital you might say.

  I found my reading glasses and my mobile and texted Lowell. Have condoms delivered to Donadea residence ASAP. This is an URGENT matter. -I Everley

  My assistant was quirky but he did everything I asked without question. I had no qualms making requests to him for anything. I could count the non-family members I trusted implicitly on one hand, and Lowell Brinkley was on that list.

  My mobile buzzed. What kind would you like? -Lowell Brinkley, Administrative Assistant to Mr. Ivan Everley, Lord Rothvale XIII

  I rolled my eyes at the ridiculously absurd signature he attached tohis messages and realized the part about him never questioning me wasn’t quite true. The kind that will cover my cock. -I Everley

  I silenced my mobile and studied Gabrielle sleeping in my bed. It was all I wanted to do right now—look at her. She had mesmerized me from our first meeting up until this very second. What we had done here together last night was something I’d never forget. Being with her was also an experience unlike anything I’d ever had with a woman. There had been many women, and I’d enjoyed a lot of sex over the years, before and after my disastrous marriage. I could say for certain that not one of those women was anything like Gabrielle.

  I drew my fingertip over her cheekbone and moved a bit of hair that had fallen over her face back behind her ear. She stirred a little but didn’t wake up or open her eyes.

  I settled back into the bed beside her and got comfortable. I thought about the idea of what being with her last night had meant to me.

  Somehow, it felt wonderful and terrifying both at the same time.

  I found myself in a very modern bedroom completely out of character from the rest of the Georgian mansion I’d visited before. The bed coverings were sumptuous, classic white duvet and pillows, but it was the chair in the corner that really caught my eye. Leather, tufted, massive in size, and an unusual color. An intense green that almost didn’t fit. Almost. Because that chair did fit him actually.

  Lord Ivan had a lordly chair in his bedroom.

  “She awakens.”

  I smiled and turned to find him on his side looking at me with an elbow propping him up.

  “Looking” wasn’t really the proper word, though. To describe what he was doing right now, devouring would be more accurate. Ivan devoured my body with his eyes, and the effect was totally empowering to me for some reason. It didn’t make me feel self-conscious because I knew he liked what he saw.

  It was weird to wake up naked in bed with him after a night of mind-blowing sex and not have it feel awkward. But it wasn’t at all. Must have been the secret nature of our whole agreement. The nobody has to know and the we can do what we’ve wanted to do together from the beginning and keep it totally private parts of the equation that made everything feel so comfortable with him.

  “How long have you been staring at me sleeping?”

  He spoke softly. “I’ve no idea; I just know I’ve been very much enjoying the view.” His eyes moved down to caress my breasts and then a lazy stroll back on up to my face eventually. Not one ounce of contrition on his handsome face either.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  He cracked a one-sided grin. “Oh yes,” he said quietly, keeping still and just content to watch me. I got the idea Ivan was a bit of a voyeur. He was a watcher. And he got off on it. Some of the things I’d done last night, and his reaction to me, told me this was a primal truth about him.

  I felt a blush heat my face and peeked a glance at him. Remembering the things I’d done. The things Ivan had done to me. Last night had put me in the crazy-wild corner for a few hours, but it had been so good. I doubt any of it would have happened without the influence of some really killer berry mojitos, either.

  “What’s on your mind, Miss Hargreave?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  Of course he knew I was remembering last night. Probably was reading my mind right now, too. “Oh, nothing of any importance,” I said with a slight shake of my head.

  “Really. So why the pretty blush then?” He trailed one finger down from my cheek to circle between my breasts and gave me a flash of a smirk.

  I decided to have a little fun with him.

  “It probably has something to do with a dream I had.”

  “Do you remember this dream?” he asked.

  “Most of it.” I nodded.

  “Tell me.”

  “It was so weird. I was at my best friend’s wedding minding my own business, and enjoying some blueberry mojitos.” I blinked a few times at him. “I might have overindulged a bit on the alcohol. Probably had at least four of the mojitos…and this is where it gets really fuzzy in my memory.” I rubbed my head in confusion as if I was having trouble remembering. “But I could swear that the best man at the wedding, Lord Everinghamwich of Donagolia, or something like that.” I waved my hand in dismissal. “Not important, a minor detail…but anyway, this Lord Everinghamwich stalked me the whole time at the reception. I mean I could not shake the guy off me for anything. He asked me to dance three times, and when I finally agreed to one quick spin around the dance floor, he spent the entire time trying to have a look up my dress.” I giggled and gave him a little shove in the shoulder. “The naughty man thought he would try to kidnap me and take me away to his castle in Donagolia.” I gave a shocked face. “In a blimp.” I shook my head enthusiastically. “I’m not kidding, I remember it was a blimp because he stole my Manolo Blahniks off my feet and threw them in the lake. He said the heels would pop a hole in his blimp if I wore them in there.” I tried to keep a straight face and finish my tale before I lost the ability. I couldn’t even risk a glimpse at his face because I knew I’d lose it. “So, while we were up in the air he led me to believe he was kidnapping me so he could…you know…try for some more sexy time with me because he was under the assumption I might be a prostitute.” I snorted in laughter. “I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had no cause to worry about Lord Ev at all because he only wanted to bring me to his castle so he could show me his rare collection of miniature balls. He gave me a special tour.” I made dramatic air quotes with my fingers and winked. “Took hours to see it all. They just looked like regular old marbles to me but he kept insisting they were tiny balls—”

  Ivan was laughing loudly when he pounced on me and ended my little storytelling adventure. His big body swallowed me up as he got in some evil tickling. I shrieked and tried to wriggle away but he was far too fast for me. “Tiny balls, huh?”

  I nodded, laughing up at him. “Yes. But he had a lot of them. Quantity more than made up for what they lacked in size. But man, yeah they were really tiny.”

  “You are a devil woman,” he said shaking his head in amusement. “And that was quite a creative tale you’ve just wove together on the fly. I am impressed again, Miss Hargreave.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Everley. And you totally deserved it for leering at me while I was sleeping and naked.”

  “Now, I cannot help that. Come on, you’re naked in my bed and I’m supposed to avert my eyes or something?” he complained.

  “That would be the gentlemanly thing to do, yes.”

  “Well good then, because we’ve already established I am no gentleman.” His eyes darkened. “So I’ll continue my leering whenever you are naked in my bed, thank you very much.” He took my face and pulled me up to his, eyes dead serious. “I won’t look away from you, Gabrielle, unless I’m dead.”

  In a matter of seconds we went from horsing around and giggling, to passionate kissing as a prelude to more sex, when he dropped his lips to mine and covered my whole mouth forcefully with his. He kissed me harshly, demandingly erotic as he pressed down into me with an erection that hit me right where it felt so good. Ivan made everything he did feel so good.

  The sheets were ripped aside and he made his way to my breasts. He sucked
on one and held the other, pinching and twisting the nipple over and over until I was gasping from the sweet pleasure-pain it produced and shaking underneath him.

  He pulled up to his knees abruptly, and reached for the other packet on the bedside table. This time he sheathed himself while I watched the show. And the show was quite impressive because Ivan had a huge cock. Biggest one I’d ever met. I’d noticed the size of him last night when he’d stripped down for me. No micro-penis for this British bloke. He could rate with the record holders. But despite his size, he was well proportioned, long and thick with a slight curve to the left, and trimmed up neatly. For a penis it was quite beautiful, and lord knows he could do amazing things with it. I’d learned this lesson last night.

  I waited as he stared darkly into my eyes. When it came down to the actual sex, Ivan became serious, almost menacing in his demeanor. It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced with a man. The anticipation of waiting for him to start in on me made me ache, wondering what he would do, or demand from me.

  Without warning he flipped me over. On my knees, he pushed down on my shoulders so my ass was up in the air. I knew he was staring again, seeing the unique parts of a woman’s body that make a man want to fuck her like the caveman he is at heart.

  I felt fingers stroking and penetrating, making me ready for him. He found my clit and rubbed the tip of his cock over it back and forth until I was on the edge of desperation and literally shaking under him.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous like this.” He spoke reverently but harshly, his words piercing into my consciousness right along with his huge, beautiful cock.

  He filled me up so completely, I couldn’t help crying out loudly. He held himself in me and slid his hands to the sides of my hips, his fingers biting into my flesh, owning my body, sending the message I was at his mercy until he deemed it at an end. Until he’d forced another climax or two out of me and was ready to give into his own.

  I could only hold on as he pumped his cock in and out of me, so deep and so hard from this angle, it felt like I would break apart at any second. Only his firm grip on my hips held me down. I flew so high from the pleasure of him in me I think I would have floated away if he wasn’t holding onto me so tightly.

  The sounds of our bodies hitting together, his tortured groans, my heavy gasps, notched up the heat of the sex even more. Just seconds after he’d made me come, and he was on the verge of his own orgasm, Ivan said something that cut right to the heart of the matter with us. He pulled on my hair and drew my neck back, speaking the words into my ear as he continued on with the fierce fucking. He said, “I own this body of yours when I have my cock in you.” And he was right.

  He did own my body in that moment, even if I would have given it to him freely.

  He absolutely did.

  His cock swelled impossibly harder as he thrust into me with an almost agonized sounding groan, holding me impaled as he finally came. His teeth bit into my shoulder just enough to bring a sharp sting of delicious pain before he soothed over the spot with his tongue.

  When he released me, the ominous Ivan disappeared and the gentle Ivan reemerged. He held me the same way he had last night, caressing and combing fingers through my hair. Being in his arms afterward was again, something I’d not really experienced before. It was new to me, but I loved it. He made me feel so precious, like I was important to him—special. It scared me only because I responded so powerfully to his attentions. Almost like an instant addiction for people who sample a drug for the first time. It was like that for me with Ivan.

  This was only supposed to be one night of letting my inhibitions fly and not have the guilt to contend with by being done in private. But fate had played a dirty trick on me I now realized. And too much alcohol had helped me to make stupid decisions that I couldn’t take back now, or ever.

  I had been with Ivan. I now knew what that felt like.

  Like something very wonderful.

  And I knew I’d wish for more time with him once he took me back to Hallborough later today and said goodbye.

  Even so, I stayed exactly where I was, cuddled up against his muscled chest with his arm around me. I breathed in the scent of him so I could hold onto the good feelings for just a little longer. Maybe I deserved more than just one night with him…

  What are you doing, Gabrielle?


  AFTER the good-morning-fuck, we dozed a bit. We needed it. The sex was intense with her, and a little rest helped us both come down to earth afterward.

  It was already beginning.

  The change in me I was worried about.

  But I knew I couldn’t do a thing about it anymore than I could get enough of Gabrielle Hargreave. I wished I could make time slow because the sands in the hourglass were pouring out far too quickly for me. I dreaded the moment when she would say I had to take her back to London where she lived and worked.

  I didn’t want to take her back.

  I didn’t even want to go back to London because I knew everything would be different there. It wouldn’t be like this was here with her right now. Easy. So good. Fun.

  I wanted her to stay at Donadea with me so I could hear her tell more outrageously mocking fairy tales. To hear the sound of her teasing in that California-girl American accent she spoke in. To laugh together in bed over funny, stupid, nothingness. To watch her sleeping, or see the happiness she felt when she did something for the first time, like the night flight in my plane. Just simple things.

  She opened her eyes a few moments later to find me watching her again, but this time she just smiled and looked happy.

  “Let’s go swimming,” I blurted.


  “A body of water—you and me moving around in it.”

  “You have a pool? Here?”

  “Yeah, I like to swim. I’ve been having the place renovated slowly and the indoor pool house was done up last year. From the outside it looks like it belongs with the rest of the place, but inside it’s very modern. Sort of like this room.”

  “I wondered about that. I like your bedroom, but I also loved the traditional décor in the room where I stayed last time.”

  “So, do you think I should preserve everything at Donadea in its original form and design, then?”

  She seemed to really think about it for a minute before answering. “Well, I’m all for preserving history, of course, but this is also your home—your sanctuary—and you love being here, so I think you need to make it fit so it’s comfortable for you to enjoy when you visit the place.”

  I kissed her softly. “You just scored some points, Miss Hargreave. I like your answer.”

  She did a fist pump and mouthed the words, “I scored points.”

  “You so did. Now, do you want to have a swim with me?”

  “I don’t have a suit to wear.”

  “Wear your knickers if you like.”

  “Will anybody see?”

  “Just you and me.” I gave her arse a playful smack before hopping out of bed to find some shorts to throw on.

  When I came out of my closet her knickers were back on and she was coming out of the bathroom putting her arms through the straps of her bra, trying to do it up.

  “Absolutely not.” I snatched that thing out of her hands and tossed it over my shoulder.

  She squinted her pretty eyes, sending me what I was sure had to be something along the lines of What is your problem, you fucking arsehole! The feisty kitten was ready to hiss at me, and I absolutely loved it.

  I palmed both of her breasts, one in each hand, and held them reverently. “Don’t ever cover these when we are alone.”

  Her frown turned soft in an instant, her mouth sliding into a grin. “Why, Mr. Everley, I do believe you are enamored with my breasts.”

  I gave her a look. “Not even close, my lovely Miss Hargreave.”

  “No?” She frowned.

  “You have the most spectacular set of tits I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing in my
life. And enamored is a ridiculous word to describe my feelings for your tits.”

  Her mouth went wide in surprise as she laughed at me.

  I buried my face in the decadent cleavage I held in my hands. “Enslaved is a much more appropriate word.”

  She scoffed and pushed my head away. “You’re insane.”

  “Insane over your tits.”

  “Well, that’s really good to know, Mr. Everley.” She put her hands on her hips. “I assume the pool house is a distance from this bedroom, and I need to wear something to cover me. I’m basically naked.”

  My turn to pout.

  “They are too perfect to be covered up and I want to look at them.”

  “You’ve made that point abundantly clear and I get it. You like breasts—”

  “—very partial to yours in particular.”

  She stonefaced me again. “Are you deaf?” She pointed to her chest. “If you want me to step out of this room with you, then you’d better find me a robe, or a shirt of yours, or a sheet, or something to cover up these spectacular tits until we arrive at the pool.”

  “Fine.” Well, she did have a point there. Finnegan was around, and Marjorie could show up anywhere at any time. Better not shock the help with my debauchery on a Sunday morning. I went back into my closet and dug around until I found something that looked promising. It was blue, made of silk and had a belt. It also looked like something Finnegan might wear to bed, but it was indeed a robe. I really had no idea where half of the shit in my house came from, which was why I wanted to go through decade’s worth of the accumulated crap systematically.

  Hopefully get rid of most of it.

  “Will this do?” I showed her.

  Her eyes widened. She fingered the fabric and checked the label. “What is with the smoking jackets and this place?”

  “Huh?” I asked.

  “Smoking jackets. Fancy robes rich men used to wear for lounging and—”

  “—smoking I gather?”

  She rolled her eyes at my joke and took the thing off its hangar, holding it out to look more closely. “This is definitely vintage, Ivan, and it has to be at least sixty years old. Sharkskin silk out of the fifties if I had to guess. I buy vintage dresses sometimes so I know a little about heirloom clothing, and they don’t come with cheap price tags. This looks expensive to me, and probably valuable. I’d hate to damage it. Are you sure?”