Read Primal Instincts Page 2

  Seconds ticked by as Olivia fretted. Suddenly the rope dropped from the hole above them, giving them an exit route. The girls turned to face the gray-haired man. “You are free to leave,” he offered. “Without the flower. Or you may stay and sample Estela.”

  Jordon looked at Olivia, her brow raised in question. Olivia drew a breath and let it out, then clasped Jordon’s hand. “We’re staying.”

  The man’s wrinkled face showed no signs of response. “Then we begin.” He turned without waiting for their reply, the expectation clear that they would follow. The sexy native men, who Jordon suspected would soon be their lovers, stood like statues, staring forward, eyes averted.

  Hand in hand, Olivia and Jordon started forward, following the old man past the loinclothed “gods.” The instant they passed those glorious bodies, Jordon felt warm all over. She continued to be aware of the men, who now walked behind them, and who were quite possibly planning to become their lovers. A brief moment of fear and panic overtook her, but those feelings were quickly smothered by a growing sense of excitement and more than a hint of arousal. Even without the flower’s influence, these agreed-upon “terms” were erotic and daring. They’d agreed to let that flower lead them to sensual places, to perform erotic acts with complete, utter strangers. And even if she wanted to claim it was for science, a part of her thrilled at the excitement of exploration, of an excuse to let her inhibitions go and escape into pleasure. If she felt this now, what would she feel with the flower influencing her?

  Donato led Jordon and Olivia into a smaller cave within the cavern, only it looked more like a room with stone walls. Gorgeous stalactites hung like icicles, and the walls were covered in primitive erotic art. Rugs draped the floors and a small, wood-burning black furnace sat in the corner, though there was no doubting the floral scent that seemed to seep from the smoke. The essence of Estela, perhaps?

  Jordon barely had time to consider that idea when her attention was riveted to the three chairs before her, two of which held the most gorgeous twin males she’d ever seen in her life. Long sable hair brushed their broad shoulders, while lean muscle glistened beneath olive-colored skin, their loincloths doing nothing to hide their perfection.

  “If, by chance, you indeed hit your head and this is your fantasy,” Olivia whispered beside her, “thanks for including me.”

  Donato sat down in the open chair between the twins. “These are my sons.” He waved to the right, to the male directly in front of Olivia. “Chale.” He inclined his head at Olivia. ”And this is Amador.” Amador inclined his head at Jordon.

  Donato continued, “My sons are masters of Estela’s magic. If you accept them as your protectors and guides through this experience, you will show them so. You will fall at their knees now and submit to their rule.”

  Chapter Three

  Olivia’s eyes met with Chale’s, studying the hard angles and planes of his face, and registering every delicious detail of the broad man seated before her.

  The way his intense gaze locked on hers was both erotic and unnerving. She shifted restlessly and cleared her throat, working double time to marshal the lust that saturated her mind as unease segued to lust. There was nothing she could do, however, to bank the unfamiliar heat and need spreading through her body.

  Chale stood and took one measured step closer, and she briefly closed her eyes against the flood of heat. The way his hard warrior body moved toward her with such confidence, and the way his primal scent closed around her—he weakened her knees and brought on a shudder. With just one look, this godlike warrior had her body turning mutinous.

  Dear Lord, what had they gotten themselves into?

  He held out one large hand, palm up. Without hesitation, Olivia placed her palm on his. When he curled his fingers around hers, her small hand was swallowed by his enormous strength. The warmth of his skin seeped into her flesh, and in that instant she just knew that what she was about to experience would somehow change her future, and alter her life forever.

  She shivered. Almost violently.

  Chale inclined his head, and the slight curl in his lips told her that not only had he read her body’s responses, he was pleased by them.

  Long sable hair fell forward, veiling his bare chest. “Do you accept me as your guide, Olivia?” he asked in near-perfect English.

  Heart racing, she nodded. Knowing she had to submit to him before she began her erotic journey, she sank to her knees, coming face-to-face with his hard cock, the loincloth unable to hide his impressive magnitude. She almost wept from pleasure. Out of her peripheral vision she watched Jordon submit to Amador.

  “Then I offer you Estela.” His voice was softly seductive and worked some mysterious alchemy on her soul. Chale twisted sideways, accepted a small bowl-like crock from a young woman and offered it to Olivia.

  A pause, a quick moment of hesitation, and then Olivia drank from the crock. The sweet syrup was as delicious as it was fragrant. She could feel her body warm, feel Estela racing through her bloodstream, heating her from the inside out.

  Chale took the empty crock from her hand and pulled her to her feet. Feeling so small next to his large body, Olivia tilted her chin upward, bringing them face-to-face. His hands cupped her cheeks; his warrior features softened. The sudden flare of heat deep inside her made her body tremble.

  Dark eyes probed hers, as though assessing her, reading her every hidden desire, her every secret fetish. His glance slid over her skin, a rough caress. She should be afraid, she knew. But at the moment, with Estela racing through her veins, she felt anything but fear. Her breathing quickened; her chest was rising and falling in an erratic pattern.

  A strange primal sound crawled out of Chale’s throat. Raw desire flitted across his face. He bent his head, positioning his lips close to her ear, and spoke in whispered words. “You are very passionate, little one.”

  A moment later his warm mouth touched her skin, and she became instantly aware of the desire rising in him. He inhaled her, and then brushed his lips over the erogenous zone just below her ear. His movements were slow, deliberate, his touch going right through her.

  Olivia drew in air, but couldn’t seem to fill her lungs. She felt a little dizzy, a little disoriented. Sexual hunger churned inside her, prowling through her body, drawing her into a current of need and desire.

  Chale inched back, his fingers brushing over her heated cheek, her neck. His nostrils flared. “Come with me now, little one, and learn.”

  Strong hands encircled her waist, guiding her to a smaller cave. She caught a glimpse of her friend being scooped up and carried in a different direction, and wondered where Amador was taking her, but all thoughts of Jordon were forgotten as Chale led her into his inner chambers.

  Eyes alive with curiosity, she took a quick moment to catalog the unfamiliar surroundings, momentarily stunned by the beauty. Soft candlelight bathed the room in a warm, erotic glow, the arousing, aromatic scent of Estela saturating the air. Although the underground lair was primitive by her standards, what it lacked in modern luxury it made up for in sensuous delight and earthy appeal. A large cozy-looking white fur rug blanketed the circular floor, Estela’s leaves sprinkled on top. Flanking the rug, two handsome warriors stood guard. To her left, a round tub drew her eye, with more white leaves floating on the water’s glistening surface.

  She glanced at the shadows dancing playfully on the stone wall. The erotic art from the large chamber spilled inside the smaller room. Olivia touched the limestone, the tip of her index finger tracing a couple in a tantra position. She wondered if the sketches were images re-creating the sexual activities that took place in the cave. Would she find her own spot on the wall when this was all over? And if so, what erotic position would she be captured in? Suddenly her imagination kicked into high gear, her mind conjuring up sexy visuals. As a bevy of fantasies rushed through her mind, her body responded with a shiver.

  With his muscles rippling and pulling her focus, Chale walked to the center of the room
and turned to face her. He gave a wave and a slight nod, gesturing for his men to bring her to him. When the warriors moved in beside her and escorted her forward, away from the archway, two more men took up guard at the door, locking the world out and her inside, making escape impossible. But she didn’t want to escape. She wanted to stay here with Chale and experience Estela’s magic in all her aphrodisiacal glory.

  When she reached Chale, her eyes raked over his taut torso. Deliberately he leaned over her, his scent assailing her senses, his primal essence completely overwhelming her. She stole a glance at the two loinclothed warriors still at her side, and the male-dominated space closed in around her.

  Would they be staying while Chale guided her in Estela’s magic? Would they be watching while he took her to intimate, sensuous places? Would they be participating in this scandalous yet so damn titillating encounter?

  “What you want, and need, requires them to stay, little one,” Chale murmured into her ear, answering her unasked questions.

  Olivia sucked in a tight breath. Had Estela’s magic put him in tune with her desires, her needs? Needs that she knew she had, but never had the courage to vocalize.

  Chale fingered her cammy jacket, toying with the material, seductively rubbing it through his fingers as if he’d never felt anything finer. “It is what you wish, yes?”

  With Estela running through her veins, she suddenly felt very wild, very bold, everything in her urging her to open herself up to him. And really, she’d be crazy to deny herself what she really wanted. Because what she really wanted, and what she secretly needed, was to have the warriors stay, to watch and play.

  Without any censure, she gave a slow nod, and said in a breathless voice, “Yes, it is what I wish.”

  Her unabashed certainty seemed to please Chale, and deep down, she suspected he knew her needs and desires better than she knew them herself.

  With that, Chale removed her jacket, and then stood back. His eyes fixed on her breasts, watching the way her nipples hardened and poked through her thin T-shirt. When he wet his bottom lip, everything inside her screamed to feel his mouth on hers, his wet tongue on her breasts, between her legs. Her pussy moistened in anticipation.

  “Undress her, and prepare her for her journey.” Chale gave the command to his warriors.

  Her flesh quivered as the men expertly removed her clothes and boots. Gaze riveted, she never once tore her glance from Chale’s powerful, virile physique. Her nipples quivered as her body ached to join with his. A craving she’d never before experienced swamped her. Oh God, she needed him, under her, over her, inside her. Liquid heat lubricated her pussy and dripped down her thighs.

  After they had undressed her, the men led her to the bath. She glanced at the water and suppressed a shiver, wanting to try it with her finger before climbing in. Would the water be cold, like the pond at the foot of the cave?

  “Estela keeps it warm,” Chale said softly.

  His low voice played down her spine and moved through her like an aphrodisiacal drug. Trusting him completely, instinctively, in a way she’d never trusted another, Olivia nodded and slipped into the steamy, silky water.

  Pure luxury. It was a befitting description for what she was feeling. The fragrant scent of Estela swirled around her. The men dropped to their knees, each picking up one white petal. She wondered what they had in mind. She shot Chale a glance, curious, yet excited just the same.

  He angled his head. “My men will service you, and prepare you for me.”

  The tips of the petals flicked over her breasts, scenting and cleansing her skin while filling her nipples with heated blood.

  Oh, Jesus…

  Her body began vibrating, her clit swelling, clamoring for attention.

  As though reading her needs, one of the warriors trailed the petal lower, over her stomach, to her legs, fueling her desires. She rested her head against the porcelain tub; her lashes fluttered shut against the erotic assault, and her thighs automatically widened. He stroked small circles over her pubis, before brushing the petal over her twin lips.

  At this first touch, sparks shot through her body. Her hips powered upward, purposely placing the soft tip of the petal where she needed it most. Lust filled her and her body grew ravenous, tension building inside her.

  With deft fingers, the warrior whipped the petal over her clit, while the other man turned his attention to her breasts, circling her nipples with accurate precision, seducing all her senses and raising her passion to never-before-known heights. Deep in a haze of arousal, she moaned in ecstasy and writhed as they worked her into a state of euphoric bliss.

  One thick finger slipped inside her and all coherent thought was lost. In and out, in and out, he pumped into her, taking his time to caress her bundle of sensitive nerve endings. Her cunt spasmed, sucking him in deeper. Heat and desire flushed her skin.

  Pleasure resonated through her, and her muscles clenched with the approach of a powerful orgasm. Her shaking hands gripped the tub. She bucked her hips forward, giving herself over to her needs. With that first sweet clench, her blood raced, carrying Estela to all parts of her body, warming and stimulating her darkest corners.

  Feeling euphoric, intoxicated, delirious with pleasure, she erupted, shattering all over him, letting herself go in a way she never had before.

  “Oh, damn,” she cried out, then bit down on her lip, riding out every delicious wave, every sweet pulse of fulfillment.

  A moment later she blinked her eyes open and met Chale’s glance. As her body called out to him, she realized that she was far from feeling fulfilled. Her passion hadn’t even begun to recede; in fact, it was growing at an insurmountable rate. She knew, after that intense orgasm, she should have been sated, but she felt anything but. She wanted more, needed more. The lust rising in her was almost too much, too intense to bear. She sucked in a tight breath and sank back into the water. A low moan escaped her lips, her body shaking with sexual frustration. She tried desperately to manage her overwhelming urges, but failed miserably.

  As though sensing her distress, Chale came to her, lifted her from the tub and carried her to the fur rug, giving her a tender look.

  “Breathe, little one,” he commanded in a soft voice. He stood her before him and put her hand on his heart, letting her follow his slow, steady beat. In the span of a moment, her racing pulse settled. “That’s a girl,” he murmured. “Learning to control Estela’s power takes time.” His voice dropped to a whisper that sensuously caressed her body.

  Chale’s lips brushed along her cheek, making a slow pass over her mouth before settling there for a deeper exploration. The soft blade of his tongue slipped inside for a gentle kiss that grew in passion and intensity when she moved restlessly against him. Her hand slipped between their bodies. She gripped his thick cock, wanting it inside her. It jumped beneath her intimate touch.

  He stepped back and met her glance. They exchanged a long look. His dark eyes gleamed with sensuality, and before she realized what was happening, Chale captured her hands above her head, tying them with a dangling rope, and then quickly inserted his knee between her legs, widening them, while his men shackled her feet to the floor.


  He’d secured her in an erotic position straight from her fantasies.

  “Chale…” she murmured. He shot her a look of intimacy and promise. A shudder overtook her, and she was ready to explode just from the smoldering look in his eyes.

  She twisted sideways to watch Chale’s warriors circle her, like wild animals in heat, touching her body, exploring her curves, her heat, her most private parts. She gave a broken gasp and closed her eyes, not wanting to think, wanting only to feel.

  The room became charged with sexual energy, her scent filling the heavy air.

  One large palm slapped her ass. It stung, but she liked it. She moaned, and arched into his touch. Another hand moved in to soothe the sting left behind.

  One warrior moved to her side, bent forward and encircled her areo
la with his tongue. His mouth felt like fire on her skin. Chale stepped in front of her and inserted a thick finger into her sex. Her cunt throbbed, begging for him to relieve the ache.

  Voice full of want, she cried out, “More.”

  Giving her what she wanted, Chale pushed another finger inside, stirring her desire, and filling her with his girth. God, he was touching her in ways that drove her wild, made her feel feral. Ways that she’d only dreamed of a man touching her.

  “I need—” Her voice broke off when one of his warriors widened her puckered passage. Heat engulfed her. Lust consumed her thoughts, blistering heat welling up inside her. Never before had she felt so ravenous.

  Behind her, the other warrior dropped to his knees, a warm tongue made a pass over her ass, and then she felt a slight pressure as he slipped a finger inside, penetrating her tight passage. Her breath hitched, her orgasm building. The room began spinning before her eyes. She gave a sexy moan, letting them all know how wild and wanton she felt.

  Chale continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, plunging deeper while sensuously circling her clit with his thumb. The other men pleasured her ass and her breasts simultaneously. The triple assault brought on a fever. Her cunt muscles clenched with the approach of a climax.

  Working together, the three men took her to a place she’d never been before, pleasuring her beyond her wildest imagination, while the guards stood at the door and watched the erotic show.

  Nostrils flaring, Chale leaned into her and whispered, “I want to taste your cream,” his voice rough with anticipation. With that, he sank to the floor and pressed a hot kiss to her pussy, his tongue burrowing deep, pushing her to the precipice once again.

  His teeth scraped over her inflamed clit, stroking her with expertise, burning her flesh. She whimpered, her body going up in a burst of flames.

  “That’s it, little one. Come in my mouth.”