Read Princess Electra Page 14

  "What sort of advice?" Deimos asked, suddenly on guard.

  "She thinks we should go to King Geoffrey with a tentative plan for an engagement and test the possibility of an alliance."

  Deimos ran the scenario through his mind before commenting. "I see what you mean," he said, "This is puzzling."

  "If we were to attempt such a strategy, do you see any way it could backfire?"

  Deimos thought about the many ways it could backfire as he watched a soldier run toward them with a folded piece of paper.

  The soldier stopped a few feet away and saluted. "A message for Headman Dagon from one of Blackwell’s men, Sir."

  Dagon motioned him forward and opened the message. It read:

  Headman Dagon

  I propose we meet within the hour to toast our victory over King Geoffrey and discuss our continuing alliance.

  Respectfully, Prince Blackwell


  Dagon handed the message to Deimos and turned to face the messenger. "Delay as long as you can, then tell Blackwell’s soldiers that I have already left with the prisoner exchange and you have sent the message with a rider to catch up to me."

  Turning to Deimos, Dagon said, "We’ve no more time for solving puzzles; let us see where Electra’s plan leads us. I will retrieve the girl and we will join you and the prisoners where Fall’s Trail meets King’s Road."

  As Dagon hurried back to his headquarters, he saw Take the Thief being led to the outdoor mess by his guard. He motioned them over hastily.

  "We leave at once with the prisoners to be exchanged," he said. "I can offer you safe passage as far as Geoffrey’s castle in Fernland if you wish to join us."

  The thief thought quickly. "May I bring along my friend and fellow-deserter as well?"

  Dagon was about to say no when Take continued. "I believe he will shelter me from King Geoffrey until I can make my escape south."

  "Very well," Dagon said, "but his conduct is your responsibility." He turned to the guard. "Include his friend among the prisoners."

  Dagon mounted his horse and took off at a gallop to retrieve Electra.

  As Dagon neared the entrance to the cave he saw Electra waiting just outside. They moved toward each other until they were touching. He put his mouth to her ear and shouted over the roar of the falls.

  "I believe we will test your plan. In fact, I think we might leave at once for Fernland."

  "Of course. The sooner, the better," Electra replied, flashing a smile that lit up her face.

  "Is there anything you will require for the trip?" Dagon asked.

  "Only your protection," she said, pulling her blanket around her.

  Chapter 48

  Village of Helsop

  Serafina sat on a cot in the tent Blackwell had provided for her. Now that her rift with Electra had been healed she was free to concentrate on her own plan for the future. Her hexes and charms were spread out on the cot along with the ingredients to make more. She touched the various herbs, roots, bones and powders carefully, concentrating on the unique qualities of each. She wondered if she needed a love charm to secure Blackwell’s affections.

  "Anyone home in there?" came a gruff voice outside her tent.

  "Who asks?" Serafina called.

  "Phinneas Blackwell. Are you decent?"

  Serafina sniffed, annoyed by the interruption of the elder Blackwell, but called out, "You may enter," as she covered her charms with her cloak.

  Blackwell's father looked around as he came through the opening. "A little sparse." The tent was furnished with only a cot and a wooden stool. "We have better to offer in Henge." He smiled at his understatement.

  Serafina waited for him to get to the point.

  After a little foot and wooden peg shuffling, he pulled up the stool and cleared his throat. "My son is not what you would call, umm, passionate. In fact I've never seen him let an emotion get through unchecked. But I could tell last night at the victory dinner—he is interested in you."

  "Yes," Serafina said.

  The elder Blackwell looked surprised. "Did he say something to you?"

  "No, as you say, he views the world through a stern eye. Still, one senses things."

  "Exactly, and unlike Prince Blackwell, you are a woman of great passion if I'm not mistaken. You have a thirst for revenge. I can appreciate that. My son is a good statesman, but he has no love of war. He will eventually offer you some business proposal and buried deep within it, a marriage proposal, unless I miss my guess. I want you to know I would support it. I won't be around forever to get him fired up when the need arises."

  Serafina smiled in spite of herself. "Your support is most unexpected," she said. "If such a business proposal is forthcoming, I will consider it."

  "Father, are you in there?" came Prince Blackwell's voice.

  "Enter," Serafina said.

  Prince Blackwell stood frowning at the tent’s flap. "I do not like finding you two war-mongers together," he said, "I trust you have not had time to plot some new campaign?"

  "Perish the thought," his father said, "this victory has set things right."

  "I am not so sure," Blackwell said, "my scouts have been unable to find the girl and Dagon has gone himself to supervise the first round of prisoner exchanges. He never acknowledged my request for a victory toast. This is highly unusual. I believe he has discovered Electra's identity and goes to extract a ransom."

  "Then let Dagon have the ransom," his father reasoned. "The more ransom King Geoffrey pays, the more he is weakened. Besides, these people in Helsop have no food. If they don't get resources from Geoffrey they'll be wanting them from us, from the coffers of Henge"

  "Your preoccupation with King Geoffrey continues to blind you to the threat of an enriched and independent Helsop," Prince Blackwell said. "I have sent men to intercept Dagon and the prisoners. He may have Electra with him."

  Blackwell realized he had been thinking out loud and checked himself. "But enough of business. I will have you both join me for lunch, where I can keep an eye on the pair of you."

  Serafina secreted two of her charms in the pocket of her cloak and folded the blanket back over the others. "Lunch would be most welcome," she said.

  Prince Blackwell lifted the flap of the tent for her to walk through ahead of him.

  Chapter 49

  Road to Fernland

  Electra and Dagon waited on horseback at the top of a hill near Fall’s Trail. Deimos, three guards and the long slow line of shackled prisoners moved up the hill toward them. Dagon looked back toward Helsop, searching the sky above the village. As Deimos and the guards reached them, a thin column of smoke rose from the field near the command post.

  "Is Helsop in danger?" asked Electra.

  "No, but perhaps we are," Dagon answered, "count the puffs of smoke."

  The thin line of smoke disappeared for a moment, then erupted into a single grey cloud. This cloud was followed by seven more puffy clouds before the thin column of smoke resumed.

  "Eight mounted soldiers," Deimos said. "Their horses will soon overtake us."

  "What soldiers are these?" Electra asked.

  "I left orders with my men to signal us if Blackwell sent men out of his camp," Dagon said. "These eight are too many for messengers. They are coming to find you and take you hostage for Blackwell." Dagon watched Electra carefully to see her reaction to this turn of events.

  "Then we must make haste and try to outdistance them," she said anxiously.

  Dagon’s face broke into a broad smile.

  Electra looked confused, then angry. "You find the possibility of these eight taking me prisoner amusing?" she asked.

  "No," Dagon said, suddenly serious. "But I do find reassurance in your desire to avoid it." He turned to speak to Deimos. "We will be better able to hide if we take to the deer trails on foot and keep to the forest."

  Dagon noticed Take the Thief and his friend. They were unshackled, walking with the three guards at the front of the line. He waved them over

  "You two, come with us," he ordered.

  Dagon dismounted and helped Electra down from her horse, then led their horses to the guards.

  "Take our mounts," he said to the guards. "We will retrieve them at Geoffrey’s castle. Blackwell’s men will soon catch up to you. Tell them I have gone ahead and will meet you and the prisoners at Geoffrey’ castle. Do not tell them who is with me or offer any explanation as to why I rode ahead. Just continue on with the prisoners as before."

  The guards saluted and took the reins of the horses.

  Dagon took Electra by the hand and moved quickly off the road and into the cover of the forest. Take and Tom followed and Deimos came last, brushing out their tracks with a branch.

  As they moved deeper into the forest, the speckled glow of the sun spattered foliage lit their way. Their footsteps were muffled by the soft cushion of moss beneath their feet. Electra had both time and silence to reflect on Dagon’s words and realized that he still thought her capable of going over to Blackwell’s side.

  "Did you really think I might want to be captured by Blackwell’s men?" she asked.

  "Your strong attachment to Serafina is obvious and she seems firmly in Blackwell’s camp."

  "Yes, that is true," Electra said. "But Blackwell has not the fondness for me that you profess to have." Her voice held a hint of skepticism.

  Dagon was taken aback. He had forgotten that he was supposed to be in love with her. He realized he was holding her hand none too gently and quickly dropped it to put his arm around her shoulder.

  "I should never have doubted you," he said. "Your plan to seek King Geoffrey’s blessing on our engagement is a gift, and more than I deserve. Will you forgive me?"

  "How could I not forgive such a sincere apology?" Electra said, wincing at the blatant insincerity of his words.

  Dagon looked at her impassive face out the corner of his eye and tried to busy himself clearing the path.

  They pressed on through the forest until darkness overtook them.

  "We’d best not risk a fire," Deimos cautioned.

  The five sank down under a heavily boughed tree and brought out a dinner of dried meat, bread and lentil pudding. Take the Thief stole furtive glances at Electra as he ate.

  Finally Electra said, "We’ve not been introduced. I am Electra."

  Take looked as though he might bolt for the forest. He gulped down his piece of bread and said, "Enchanted to make your acquaintance, Ma’am. I’m called Take and this here’s my mate, Tom." He nudged Tom, who nodded solemnly.

  Dagon smiled and said, "Actually you have met Take before, but you were probably too young to remember."

  Take began coughing and took a drink of water. He began to speak, then put his head in his hands and muttered, "It was Serafina made me do it."

  Electra looked at Dagon, puzzled by Take’s unexpected behavior.

  "Take was evidently instrumental in kidnapping you soon after you were born," he said.

  Now it was Electra’s turn to stare at Take. She turned a severe glance at Dagon, saying, "And Take is one of your men?"

  "No, no," Dagon said, "far from it. Take was a prisoner of war until he won his freedom by revealing Prince Avor’s presence in our prisoner stockade."

  Tom looked confused and whispered something in Take’s ear.

  "You are both a kidnapper and a traitor?" Electra asked in an accusing voice.

  "It was not my fault," Take said miserably.

  "Tell me the story of my abduction," Electra said. "I will not judge you. It is worth that much to hear the truth."

  Take began his story at the time of Electra’s birth, changing a few facts along the way to put himself in a better light. Electra listened carefully without interrupting. When he was finished, she asked, "Did Serafina give any reason for abducting me?"

  "No," Take said. "But everyone knew that…" He stopped mid-sentence and turned his face away.

  "Everyone knew what?" Electra asked.

  Take stared at the ground and said softly, "She may have been angry that King Geoffrey broke off his engagement to her because he wanted to marry her sister."

  Electra wrapped her blanket around her and stood up. She walked a short way off and lay down with her back toward the group.

  Later, Dagon sat down beside Electra and waited.

  "What is it?" she asked, finally.

  "Has it changed your feelings for Serafina to hear Take’s story?" he asked.

  "It has confirmed what my brother told me, and I suppose it inclines me more toward meeting Fernland’s king and queen."

  "They will likely be overjoyed to have you back. I do not know that they will be equally happy with the idea of our engagement."

  "Umm," she said.

  "How goes your contemplation of our engagement?" he asked.

  "Umm," she answered.

  "You realize my men and I are at risk in this endeavor. If you should choose against me, there is nothing to stop Geoffrey from taking the rest of us hostage to gain Avor’s release."

  Electra considered his words and knew that, for once, he was speaking the truth. She decided to be truthful in return.

  "I would not allow that to happen," she said. She leveled her gaze straight into Dagon’s eyes. "You are not the only one who cares about Helsop. I intend to use whatever filial currency I have to forge the alliance. I will not allow Geoffrey or Blackwell to continue to abuse Helsop if I have the power to stop it. Does this satisfy you?"

  "I am overwhelmed, Electra." His face mirrored his surprise. "It is not often that others feel as I do about Helsop. I…I… hope above all that you will choose to marry me and make your home in Helsop."

  "Yes, I know," Electra said, the skeptical note returned to her voice, "So you have told me."

  Chapter 50

  On the way to Fernland

  Electra awoke to the warmth of sun shining through evergreen boughs. She felt well rested. The pine needles beneath her had made a cozy bed. She heard Dagon and Deimos talking close by.

  "Blackwell’s men have joined the prisoner convoy. They outnumber the guards and have taken command," Deimos said.

  "They know I will have to join the prisoners sooner or later," Dagon said. "I must be present to represent Helsop in the formal exchange of prisoners."

  "They’ll likely be waiting outside Geoffrey’s castle bridge, hoping to take Electra back to Blackwell," Deimos said.

  "They have seen Electra in the clinic; we will need a clever ruse to get her over the drawbridge past Blackwell’s men," Dagon said.

  As Electra walked toward them, they both stopped conversing.

  "Good morning," Dagon said to Electra. "Did you sleep well?"

  "I did." she said. "Will we be here long enough for me to bathe in the stream?"

  Dagon looked at Deimos. "As long as Blackwell’s men travel with Helsop’s prisoners, we are not pressed to move quickly."

  "Enjoy your bath," Dagon told Electra. "I’ll tell our deserters to make a campfire."

  Electra walked down to the stream and waded in fully clothed. The water was very cold but her need to bathe and soak out the grit and grime of travel kept her moving toward the deepest part of the stream. She washed quickly, her face, her hair, her arms and feet. Then she sloshed out of the stream and wrapped her blanket around her. She smelled smoke and headed for the campfire.

  Electra walked past the campfire to find a secluded place to remove her dress and hang it up to dry. She heard movement in the bushes and quickly wrapped her blanket around her. She relaxed, but stayed quiet when she realized it was only Take and Tom gathering firewood.

  "Say, what’s this?" Take asked.

  "Blimey, it be a nest," Tom said. "By the look, mayhap turkey eggs."

  "That’s what that noise was, woke me up this morning. Turkey gobbles."

  "I’ve a way with eggs," Tom said. "Should we take ‘em ya’ think?"

  "Why not?" Take said, "Nobody here is going to report us for poaching."
br />   "At’s a fact, isn’t it mate? Hard to say whose side we be on now, eh?"

  "I’m always on my own side," Take said. "But now as we’re mates and all I guess we’re on the same side."

  "That’s me feeling ‘xactly," Tom said.

  "You know I might have a way we could make some money once we get back to Fernland. I could count you in if you’re of a mind," Take said, lowering his voice.

  "Always lookin’ ta’ add to the pot, long’s it not agin’ the law." Tom said.

  "Probably no law to cover this," Take said, fishing in his pockets for his unsold tickets. "Remember when I joined the line of conscripts, how I was dressed?"

  Tom laughed, "Fer sure that isn’t a thing I’d soon forgit."

  "I was got up in costume that to sell these." Take showed him his tickets. "I couldn’t make ‘em fast enough. Folks was lined up to buy them."

  "Would ya’ look a’ that? Tickets with bitty dancin’ girls. Did ya’ make ‘em yerself?"

  "I did" Take said, pleased with the compliment.

  "So yer some kinda actor an’ yer part a’ this ‘ere play?”

  "I suppose there could be a play," Take said, considering the idea.

  "There’d hafta be, wouldn’t there? I mean as yer sellin’ tickets fer it?"

  "Sure, there’d have to be," Take said. "You know we’d better get these eggs cooking. How long’s it been since we’ve had fresh eggs for breakfast, mate?"

  "Too long, an’ that’s a fact," Tom said.

  The two walked into the campfire area loaded down with eggs and firewood.

  Electra walked into the clearing soon after.

  "Good morning," she said, "Are those eggs?"

  "Eggs is one ‘a their names, an’ breakfast be a tother," Tom said, laughing.

  Soon Tom and Take had rigged a tripod made of sticks. They hung their pot from the tripod and began cracking eggs into it.

  Dagon and Deimos followed the smell of cooking eggs into the campfire circle. They sipped tea as they waited for breakfast.

  "Have you decided on a ruse to get me past Blackwell’s soldiers?" Electra asked.

  Deimos frowned when he realized she had overheard them talking, but Dagon seemed unconcerned.

  "Not yet," Dagon said. "We need a disguise or a conveyance they would not think to search. But we have time to devise a strategy."