Read Princess Electra Page 16

  "Yes," Dagon said, smiling.

  Moments ticked away in silence until Electra appeared at the door. Her hair was restored to its true color, the coal dust complexion was gone and the ink tattoos had been scrubbed clean. Still dressed as a harem dancer, she closely resembled Queen Delphinia.

  "This could be a trick, my dear," King Geoffrey warned.

  "Are you Electra?" the Queen asked.

  "Yes," Electra said.

  "My daughter?"

  "So I am told, though I have no way of knowing."

  Queen Delphinia approached her slowly, taking in every feature, memorizing her face, touching her hair until she could bear the separation no longer. She crushed the girl to her, moaning and weeping, releasing the pain she had carried for so long.

  Electra could not help but be moved by such a display. Although she had determined she would appraise her mother and father calmly and fairly before passing judgment, she now found herself pulled along on the strong tide of her mother’s emotion. She hugged her mother and tried to comfort her.

  Even King Geoffrey, fighting to maintain a composed demeanor, was betrayed by a jittery stomach. He hiccupped loudly behind Delphinia. "Well, I must admit you two look enough alike to be mother and daughter," he said. He hiccupped again.

  "Come, sit down," Delphinia ordered. "You must tell us everything. From your first memory. Everything."

  "Perhaps we could wait a bit for all that," Geoffrey said.

  Queen Delphinia glared at her husband fiercely. Geoffrey was so shocked he moved away from the table. Dagon followed quickly.

  "Electra is a free woman," Dagon said to the Geoffrey as the monarch recovered from Delphinia’s fierce glare. "I make no demands in exchange for her coming here. I do, however have a list of demands that I hope will result in an alliance between us."

  Geoffrey frowned and stepped through the door to the balcony. Dagon followed and closed the door behind him.

  "What is this nonsense about an alliance?" Geoffrey demanded, feeling much more himself, apart from the women.

  "I am sure you know we have Avor as well," Dagon said.

  "Is he unharmed?" Geoffrey asked, glancing fearfully through the window at Delphinia.

  "Unharmed and safe," Dagon replied.

  "Is he the tenth prisoner?"

  "I am sorry, no, I could not take the chance. You might have decided to take him, and throw me in your dungeon."

  "No doubt of that," Geoffrey said, warming to the discussion. "Why consider an alliance with me, now that you have Blackwell to fight your wars?"

  "Blackwell's army camped on Helsop's doorstep makes for sleepless nights," Dagon said. "I want to explore other possibilities."

  "Let me see your list of demands."

  "I have no need of a list," Dagon said, tapping his head. "Though, if we are able to reach an agreement, we will need to make our alliance official. First, we want freedom to sell our products here in Fernland without tax or restriction. The same would apply to Fernland’s products in Helsop."

  "What has Helsop to trade, anyway?"

  "We are excellent toolmakers. It is enough to keep us fed if we can charge a fair price."

  "Tools, eh? More likely weapons, I think. You will arm our neighbors just as you have already armed Blackwell of Henge."

  "Blackwell doesn't need us to arm Henge. He has ships coming daily to the port in Henge City, and his pick of weapons."

  "What else?"

  "Free passage for our people through your territory."

  "Not enough to make the weapons, now you plan to deliver as well. What else?"

  "Freedom for the thief who stole Electra from your nursery."

  "What? Why do you care about a thief? Besides, he has already escaped."

  "He helped us get her through the gate. Blackwell's men were there, ready to capture her and demand a ransom."

  "I wondered what all that was about. Blackwell’s soldiers gave me some cock and bull story about an escaped lunatic bent on disrupting the prisoner exchange. What else?"

  "Your presence at my engagement banns."

  "What nonsense! Who are you marrying?"

  "Your daughter."

  King Geoffrey stared at Dagon. "Are you daft? Do you see what's happening in there?" He lifted his chin in the direction of Delphinia and Electra. "Sixteen years. It is a miracle Delphinia has kept her sanity. She is a strong woman, but you cannot take Electra away from her now. It would kill her. Tell me the truth. Is that really our Electra and not a look-alike you have brought in to trick me into some harebrained alliance?"

  "She is your Electra and now mine, as well. We first captured her with Avor at the bridge, but we did not know who we had. Events would have gone quite differently had we known. She gave us a fantasy story about crystal balls and fortune tellers. It took some time before we got to the truth."

  King Geoffrey walked back into the room with his wife and daughter. Queen Delphinia had finally let go of Electra's hand.

  "Electra," King Geoffrey said, "we have missed you every day for over sixteen years. May I give you a hug?" Electra stood and embraced her father.

  "I've wondered so many times about my father," she said.

  "Dagon tells me you wish to become engaged to be married."

  Delphinia looked up nervously, "But surely you are too young. You are much too young. We do not know your young man. He may not be suitable. No, no, this cannot happen, not yet. Geoffrey? Tell her."

  Electra put her hand on her mother’s shoulder. She had never imagined her mother would still love her so much. Perhaps she should confess that the engagement was only a ploy. But her attachment to Helsop was not feigned. And Serafina’s hatred of her father put her on guard against him. Not yet, she thought.

  Electra smiled from her mother to Dagon. "Actually you do know him. Dagon and I have come here to ask your blessing on our engagement and on an alliance between Fernland and Helsop."

  "I can't…" Delphinia stood up gasping for breath and fainted into Geoffrey's arms.

  Geoffrey glared at Dagon as he eased Delphinia back into Electra's arms and shouted for help.

  Delphinia revived quickly and reached desperately for Electra’s hand.

  "You must think me a silly old woman," Delphinia said.

  "Of course not," Electra said. "We should have been more circumspect."

  Delphinia patted Electra’s hand. "You are a lovely young woman. I must not try to treat you as a child. But might you consider a somewhat lengthy engagement? We could come to know one another -- perhaps become friends?"

  The pleading look in Delphinia’s eyes made Electra lower her own eyes. She felt ill-equipped to deal with a mother’s desperate love. But as she considered her mother’s request she realized it fit perfectly with her own wishes, both to aid Helsop and to give herself more time to decide what path her life would take from here. She smiled back at Delphinia.

  "A lovely idea, in fact, the best plan all round," she said. "I will discuss it with Dagon at once."

  Electra took Dagon’s hand and pulled him with her out to the balcony.

  "How goes our bid for an alliance?" Electra asked.

  "I believe he will agree to anything to get his children back. Once he has you both—I do not know."

  "The queen’s love for me has bloomed in my absence," Electra said. "Perhaps I could take Avor’s place in Helsop to guarantee the alliance."

  "You mean you will truly agree to marry me?" Dagon asked

  "I believe both Queen Delphinia and I would be content with a lengthy engagement. I will insist I be allowed to come and go between Fernland and Helsop during our engagement. If it becomes lengthy enough, the alliance will become entrenched."

  "I must be content with what you are willing to offer," Dagon said. "I believe you do this for Helsop’s sake and for that I am grateful. But…" His voice trailed off. He seemed hesitant to continue.

  "But what?" Electra asked.

  "You do not plan to marry me, in the en
d, do you?"

  "Why would you say such a thing?" Electra asked, watching him carefully.

  "Be on your guard, Princess Electra," Dagon said. "I plan to win your love, not for Helsop’s sake, but for my own."

  Electra saw no hint of a smile on Dagon’s face. She began to believe she should indeed be on her guard.

  Chapter 54

  Electra spent the morning with Queen Delphinia while King Geoffrey and Dagon completed the prisoner exchange and met with advisors to discuss the terms of their alliance.

  Queen Delphinia gave a series of whispered orders to her attendants before resuming her conversation with Electra. "Come with me," she said. "I have some things to show you." She led Electra through a narrow doorway and down a long hall. Delphinia opened a door and stood back as Electra entered.

  "This was your nursery," the queen said, holding Electra’s hand.

  The room was warm with a southern exposure and high windows. A shelf held the sorts of toys a little girl would love, a miniature castle with tiny furniture, dolls wearing satin gowns, an ornate bassinet hung round with brightly painted wooden animals.

  "You have kept this room all these years?" Electra exclaimed.

  "I could not bear even the thought of changing any part of it."

  Electra tightened her grip on her mother’s hand. "It must have been terrible for you," she said, aware for the first time of the pain Queen Delphinia had endured.

  "But that is all behind us now." Queen Delphinia smiled and pulled Electra out of the nursery. "Let us go on to the new room I have chosen for you."

  Delphinia walked quickly down the halls of the castle until they reached a door guarded by one of Geoffrey’s palace guards.

  "This was my room when I was your age and now it will be yours." Delphinia opened the door, her eyes shining with excitement. The room was large with tapestries hanging on every wall. The ornately tasseled wall hangings depicted royal celebrations with richly attired men and women.

  An iron posted bed sat in the middle of the room. On it lay a collection of materials, fringes, lace and trim pieces. A woman dressed in a well-tailored green gown stepped forward with various pieces of cloth in her arms. She bowed to Electra and the queen.

  "This is Daisy, my helper," Delphinia said. "She is so clever with a needle and thread."

  "I have begun work," Daisy said, blushing, "but I have deferred many decisions until I could discover your preferences, Your Highness."

  Electra wondered for a moment why Daisy was looking at her instead of Delphinia, then realized that Daisy had addressed her as Your Highness. She struggled for a proper response.

  "I am overwhelmed," Electra said, finally.

  Delphinia appeared pleased by her reaction. She took Electra’s hand in hers.

  "We will all sit down presently and make the decisions together," Delphinia said to Daisy. "Let us see first what progress you have made with the wardrobe."

  Delphinia led Electra to a huge closet where a few gowns were already hung up.

  "We will take your measurements as soon as you are ready," Daisy said. "These gowns are some that may be altered to fit. I knew you would need some to choose from for the banquet tonight."

  Electra ran her fingers over the silky materials. "They are lovely," she said, turning to Delphinia. "There is a banquet tonight?"

  "To celebrate your homecoming," Delphinia said. "Only the family and a few advisors who are anxious to meet you."

  "So soon?" Electra asked. She felt as though she needed more time before taking her place so firmly in this royal family.

  "The sooner, the better," Delphinia said. "We have already waited sixteen years."

  Electra, Delphinia and Daisy left for the family’s private dining room. They ate lunch, then made selections for curtains, bedding and gowns. Delphinia left after lunch, somewhat reluctantly, to instruct the kitchen staff on preparations for the evening banquet.

  Electra returned to her room with Daisy and asked if she might have some time alone to rest before the banquet. With a snap of her fingers Daisy cleared the room of servants and closed the door behind her as she bowed and left.

  Electra looked out her window at the forested hills beyond the castle, savoring the quiet. She thought back to her decision to leave Chase Bound with Avor. It seemed so long ago, but had actually been only a few weeks. She had accused this king and queen of murdering her mother, Serafina. There was no doubt now that Serafina had lied to her. And that her lies had sprung from her hatred of King Geoffrey. Was the hatred justified? It did not seem so, but her ties to Serafina were still stronger than her ties to her parents. She had time now to study her parents. This engagement to Dagon would work in her favor. She went over the strategy in her mind until a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She wondered if she might just ignore the intrusion. Then she sighed and said curtly,


  A young page opened the door cautiously and stepped inside.

  "King Geoffrey requests your presence in the throne room, Your Highness," he said, bowing.

  "Perhaps you could show me the way," Electra said.

  Electra followed the page downstairs and through long hallways to the throne room, wondering what her father might want to discuss with her.

  "The Princess Electra," the page announced at the entrance to the throne room.

  "Come in, My Dear," Geoffrey said. He sat at a small table in front of the massive golden thrones and waved her into a chair beside him.

  "We haven’t had much opportunity to talk. I did not want to rob your mother of time with you. She has waited so long for this reunion. I believe she takes some comfort in your choice of a lengthy engagement."

  "I begin to sense the pain my abduction must have caused her," Electra said.

  "Yes, you seem a compassionate young woman." The king paused. "Could it be that this proposed marriage is really a gesture of sympathy on your part for the people of Helsop?"

  Electra was taken aback at her father’s accurate assessment. "Why would you think that?" she asked, trying not to reveal her feelings.

  "Your mother has a similar disposition," he said, watching her closely.

  Electra, suddenly on guard, wondered if he might rescind his part in the alliance with Helsop if she admitted that he was correct. She decided not to take the chance.

  "I admit I see this alliance will be to Helsop’s advantage, but it will result in advantage to me as well, as I have chosen to make Helsop my home."

  "And why is that?" her father asked, seeming to mull the question over in his own mind. "I find it odd that you would decide to marry the man you first met as your captor." Geoffrey’s voice held only curiosity, with no hint of judgment.

  "The people of Helsop hold Dagon in high esteem. He treats all men fairly." Electra felt she was floundering. She stopped herself short of saying something so trite as ‘he says he means to win my love.’

  "Has he treated your brother, Avor, fairly? Has he sheltered him in accordance with his rank?"

  "Helsop lacks the means to treat him as a prince," Electra said. “But they have secured him as well as they are able, in a private tent. He has not been mistreated."

  "I am grateful for that. Still, we wish to free Avor as soon as possible."

  "Yes, of course," Electra said.

  "Dagon says that after we sign the alliance in Helsop and Avor is released to us, you are free to come and go as you wish."

  "It is as you say," Electra said.

  "Then why not come back to Fernland with us for a time. Your mother and I would be so grateful to have both our children together after so many years."

  Electra heard the warmth in her father’s voice but sensed a trap. Was she being too cautious? Had Serafina poisoned her mind against parents who only sought to love her?

  "I…I have made promises that I intend to keep. But I will plan a visit to Fernland soon. I, too, wish to know my family better."

  "I see." He paused. "I believe we can be rea
dy to leave tomorrow. Would that suit you?"

  "Certainly," Electra said. "You will sign the alliance on our arrival in Helsop?"

  "I suppose we must if those are Dagon’s conditions for Avor’s release," the king said. "You are certain, then, that you wish to post the marriage banns as the alliance requires?"

  She hesitated, then said, "Yes, I am certain."

  King Geoffrey shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slowly, but said nothing more. Electra realized the audience was over and stood up to leave. She walked out of the throne room knowing she had not been honest with her father. He had guessed her real reasons for the engagement and she had denied it. Perhaps she should offer to return with them for a few days, at least.

  She turned back to the throne room and quietly opened the door, hoping her father was still there. She heard voices and turned to leave, not wanting to interrupt. Then she stopped to listen.

  "It is just as I suspected," her father said. "She has a young girl’s romantic notions of saving Helsop. Thankfully, she is not in love with that scoundrel, Dagon. This alliance must not take place. You have your orders and you know where to find him. See to it."

  Electra quickly stepped behind a pillar. The man went out the door and Electra waited a few seconds before following him. She watched as he took a back stairway. She stayed out of sight behind him, but was careful not to lose the sound of his footsteps.

  She came out of the castle close to a series of stables. She followed the man, keeping to the shadows of the buildings. He rounded the stables and went into a small house. She waited a few minutes and was about to move closer when the man came out of the house carrying a bag.

  A young woman came to the door to kiss him goodbye. The woman looked familiar. Then it came to her. This was the gypsy girl from Chase Bound who sometimes did favors for Serafina. Serfina rewarded her with coins or food when she brought a customer to her cabin in the swamp. What was her name? Angelica!

  Chapter 55

  Electra stood behind a door to the stables, deciding what to do next. She wanted to follow the man, and she wanted to find out what Angelica was doing in Fernland. She made her decision when the man reappeared on a horse, galloping past her toward the castle drawbridge. She brushed the straw from her clothes and went to knock at Angelica’s door.

  Angelica opened the door. "Why, Electra! Or should I say Princess Electra? Queen Delphinia must be so happy to finally have found you!"