Read Princess Electra Book 2 Out of Barburee Page 5

  The three looked around the dark interior of the shed. Streaks of light came through spaces between the boards where the mud calking had fallen out.

  "That there's right kind a ya', ain't it Bear?"

  "I s'pose we could. Be convenient, us bein' in the show an' all," Bear said.

  "Sure would beat sleepin' on flour sacks in our vendor's stall," Smiles added.

  Bear glared at Smiles. "Ain't nobody's bid'niss where we been sleepin'."

  Take grinned and took out his money pouch. "We got our pay for last night's show." He gave Bear and Smiles each a silver coin. "I suppose you could use some of that to buy a couple cots. We could move mine over next to the wall to make room."

  Smiles clapped his hands together. "Say, now, ain't this grand, Bear? Us livin' like lords now 'ere in this fine shed?"

  "Yeah—grand." Bear dug the toe of his boot into the dirt floor.

  "It's up to you—the offer's there." Take stuck his hand in his pocket. "Say, I've got a new trick I've been working on, you might like to see." He pulled two shiny grey stones from his pocket. "These are special stones that stick together. You ever heard of magnets?"

  "I have." Bear eyes lit up with interest.

  Take placed the magnets above and below a cloth. "Now see what happens if I put one under this piece of cloth and the other on top? I move the one underneath and the one on top goes along with it, without me holding on. See? If you don't see the one underneath, it looks like magic."

  Smiles nudged Bear in the shoulder. "Ain't that something, Bear?"

  "Yeah, I can see how we could make that into a good trick." Bear looked from the top of the cloth to the bottom. "We could glue a little doll on ta the top 'un an' make 'er dance like." He moved the bottom stone around in little circles to make the top stone dance.

  Someone knocked at the door of the shed and Take quickly slipped the stones back in his pocket. He peeked out through a crack in the boards and saw Princess Electra and two of the Barburee visitors standing outside.

  "Who is it?" Bear mouthed without making a sound.

  "Princess Electra," Take mouthed back.

  Take opened the shed door slowly and said, "Why, it's the Princess Electra and two of the ambassadors from Barburee! What an honor you have bestowed on us with your visit. May we invite you all in to our humble abode?"

  "Thank you," said Princess Electra, "but I needn't stay. Ambassador Bataar expressed an interest in meeting you. He was very impressed with your magic show. And this is Ambassador Twenty Quivers. Gentlemen, this is the the magician, Take. I'm sorry, I don't know the other two gentlemen."

  "Allow me." Take gave a flourish of his hand. "Princess Electra, Ambassador, these are my associates, Bear and Smiles."

  Bear and Smiles made a solemn bow and looked to Take for a clue as to what was happening.

  "Now, then, I will be on my way. A pleasure meeting you." Electra nodded to Bear and Smiles.

  "No, no, please stay." Take looked at the men from Barburee with a nervous expression. He took Electra's hand and pulled her into the shed. As they moved away from the door, Take whispered to Electra, "What do they want? Why are they here?"

  "I don't know," Electra whispered back. "They wanted to know if you were sorcerers."

  "What!" Take almost shouted, turning pale.

  "Don't worry. I told Bataar the tricks were illusions. He still wanted to meet you," Electra whispered.

  The two ambassadors were busy investigating the props that were stacked against one wall. They began conversing in their native tongue. Bataar spotted the box Take had used to make the fairy disappear. He began to speak rapidly to Twenty Quivers as he reached to open the box. Bear looked as though he were about to drag the man away from the box. Take quickly stepped between Bear and Bataar.

  "To what do we owe the honor of your visit?" he asked Bataar.

  "This magic box hide?" Bataar asked.

  "Bataar have much interest in magic tricks," Twenty Quivers interpreted.

  "Of course." Take studied Twenty Quivers with an assessing glance. "But we in the magic trade must pay for the secrets behind our magic. Once the secret of an illusion is known by many, the magic is gone. Who then will pay to see the show?"

  Twenty Quivers spoke to Bataar in the Barburee tongue. Bataar listened and then nodded. "Money for secrets?" he asked. He pulled some gold coins from his pocket and tossed them to Take.

  "What a day, eh?" Smiles whispered to Bear.

  Take pocketed the coins. "All right then. Let's put on a little show for these gents. And Lady," he added, remembering Princess Electra.

  Princess Electra smiled and found a crate to sit on.

  Take pulled out the magic box and showed his audience the hidden compartment. While Bear put on his animal costume, Take stuffed himself into the top part of the box. Bear crawled into the bottom and showed how they pulled out the separating piece of wood to exchange places.

  Bataar crawled into the box when Take was finished, checking the release mechanisms and the bracing. Finally satisfied, he pulled out more coins and demanded, "Show candles in air."

  While Take held up the black curtain, Smiles showed how he had stood behind the curtain and pulled up the candles and the fairy with ropes made of the same material as the curtain so they did not show.

  "Have more tricks?" Bataar asked.

  "A few—and some in the works." Take fingered the coins in his pocket, anticipating the exchange of more gold coins.

  Twenty Quivers translated into the Barburee tongue while Bataar seemed to contemplate the answer.

  "You three, come Barburee." Grinning, Bataar added, "Much gold."

  "Bataar pay much gold if you three come to Barburee for a visit," Twenty Quivers translated, needlessly.

  Smiles looked excited. "These fine gents want ta give us gold ta go ta Barburee."

  Take and Bear looked at one another with fear in their eyes. Take looked at Princess Electra, hoping for some sort of rescue. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head with a blank expression.

  Take held up one finger. "Let me just speak to my partners for one minute."

  Take dragged Bear off to the side of the shed. "What should we say?" Take asked.

  "Say no!" Bear growled. "We got a good thing goin' 'ere in Fernland. These guys would likely kill us once they're done with us. We don't need this."

  Smiles joined his mates. "They seem like nice gents. I don't think they mean us no harm."

  "There's no way I'm going to Barburee," Take stuck out his chin. "I'll find a way to put them off. I don't want to make them angry though."

  Take smiled as he approached the two ambassadors. "We appreciate your kind offer, but we are the Royal Acting and Magic Troupe. Our services are to His Majesty King Geoffrey. We will have to forego a visit to your esteemed country. We are truly sorry. Isn't this correct Princess Electra? You count on our performances when you have important visitors such as these esteemed ambassadors from Barburee?"

  Twenty Quivers translated Take's apology to Bataar as Princess Electra nodded her agreement.

  Bataar frowned and shook his head. "I tell King you come." He turned to leave and Twenty Quivers quickly followed.

  Princess Electra slowed as she passed Take and whispered, "I'll do my best, but Bataar is accustomed to having his way."

  Take and Bear were left standing in the dark shed wondering how they could extricate themselves from this nightmare. Smiles was happy as a puppy at the possibility of a new adventure.

  Chapter 14

  Kingdom of Fernland

  The next morning Electra was up early. She wanted to watch her brother, Avor, on the archery field and she needed to speak with her father. She had returned late from visiting the magicians last night and had not yet spoken to her father on their behalf. King Geoffrey would likely be on the archery field to watch Avor receive his promised archery lesson from Bataar. She wasn't sure w
hat she would say to her father, or even what she should say, but she had promised Take the Thief that she would try to help.

  Electra walked on to the lush, green archery field, alive with new spring growth. She saw a young woman in a red dress, waving at her and running toward her. Halfway across the field Electra recognized the woman as Angelica, the Traveler girl from Chase Bound who had married Muller the Spy. Seeing Angelica brought back so many memories of her childhood. Growing up believing Serafina to be her mother, meeting Avor for the first time, deciding to accompany him to Fernland to see if he was lying about her true identity, things that had happened only a few months ago, but seemed a lifetime ago. She shook her head to clear her mind, and smiled as Angelica embraced her.

  "How have you fared since we last met at your new home?" Electra asked.

  "Good enough, though my Muller was in danger of losing his job as Chief Spy when he failed to rescue Avor from Helsop. I think King Geoffrey has decided to give him another chance."

  "I'm glad for your sake," Electra said.

  "But what of you?" Angelica asked. "Will you really marry the outlaw Dagon?"

  "Is he still called the outlaw Dagon? Even after the alliance?" Electra asked, trying to avoid answering the question.

  "I think he will always be the outlaw Dagon in Muller's eyes," Angelica said.

  "Do you ever miss your old life in Chase Bound?" Electra asked.

  "Never. Leaving my drunkard father was my salvation, and I thank Serafina every day for it. I'm so sorry she died."

  Electra flinched at the realization that Angelica, along with Electra's family, still believed Serafina was dead. She really should have told them the truth by now—that Serafina was very much alive and living in Henge. She might even be the wife of Henge's ruler, Prince Blackwell, by now.

  "Might I trust you with a secret?" Electra asked. "A secret even from your husband? At least for a little while?"

  "Of course. Muller has many secrets from me. He is honor bound to keep the King's business secret, and that is the whole of his working life," Angelica said.

  Electra took a deep breath. "Serafina is still alive."

  "In truth?" Angelica asked, shocked.

  "In truth."

  "But I am sure Muller believes her dead. Does the King know?"

  "He does not, but I intend to tell my whole family soon. I only want you to keep the secret until I find the right moment to tell them."

  "Yes, of course. But this is wonderful news. How is she back from the dead?" Angelica smiled her beautiful smile.

  "It's a long story. I will save it for another time. I only told you this much because you are one of the few in Fernland who mourned for Serafina."

  "I did, and I thank you for telling me. The news gives me much happiness. But what of you? Do you miss Chase Bound? Would you go back now Serafina is still living?" Angelica asked.

  Electra could have told Angelica that Serafina was no longer living in Chase Bound but that would only invite more questions. She decided to answer the question as asked.

  "I do miss it sometimes. Or perhaps I only miss the freedom from responsibilities that I had while living there."

  "I've envied you the luxuries that go with being Princess," Angelica said, lowering her eyes.

  "Even the luxuries sometimes seem more annoyances than benefits," Electra said. "But all in all I do feel very blessed."

  "Then, you do love Dagon?" Angelica's dark eyes twinkled mischievously.

  "Perhaps, if love is admiration and respect."

  "Um..." Angelica hesitated, then said, "Look, Bataar is starting a run." She seemed relieved by this change of subject. Evidently she did not equate love with admiration and respect.

  Electra and Angelica watched as Bataar jumped on his horse with loud cries of "Choo, Choo." He stood high in his stirrups and shot an arrow straight over his horse's head at full gallop. He reined in close to the fallen arrow and called a man over to place a target there. He rode back and spoke to Prince Avor, gesturing with hands and feet. Then he made the same run again, this time sending his arrow to the center of the target. He then turned his attention to Prince Avor.

  Bataar watched closely as Prince Avor mounted his horse and rode slowly in a circle around him. At Bataar's command, Avor stood up in his stirrups as he completed another circle. Bataar turned his head from side to side, moving closer to catch every detail of Avor's form, then seemingly satisfied, he motioned for Avor to go faster. Avor did a passable job of keeping his balance. Bataar handed Avor a bow and arrow and Avor completed one more circle, standing in his stirrups while holding the bow and arrow at the ready.

  Bataar called Twenty Quivers over and the two of them spoke to Prince Avor for a few more minutes in broken English. When they had no more to say, Prince Avor started his first run. He shouted out "choo, choo," as he galloped down the field. He managed to shoot an arrow that flew high over the target Bataar had set out. Bataar seemed unconcerned about this and he promptly jumped on his horse and raced down to where Avor's arrow had landed. He called out for someone to move the target to the spot where Avor's arrow had hit the ground.

  More gesturing and posturing from Bataar followed, and Prince Avor was ready for his second run. He duplicated his first attempt as closely as he was able and this time the arrow actually hit the edge of the target. Prince Avor, Bataar and the whole crowd whooped and cheered. Prince Avor was flushed with excitement as he returned from his second run.

  Electra, King Geoffrey and Queen Delphinia all ran to congratulate Avor. Prince Avor caught his breath as he chattered excitedly about his success.

  "The trick is that you don't aim the arrow. You just use the same motions over and over and you know if you do it the same way, the arrow will go the same place. Imagine—at full gallop—you don't even aim."

  King Geoffrey beamed at his son, shaking his hand and pounding him on the shoulder. Avor looked ready to weep with pride. Geoffrey turned to Bataar.

  "Counselor Bataar—we are in your debt."

  "No debt," he said, smiling. "Say magicians go Barburee."

  King Geoffrey looked confused. He waited until Twenty Quivers joined the group and asked.

  "What is this about magicians going to Barburee?"

  Twenty Quivers nodded. "Bataar wants magicians from Queen's entertainment go with me back to Barburee. Show magic there. They say they belong to king. Can not leave."

  King Geoffrey squinted at Bataar, then spoke to Electra.

  "Could you extend an invitation to your friend, the thief, to visit with me in the throne room this afternoon?"

  "Yes, of course," Electra said.

  After Bataar and Twenty Quivers moved on, Princess Electra spoke quietly to her father.

  "May I have a word with you?" she asked.

  "Certainly," King Geoffrey said, moving with her a little away from the group congratulating Avor. "I regret we have had so little time together thus far. I truly appreciate your coming to Fernland just now. I know you have been a great help to your mother."

  "I'm sure my only help has been to relieve the anxiety she feels when I am out of her sight," Electra said with a smile.

  "That is in itself a great help. It calms my own anxiety as well." King Geoffrey returned his daughter's smile.

  "I wished to speak on the magicians' behalf," Electra said.

  The King's smile vanished. "Do you know what that is all about?"

  "Bataar insists that Take and his two assistants go back to Barburee to show those in his homeland their magic tricks. He has offered to pay them, but they are afraid of Bataar and don't want to go. They groped about for an excuse that would satisfy Bataar and came up with their service to the Crown for purposes of entertainment. Take the Thief said you needed them too much to allow them to go."

  "Everyone fears the men from Barburee. Why should he be exempt? He should not have involved me. Now that he has, I will have to act in Fer
nland's interest—which may not coincide with the thief's interest.

  "He may have good reason to fear Bataar," Electra said, making a final appeal.

  "We all may have," King Geoffrey said. "But this invitation to bring magicians to Barburee..." King Geoffrey paused to consider it. "This may be an opportunity for us to learn more about Barburee's plans with regard to Fernland. Thank you for bringing it to my attention while I still have time to consider the ramifications."

  Electra could see she was not aiding Take, and may have done the opposite. She decided it was time to leave.

  "I'll go to notify Take and his friends of the meeting." She turned away quickly, before she might say something to make things worse.

  Chapter 15

  Kingdom of Fernland

  Electra, Delphinia and Avor sat in the private dining room, encircled by heavy gold brocaded drapes, waiting for King Geoffrey to join them.

  "You seem upset, Dear," Delphinia said to Electra.

  Electra stopped twirling the empty water glass in her fingers. "It's nothing really, I just regret my part in introducing Take to Bataar. I never guessed he would try to force Take to go to Barburee."

  "Take should welcome the opportunity," Avor said. "He will be well paid and he will be able to see a new land, a land of expert horse men. Would that I could go in his place."

  "Avor!" Delphinia stared at her son in alarm.

  "I know, Mother." He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I would not endanger Fernland in such a way again. Please calm yourself."

  All at the table knew that Avor was referring to the time, last autumn, when he had disguised himself as a soldier and secretly joined Fernland's army in its march to attack Helsop only to be captured and held by Dagon to insure the alliance between Fernland and Helsop. But no one wanted to revisit that subject.

  "Why would Bataar go to such trouble to bring magicians to his country? They are novices at best, more like actors playing at magic," Electra mused out loud.

  "He seemed quite impressed with the entertainment. Probably they have nothing like it in Barburee," Delphinia said.

  "He asked me if there were sorcery involved in the magic show. Evidently, they have sorcerers," Electra said. "But he is obviously a warrior. What has he to do with entertainment or magic?"