Read Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music Page 23

  Chapter 23

  Port of Venito

  Princess Electra and Prince Avor wondered why Rabar had made this unnecessary stop at Venito. It was clear now that these strangers assembled around the shore boat were the reason for the stop. Electra and Avor hung back a little wondering who the people might be and why Rabar had kept them a secret.

  Rabar, in the midst of the group around the boat, caught Electra's eye, then shifted his gaze to look beyond her and Avor. He and his oarsman pulled out their swords as he waved frantically for them to hurry. Electra turned to see what Rabar had seen behind them. She saw two rough looking men with daggers drawn and lengths of rope wound around their shoulders, running towards them.

  "Run!" Electra shouted, as she pushed Avor forward. They ran as fast as they were able toward the boat. The men following them gave chase, but veered off toward the waterfront taverns as Electra and Avor out-distanced them.

  "It appears you attracted some pirates," Rabar said, attempting a calm demeanor.

  Electra took several deep breaths. "Probably we overpaid at the market. We did not know what our Fernland coins were worth." Her voice quivered as she spoke.

  Rabar shook his head. "My fault. I should have sent someone with you to the market. As you can see, I was preoccupied." He glanced at the women and children huddled around the boat.

  "May I present my wife Sofia, my daughters Anahita, Shireen and my son Payam. Here is also Haddad's wife Atefa and their children Javed and Laleh. And we have cousins Mahnaz, Ehson, Mihr, Naved and Jaleh."

  The women and children all bowed and made gracious comments, some in English and some in Taz. They appeared to be mal-nourished and weak. Some looked ill. Their clothes were tattered and they had little in the way of luggage.

  The oarsman jumped into the middle of the boat as soon as the first five were seated.

  Rabar shouted as the oarsman pushed off. "Bring the boat back as soon as you are able. And bring three fighting men back with you."

  "Can you swim?" Rabar asked.

  Electra and Avor both nodded.

  "If the pirates decide to round up more of their lot and come after us, we may have to swim for the ship."

  Electra looked at the distance to the ship, wondering how good a swimmer her brother was. She decided to change the subject. "Your family seem to be undernourished."

  "It is lucky we arrived here in time," Rabar said. He did not elaborate.

  They kept a watchful silence, waiting for the shore boat to return.

  Avor pointed to the bridge that spanned the canal. "Those men coming across are in uniform."

  "Soldiers. We will be all right now." Rabar spoke reassuringly to the remainder of his family in the Taz language.

  The soldiers rode toward them and came to a halt beside them. Rabar spoke to them in their language and pointed toward the waterfront taverns. He may have been describing the would-be kidnappers. The soldier in charge saluted and rode back with his company toward the taverns.

  "Will they arrest the men who followed us?" Avor asked.

  Rabar frowned. "Probably not. I told him we would be leaving shortly and could not stay to give testimony against them."

  "Perhaps we should stay to put them in prison," Avor suggested.

  Rabar shook his head. "We can not wait. We will need to make another stop before we reach Taz. If we wait here we will miss the Nomadic Games."

  A look passed between Electra and Avor, but no more was said about the next unscheduled stop. The next shore boat took five more of Rabar's family. Electra and Avor waited for the next to last passage to board the shore boat, leaving only the three fighting men for the last trip back to the ship.

  As soon as all were aboard the Spirit of Taz weighed anchor and set sail for the East.

  Electra quickly made her way to the emaciated women and children, handing out bowls of broth laced with strengthening herbs. She checked for fevers and contagious diseases, luckily finding none of the latter.

  By evening Electra was famished and spent. She entered the galley and was immediately confronted with scowls from Muller and Tandor.

  "How could you go off like that without taking us to guard you?" Muller allowed his accusing remark to rest on Electra.

  Electra was taken off guard by the Muller's tone of voice. "We were not expecting trouble—it was only a visit to the market."

  "Please promise you will not do such a thing again." Muller's blue eyes bored into hers.

  Electra threw up her hands. "I am tired and hungry. Will you save your scolding for another time?"

  Muller grunted in irritation and took a sip of ale.

  Tandor stayed silent but his face showed the same displeasure as Muller's.

  "Who are these women and children?" Muller asked. "Rabar has been holed up with them since we set sail."

  Electra looked surprised. "He has not told you? They are his family. His and Haddad's."

  Muller's jaw dropped. "They look like beggars!"

  "Many of them are ill. A few speak a little English. I have only spoken to them of their symptoms, but I can tell you they are half-starved."

  "King Geoffrey has feared just such a situation. They will no doubt be returning with us to Fernland."

  Electra was irritated with Muller's insensitivity. "Would you do otherwise if it were your own family?"

  "That is not the point."

  "Pray tell, what is the point?"

  "You know as well as I. He fears a permanent settlement, made more likely with the addition of women and children."

  Electra stood up and poked her head into the galley. She made eating motions with her mouth and fingers. The cook waved her in and showed her what he had still warm on his stove. She came back with a plate full of meat and vegetables.

  After she had taken a few bites, she looked up at Muller, still scowling over his cup of ale.

  "While on board ship, the Captain's word is law. Is this not so?"

  "Of course," Muller agreed.

  "And Rabar is our captain on this voyage."

  "Only until we return to Fernland," Muller warned.

  "Any opposition to his orders until then would not be tolerated."

  "I had not planned on opposing his orders," Muller insisted.

  "He plans to make another stop before Taz."

  "What? What stop? For what purpose?"

  "I do not know. And as he is the Captain, I do not plan to ask." Electra stared at Muller intently.

  Muller opened his mouth to protest, then closed it. "As you say, he may do as he wishes at sea, but he must bear the consequences for his actions once we return to Fernland." Muller set his cup down rather harder than necessary, then excused himself in a gruff voice.

  Electra looked at Tandor, hoping for a friendly gesture.

  Tandor shook his head. "Hilgard heard from the oarsman that you were almost kidnapped. When I thought about having to tell Dagon that I had let you go off alone, and you were kidnapped by pirates, I was sick from just the thought."

  Electra set down her knife, her appetite suddenly gone. "You are right. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?"

  "In time." Tandor stood up and excused himself as well, leaving Electra alone with her unfinished meal and her unsettled thoughts. She found Muller too overbearing for her liking, although she was sure he meant well. Tandor was another matter. She would do whatever she could to win back his trust.