Read Princess Electra Book 3 Gypsy Music Page 44

  Chapter 44

  King's Lake

  After leaving Venito the Spirit of Taz had encountered rough seas and caught the edge of a storm that had thrown it off course. The three days they had gained by leaving the Games early had been lost to high waves and course corrections. The net result brought the ship to the entrance of Fernland's estuary just about on schedule.

  Electra stood at the ship's rail as the Spirit of Taz sailed into King's Lake. She knew her mother and father would be there to welcome them back. She had seen the smoke rise up from the outpost at the inlet from the sea—the signal that a ship was entering the estuary. She knew this signal would be passed along first to the castle guards and then to King Geoffrey, giving her parents plenty of time to make the journey down to the lake before the ship arrived.

  She thought about how much she would tell her parents when they asked for an accounting of the voyage. She felt partially responsible for the missing three men but knew King Geoffrey would not blame her. Would Dagon blame her for Tandor? She was surprised by how much Dagon's favor meant to her.

  Prince Avor joined her at the rail. "It is good to be back in Fernland. I had not realized how fortunate we are to have our forests."

  Electra nodded. "They are both beautiful and bountiful, especially to one who gathers herbs."

  Avor looked to the far shore. "I see a large crowd gathered to welcome us. We have so much to tell Father."

  "Will you tell him about the pirate attack?" Electra asked.

  Avor seemed surprised by the question. "Of course. Why would I not?"

  "I know you hate to worry them about your safety."

  Avor shrugged. "The holes in the sails will tell the story if I do not."

  "And about your buzkashi match?" Electra smiled as she gave her brother a questioning glance.

  "I may leave out the telling of the man who broke his leg. But about the rest—yes. I will tell them. I hope to introduce buzkashi here in Fernland. I have asked Bataar to consider coming here with a team to put on an exhibition match."

  Electra could feel another disagreement brewing between Avor and his parents. She would make sure to steer clear of it. "You might want to find father in a very good mood when you mention that."

  Avor laughed. "Look! I see Father and Mother. There by your cottage." He began to wave and whistle. "Who is that next to Father?"

  Electra felt her heart beat a little faster when she realized it was Dagon. One would think he and her father were friends to see them standing so near one another.

  The Spirit of Taz weighed anchor and their small shore boat was lowered. Rabar, Avor and Electra were first to be rowed ashore.

  Queen Delphinia seemed to be laughing and crying at the same time. She rushed to the beached boat to hug both her children.

  "See how silly I have been to worry about you? Here you both are looking fit and lovely."

  King Geoffrey joined them. "Avor, have you grown taller?" He held Avor by the shoulders, then hugged him. "And Electra. It is good to have you back." He gave his daughter a hearty hug.

  Dagon stepped forward and lifted Electra off her feet, then swung her in a wide circle. "Yes it is very good to have you back."

  Electra blushed and smiled. "It is good to be back."

  Dagon saw the worry that washed across her face. "What is it?"

  Electra hung her head sorrowfully. "Tandor went into the desert with Muller and Hilgard. We had to leave without them."

  King Geoffrey's expression turned guarded. "Why did you have to leave without them?"

  "Pirates," Avor interrupted. He was bursting to tell the story.

  Queen Delphinia caught her breath. "Pirates?" Her face turned pale and King Geoffrey took her arm, afraid she might faint.

  "At least the two of you are safe." King Geoffrey looked at Rabar gratefully. "We need to leave for the castle. Your mother has a big celebration planned. We will speak more of this in the privacy of the carriage."

  Since the royal carriage could only hold four people comfortably, Dagon insisted on returning by horseback. Rabar excused himself to check on the health of his father, the Caliph, but said he would be along later. He had a great deal to tell his father and brother first.

  King Geoffrey made his excuses for a quick departure, expressing concern for Delphinia. He asked Rabar to give his regards to the Caliph and invited them both to visit the castle as soon as they could manage it. The royal family was quickly settled in their carriage and on their way to the castle.

  King Geoffrey sat across from Avor. "Now tell me everything."

  Avor tried to decide where to begin. "We had to leave early from the Nomadic Games," he began.

  "Why was that?" Geoffrey asked.

  "Because the Barburee spies may have heard the women and children talking."

  "What women and children?" King Geoffrey interrupted again.

  "The women and children from Taz," Avor said.

  King Geoffrey seemed confused. He looked at Electra, hoping for some clarification, but she remained mute.

  "We were going to meet up with Muller and the others at Venito," Avor continued, "but we arrived there early."

  "Why were you meeting them in Venito?" King Geoffrey asked, growing agitated.

  "Because they had gone into the desert looking for the white powder."

  King Geoffrey looked surprised. "They told you this?"

  "No." A frown passed over Avor's face. "Electra had to tell me."

  King Geoffrey cast a furtive glance at Electra. Then he took a deep breath and focused on Avor. "Just tell the story however you like. I will hold my questions until you are finished."

  By the time they reached the castle, Geoffrey and Delphinia had a sketchy summary of their children's adventures. King Geoffrey decided to leave his concerns over scarlet fever, women and children from Taz, the fate of Muller, Hilgard and Tandor, the question of the white powder and the proposed buzkashi match for a later time. He patted Avor's knee and said again—"It is good to have you back home."

  Queen Delphinia, in a daze from all the dangers her children had confronted, managed to gather herself together as they reached the castle. The sound of music greeted their arrival.

  "This will be the best celebration ever." She smiled, happy to have her children near her. "Both my children have returned safe."

  Dagon had arrived ahead of the royal family. He handed his horse over to a groom and helped Electra and her mother out of the carriage.

  "I hope you won't mind telling the story of your trip once again." he said as he helped Electra down.

  Electra took his hand. "I won't mind at all. Avor told the story first. Now it is my turn."

  Dagon looked at Electra with hope in his eyes. "Just tell me this—is Tandor still alive?"

  "As far as we know," Electra answered.

  Dagon nodded. "That is good news. I feared the worst. Now, please tell me everything."

  Electra smiled. "Shall I begin with the pirates?"

  Dagon held his hand to his heart. "Proceed. I suppose my heart can bear the strain."

  Electra was still talking when the last course was served at dinner.