Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Castle at Fernland

  Electra left King's Lake for the short journey to Fernland's castle as soon as the royal carriage arrived to transport her. Now, as she neared the castle to pay her family a final visit, her thoughts turned to her first meeting with her parents over a year ago. She had been raised by Serafina the Sorceress, believing the sorceress to be her mother. When she first met the King and Queen she saw how they had suffered, not knowing their daughter's whereabouts for sixteen years, but Electra quickly recoiled at their attempts to make up for the long absence by being overly protective. Her apprenticeship to Physician Rabar offered a welcome interval during which she had come to know her parents better as she sorted out her real feelings for Dagon. Although their engagement had been a ruse to insure an alliance, she had come to have feelings for Dagon, and she looked forward to returning to him. She hoped this quick visit to the castle before retuning to Helsop would not bring too much sadness to her parents; or too many stratagems on her father's part to keep her in Fernland.

  As the sun reached its apex, the carriage drew up to the castle. The carriage was packed with her belongings—a few clothes and kitchen items, and a large collection of dried herbs, plants and medical supplies. She was quite sure her mother, Queen Delphinia, would have more clothes and accessories to add to her luggage. And, she would likely insist Electra take the carriage all the way to Helsop.

  A footman stood ready to help her out of the coach.

  Electra hesitated. "I do not know what to do about all my baggage." She pointed to the various bulging bags still in the coach. "Perhaps we could leave everything here until I speak to my parents."

  The footman bowed. "Your family is waiting for you in the royal dining room."

  Electra thanked the man and ran up the stairs to the castle, then up the inside stairs to the family dining room. She opened the door and peeked in.

  "Electra, my dear one." Her mother jumped up from her chair and ran to hug her. Electra favored her mother in physical features—dark hair, light skin, blue eyes and a thin build.

  King Geoffrey stood and smiled. Her father was broad of shoulders, tall and blonde in coloring. "Welcome, Physician Electra. We understand your studies are now completed."

  Electra hugged her mother and father in turn.

  Her brother, Prince Avor, a year younger but already taller than his sister, stayed seated but he smiled at her and said, "Congratulations."

  Electra took a seat, slightly embarrassed by all the attention. "I don't know that I quite feel like a physician as yet, but from now on I will have to learn as I go. Physician Rabar has done with me."

  Queen Delphinia beamed with pride as she spoke. "Of course you are a physician. We are very proud of you. Not only a physician but now a teacher of medicine as well. Tell us your plans for your new school."

  Electra shrugged. "I will send out announcements of the school's opening. We have yet to see if any students materialize." Electra pursed her lips and continued in a cautious tone. "Although, Haddad spoke to me before I left King's Lake. His daughter Laleh is interested in attending."

  "She is?" Avor asked with a surprised expression. Avor was acting as an apprentice to Haddad to learn the trade of engineering and ship building, though his real job was to keep watch on the men of Taz and report to his father on their activities.

  Electra turned to her brother. "According to Haddad, she is. Why are you surprised?"

  Avor gave a little twitch of his shoulders. "Haddad barely allows her out of the house. Or his wife either. The Taz women are not allowed much freedom."

  Electra nodded. "He said the decision had not been made, but he seemed angry so I assumed she must have already talked him into it."

  Avor laughed. "Haddad is rarely in a good mood."

  A serving girl set a plate of fish and vegetables in front of Electra.

  King Geoffrey looked up from his plate of food. "Is he concerned with how work on the barge is progressing?"

  Electra knew her father only offered the Taz refugees asylum in Fernland until they completed the work of dredging an estuary and building a royal barge. After that the Taz people promised to leave Fernland.

  Avor shook his head. "No, he is not concerned about the barge. Work is going well. But Dong Hao conferred with the Caliph about the possibility of the Taz men going to build ships for his uncle in China after their contract here is completed. I do not think Haddad likes that idea."

  King Geoffrey's face lit up. "China? This is wonderful news. They would be out of our hair just as they promised. Why doesn't Haddad like the idea?"

  Avor set his fork down and gave the question some thought. "I do not know for sure—he does not confide in me. But I would guess he wants to work for himself—not for others. And I suppose he wants a place to settle permanently."

  Queen Delphinia nodded in agreement. "Of course. I'm sure all the Taz people want that."

  King Geoffrey frowned. "Let them settle permanently in China then. Better there than here."

  Avor changed the subject. "I have recruited a few more people for Fernland's buzkashi team."

  King Geoffrey groaned as he sipped his tea. "I see no advantage to Fernland in having yet another exhibition of our ineptitude at Barburee games. They will always prevail in any game that involves horsemanship. They learn to ride before they learn to walk, I'm told."

  "Buzkashi is more than a game. It is good training for soldiers," Avor insisted. "You will be amazed at the skill it takes to play well."

  King Geoffrey flapped his hand at his son. He had given his permission for the match between Barburee and Fernland, but he would not change his opinion. "Who are these new recruits?"

  Avor leaned forward. "Most are from Taz. They have at least seen the game played before. But two are my friends from the archery regiment."

  King Geoffrey was about to make a comment when the door opened and Muller, the King's chief spy, stepped in.

  Muller's entrance into the family dining room was shocking. He had never been invited to any family function and King Geoffrey looked indignant as well as alarmed by the intrusion.

  "What is it Muller?"

  Muller blushed but stood his ground. "My apologies for this interruption of your lunch, but my wife, Angelica, is close to giving birth and she urgently requests Princess Electra's presence."

  Electra stood up and ran out the door with Muller close behind. Her family watched her go, stunned at the realization that as a physician, she could be called from a family lunch to attend a patient.