Read Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine Page 23

  Chapter 22

  Village of Helsop

  The next morning Serafina disguised herself as an old woman. She carried a cane and tied her belongings in a scarf that she hung from her shoulder. Electra stroked Ebony's back as she watched Serafina, hoping the cat would accept her as the twin's caretaker.

  "Will you go south through Fernland?"

  Serafina looked up. "Yes. I wish to speak to traders as I travel. I need to gather information about this island along the way."

  "Do you think King Geoffrey's soldiers will be watching for you? There is still a reward of ten gold pieces for your capture."

  Serafina laughed. "I doubt King Geoffrey expects his soldiers capable of apprehending me."

  Electra supposed this was true. He set the reward in anger for Avor's sake. Still, she was glad of the disguise.

  "Will you stay to set up a factory to refine the white powder if you succeed in gaining the rights to mine it?"

  "No. I do not wish to be gone longer than necessary. I need to return before Prince Blackwell and his father come to blows over Take the Thief."

  "Take the Thief? The actor? What has he to do with either of them?" Electra asked.

  "It turns out the old king had a child out of wedlock. The child's mother was a Gypsy woman and the child none other than Take the Thief."

  Electra was momentarily struck dumb by the news. "Take is old King Blackwell's son?" she finally repeated.

  Serafina smiled. "Interesting, is it not?"

  "It is incredible. Why has this divided father and son?"

  "So far it has not. But Phinneas is building an extraordinary theatre for love of his new found son and Prince Blackwell objects to this fanciful expense."

  "Poor Take. He seems always to be in the midst of turmoil." Electra stopped short of mentioning that it was Take who had abducted her as a baby or that it was Serafina who had put him up to it.

  Serafina made no further comment on Take. She bent down to kiss the twins goodbye, told them to mind their sister and settled her scarf full of belongings high on her shoulder.

  "I hope to be back by the end of spring. If you need to send me a message I will leave directions at the purser's office in Manoa on where I may be reached."

  "The twins and I will come to know each other as sisters. We will be fine." Electra tried to sound more confident than she felt.

  Serafina gave Electra a warm hug and set off walking with a slight limp, clutching her cane.

  Electra looked at the twins and wondered if they would accept her as their guardian.

  Shalin's eyes were fixed on the door through which her mother had left. Frowning, both little girls turned to Electra. Electra found herself thinking it would be a good idea to gather both twins in her arms and run out the door to catch up with Serafina. She suspected one or both twins had placed the idea firmly in her mind. She bent down to Shalin's level. "I am so sorry Shalin, but your mother will be back as soon as he is able."

  She could see Shalin's chin begin to quiver and knew she had little time to devise a distraction. Electra only knew one small child in the village well—Isa's son, little Dagon, named after his uncle. He was about a year older than the twins. He would have to do.

  Electra slipped Ebony's leash around her wrist, held each twin by the hand, took a deep breath and started off for Isa's house.

  As Electra walked through the village with her entourage there was much slamming of doors, calling in of children and peeking out from behind closed curtains.

  Isa answered Electra's knock and quickly slammed the door shut, then opened it again just a crack and asked, "Where did you get that cat?"

  "These twins are my sisters and the cat is their protector. Serafina has left the girls in my care and I dare not take their pet away as well." She took a quick breath, realizing her voice sounded thick with pleading. She changed to a more cheerful tone. "I thought little Dagon might like some playmates."

  Isa opened the door a little wider. "How much do you trust the cat around other children?"

  Electra sighed. "In truth I do not know. I could try tying her leash out here but the twins are unlikely to accept that, nor will the cat."

  Isa put her finger to her chin, thinking. "Let me take Timor and Dagon out the back. We will tie the cat to the table and let the twins explore for a bit. Then I will try bringing the boys back in."

  Electra wanted to hug Isa, she was so happy. "I'm afraid there is more to know."

  Isa turned and yelled at her children. "Timor, take Dagon into the garden and stay there until I call you." She turned back to wave at Electra.

  "Come in first, you can tell me the rest while they explore."

  With the cat ensconced under the kitchen table and the twins curious to explore a new space, Isa gave Electra a cup of tea.

  "What more do you have to tell me?" she asked as she handed Electra a cup with a broken handle.

  Electra sighed and took a sip of tea. "The twins have unusual abilities."

  Isa looked at the twins with interest. "What sort of unusual abilities?"

  A little wooden horse flew off a shelf and landed in Esme's hands.

  Electra smiled weakly, as Isa stared open-mouthed at Esme. "They can pull objects off shelves and make them fly through the air into their hands."

  Isa looked from the child to the shelf and back again. "These are Serafina's daughters?"

  Electra leaned forward with a sincere expression. "They are really very sweet." Esme bounced the little horse up and down on the floor. "Esme especially loves animals."

  Isa frowned. "And what might we expect from the other one?" She fixed Shalin in her gaze.

  "She might plant the idea in your mind that you should pick her up and run after her mother."

  "I did have just that idea, but I believe I had it all on my own."

  "Do not be too sure," Electra said, laughing.

  Isa peered down at the panther, resting on the cool floor with her eyes closed. "I think it might be safe to introduce the twins to the boys," Isa said.

  Electra clasped her hands together. "I would be so grateful."

  Isa opened the back door and called to her sons.

  Little Dagon smiled when he saw the little girls. His smile turned to a frown when he saw his little wooden horse in Esme's hands. His frown turned to curiosity when he saw the panther tied under the table. He started toward the big cat and his brother stopped him.

  Dagon is brave, like his father," Isa said. She took his hand and led him over to the cat. She showed him how to pet the cat gently on her shoulders. Ebony rolled out her pink tongue and licked his hand. Little Dagon looked up at his mother, delighted.

  "I think perhaps we can all be friends." Isa's tone was cautious.

  Before long everyone relaxed. Little Dagon and Esme played tug of war with the wooden horse. Ebony allowed the children to pet her and lounge on her muscular body. Timor watched Shalin carefully after witnessing a blanket scoot across the floor into her hands. They were becoming friends.

  Electra relaxed with great relief and gratitude. Serafina was gone and the twins appeared to have survived their mother's abandonment.