Read Princess in Disguise Page 1

  This book is dedicated to Victoria Wells Arms, for her insight and guidance; to Brett Wright, who keeps me on track; to Kim, my research assistant and mapmaker; to Ellie, for her secretarial skills; to Kevin, my techno-wizard; and to my fans, who keep asking for more.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Also by E. D. Baker

  Chapter 1

  “I know something you don’t know!” an eerie voice whispered in a singsong way.

  Annie’s eyes shot open and she stared into the dark, trying to see if someone was in the room with her. Enough moonlight came through the window that she could see that her bedchamber was empty. When she spotted the disembodied head that seemed to be floating in the corner, her heart lurched. It took her a moment to recognize the face in the magic mirror. She’d had the mirror moved to the far corner only the day before and wasn’t used to seeing it there.

  “Oh, it’s you,” Annie mumbled, and snuggled deeper under her covers. “Unless the castle is about to fall down around our ears, I don’t want to hear about it. I’m getting married tomorrow and I need my rest. Don’t wake me again until morning.”

  “Well, if that’s the way you’re going to be!” the mirror declared in a huff. “I won’t tell you even if you beg me to.”

  “Beg you to what?” Annie murmured, nearly asleep again.

  “I’m not saying,” replied the mirror, but Annie didn’t hear.

  She woke the next morning with the nagging feeling that the mirror had something important to say the night before. For a moment she thought about getting up and asking it, but there was a knock on the door and Lilah peeked in.

  “Are you awake?” Lilah asked.

  “Just barely,” Annie told her, brushing her hair back from her face. “You’re up early.”

  “And you should be, too,” said Lilah as she opened the door the rest of the way. She came in bearing a tray, and used her foot to push the door closed behind her. “I thought you might like some breakfast before you’re too busy to eat.”

  “How thoughtful!” Annie said. “But it looks as if you’ve brought enough for two. Would you like to join me?”

  “I was hoping you’d ask,” Lilah said with a grin.

  While Annie sat up and plumped the pillows behind her, Lilah carried the tray over and set it on the bed. Hiking her skirts up to her knees, she climbed onto the high mattress and reached for a biscuit.

  Although everyone else thought Lilah was a servant girl, Annie knew the truth. Lilah was a runaway princess who had been hiding in Snow White’s castle when Annie found and befriended her. Before Annie had brought her to Treecrest, Lilah had dressed in dirty clothes and smelly furs, hoping to hide her identity. Annie had made her bathe and wear nicer clothes, although Lilah insisted that she still had to hide among the servants.

  “Are you sure I can’t convince you to change your mind about coming to the wedding?” asked Annie before taking a sip of cider.

  “The servants won’t be there, and I don’t want to stand out in any way. You’ve done so much for me, and I’ll be forever grateful, but I still have to be careful. If anyone recognizes me and word gets back to my father, I’ll have to run again. Now that I no longer look like a drudge, I worry that someone is going to recognize me every time someone new comes to the castle. When that silk merchant came from Westerling a few weeks ago, he stared at me so long and hard that I was certain he knew who I was.”

  “But he didn’t say anything to you, did he?” said Annie. “I’m sure you imagined it.”

  Lilah shrugged. “Maybe, but I still don’t want to do anything that will make me stand out.”

  “If you insist,” said Annie. “Here, have another biscuit. You’re too thin for your own good. I think you should—”

  Suddenly the door popped open and a figure no taller than Annie’s knee skipped into the room. Seeing Lilah, he scratched his head and said, “I don’t know much about human customs, but why is a servant sitting on your bed, Princess?”

  Lilah scooted off the bed, nearly knocking over the tray.

  “I dropped something and she was helping me look for it,” said Annie.

  “In your bed?” said the sprite. “Were you looking at your ladybug collection? Or do you collect pretty stones? I collect both and sometimes I sort them while I’m in bed. One time I lost some of my bugs in my bed and couldn’t find them for weeks. Of course, my mattress is made of moss and—”

  “Your Highness, if you are finished with your breakfast, I can take the tray for you,” Lilah said, looking flustered.

  “Breakfast!” the little sprite said, his eyes lighting up. “I already ate in the great hall, but I could find room for more if you can spare it.”

  He looked at the tray so longingly that Annie had to laugh. “Go ahead and help yourself, Squidge.” Glancing at the door as Lilah closed it behind her, she sighed. There was so much she’d like to do for her, if only the girl would let her.

  “Mmm,” the sprite said as he swallowed a bite of biscuit. “Yours are even better than the ones downstairs.”

  Annie smiled. She had met the little sprite while looking for the dwarf who had turned Gwendolyn’s beloved Beldegard into a bear. They had stopped at the Moonflower Glade to talk to the fairy Moonbeam, and met her assistant, Squidge, instead. Shortly after Annie and Liam announced their wedding date, the sprite had arrived at the castle, explaining that Moonbeam was busy with her new husband and didn’t need Squidge’s help just then. Annie was happy to accept his offer to assist with the wedding. He had proven to be very helpful, and Annie had remarked more than once that he was a lot nicer than he had seemed in the Moonflower Glade.

  Taking another biscuit, Squidge slathered jam all over it and crammed the whole thing into his mouth. He chewed it with his eyes half-closed, then glanced at Annie and said, “Why aren’t you dressed already? You’re not canceling the wedding, are you?”

  Crumbs shot out of his mouth as he talked, landing on the coverlet. Annie moved her plate out of the way. “I would get up and get dressed if you’d leave.”

  “In a minute,” said Squidge. He ate two more biscuits, gulping them down without really chewing. “As I told you before, I wanted to help with your wedding to thank you for introducing Moonbeam to her new husband. If it weren’t for you, they wouldn’t have fallen in love and gotten married. I’ve never seen Moonbeam so happy.” He made a sour face, but when he caught Annie looking at him, it turned into a smile.

  “I hope you like everything I’ve done. I want you and Liam to have the kind of wedding you deserve. I know you’ve been busy, but I did what you asked me to, plus lots more. I washed all the dogs that live in the castle, I weeded the courtyard, I scrubbed the dungeon steps, I took care of the invitations, I polished the spires on the towers, I entertained the visiting children, and watered the garden every day. Say, are you going to eat that biscuit?” He licked his lips as he pointed at the one on her plate.

  “Yes,” she said, and picked it up. “I really do appreciate all that you’ve done for us.” She took a bite, even though Squidge was staring at her mouth as she did it.

  “Apparently not enough to give me that biscuit,” he grumbled under his breath. “Anyway, I came to ask if there’s anything else you need me to do. I could polish the floor in th
e great hall or give baths to all the cats. The weather is going to be beautiful today, so the cats would dry fast.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” said Annie. “My wedding guests would slip if the floor was polished now, and the cats would all be in very bad moods.”

  There was a knock on the door and her friend Snow White called out, “May we come in?”

  “Of course,” Annie called back.

  The door opened, admitting Snow White and Eleanor, a lovely young woman who had just married Annie’s cousin, Ainsley. The two girls were already dressed for Annie’s wedding, and a cloud of perfume entered the room with them. Squidge raised his head to sniff the air. With his face scrunched up as if he’d smelled something bad, he hopped off the bed. “Gotta go,” he said. “Lots to do.”

  Annie hardly noticed as he scurried out the door, because Snow White was already talking. “We came to see if you need help with anything.”

  “Not really,” said Annie. “I think everything is under control.”

  “We could help with your dress or your hair,” offered Eleanor.

  Annie shook her head. “Thank you, Eleanor, but my mother wants me to come to her chamber to get dressed.”

  “Oh, please don’t call me Eleanor. Call me Ella like my father did. Eleanor reminds me of my stepmother. She used to call me Eleanor before she started calling me Cinderella. That goes for you, too, Snow White. I want all my friends to call me Ella.”

  “Then we will, Ella,” Annie said with a smile.

  “We wanted to tell you how happy we are for you, Annie,” Snow White told her. “Liam is perfect for you. He’s wonderful and loves you so much. After seeing you two together, I knew that I wanted a husband just like him. He’s what inspired me to choose Maitland—a good man who loves me for myself.”

  “That’s how I feel about Ainsley,” said Ella.

  Squidge hadn’t closed the door all the way when he left, and now it opened wide as Annie’s sister, Gwendolyn, walked in. “Oh good, you’re awake,” she said, seeing Annie sitting up in bed. “I came to see if you had any questions for your older, already married sister.”

  Gwennie and her new husband, Beldegard, had returned from their grand tour only two days before, giving the sisters little time to talk.

  “You’ve been married for just over a month,” said Annie.

  “Yes,” Gwennie said as she plunked herself on the edge of the bed. “But I’ve learned so much about men that I never knew! What would you like to ask me?”

  “Uh, nothing?” said Annie.

  “Well, I have a question,” said Snow White. “I’m getting married soon, but before I do, there is one thing I’ve been wondering and I didn’t know who to ask. It’s very personal, but I couldn’t talk to my father about it and I don’t have a mother to ask.”

  “What is it? I’ll be happy to talk about anything!” said Gwennie.

  “Do all men snore? The dwarves all did and it made a horrible racket at night. I was always glad that my room was on a different floor and I could shut the door at night.”

  “Snoring? That’s what you want to ask me? I thought you wanted to know about …” Gwennie gasped as her gaze landed on the magic mirror in the corner. “I heard you had a magic mirror in your room, but I didn’t know it was so big!” she told Annie. “I have got to ask it a question!”

  Snow White glanced at the mirror with distaste. “You can, but I’m not going near it. That thing reminds me of my evil stepmother.”

  “That’s all right,” said Gwennie. “I have plenty of questions for it. Let’s see, which one should I ask first? Ah, I know. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how many children will I have?”

  “That doesn’t rhyme,” said Ella. “I thought the questions you asked magic mirrors always had to rhyme.”

  “Rhyming isn’t necessary,” said Annie as she watched mist begin to form in the mirror.

  When the face appeared in the swirling mist, it looked annoyed. “What do I look like—a crystal ball? I can’t predict the future!”

  “Well then,” said Gwennie. “Tell me this. Who is the handsomest prince of all?” She looked smug as she waited for the answer, and surprised when the image of a blindingly handsome prince wearing a cape of blue-striped skins appeared.

  “That would be Prince Larsenvarsen from the kingdom of Skol,” said the mirror.

  Irritation came through in Gwennie’s voice when she said, “Let me rephrase that. Who is the handsomest formerly enchanted prince?”

  “Prince Cumberpants of Grimswald,” the mirror said as two images appeared side by side. One was a frog looking very unhappy. The other was a handsome prince wearing a goofy grin.

  “Uh, Gwennie, you can’t ask it too many questions,” Annie told her. “The mirror is going to run out of power soon.”

  “I know, I know!” Gwennie replied. “I just want to hear the mirror say his name. Who is the handsomest formerly enchanted prince who was once a bear?”

  “Prince Allyoop from Skreevakia.” The image of a cuddly little bear cub appeared beside that of a handsome dark-haired child, but the picture was fainter than before.

  “This is ridiculous!” cried Gwennie. “Why can’t this mirror give me the right answer?”

  “Gwennie, you really can’t—” Annie began.

  “Just one more,” said her sister. “Mirror, who is the handsomest formerly enchanted prince who was once a very big bear whose name begins with ‘B’ and ends in ‘ard’?”

  “That would be Prince Beldegard, although Prince Borisigard is a close second,” the mirror said, showing two images that were so faint that they were almost impossible to see.

  “Finally!” cried Gwennie. “Annie, this mirror is defective. You should get rid of it.”

  The face was gone, but the swirling mist was still there. Suddenly, bright lights flickered in the mist, then the whole thing went black.

  “I think you upset it,” Annie said. “I’m sorry, ladies, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave so I can get dressed. I’ll talk to all of you after the wedding.”

  “We’re leaving,” said Gwennie. “I almost wish I had come home sooner so I could have helped you plan your wedding. If it were my wedding, I would have done things very differently. Why, I was telling Beldegard that you really should have—”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Gwennie. Thanks for stopping by, everyone!” Annie said, shooing the princesses out of the room and shutting the door. Hearing Gwennie talk had reminded Annie of what her sister had been like when she married Beldegard. She had been demanding, overly sensitive, and so concerned with what she wanted that she had made everyone else’s lives miserable. Annie couldn’t stand being around her sister then, and was determined not to act the way her sister had or treat anyone the way Gwennie had treated her.

  Chapter 2

  Queen Karolina had made it very clear that Annie was to come straight to see her the moment she got out of bed. As Annie hurried along the corridor, she glanced to the far end, where a window revealed a beautiful cloudless day, just as Squidge had said. It was the perfect kind of day for a wedding.

  The little sprite wasn’t the only one who had offered to help. Annie’s aunt and uncle, Queen Theodora and King Daneel, were there, as well as their son, Prince Ainsley, and his new wife. Ella had been an enormous help with the more practical matters like seating arrangements at the formal dinner and choosing the food to be served after the ceremony. Snow White and her betrothed, Prince Maitland, had arrived a day later, even though they were in the midst of their own wedding preparations. Snow White had hit it off with Ella right away and together they had taken over decorating the castle. With Squidge and Annie’s friends to help, Annie had little left to do, other than get dressed and calm her mother’s nerves.

  Her mother had been agitated since the day Annie and Liam returned from helping Snow White and announced that they planned to marry right away. Queen Karolina had just finished putting on a wedding for her older daughter, Gwendolyn, a
nd hadn’t expected Annie’s announcement quite so soon. When Liam said that he wanted to marry Annie that week, the queen announced that no daughter of hers was going to get married in anything but the most beautiful ceremony, and that would take at least two months. They were able to talk her down to one, but that had only been after much wheedling, begging, and threats of elopement. Everyone in the castle had worked overtime to get things ready, but Annie’s gown hadn’t been finished when she went to bed the night before.

  Annie and Liam had thought long and hard about their invitation list, and had finally decided that they had to invite all the witches and fairies in the kingdom if they wanted to stay on cordial terms with them. Although there weren’t very many witches in Treecrest, there were lots of fairies. None had arrived yet, but Annie was sure that they planned to make a big entrance, arriving together just before the wedding. More worrisome, however, was that Liam’s father had yet to arrive. They had invited him as soon as they set the date and had welcomed a messenger bearing a reply soon after. He had promised to come, but there was still no sign of the elderly king. Annie wondered if she should once again offer to postpone the wedding, an offer she had already made to Liam the day before. He had turned her down then, saying that he expected his father to show up any minute.

  “There you are!” Lady Clare exclaimed as she rushed down the corridor to take Annie by the arm. “Your mother has been waiting for you!”

  Annie let the woman lead her into the queen’s chamber. Although it was a large room, it seemed small with all the ladies-in-waiting there along with the two seamstresses who were still fussing over the gowns they had made for Annie and her mother.

  Queen Karolina turned away from her mirror to glare at Annie. “It’s about time! Where have you been?”

  “I came straight here,” Annie replied. “Did Liam’s father arrive yet?”

  “No, but I’m sure he’s on his way. The ceremony isn’t due to start for another three hours,” said the queen.

  “What if he doesn’t get here in time? Maybe we should postpone it until—”