Read Prisoner of My Desire Page 15

  But they did not know that she was being punished, rather than favored.

  She left the hall quickly, just to get away from those cold silver eyes. She

  found Mary in the kitchen having dinner with her husband, and was reminded that

  she had not eaten yet herself. But when was she supposed to have time to eat,

  with all the duties that had been given to her? Obviously not todaybut then,

  today was an exception, with three days? cleaning to do, and she had started

  lateand he could not want a bath every night.

  Mary merely explained how Rowena was to see to her present chore herself, while

  she continued to stuff succulent pieces of roasted partridge in her mouth, and

  Rowena?s belly rumbled in complaint at being allowed only the scent of food. She

  learned she was not expected to carry in the large tub that was stored in the

  small antechamber outside the solar, where Warrick?s squires slept, for in the

  summer he bathed in there. Nor did she have to lug in the many buckets of water,

  and was shown which menservants had that duty so she would be able to command

  them herself next time. She was told where to find the bath cloths and soap that

  were only for the lord?s use. She was warned the lord liked his bath very warm,

  but not very hot, and that the temperature would be her responsibility, and was

  worth a slap if she got it wrong. Another worry she could have done without but

  should have expected, for most knights reacted violently to the smallest

  discomfort, and woe betide whoever was closest to them when they did.

  It was maddening to have to cross the length of that hall again just to reach

  the solar. But Warrick seemed not to notice her this time. And although she

  glanced at him every few steps she took, to comply with his unreasonable order

  to watch him always, she could not be expected to stare at him as she walked and

  not run into something. Could she?

  She assumed not, for she was not called to account for watching her own step,

  and once in the antechamber outside the solarshe came face to face with Celia.

  She knew exactly who the young woman was by her vivid beauty, and by the pure

  hatred blazing from her green eyes. She wore both her bliaut and her chemise cut

  low to show off her ample breasts, and her wild mane of copper curls gave her an

  untamed sensuality that any man would find challenging. The yellowing teeth were

  barely noticeable, but the overwhelming scent of roses was almost gagging. The

  woman was obviously under the mistaken impression, as were a great many nobles,

  that sweet perfumes could mask uncleanliness.

  Celia did not mince words, but went right to the attack.

  ?I know yeyou were in the dungeon. What did you do to get out of that punishment

  and be so favored? Did you spread your legs for him? Did you get on your knees


  ?Take your filthy mouth and get out, Celia!?

  Green eyes flared incredulously.

  ?Yeyou dare speak so to me? Me?!?

  Just what Rowena needed, a fight over a man she despised. It was almost

  laughable. And to be thought favored? To be envied her hateful duties? God?s

  mercy, what next? But the arrogant attitude of the woman was annoying, reminding

  Rowena of what Mary Blouet had said of her. Celia had obviously let her position

  as the lord?s favorite go to her head, giving her a haughty condescension that

  was inappropriate in a servant. And she was just a servant, no matter that she

  was trying to better her speech so as not to sound like one. But so are you?for

  now, Rowena reminded herself. So what right do you have to take exception at

  another servant?s audacity?

  That realization, unfortunately, did not keep the sarcasm from her tone when she


  ?I believe I can speak to you as I please, Celia. Am I not the one presently


  That got her a slap that was wholly unanticipated, and a vicious rejoinder.

  ?Not for long, bitch. Remember that when he gets tired of yer pale, skinny body,

  for I will be making ye sorry then that ye thought to take my place.?

  Rowena was too stunned to say a word as Celia flounced out the door. She had

  never been slapped before, never in her life, and ?twas definitely not pleasant.

  But she supposed that was one other thing she would have to get used to here,

  for what recourse did she have, particularly if the abuse came from Mistress

  Blouet, who had the care and discipline of her, or Warrick himself? But from

  another servant? Nay, she did not have to take thatonly from that particular

  servant, she still had no recourse. She could just imagine Warrick?s reaction if

  she tried to slap his ?favor.

  He? back. And Celia knew that. Twas why she got away with her appalling behavior.

  The menservants began arriving with the water. Rowena went to fetch the bath

  cloths and soap from the appropriate chest in the solar. But she brought an

  extra washing cloth to dip in the cold water and place on her cheek. It relieved

  some of the heat, and the red mark was partially faded by the time Warrick

  sauntered in.

  He looked first at the tub with steam slowly rising from it. It had taken every

  bucket of hot water to warm all the cold that had been dumped in when she was

  not watching, leaving her only cold water to rinse him with. She had been about

  to order more hot when he arrived, but his presence put the thought right out of

  her mind, especially when his eyes glanced at her and narrowed on her cheek.

  He came right to her then and lifted her chin.

  ?Who hit you?? he demanded.

  ?No one.?

  ?You lie, wench. What did you do to cause Mistress Blouet displeasure with you


  Why did he immediately assume she had to be at fault? She ought to tell him the

  truth, except the slap was no more than she deserved for slipping down to Celia?s

  level. But she knew full well he would do naught if he knew ?twas his precious

  Celia, and for some reason that hurt more than the slap had.

  So she lied, and found it quite satisfying to do so in this particular instance.

  ?I merely tripped, because I could not watch my step in the hall for being

  ordered to watch you.?

  And he had not been observing her to know better.

  His scowl, for once, did not frighten her.

  ?Stupid, wench. Must you be taught common sense along with your duties??

  ?If I am allowed to watch where I walk when you are present, you must tell me so.

  I do not wish to disobey you.?

  ?Do you not?? he growled at her meek answer and let go of her.

  ?Then we will see just how well you wish to obey. Undress me.?

  She had expected that, but color still flooded into her face, so both cheeks

  were now equally red. And he just stood there towering over her with his hands

  relaxed at his sides. He was not going to help at all. She hated this, hated

  getting anywhere near him, but he knew that. This was just another part of his

  revenge, after all, treating her no better than a serfnay, more like his

  personal slave.

  She made quick work of disrobing him, not even trying to conceal her resentment.

  That humorless smile she hated came to his lips, so she avoided looking at his

  face. But that left only his body to look atwhich she had never found f
ault with

  and still did not.

  He did not even bend down so she could remove his tunic, forcing her to get

  closer to him to shove it up his chest and shoulders, then pull upward instead

  of down. She gasped as her breasts accidentally brushed against his chest, then

  gasped again as her nipples immediately tingled into hardness. She yanked so

  hard then that she fell back several steps when the tunic finally came off in

  her hands.

  He laughed at her glowering expressionat least she hoped that was all he laughed

  at. He could not know the reaction her body had just had to his, could he? And

  how could that happen at all when she despised him? It made no sense to her.

  She did not want to approach him again. There were his chausses and boots yet to

  be got rid of, but she could not do it, not that. Her breasts were tingling

  again with just the thought. God?s mercy, what was wrong with her?

  He waited patiently, but when she made no move toward him, he said ?Finish.?

  She slowly shook her head, watching as one of his brows rose in question.

  ?You would prefer to be chained to my bed again??

  She leaped forward, nearly colliding with him in her rush. She heard his laugh

  and gritted her teeth. So he would hold that over her head now, too, would he?

  He was utterly despicable, beyond ?On your knees, I think.?

  She dropped to her knees without even thinking about this new order, and was

  faced with the thick bulge beneath his chausses. Color came hot into her cheeks

  again, and her fingers trembled now as she reached up to untie his laces to free

  that vengeful weapon of his.

  ? Tis quite satisfying, seeing you in that humbled positionlike a pet at my feet,?

  he continued in a casual tone.

  ?Mayhap I will have you serve me at table just so.?

  In front of everyone?


  The word was torn from her with a groan.

  His hand came to the top of her headjust as if she were no more than a pet dog

  panting for attention at his feetand pushed back until she was looking up at him.

  ?Will you hesitate again in your duty??

  ?Nay, I will not.?

  He said no more, leaving her in an agony of doubt that her answer had satisfied

  him. She was on her knees now because she had dared refuse to finish, a

  punishment swift and humiliating. Was that not enough?

  She pulled the braies and chausses down his legs, but avoided looking at what

  sprang forth by bending over to see to his boots. When she finished, he still

  just stood there, so she stared at his bare feet, a defiance, but not an exact

  disobedience, for were his feet not part of him?

  ?Verily do you test my patience,? he said I when she continued to just stare at

  his feet. I But he did not press the issue this time, and I she watched his feet

  move away and then disĀ§ appear into the tub. She sighed in relief. But she fl

  was forgetting what else ?attending him at his ?f bath? signified. He reminded


  ?What do you wait for now, wench? Come and wash my back and hair.?

  ?Twas part of ?attending? him. She knew that. And at least he was not insisting

  she wash all of him. But she did not want to get close to his naked body again,

  when just the thought of it was making her feel warm and mushy inside, which in

  turn sparked her temper.

  She fetched the washing cloth, soaked and soaped it, but before she touched him

  with it, she demanded ?Why does your wife not tend to this??

  ?I have no wife.?

  ?But you have two daughters.?

  ?And I had two wives, both long dead. Yet I would have had another? He suddenly

  grabbed her bliaut to pull her close and growled ?I was to meet her, but I was

  otherwise detained, so she rode on and is now missing. Know you where I was,

  wench, that I could not meet my bride as intended?? She was afraid to answer. He

  did not wait for her to.

  ?I was chained to a bed for your pleasure.?

  God?s mercy, he had this, too, to blame her for?

  ?Not my pleasure,? she whispered.

  He let go of her with a slight shove.

  ?Best you pray Lady Isabella is found and not dead.?

  Another dire warning with unknown consequences. She wondered if the lady was not

  lost, but had taken the opportunity to flee a marriage to this man. Rowena

  certainly would have if given half a chance.

  The subject had angered him. She could feel it in the tautness of his back as

  she quickly scrubbed it now. So she was not truly surprised, when she handed him

  the cloth to finish, that he did not take it. She had earned another punishment

  for getting him riled.

  ?I find I have overtaxed myself this day, so you may wash me, wencheverywhere.

  And best you remove your clothes to do it so they do not get wet.?

  Damn him to perdition. Why did he have to take revenge for the tiniest little

  things? He was the devil?s spawn, to be this cruel.

  But Rowena did as instructed, whipping off her chemise and bliaut together,

  ripping several laces in her haste. Then she immediately slipped the sleeveless

  bliaut back on before he noticed that she was, in fact, defying him again in

  solving the problem of getting wet in her own way.

  And when she came around to kneel by his side and began soaping his chest, and

  he saw what she had done, it did surprise him. She held her breath, wondering if

  she would now have her first slap from him. But when he did naught, she finally

  glanced at his faceand found him smiling, a genuine smile that restored his

  handsomeness. Her own expression mirrored her amazement, and that caused him to

  burst into laughter.

  Rowena sat back on her heels, chagrined. The last thing she cared to do was

  amuse the monster. But she was not getting anything that she wanted today.

  When he was merely smiling again, he said ?Come, finish ere the water grows cold.?

  She did, but the washing of that large male body was pure torture, could be

  described as naught else. It made her heart pound to do it, her pulses race, and

  her pointed nipples became almost painful, prodding against the scratchy wool of

  her bliaut. Washing him was just too reminiscent of the times she had forced him

  to readiness, too similar to caressing him. And his manroot had grazed against

  her arm enough times that she knew it was fair to bursting before she got around

  to washing it, too.

  Her face was on fire. His was still strikingly handsome, for he was still

  grinning, amused by her discomfort. She did not even care about that now,

  because her face was not the only thing heated. She had the sudden, mad urge to

  crawl into that tub with him.

  She leaped to her feet instead and began soaping his hair. But she did it too

  vigorously, with too much soap that drifted down into his eyes.

  ?Enough, wench,? he complained.

  ?Rinse it now.?

  Rowena reached for the bucket, relieved that she was almost finishedand

  remembered there was no hot water left.

  ?You will have to wait?

  ?Nay, do it now.?

  ?Butmy lord, the water is?

  ?Now, blast you!?

  Her lips pinched together. Well, he asked for it, did he not? With a good deal

  of pleasure, she dumped the icy well water over his head.
  She heard him suck in his breath, along with the water streaming down his face,

  which then caused him to choke and sputter. Her moment of pleasure turned to

  alarm. He was going to beat her now, even though ?twas not her fault. He did not

  leap from the tub, but she still backed slowly toward the door as he wiped the

  water from his faceuntil his hands lowered and those silver eyes pinned her to

  the spot.

  ?II tried to tell you there was no warm water leftmy lord.?

  ?So you did. Were my eyes not stinging, I might have listened.?

  She stiffened.

  ?So you will blame me anyway? Had you asked, I could have told you I had never

  bathed anyone ere this, knew not the way of?

  ?Be quiet!?

  He was definitely annoyed, but it did not look as if he was going to get up and

  beat her, so she offered ?What will you wear now? I will fetch it.?

  ?There is no need. I have missed my own bed and intend to go straight to it.?

  ?Thenmay I be excusedmy lord??

  The hesitation she kept giving his address was deliberate, and the look he gave

  her said he knew it, which was possibly why he answered ?Nay, you will dry me