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  Copyright © 2015 by J.M. Downey

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Printed in the United States of America

  The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

  Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

  a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

  All rights reserved.

  ESV Text Edition: 2011

  THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  A special thanks to Debbie Young-Danis for being an extra set eyes for my work.

  Table of Contents

  Book I



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Book II

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Katie wrenched herself from Keith’s embrace and headed towards the bathroom. Those tears staining his cheeks were fake - he had no soul. Every promise, every word spoken in love was nothing but a means to get what he wanted.

  She walked into the large room filled with the sandalwood scent of his Creed Royal aftershave and closed the door behind her. The intense shaking grew, pouring through her as she grabbed a small leather bag resting on top of the sink. She opened it and found a pair of scissors he used to trim his bangs in between haircuts. Turning, she leaned her back against the sink, and closed her eyes. This was the only way to be free. All other means hadn’t worked. Please forgive me.

  She pressed the scissors to her wrist right above the vein and yanked it across in a swift motion. The blade sliced deep into her skin, sending searing pain through her.

  She screamed, losing her balance and slipping onto the floor; her head banging hard against the sink. The large hot tub before her blurred in and out - darkness nipped around her mind. A pounding sound attacked the door, while wood fell to the floor. Her head was lifted until she could see nothing but Keith’s piercing blue eyes full of tears.


  His eyes faded from her vision, but she could still feel him clenching her too tight, like he always did. But luckily death was beyond his control.


  Years earlier….

  Katie tapped her pencil against her desk as the professor walked across the room, and placed a paper in front of a girl in her class. The girl buried her face into her hands, her shoulders slumping. The young man behind her shook his head and tossed his paper to the floor. The professor stepped over it and continued laying down his pronouncements.

  Lord, please let mine be good. I need something good to happen. An ‘A’ would make things seem better. She looked around the class of students as she stroked a long tendril of hair, slightly yanking it. If she only had a friend. Several students turned and talked to their classmates, slapping hands in congratulations, or shrugging shoulders in mock defeat.

  She bit hard on her bottom lip as her professor stepped in front of her. He smiled, his brown mustache twitching as it blended in with the faded coat he wore.

  “Good job.” He set her paper face down on her desk and walked away. She grabbed it, and flipped it over. A smile crossed her face as she focused on the bleeding red ‘A.’ Success. Maybe her ‘A’ could keep her company tonight.

  “Wow,” a feminine voice said. “You’re one of the few smiling.”

  Katie lay the paper down, hiding it. She turned to a girl in her class, Angel, who always wore sorority shirts, and told of her exploits as if they were accomplishments.

  “What did you get?” Katie asked.

  Angel slid her paper into her notebook. “Not what you got.”

  “I’m sorry. Maybe next paper I can help you. I’ve always been good at writing.”

  Angel chuckled as she raised an eyebrow. “If you can get me a ‘C’, I’ll buy you a new outfit. Maybe something that shows a little skin.”

  Katie looked down at the red buttoned-up blouse she wore. What was wrong with it?

  “You’re kind of pretty. And obviously smart,” Angel said interrupting her thoughts. “Why aren’t you in a sorority?”

  Katie’s cheeks warmed. “I don’t know.” Because she had heard too many rumors about sororities.

  Angel bent her head to the side as if she was studying Katie. Her brown, straight tresses fell against her forehead. Maybe she was trying to figure out if she was good pledging material. “Want to come see the house, and meet some of the girls of AK?”

  Katie smiled though she rubbed her sweaty palms together. The girl before her had a twinkle in her eyes, and an inviting smile as if she found Katie interesting. A warning flashed in her mind. One step off the path could lead to many more and sororities were not organizations for good Christian girls. But it was just a house, and looking at a house, didn’t equal a commitment. No, this would give her a chance to get to know this girl - maybe they would click and become friends, and she would no longer have to spend her weekends alone with only her novels to keep her company. But should she befriend a non-Christian? Katie chewed on her bottom lip. Jesus did, so why not her. “Sure.”

  She picked up her books and followed Angel out of the classroom.

  The two girls walked to a street that ran across the edge of campus, lined with thick oaks and other students strolling in various directions with books tucked under their arms. Angel explained to her the benefits of sisterhood, a way to find an anchor in this lonely world of college - a place full of listening ears, and comforting shoulders. But something nipped at the back of her mind - another warning.

  Her mother had sat her down before she left for St. Mary’s College and told her to stay away from the Greek clubs, join Campus Crusade or New Life instead. But no one at any of those places had reached out to her; though she had went to their meetings, sitting alone in the corner. No, the only person who had was the girl walking with her right now.

  They walked up the marble steps of the four pillar white home. Oak trees shaded the yard and porch. Katie walked into the sorority house and her mouth dropped open. What richness. The cream and blue silk curtains matched perfectly the leather couches decorated with cream and blue silk pillows. A gold-rimmed fireplace added the perfect accent along with the gilt-framed paintings hanging on the wall. An oak staircase stood off to the side, inviting people to walk up its steps. How much did this place cost? What would it be like to be able to sit in this room all day reading? She walked around the room, studying the
pictures of the girls on the wall. All wore pearls. These girls came from money. A world everyone dreamed of living in.

  “Over here.” Angel motioned for her to follow.

  Her skin felt smooth, but not silky. Who was it that had the silky skin? Keith caressed the lower thigh of the bleached blonde who sat next to him. She bit on her fingertips, giving him a coy smile. She was too willing and he was too ready to take.

  “I’ve wanted to see that movie,” she said.

  He raised his eyebrows. “I’ve got it at my apartment. You want to go watch it?”

  The girl giggled. “Hmm, do you really want to watch it?”

  “Maybe,” he said, running his hand further up the girl’s leg.

  Footsteps directed his attention to the mostly shut door just in time to catch a glimpse of a black and red plaid skirt. Part of one long leg filtered through the crack. Interesting. Who was outside that door? He stood from the couch.

  “What are you doing?” the blonde asked. Keith raised one finger to his lips as he tapped the door open just enough to reveal a beautiful brunette talking to Angel. He bit on the side of his lip. She was hot. The girl had long legs that reached from under her skirt. Her thighs were probably silky smooth instead of leathery from tanning too much. He followed her legs up, reaching her curvy hips. Nice. He liked curvy hips; they touched something primal in him. But that hair. He had never seen such long strands of chestnut curls that fell to the dip of her back in smooth rolling waves. He could run his hands through it all day and never get bored.

  The girl turned just enough to reveal high cheekbones and full lush pink lips. She smiled and her whole face brightened. The girl was perfectly made and illuminated innocence. Her eyes shone with a lightness. There was no harsh slap of life in her face.

  “Who’s this girl, Becca?” Keith asked.

  The blonde walked to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and looked through the crack. “Probably a potential pledge.”

  “I want to meet her.”

  “What about me?” Becca crossed her arms. He didn’t answer her until the girl and Angel left the other room.

  “I’m done with you.” He walked through the door.

  He made for the door the girl and Angel had gone through and opened it. The room was empty. Keith looked up the staircase. He couldn’t just follow her. He leaned against the staircase and listened but heard no one approaching. He looked at his watch. He needed to get to class before he was late. He’d have to ask Angel about her later.

  Upstairs, Angel showed Katie around. “Pledging allows girls a chance to bond.”

  “I could never afford the dues,” Katie said, wrapping her arms around her waist.

  “Intelligent girls can receive scholarships. We take care of our own,” Angel said. “We understand some of our girls have financial limitations, but we’re not snobs and welcome all.”

  Katie nodded, a smile nipping at the edges of her lips. Hadn’t she always heard rich girls were snobs? But Angel didn’t seem like one. She seemed friendly. Maybe she had been looking in the wrong places for friends. Not one person in those Christian groups had asked her to hang out trying to get to know her like Angel.

  Angel stepped in front of her. Her light brown hair swayed behind her. “There is a party tonight. You can meet many of the girls and decide if pledging is right for you.”

  “I don’t know,” Katie said. At the party there would be drinking and possibly drugs. What if some sleazy guy hit on her?

  “Don’t worry, it will be tame,” Angel said. A smirk crossed her face. “I’ll keep an eye on you. I know you’re new to campus life.”

  Katie looked around the upstairs parlor, glancing at the tan furniture and the grand piano that stood in the corner. What could it hurt to go? She didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want. Jesus had dined with sinners and prostitutes. Maybe through her friendship, she could help lead Angel or someone else to Christ. And Angel had said the party would be tame. It didn’t sound like she would have to worry about drinking and sleazy guys. No, she needed to stop being so legalistic about everything. “All right.”

  Angel clapped her hands in front of her. “Tonight will be fun.”


  The low lights could only cast a light gold shine through the thin veil of smoke. Katie took a deep breath and the scent of cigarettes filled her. She waved a hand in front of her face as the smoke traveled through her. A cough pushed from between her lips. Her hands flew to cover it.

  Angel shook her head, chuckling. “Come duckling. You’ll get used to it.”

  Angel led her through the crowd gathered for the party, introducing her to one person after another. The living room was packed with people, holding beers, drinking and swaying to the loud rap music on the screen. So many people here were some important person’s child. The long list of senators’ and CEOs’ children amazed her although she knew Yale was populated with such people. The street and yard surrounding the house was packed with BMWs, Mercedes and Porsches. Cars she could only look at from a distance. St. Mary’s was only the next city over. The two schools were so close the students often intermingled.

  Angel grabbed a beer and a bottle of water. She passed the water to Katie and popped open the beer, taking a long sip. In the distance, a young man held the hand of a girl dressed in a skin-tight red dress as he led her up the stairs. They laughed and swayed, lost in their own world. This was not her definition of tame, but so far no one had tried pressuring her into anything; she was clearly fine and would be able to maintain a friendship with Angel without betraying her faith. Her mother was obviously wrong, but all she had done in school was study to be a nurse, and Katie needed more than academic stimulation. She glanced at the girl next to her with the inviting smile. No, she needed companionship and this girl provided her a chance for that.

  Angel chuckled again and took Katie’s hand, leading her to a leather couch. So many young men’s eyes followed her. Did they find her beautiful or out of place in her plaid skirt and blouse that left a lot to the imagination? She sat next to Angel on the couch and took a small sip of her water. The cool liquid did nothing to moisten her dry throat.

  “She’s easy,” Angel said, pointing to a girl off in the distance, who laughed and swayed against a blond haired boy’s chest. “She’ll find someone else tomorrow.”

  Katie nodded as a drum beat plummeted through the air, introducing a new song. She flinched - one hand squeezed the edge of the couch.

  “You are out of your world, Puritan.” Angel shook her head. “I’ve got a lot of teaching to do.”

  “Yea, I guess.” Katie tapped the top of her bottle.

  Some of the young men formed a circle and shouted out the lyrics. Gazing off in the distance, two of them called out, “Keith!”

  She followed their gazes. A young man with dark brown hair that fell just over his forehead and was parted to the sides walked to the group holding a beer. Katie’s mouth dropped open as something swelled in her. How handsome. Like an Abercrombie model. He had a perfectly formed face with high cheekbones, a strong jaw line and dark blue eyes. Tall and slender, with broad shoulders that displayed nothing but strength. Katie lowered her gaze and peeked at him from under lashes.

  The rest of the men congregated around him as if he was the leader of the group. Maybe he had the most important father.

  He shouted out a line from the song with the rest of the crowd as his untucked blue dress shirt flopped with his movements. His lips moved in a smooth, elegant rhythm.

  “Who’s that?” she asked Angel.

  “That’s Keith Wilkerson, future senator of New York,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  Katie chuckled.

  Angel bent to her ear and whispered, “his father is the most powerful lawyer in the country and probably the world. But, he’s a dog. I recommend staying away from him.”

  “Oh.” Katie’s stomach dropped. Her mother always warned her about boys like him. Best to push any future thoughts
out of her mind.

  “He and his friend Brandon….” Angel pointed to another boy in the group with cropped short brown hair. “Once got a whole pledge class drunk and talked them into stripping in front of the house.”

  Katie raised her eyebrows. “He’s going to have some youthful indiscretions to explain away.”

  “His father will just make it all disappear.” Angel snapped her fingers as if sin could be so easily dismissed. Only God could do that.

  Katie looked at the handsome man and shook her head. What a pity. She would have loved to get to know him. He looked like the type of man she’d always dreamed of. One similar to the heroes in the romance novels standing behind a young woman in a bonnet. But those men had hearts for the Lord. Or at least they did by the end of the book.

  The young man looked at her and their eyes locked, making her heart leap. Katie blinked. He smiled as if he was sending her a private message. Maybe he was. Keith left the group and walked towards them. Was he coming to speak to her? She reached for the couch and squeezed the cushion.

  Dear Lord, he was. What would she say to him? How could she refute his attention? Her mother’s words echoed in her mind: a pretty face didn’t mean a pretty soul. Yes, ignore him like Angel said. She looked to the side as he stopped in front of her. If he said something she would speak in a few words as possible.

  “Hey Angel,” he said, his voice smooth and inviting.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Keith reach for Angel’s hand. “Come dance with me, darling.”

  Angel’s eyes lit up. She placed her hand in his and let him lead her back to the dance floor. Keith placed one hand on her hip, and stood as close to her as he could, holding the beer behind her shoulder and moving her hips in time with his as he continued to shout out the words.