Read Privileged Page 14

  “Yeah,” Keith said.

  “Open up.” It was his father.


  Keith slipped from the bed and pulled on some slacks.

  “Stay under the covers,” he said before he opened the door and revealed his father.

  His father walked into the room and stood in front of the bed, staring at Katie for a few seconds with a smirk on his face. He turned to his son and sat on the bed. “Ellie is in town.”

  Keith nodded, looking at the floor.

  “Arther wants you to take her out, and show her a good time.” Mr. Wilkerson looked at Katie, his eyes roving over her. “Take Katie with you.”

  Katie’s stomach flipped. His eyes held that glare, but he smiled at her the same way Keith did right before he asked for sex. Who was this man?

  “Arther wants them to be friends,” he continued.

  “I’ll take her to the usual places,” Keith said.

  “Good.” Mr. Wilkerson stood to leave, but before he left, he looked straight at Katie with those glaring eyes one last time, biting on the side of his bottom lip. She pulled the covers up to her chin. “Have a nice time, Katie.” He walked out the door.

  Katie shuddered. That man could scare a veteran soldier.

  “So, are you excited about meeting the president’s daughter?”

  Katie heard what he said, but her focus was on the closed door.

  “Katie.” He lay down next to her and ran a hand up her arm.

  She turned to him. “I can’t wait.”

  After dinner, they left to pick up Ellie. Katie leaned her head against the window of the black corvette Keith kept in New York to drive when he was in town. She ran her hands over the loose blue jeans he made her wear. The black long-sleeve shirt she wore didn’t even accent one curve. Earlier, when she had tried to apply some light lipstick, he had taken the tube out of her hand, and said she looked prettier without her face made up. He handed her a hair tie and asked that she put her hair in a bun. If he wanted to make sure no one noticed her tonight, he would get his wish. Maybe he was afraid she would outshine Ellie.

  Keith tapped the top of the steering wheel, not saying a word. His dark-blue narrowed eyes focused on the street in front of him as the yellow lines were swept under the car. Fifteen minutes into the trip, he pulled the car into a parking lot and parked next to a dumpster. Katie looked out the window, noticing the rows of gas pumps, and bright flashing cigarette signs on the glass windows of the store. They were at a gas station.

  “Ellie is like my sister,” he said.

  Katie sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and turned to Keith. His eyes wavered as if he didn’t know what to say. Something was going on, but what could it be? Keith never looked scared.

  “I know. You’ve told me that before.” She smiled, hoping he would see she believed him although she wondered what he truly meant. If they were really like siblings what could he be afraid of?

  He nodded. “I always watch out for her when she comes to town. Kind of a favor for Arther.”

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  He took a deep breath and leaned his head against the seat, focusing on the ceiling. “Ellie isn’t exactly the nicest person. If she says anything you don’t like, just ignore her and….” He sat up and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “She’ll want me to give her all my attention. So don’t get upset, just consider this business.” He caressed her cheek with his hand. “Sometimes you’ve to play games in politics.”

  “Okay,” she said, turning the information over in her head. She rubbed her hands together. The sweat built between her palms. Miss Ellie sounded like a spoiled brat instead of the education-focused girl the press always portrayed her to be.

  Keith bent and kissed Katie on the lips, running two fingers down her cheek. “I love you. I always will,” he whispered. “Tomorrow, I’ll treat you really well. We’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Anything?” She raised her right brow.

  “Anything.” He kissed her one more time before putting the car back in drive.

  Tomorrow, she would ask for him all to herself.

  The gate slid open, revealing a long stone driveway that led to the mansion. Arther’s mansion was larger than the Wilkerson’s, painted white with red oak windowsills. A long, smooth, marble driveway led them to the back garage where they parked the car. They walked in a back door to the foyer, where they met a young man wearing a tucked-in black dress shirt and khakis. He had a smooth face, but it was half-hidden behind glasses.

  The man nodded.

  “Hey Mike,” Keith said as he took Katie’s hand and led her to a nearby room. He bent to her ear and whispered, “agent.”

  Katie nodded and glanced around at the ornate scones decorating the wall. This was the main home of the president. Could he be here somewhere, maybe napping on a bed escaping the pressure of the White House and hiding away here for a quick respite? Was this his favorite room, the parlor? Over the fireplace rested a painting of Arther and his family. She let go of Keith’s hand and walked up to the mantle and looked at the pictures of Arther and several dignitaries, but the one she liked most was Keith leaning against a black BMW.

  “That was taken the day, he gave me the car,” Keith said.

  Next to that picture was one of Keith in a red graduation robe, with Arther’s arm around his shoulders. Katie squinted her eyes. All the pictures were of Keith and Arther or Arther with some important looking person, but not one of Ellie except for a painting over a brown leather couch. She focused on the light-blue eyes of the girl. Her light-blonde hair curled around her face and reached to her chin, falling in perfect lines.

  “Hey, pretty boy.”

  Katie turned around to see Ellie in a tight black dress and black heels, leaning against the side of the door. In her hands she held two beers. She looked slutty; it wasn’t the dress; it was the sneer in her eyes and the sensuous smile.

  “Started without me,” Keith said.

  “Of course, you took forever.” She walked up to Keith and handed him a beer. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “How’s my big brother?” She played with a button on his shirt.

  Keith set the beer on a table in front of the couch and placed his hands on her hips. “He’s fine, and how are you?”

  Katie wrapped her arms around her waist as Ellie removed herself from Keith’s embrace and lay on the couch, revealing her legs up to the top of her thighs. Apparently, Ellie was also a flirt besides rude. She batted her eyelashes as if she wanted to draw Keith to her arms. Maybe, she was the second person Keith had sex with, but she couldn’t be. They were like siblings. But Ellie didn’t look at him like a sibling. She looked like she was challenging him in some way.

  Keith motioned for Katie. She walked up to his side, taking his hand. “Hey Ellie, this is Katie,” he said.

  “Did Daddy tell you to bring your ho?”

  Katie’s mouth flew open.

  “Ellie, be nice.”

  “I don’t have to be nice to her.” Ellie took a sip of her beer. “When am I nice to your girls?”

  Keith took a deep breath before he walked over to Ellie, leaning over her. “Ellie, this is my future wife.”

  Ellie took another sip of her beer. “Won’t you tell our daddy?”

  “Maybe I will.” Keith grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet. “Let’s go.”

  Katie winced at the force he used, but they were like siblings. She shook her head. Ellie deserved it.

  “Hey, pretty thing, wait in the hall for a second,” he said.

  Katie nodded and walked out the door.

  A heat boiled in him. The little slut could at least play her part as the president’s daughter, but Keith imagined she was fulfilling some duty his father had assigned her. Well, he would fulfill his, too.

  Ellie turned to Keith. “What is she, a nun?”

  Keith grabbed Ellie’s shoulders and yanked her close to him, making her crash against him. “Say a
nother thing to her. Huh!”

  “Let go of me.” She pushed against his chest, but he gripped her harder, making her bright blue eyes opened wide.

  “Don’t say anything to hurt my relationship with her.”

  “Lay off, Keith. Father already warned me, but I don’t have to be nice to her.”

  Keith threw Ellie from him. She stumbled back, flopping onto the couch. Her blonde tresses fell over her wide eyes. Good, now she’d behave.

  “Let’s go.” He headed for the door.

  Katie leaned against the wall and took a deep breath before exhaling. She straightened and walked towards the door. She could have sworn she heard a light thud as if something had been thrown against the couch. What could be going on in there? Did Ellie throw something while pouting to get her way? She was sure Keith was telling her to lay off. Some sister. She backed up at the sound of approaching feet. The door opened, revealing Keith with Ellie behind him. Her hair slightly ruffled.

  Katie smiled at Keith, but he turned from her and focused on Ellie who fixed her hair in a hall mirror. A harshness filled his eyes.

  “Everything alright?” Katie placed a hand on Keith’s tense shoulder.

  “We’re cool.” He walked past her and grabbed Ellie’s coat from a nearby rack, helping her to slip it on. He then helped Katie with hers.

  “He’s a perfect gentleman, isn’t he?” Ellie said as she made her way to the door. “Just don’t ever make him angry.” The girl wagged her finger in the air.

  Keith just strode past her, not saying a world. Don’t worry, she had no plans to.

  They pulled up to the back of a club with lime green lights that circled around the building. The pounding of drums filled the air along with an electric techno beat. No one left the car until Mike received a message from someone saying it was safe.

  Keith left her behind as he strolled to the club with an arm firmly around Ellie. Katie wrapped her arms around her waist, slowly shaking her head. What was she - Mike’s assistant instead of Keith’s beloved? He had warned her it would be like this. She just needed to be patient, especially since she would have him all to herself when they returned home. He had promised.

  They entered through a backdoor, and waded through a dark kitchen area – as if they knew the way perfectly. No one working in the back paid attention to them. When Keith opened the door, Katie caught the sight of bright green and orange lights that covered the walls. Bright strobe lights protruded from the ceiling, bouncing off the floor.

  “Hello, Mr. Wilkerson and Ms. Arther,” said a man as they walked through.

  Katie went to follow, but the man held up a bar, making her stop. The man’s brow crinkled as his eyes roamed over her, probably taking in her attire. Katie wrapped her arms around her waist again and looked over the man’s head as Keith left her behind. He didn’t even notice. She should have stayed home. Why bother coming, if Ellie wasn’t even going to try and get to know her?

  “Keith,” she shouted out, but he didn’t respond.

  “She’s with me,” Mike said as he held up a badge and grabbed her arm.

  The man lowered the bar, letting Mike push her through; his eyes never leaving Ellie. Keith got halfway to the bar before he turned. His gaze roamed over the dance floor. So, he finally remembered her. Katie rolled her eyes and allowed Mike to guide her to her fiancé.

  “Here,” Mike said, before he turned and walked away.

  “Where’s he going?” Katie asked.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll keep an eye on us,” Keith said as Mike disappeared between several girls holding drinks, their eyes following the agent.

  A warmth spread through her when Keith took her hand, and guided her to the bar.

  Ellie sat on a stool and crossed her legs, while Katie stood by Keith’s side. Keith ordered two shots of vodka. Katie planted her elbow on the bar and leaned her cheek into her hand. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. He didn’t even ask her if she wanted anything, but instantly procured something for Ellie as if he anticipated her wishes. But on other nights he always anticipated hers, and fulfilled her needs. He just didn’t get her a drink. She needed to stop being so silly.

  Katie looked around the dance floor, watching the couples grind next to each other, holding bottles of beer in the air. All the women wore dresses that clung to their curvy bodies, and showed slim thighs or too much cleavage. She must stick out like a sore thumb. People probably whispered that she was a child who had stumbled into a place for adults. Why did Keith insist on this outfit? She could have at least worn a dress with a high neckline only showing a little chest that fell to the middle of her legs. Surely something that tame wouldn’t tamper with Ellie’s mood. But, then again, the girl was temperamental.

  Keith banged his glass against Ellie’s and Ellie yelled out ‘yeah right’ before they both took their shots. She swallowed, trying to cover the dryness of her mouth. A glass of water would be nice.

  “Hey Keith,” she said. He looked at her, but Ellie jumped off the stool and wrapped her arms around Keith’s waist.

  “Take me dancing,” Ellie said, moving her hips in time with the music and smiling at him with that sultry sneer in her eyes.

  He turned to Katie and pointed a finger at her. “Don’t talk to anyone,” he said right before he took Ellie’s hand and led her out to the dance floor.

  Katie fell back on the stool. Perhaps, she should just sit here and fold her hands, staring off into space since neither of them had a need for her presence.

  Katie ground her teeth together as Keith placed his hands on Ellie’s hips, drawing her near in the same way he did with her. He moved her hips in time with the music. She should drag him away from her and punch Ellie in one of her luminous blue eyes. Katie took several deep breaths and exhaled. It was no use. Every part of her felt tense.

  “Little out of place, aren’t you?” someone asked. She turned and looked at a man behind the bar who wiped a glass with a white towel. His curly brown hair was cropped short. Light-brown eyes filled with a lightness focused on her. Her cheeks warmed. He was handsome with a lean face.

  She nodded and then turned back around. Better not talk to him. That would upset Keith. He had given her strict orders. Ellie played with the back of Keith’s hair while he bit on the side of his bottom lip. He always bit his bottom lip when he wanted to have sex with her. He couldn’t be thinking about that with Ellie. There was no way those two were like siblings. More like rivals who wanted to sleep with each other. A tear slipped down her cheek. Maybe he was just acting. Please let him just be acting. She brushed away the tear and turned back to the man at the bar. “Yeah, I kind of am.”

  The man pointed to Keith and Ellie. “I’ve seen them here many times,” he said. “But I’ve never seen Wilkerson bring another girl.”

  “I am his fiancée.” She held up her hand and revealed the three-diamond ring.

  “And you don’t mind that?” He raised his eyebrows and motioned his hand in their direction.

  She looked at the dancing couple. Keith sung the words of the song in Ellie’s face. “They’re like brother and sister,” she said.

  The man nodded. “If I was going to marry you, I wouldn’t be dancing with another girl like that.” His eyes filled with a harshness as if he saw the injustice of the moment himself. He just didn’t understand. Things were complicated. Keith came from power, money, and as he said, one had to play games in politics.

  A thought flashed across her mind: I would never hold another girl like that. She closed her eyes to hold the tears in. “He has to keep her happy for his father,” she whispered.

  “What’d you say?”

  She faced the bar. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Want something? It’s on the house.”

  Katie bent her head to the side. Finally, someone wanted to take care of her needs. “Can I have a Coke?”

  “Want a rum and Coke?”

  “I’m not 21.”

  “Ah, then on
e Coke.” The man chuckled and grabbed a hose. He sprayed Coke in a glass, dropped a cherry in it and then handed it to her.

  Katie took a long sip of the Coke, letting the bubbly liquid slip down her throat and cool the parchedness. She rarely chose soda, always preferring tea, but this drink soothed her. She took another long sip and focused on the bartender as he spoke with another customer. A gold chain with a ring dangled from his jean’s pocket. What could that ring mean? Was there someone he loved and wished to be with at the moment?

  She heard feet behind her. Katie looked down at the brown liquid of the Coke. Would Keith even notice if she didn’t say one word?

  Keith ordered two more shots. The bartender nodded and turned around to a line of bottles behind him. Katie swirled the straw around in her drink and bumped the cherry up against the side of the glass. Keith’s fingers ran down the side of her face. Her cheeks tingled with his caress. She looked at him and smiled, but he turned his attention back to Ellie when the bartender set the drinks in front of them.

  Ellie took her shot, set it down and then yelled out, “Hey sexy.”

  The bartender stared at her stone cold, with a glare in his eyes. “A sex on the beach?”

  Mr. Bartender probably had a thousand stories he would love to sell to a gossip magazine.

  “Yeah,” Ellie said as she licked her bottom lip.

  The man’s mouth crinkled as he turned for a long line of bottles.

  “Hey, Katie,” she heard Ellie say. Katie looked up. Ellie had her arms wrapped around Keith’s waist as she leaned her cheek against his chest. A glare filled his eyes.

  “I’m going to steal him. Do you mind?” Ellie smirked.

  Katie turned back to the glass.

  “Hey, I said something to you.” The taps of heels grew closer. Musk filled her nostrils at the same time well-manicured red nails tapped the bar.

  “I don’t care,” she said.

  “What? That I said something to you?”

  “No, you can have him.” Katie bit down on her straw, and took a long sip, but the cool drink tasted like acid at the moment.

  “Want to dance, Katie?” Keith asked.