Read Privileged Page 3


  Every party must be covered in a thin layer of smoke. Was it just part of the decor? Katie took a small breath, inhaling the scent of cigarettes and folded her hands at her waist. The girls around her chatted about their latest adventures, talking about who they’d slept with as if they were male jocks in a locker room. So much for feminine piety. Katie bent her head to the side. Off in the corner, plastic red cups filled with PJ covered a table. Someone had placed a few condoms on it as a joke. Katie glanced at the clock. Only ten o’clock. Angel had called insisting this party would be better than the last, and she only came because she had spent the whole week hanging out with Angel, studying and watching chick flicks. The girl filled a void college had created in her and she didn’t want to come off as judgmental on how her friend spent her Fridays. Before coming, she had spent time on her knees, praying that God would protect her from the temptation she might face. So far it had worked.

  “Hello, how are you?”

  Katie stiffened, and then relaxed. That didn’t sound like Keith. She turned to the voice and smiled at the young man with deep brown eyes that were animated as his smile stretched across his face.

  “Katie,” Angel said. “This is Allen, a friend of mine.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Katie held out her hand and shook Allen’s. He held it like it was glass, their eyes connecting.

  “How do you like Yale?” He smiled, showing her a perfect row of teeth.

  Katie’s face warmed. “Oh, I go to St. Mary’s, but I….”

  “St. Mary’s - that is an excellent school. How are you liking it?”


  “Keith just walked in,” Angel said. The other girls in the group whispered to each other with deep fascination in their eyes. Everyone must be drawn to Keith.

  “I wonder what he’s up to tonight,” one girl, in a tight, lime green dress said.

  “Seeking another victim.” Angel focused her attention on Katie with a sneer in her eyes.

  Katie bit on her bottom lip. What was that about? Angel acted like she was sending her a warning to stay away, but not for her own good.

  Katie turned in the direction of the girls’ gazes. Keith walked to the cooler with a few beer bottles sticking out, surrounded by ice. The familiar heat spread through her. The dark blue shirt he wore brought out his eyes. His hair was slightly ruffled as if he’d rushed from his home. Keith lifted his eyes and she knew he saw her, but he dropped his gaze and walked away. He must have finally gotten the hint. Those flowers had sat on her desk all week, with the crumpled card next to it. Every second, she wanted to call him, to find out exactly why he sent them. But that was a book better left unopened.

  “I guess he finally gave up,” Angel said. She had lost the sneer, and a lightness entered her eyes.

  “He’s so annoying,” Katie said.

  “You know Keith?” Allen said.

  “Yeah, he sent me flowers, and keeps pursuing me even though I made it clear I wasn’t interested.”

  Allen chuckled and leaned his head back. “He’s a Wilkerson. Wilkersons are too used to getting what they want.”

  Katie crossed her arms across her chest. “Well, he isn’t getting me.”

  Keith glanced in Katie’s direction. She looked so sweet, so simple, in the black knee length skirt, making her look even more innocent compared to the girls in tight dresses she stood with. The whole week he had waited by his phone, but this girl defied his logic and wouldn’t pay attention to him. Briefly, she had glanced at him and briefly he’d thought she would smile, but she’d quickly looked away.

  Keith ran a hand through his hair - the sweat sticking to his fingers. He had rushed from the batting cage when Brandon called saying Katie was at the party. But apparently all he would get to do was watch her from the corner of his eye - relishing her sweetness from afar since she wouldn’t acknowledge him.

  Angel and Katie left the group and walked towards the bathroom, down the long hallway, disappearing. Keith walked to the table and grabbed a beer. Twisting the cap off, he took a long sip, the harsh liquid slipped down his throat. At the end of the hallway, Katie leaned sideways on the wall - her long hair hiding her face as the curls flowed around her shoulder. No he wouldn’t settle for just watching. Time to try a different approach. He set his beer down on a table and made his way to her.

  He stopped behind her and took a long breath. The scent of strawberry floated around her. She even smelled of innocence. He placed a hand on her hip and leaned against the wall. Every part of him urged to scoot up behind her so he could dip his nose into her hair, inhaling its sweet scent, and feel her small form mold against his. But that would send her scurrying away, like a frightened mouse and keep him from achieving his goal. “Hey, pretty thing.”

  “Hello, Keith.” She took a step from him making his hand drop. She turned to face him -- her beautiful eyes steady.

  Keith chuckled. Those eyes held a challenge. “I just wanted to know if you got the flowers I sent you.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, and I donated them to a hospital. I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

  Keith’s smile disappeared. “That was good of you.” What was up with this girl? Perhaps, he couldn’t play by the same rules. “You know, you would find out I’m a pretty nice guy, if you just got to know me. Won’t you let me take you to dinner?”

  Katie took a deep breath. “No.”

  Keith felt his heart drop. No. She had told him no. No girl ever told him no. He took a step closer to her and stared down into her eyes. He could make a girl melt with his. “Why not?”

  She looked to the side as a slight blush covered her cheeks. “I’m just not interested.”

  Yes, she was. He was getting to her. Keith took a step closer. “Tell me and I’ll leave you alone.”

  The blush deepened. “Look, you’re just not my type. I’m not into rich boys.”

  He didn’t believe her. Her eyes looked too uncertain. The challenge had fled from them. There was something else. “That’s some classism you’ve got going on.”

  “It’s how I feel.”

  “Well, Katie Morris, I hope you don’t meet some guy who breaks your heart. I’d hate to see such a spirit crushed.” Keith mockingly bowed and then walked away. Truth be told, he would kill anyone who hurt her. He would have to find some way to get her in his arms. She belonged there.

  Katie leaned her head against the side of the wall again, wishing her cheeks would cool down. She must be blushing. His eyes were too captivating and he had been trying to use them against her. The door opened and Angel walked out, adjusting the glittering top she wore.

  Her friend bent her head to the side. “What’s up with you?”

  Katie placed a hand on her cheek, feeling the heat. “Nothing, it’s just hot in here.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  They walked back to the group. She stopped next to Allen and closed her eyes as she caught a whiff of his lemony-scented cologne. He bent to her ear, making her tremble as he whispered, “let’s go get some coffee.”

  “I don’t know.” Katie bit on her bottom lip as something warm ran through her. “I like to get to know guys before I traipse off with them.”

  He nodded, and took a long sip of his water. “And that I can respect.”

  A smile slipped on her face. Something about this man intrigued her. Could it be because he showed respect to her unlike Keith, who kept pursuing her despite the fact she rebuffed him? Later on she’d have to ask Angel about him and if her friend proved what she hoped, she’d give this guy a chance. Katie turned back to her friend who focused on them, a slight smile on her face like she approved of Allen. It was so good to have a friend to trust.

  Angel brought the mug to her lips and let the sweet scent of chai float around her – the mist warmed her face. Angel pushed a strand of hair out of her face and turned at the knock on the door. Must not be Keith. He thought he owned the place and would just walk in, s
weeping any girl he wanted into his arms. Becca was lucky, he moved onto Katie before he dug into her taking what he wanted. Maybe he did own most of the girls in the house in one fashion or another. “Come in.”

  The door opened and Allen strode in.

  “Hey, Angel,” Allen said as he walked up to her and sat on a bar stool. Did he even sleep last night? He was still in the same boring grey dress shirt that was now wrinkled and untucked. His slacks had grass stains on them.

  Angel looked at the creamy tea on the table, inhaling the cinnamon. A hundred dollar bill flashed in front of her. “What do you want?” She asked.

  “Convince Katie Morris I’m a good guy, so she’ll go out with me.”

  Angel laughed. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because it’ll drive Keith insane.”

  Angel spun around so she could stare into his eyes. “Will you sleep with her and ruin her?”

  “Of course, but why such a sudden hate?” His smile became crooked.

  Angel planted her hands on her knees. “I can’t stand the way Keith fawns over her. Becca told me how they talked at the party. She didn’t even mention it. I bet she’s conniving for him.”

  Allen laughed. “Jealous. Well dear, do your part and I will willingly do mine.”

  She snapped the money from his hand and said, “I’ll tell her you’re a good missionary boy.”

  “Thanks.” Allen patted her on the shoulder and left.

  Angel laughed and clenched her phone. Thank God Allen had noticed Katie. He would get her in bed one way or another. She couldn’t wait to see Katie’s fresh tears pour down her face when Allen walked away, taking her innocence with him. Angel punched in Katie’s number and waited for her to answer.

  “Hey,” she answered.

  “You made an impression on Allen last night.”

  “I did?”

  Angel rolled her eyes. She could push this girl wherever she wanted. Finally, she had some advantage over Keith. “He’s a cool guy. I hope you don’t mind, but I gave him your number.”

  “You think he’s a cool guy?”

  “I know he is. Allen and I are good friends. You should go out with him when he calls.”

  The end was silent for a second. “Okay.” There was a slight hesitation in her voice.

  She planted her hand on the table in front of her. “Look. I know you’re worried. Allen’s got morals. He stopped by to see me after church. So don’t worry. He won’t hurt you.”

  Katie chuckled. “Friend, you are really starting to be able to read me.”

  Angel shook her head. “You have no idea.” This was going to be too fun to watch.

  Katie stopped typing and closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of the tea-tree candle burning in the corner. Focus. Stay focused. She looked at the clock. The day was drifting from her. It was already 7 p.m., and she had hours of writing ahead of her in order to get her next English assignment written, but her mind kept slipping to Angel’s phone call. Her friend had proven what she’d hoped about Allen’s character. Was there a possibility a relationship could develop between them? Last night, he had seemed so interested in her, slipping with her to a couch in the corner and listening to her latest story ideas. Not once had he even tried to touch her. Unlike Keith who had no problems touching her hair or hips as if it was just a matter of time before she was his. A sigh escaped her as a heat spread through her. Why couldn’t Keith have Allen’s character? Then the dreams she’d last night of him and her lost in love could mesh with the reality, she faced when she woke up.

  Katie’s phone rang, breaking her thoughts. She picked it up and glanced at the unfamiliar number. It might be Keith. Katie set the phone down. Now what was it she was about to write? Her fingers dangled over the keys. It had something to do with.... The phone stopped ringing. Katie picked it up and listened to the message that was left. She smiled. Allen wanted to take her to dinner to a nice pizza restaurant downtown. Dinner would be special. She hugged the phone. Her first date. What should she wear?

  She pulled up his number and returned the call. She couldn’t wait to hear his voice.

  “Must have just missed you,” he answered.

  “Yeah.” She felt like giggling, but she contained them.

  “Well, I’m glad you called back because I would love to take you for some pizza.”

  “Sounds yummy.”


  Katie ran her fingers through her hair, trying to make every curl behave, a giggle escaping her lips. All week Allen had been taking her out to dinner, showing her a great time as if there was nothing else he would rather do. He didn’t seem like the typical stereotype of a young man with money. He was kind, and had plans of serving in the Peace Corps. She hugged herself. What would it be like to be in Allen’s arms? She closed her eyes, and stiffened. It wasn’t Allen, she saw, but Keith.

  She sighed. Why was she thinking of him? Because he was so dreadfully handsome; more handsome than Allen with his dark-blue eyes and dark hair. The guy invaded her thoughts. But it was just his looks. There was nothing appealing about his character. He fit every stereotype that Allen broke.

  She sat on her bed, pushing her feet out in front of her, looking at the clock. It was 7:30 p.m. Time to go meet Allen downstairs. She pushed herself from the bed and flung the strap of her black purse over her shoulder. If she just concentrated on Allen’s character, Keith would slip from her mind.

  Katie looked around at the people at the party dancing in the middle of the living room or congregating in small groups while holding red plastic cups probably filled with beer. By now the faces were becoming familiar, and a couple girls came up and talked to her, taking her hands and complimenting the floral skirt she wore. Thankfully, Keith wasn’t amongst the small crowd. Maybe they wouldn’t be here long. She hadn’t really wanted to come, but Allen had insisted after dinner. Every muscle in her body yearned to shut down. She had been studying a lot and longed to take a shower and slip under her warm sheets. She took Allen’s hand. “I’m going to sit down for a second,” she said.

  A smirk slipped on Allen’s face before he walked away. What was that look for? Katie sat on a couch, crossing her arms. He looked odd as if he had a different mind. She must be just seeing things. Allen came over to her and leaned on the couch - his eyes clear, full of a sweetness. Yup, she was seeing things.

  “Are you thirsty?” he asked.

  “Can I have a Coke?”

  He nodded and turned towards the drinks, stopping to talk to a group of men. He was in no hurry to help her. The Coke would keep her up, but hopefully not too late, she needed to finish a paper tomorrow. Katie leaned her head back and closed her eyes, letting her muscles shut down.

  Something smooth slid across her cheek. She turned her head to the right as a form passed behind her. She turned her head to the left. Keith walked towards a cooler of beer and grabbed one - his black hair slicked back as if he just took a shower. Katie shook her foot back and forth as heat seared where he’d touched her. He wouldn’t give up. Keith walked up to the group of young men - the seductive smile plastered on his face. Her body warmed just looking at him. If he was a decent fellow, she would fall for him in an instant since her body had no problem responding to his slightest touch.

  She smiled as Allen made his way back towards her with her drink, but he stopped right next to Keith and started talking to him. Why was he talking to Keith? He said he didn’t like him. Apparently, Keith could get all his enemies to befriend him. She shook her head again. How long were they going to be here?

  Keith crossed his arms over his chest. He heard this conversation every time he went to a party. Everyone had an opinion on what Arther should do in regards to Syria. He always kept his mouth shut and let them spout off, acting as if they actually knew what they talked about, trying to impress him.

  “Talking about your godfather again,” Allen said, stopping next to him.

  “Yeah.” Keith looked over everyone’s head, scanning the girls
in tight dresses. Allen was worse than the rest, always challenging him as if they were in competition. There was no competition as far as he was concerned.

  Allen dropped a pill into a cup, and swished the liquid around, dissolving the pill. A smirk crossed Keith’s face. Allen always had to drug the girls to get laid. If his father wasn’t so rich, that kid would have been behind bars years ago.

  Allen held up the cup to the group. “Time to open the iron curtain.”

  Keith chuckled as Allen walked away. He was such a fool who was going to get burned one of these days. Maybe it would be soon.

  Keith ran a thumb across his chin, wiping away the cool moisture the beer left - images of Katie flickering through his mind. He should try talking to her again. She looked so pretty tonight in her little white top and lavender tulip-covered skirt. He rubbed his fingers together recalling the silkiness of her hair.

  “Hey Keith,” Brandon said interrupting his thoughts and pointing behind him. Keith turned around. Allen sat next to Katie with his hand in her hair. His body stiffened as a heat grew in him. Allen was messing with the wrong girl. And the little fool just drank him in with those big bright eyes, looking at Allen as if he was some kind of god. Well, he’d let her take a couple more sips and she’d see.

  Keith could feel everyone’s stares on his back. They were probably wondering what he was going to do. Everyone but Allen knew he had claimed the girl. Katie took one more long sip, holding the cup on top of her lap. Her red lips glistened as she laughed at something Allen said.

  Katie lifted the cup to her lips. Keith rushed to her and slapped the plastic cup out of her hand, sending it flying across the room and spilling the brown liquid on the floor.

  The color left Katie’s face as her mouth dropped open. She’d thank him later.