Read Privileged Page 9

“She’s drunk.” He laughed.

  “I’ve got some pjs she can wear.”

  It only took a few moments to change into the white silk tank top and red shorts that barely covered her bottom. Katie steadied herself with the dresser as she glanced at a mirror. The shorts made her legs look longer. Now Keith would find her more attractive than Ashley.

  She walked out of the room and stopped, bending her head to the side, and playing with the low neckline of her shirt. Keith’s eyes widened as he scanned every inch of her. Maybe now she had that allure. She licked her lips, a trick she had seen Angel use.

  Keith held out his hands. “Get over here before I go crazy.”

  Success. Katie ran to him, and threw herself in his arms. “Do I look sexy now?” she asked.

  “You have no idea.” He moved her body to his as a new song started; his hands slipping in the back of her shirt reaching to her shoulders as he caressed her back. Strong tingles filled her as every part of her warmed. There was something soothing about his fingers touching her skin. Keith’s lips trailed to her neck. His lips reached her ear as he nibbled, making a giggle escape from her. She loosened her grip on his shoulders and the world shifted. Her feet slipped from her, as she plopped on her bottom. She busted out laughing. “Ashley, I think I need another Apple thing.”

  Keith shook his head and grabbed her under her arms, bringing her to her feet. “I think you’ve had enough.”

  Katie ran a finger down Keith’s chest. “Please, Keith,” she said, pushing out her bottom lip.

  Keith squeezed her shirt. “One more and that’s it.”

  Katie turned and fell forward, but Keith caught her and sat on the floor, pulling her onto his lap. She slouched back against his body as he caressed her upper thigh. Why didn’t she mind where his hand was? She only cared it was there. The ceiling rotated, and the room tilted.

  Ashley and Amanda sat on the floor, holding hands. Amanda must have been the girlfriend.

  “It didn’t take much,” Keith said.

  Ashley handed Katie an opened Smirnoff. “Well, she can’t weigh much.”

  Katie took a sip of the drink, letting the smooth liquid bite at her tongue. Ashley and Amanda were so pretty, like models. No wonder Ashley had caught Keith’s eye. “You’re pretty.”

  “Did Keith ever tell you our mother was a model?” Amanda asked.

  Katie just giggled. He hadn’t told her anything about his family. All she knew was, he had a sister.

  “Okay, you’ve had enough,” Keith said. He snatched the Smirnoff from her hand. “I don’t want you to get sick.” His hand returned to her thigh and he squeezed it, sending strange tremors through her.

  Katie lay down and rested her head on his upper thigh as his hand slipped into her shorts. Ashley crawled over to her and whispered, “go to sleep, Katie.”

  “Okay.” Katie giggled, closing her eyes. She would open them in a second.

  The girls giggled talking about some party they had recently been to. Keith flicked Katie’s shoulder. She didn’t move. He caressed her leg, slipping his hand back in her shorts. Did she realize how silky her skin felt? If he could only touch her more. His hand trailed farther up. Just a little bit. Nothing that would catch Ashley’s attention. He removed his hand from her. Later. He had other issues to attend to first.

  “She’s out.” He looked back at the girls. “So, Amanda, who sent you up here, Father or Arther?”

  Amanda brought her knees to her chest. “Both.”

  He bent his head to the side, his right top lip snarling upwards. “Why?”

  “I think they’re just a little worried.”

  “About what?” Keith looked down at Katie. She hadn’t stirred.

  “Don’t get mad.” Amanda reached for his hand, but he pulled it away. “It’s just you act so different with her.”

  Keith shook his head. “Sullivan?”

  “As far as we know, they haven’t asked him to do anything,” Amanda said.

  “Good. I don’t want him spying on her.” He paused for a second and trailed every inch of Katie’s smooth face with his eyes. “It’s bad enough he spies on me.”

  “Don’t,” Amanda said.

  Keith tapped his fingers on the floor.

  “Maybe you should stop being Arther’s favorite,” Ashley said.

  “Not my idea.”

  “Where’s this going?” Amanda said.

  Keith brushed a lock of Katie’s hair out of her face. It was going somewhere, but he didn’t know where. He had too many conflicting interests. But she could fit in. There was nothing about her that could keep him from being a senator. “I love her.”

  “But where’s it going?” Amanda asked again.

  He rubbed a tendril of hair in between his fingers, relishing the silkiness of it. “I don’t know. I just really want to be with her.”

  Amanda and Ashley both looked at each other with wide eyes, shaking their heads. They both probably thought he was crazy. He could just imagine the conversations Arther and his father were having right now about the girl who rested in his lap. But he didn’t care. He wanted her more than anything those two planned.

  “How much does she know about you?” Amanda said, breaking into his thoughts.

  “She knows Arther and our father are close.”

  Amanda tilted her head to the side. “Does she know you’ve to call Sullivan every time you leave the city? Does she know that he’ll just show up and watch you and you won’t even know he’s there?” Amanda leaned towards him, a sharpness in her eyes. “Does she know our father is going to buy you a seat in congress someday?”

  “You know I can’t tell her that yet,” Keith said. “Father would kill me.”

  “You’re not a normal guy.”

  “She knows that. And I’ll tell her the rest when it’s time.”

  “Okay,” Amanda replied, shaking her head. “I hope she doesn’t freak out.”

  “She’s a smart girl.” He paused for a second before he said, “I’m tired.” He took Katie by the arms and pulled her up to his chest. “You two sleep in my room, and I’ll put her on the couch.”

  The girls went to his bedroom, closing the door. He lay Katie down on the couch, watching the smooth rise and fall of her chest. She was deep in sleep. Her lips puckered slightly and very enticingly. This girl had no idea how crazy she could make a man. He kissed her lips, letting the kiss deepen more than she’d ever allowed, his hands exploring to where they had always wanted to go. His breath became short and he pulled from her. Better not go too far or he would never be able to stop. He stood. She would give in soon. He was already breaking her down.

  Katie wrapped her arms tighter around Keith. The girls had left an hour ago and now they cuddled on the couch, watching a football game. Now she could relax. Since Ashley was nowhere around, she didn’t have to worry about them slipping back into each other’s arms. Katie buried her head into Keith’s shoulder, smelling the fresh scent of his shirt. She loved being in his arms. His right hand began stroking her side, a now familiar touch.

  She tried to focus on the game, but her thoughts slipped back to Ashley. Why did his sister and she really come down? To check her out. Keith’s fingers began to stray up her side, making her tense. She clenched the side of his shirt. His fingers reached to where she didn’t want them and began exploring. She should tell him to stop, but she couldn’t. What if he got upset and went back to Ashley, a girl who would give him all? A lump formed in her throat as his other hand caressed her leg. She would just let him touch her. There was nothing wrong with that. A warning from her youth pastor entered her thoughts. She pushed it away and concentrated on the feel of Keith’s warm breath as his lips caressed her neck. A tingling sensation spread through her. Just a little and nothing else.


  Katie pulled her book bag strap over her shoulder as she passed by the general ed. building at St. Mary. She had two more classes and then she would call Keith. They had no plans for tonight,
just watching a movie and cuddling. Laughter floated to her.

  “There’s Keith’s new slut.”

  She stopped and turned. Becca leaned against the wall surrounded by a few other girls. All wore the same sorority shirt, a white V-neck with pink Greek letters ironed on.

  Katie shook her head and reached for the door handle. Her hand stilled.

  “Of course, she keeps insisting she hasn’t slept with him yet.”

  Tears swelled in Katie’s eyes. She pushed back her shoulders and turned to look at the girls. “I see Angel’s jealousy has spread to you.”

  “Jealousy.” Becca twirled a blonde ringlet around her finger. “More like gratitude.”

  Becca turned and headed in the opposite direction. She stopped and looked over her shoulder, focusing on Katie. “I bet you’ll be his pick for one more week.” She laughed, shaking her head.

  “I want to be next. I’ve heard about his moves,” another girl said as she locked arms with Becca and strolled away.

  Katie wiped away the tear that rushed down her face. He wasn’t going to leave her. He loved her. Told her that. She again wiped at the tears pouring down her face. They had called her a slut. That they couldn’t wait until he dumped her. Well, she would make sure he wouldn’t. She would do anything to make sure Keith was completely satisfied with her. Katie reached for her phone and pulled up Keith’s number.

  The stuff burned through his nose. The blood would flow soon. Keith leaned his head back, and let out a slow low breath while Alley ran a hand over his arm. She must be waiting for him to pass the plate. Brandon had said she only wanted the drugs since she had a constant need to get high. The blonde laughed saying some crude joke, while she wrapped her legs around Brandon.

  His phone rang. Could that be Katie? Nah, it was too early. She had two more classes before their Friday could begin. Maybe tonight he could finally get that shirt off. She had already started letting his hands roam all over her upper body so he could relish the silkiness of her skin. He closed his eyes, feeling the jitters dissipate.

  Brandon put the phone to Keith’s ear. “It’s Katie.”

  “Hey babe,” he whispered.

  “I’m on my way to your place. I need to talk to you.”

  “You are?” he pushed out. What was she doing skipping class? He glanced around at all the evidence that would make Katie never speak to him again.

  “Yeah, I hate Angel,” she shouted into his ear.

  “Okay. Give me ten. I need to clean the place up.”

  Brandon closed the phone.

  “Take everything to your bedroom. I don’t want Katie to see it.”

  “What about her?” Brandon pointed to Alley.

  “What do I care?”

  Brandon laughed and said, “more for me.” He held out his hand to the brunette. The girls picked up the glass plate and the supplies and followed Brandon up the curvy stairs to the bedroom.

  Well, she got what she wanted. “Be quiet,” Keith shouted at them before they closed the door.

  He pulled himself to the couch and focused on the oak door in front of him. Would she notice that he was on something, but then again he hadn’t taken too much. Besides, she probably had no clue what drugs could do to a person.

  A few moments later, someone knocked on the door. He stood and opened the door, letting Katie swoop in. She flung herself in his arms as he glided his hands into her hair. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying. He ran a thumb over her cheek, feeling the dampness.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” he asked.

  “Becca called me a slut.”

  He pulled her into a firm embrace, burying his face into her hair. The smell of her strawberry shampoo floated around him. “Those girls are shallow. Don’t let them depress you.”

  “I know, it’s just I wish I had a girlfriend here.”

  “You’ve got me,” he said.

  A smile stretched across her face as her eyes brightened; her pink lips glistened from the strawberry lip gloss. He licked his lips. Man, did he love the taste of it. Keith leaned down to kiss her, but pulled back as a warm sensation flooded through his nose.

  “Man.” He turned for the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong?”

  The sound of Katie’s heels clicking on the bare floor followed him. Keith turned the faucet on and hung his head over the sink as the blood dripped, coloring the white porcelain.

  “I get a lot of bloody noses.”

  Behind him metal clanked together. His shirt was yanked back, and something cold was pressed onto his back, making him flinch. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “The blood will stop in a second. Just keep your head over the sink.”

  Keith swallowed as the taste of metal filled the back of his throat. The dark red drips slowed and then tapered completely off. Keith splashed cold water against his face, letting it wipe away the red stain that had trailed down his lips. A soft black towel crossed over his face, as five small fingers circled his arm. Someday this girl would make a loving mother.

  “What did you do?”

  Katie removed her hands from Keith’s shirt and held up some keys. “I don’t know why, but if you put metal on the small of your back it stops nose bleeds.”

  “Ah,” he said as a smile crossed his face. “That’s some conjure woman trick.”

  “Just science.” She placed the keys back in her pocket. “My mama always did it when I got bloody noses. If you ever meet her, you’ll see she believes in so many natural remedies.”

  “I’ll meet her someday.”

  Katie’s eyes lit up and a full smile crossed her face. Keith took Katie’s hands and pulled her close to him right before kissing her forehead. “Want to get some lunch?”

  “No, I kind of feel like being held. Just to be reminded that there is actually someone up here who cares about me.”

  He took her hand and brought it to his chest caressing her fingers. “We could go lie down in my room.”

  She nodded, looking off to the side.

  His mouth dropped open. She had actually said yes, but then again he was breaking her down. Soon she would break completely. He led her to his room and shut the door, locking it.

  Katie’s eyes steadied on the bed -- her hands gripped the sides of her dress. He caressed her back. “You’ll feel better in a little bit. Just rest in my arms.”

  She kicked off her shoes, and lay down, resting her head in one of his pillows. Her creamy skin contrasted with the black sheets, making her look like a jewel being displayed. His jewel. Completely untouched by men.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You look really pretty.”

  “Well, get over here.”

  Keith lay down behind her, scooting as close to her as he could. Her small body curved into his as she bent her knees. He leaned his cheek on hers and placed his hand on her side. It had been five weeks since he had been with a woman, and every inch of his body grew tense and excited. He ran his fingers up her side, lifting her shirt as goose bumps rippled over her skin.

  “I’m glad I can trust you,” she said.

  Keith pulled her close and let out a slow breath.

  “I hate it here,” she said.

  “What can I do to make you happier?”

  She rolled over and placed her hands on his chest, caressing his shirt. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. She had no idea how one little touch could make a man want more. So innocent. So ready. He kissed her lips, pulling her close to his body. He tried to roll her on her back, but she moved her face and wrapped her arms around him.

  “I’m so miserable up here,” she said. Keith kissed a couple tears as they fell down her cheeks. “You’re so good to me.”

  “It’s because I really love you.”

  “You don’t mind not being able to sleep with me?”

  He looked into her watery blue eyes. “I just like being with you.”

  “When you say things like that, I know you’
re not the guy Angel says you are.”

  Keith brushed a strand of her hair from her cheek. He bent down low over her face and said, “tell me how to make you happy.”

  Katie pouted her lip out a little. If he could just see into her mind and find out what she wasn’t telling him.

  “Tell me Katie, what you want and I’ll do it.”

  “Take me to a good bookstore.”

  “Okay, let’s go,” he said, his voice had an edge to it, but hopefully she didn’t notice.

  Katie walked into the bookstore holding Keith’s hand and glanced at the rows of books filling the oak bookshelves that reached to the ceiling. She had always wanted a large library and that thought didn’t seem so far off now. The scent of cocoa mixed with espresso floated in the air. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, soaking in the scent of cinnamon. Her library would have to have an espresso machine.

  “Get whatever you want,” Keith said.

  She walked up to a bookshelf, and ran her hand on the back of the books. Her fingers stopped on the dark red spine of Gone With the Wind. She pulled it from the shelf. “This is my favorite book.”

  Keith took it from her and looked down at the cover.

  “Have you read it?” she asked.

  “No, but I will.”

  She chuckled. Keith never read fiction, but always books on politics, history and world events. Katie bent her head to the side. She knew so much about him despite the short time she had been dating him. That must be a good sign.

  They walked around the store, and each time Katie picked up a book, Keith added it to the stack in his hands. She kept waiting for him to protest even though she knew he wouldn’t. Keith would spend anything on her. When she had scanned the whole store, and Keith had at least eight books in his hands, she sat on a bench in front of the magazine section. Keith sat by her side and looked at the covers of several books. She picked up a Glamour magazine and flipped through it, stopping when she found a picture of a girl with limbs like twigs. The model looked so gaudy with the gold painted all over her body – her eyes held a vague look as though she was already dead. “These girls are so thin.”

  Keith leaned over and looked at the magazine.

  “Girls die to look this beautiful,” she said.