Read Project ELE Page 15

CHAPTER 10 (Eighty-six days inside.)

  As usual school’s a bore. For the next few days all I can think about is finding where that storm drain thing leads. We've been talking about it every chance we get. Alec has set our next day off together on Saturday, which is tomorrow. I know I’m going to have a hard time sleeping tonight!

  I lie in my bed going over the maps in my head. It’s hard to think about the maps when Alec’s perfect face keeps flooding my thoughts. I keep trying to figure out what we are. Are we together? Boyfriend, girlfriend? I’m too afraid to ask such a silly question so I figure I’ll just let it ride, hoping he brings it up in conversation.

  I eventually fall asleep sometime after two a.m. I hear my dad come in sometime in the night but I'm too tired to greet him. I feel so awful for how much they’re working him.

  My tablet wakes me up at six a.m. the following morning. There’s a new group message to us from Alec. Meet me by the lower elevators in twenty minutes, is all it says.

  I wipe the sleep from my eyes and drag myself into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, put on my blue scrubs and pull my hair back in a ponytail. I grab my tablet and slip out of the door. No need to wake my dad who will have to get up in a half hour anyway.

  The hall lights are still dimmed; apparently they conserve electricity in the night hours this way. They’ll come on full force at seven.

  I run into Claire on the elevator down. “So, you and Connor, huh?” I ask jabbing her lightly in the ribs. I've noticed their looks during class and even caught them holding hands one time. They don't say anything about it so I figured, now is as good a time as any to ask her.

  A blush spreads over her pale face as she looks down at her shoes.

  “Hey, it’s all good,” I say trying to reassure her. “Connor’s a really nice guy.”

  She finally smiles and looks up at me. “Yeah, he really is. I think I might be falling for him, but it scares me. Everyone I’ve ever loved in this world has either left me or died. I feel like my heart is too far out there right now…like maybe I should pull back.” She takes a second. “Oh, Willow, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so depressing this morning!” She has a pleading look on her face.

  I put my hand softly on her shoulder. Sometimes I forget how alone Claire is. She finally told me a little more about her parents when I was in the hospital. Her mom had died from the virus and her dad went into a heavy state of depression. He had to give her up because he couldn't properly care for her. She often thought that a part of his depression had to do with how much Claire had resembled her mother.

  “Claire, look at me.” She does. “Connor’s not that type of guy, okay. He's not going to leave. And you can be assured that I’m not going to leave you either! You’re my best friend.” I have never said that to Claire before, but it’s true.

  A sparkle gleams in her eyes. “You mean, I have a bestie now? I've never been able to use that word and 'I have' in the same sentence before.”

  I laugh at her use of the word bestie. The elevator dings and Claire takes me in a crushing hug. I hug her back as the elevator doors open.

  Connor and Alec stare with mouths dropped open. “That’s hot,” says Connor and apparently Alec agrees, nodding his head.

  “Oh, shut up!” I say playfully. Claire and I get out of the elevator.

  “So,” Connor says while rubbing his hands. “What’s the plan?”

  Alec grabs his satchel and opens it up. We all peer inside and see flashlights, power bars, and an assortment of other things I guess we might find useful, and a pack of gum. Way to plan ahead Alec, I think. “I have the supplies we’ll need for the day. Now, we just need to take care of our tablets.” Alec hands us each a small roll of duct tape. “Okay, let’s get rid of these and meet back here in ten.”

  I take my duct tape and set off to find a maid cart.