Read Project ELE Page 22

CHAPTER 15 (Ninety-five days inside.)

  The next morning, as I'm getting ready for school, I notice my eye is looking increasingly more bizarre. The one eye is still a solid, plain old brown. The other eye is a kaleidoscope of brown interlaced with red, navy and two different shades of green. One of the shades looks remarkably like Zack's hazel eyes. Looking closer in the mirror there is a new color appearing next to the blue swirls. The color is so unique I can't put a name to it. What in the world? I run my hands over my eyes in frustration. It is becoming painstakingly obvious that my eye is a swirl of colors. I'm going to have to think of some other way of hiding this because my bangs are not covering it well enough. I grab my stuff and head out for the grueling two hours of school that lay ahead.

  As I'm walking into the classroom I immediately spot Claire waving her hands at me trying to get my attention. "Willow, over here." She calls out as if she's really that far away.

  I walk over to her and squat next to her desk. "Hey Claire, what's up?"

  She looks at me and points to her left eye. Oh no, I think to myself. I study her eyes and lo and behold there is a purple swirl lining her icy blue eye. It's not overly obvious...yet. I purse my lips not sure of what to say.

  "What does it mean?" She asks me.

  I shrug my shoulders having no idea what's going on.

  "Places everyone, we need to start on time today. Lots to cover." "OH, HOW MY JOB SUCKS." I smile to myself, glad that Ms. Thomas is just as thrilled as we are to be here.

  "We'll talk later," I say to Claire squeezing her shoulder.

  I find myself getting so bored that I let my mental guard down hoping for some form of entertainment. I hone into the teacher first and listen. I become bored all too soon. All she's thinking about is pharmaceuticals and how they tie in to today's lesson. I look around the room at the other nameless faces. I sense love is in the air as I listen to their thoughts. I scold myself for invading their privacy.

  My eyes land back on Claire who is punching something in her tablet, probably to Connor. Then I see it. My heart practically leaps out of my chest. How else can I describe this but to say Claire's arms have completely disappeared! I run my hands over my eyes and refocus on her again. No, I am seeing clearly! She looks like someone cut her arms off! It's like a bad magicians trick or like that game toddlers play when they run out of the room with their arms tucked in their shirts trying to scare their friends. Quickly, I grab the sweater I take with me on a daily basis since I get cold sometimes, and throw it at her.

  Startled, she turns to me and mouths, "What the hell?" While putting what I'm guessing are her hands up in exasperation. I stare at the sweater and her pencil, which seem to be floating in mid air. All of the color drains out of her face as she realizes her arms are gone. Well, not really gone since she's still able to hold stuff, they are just invisible...or something!

  I motion for her to put the sweater on. She just furrows her brows at me in shock. I keep motioning, hoping she will take the hint.

  "Willow!" Ms. Thomas shouts my name. I whip my head around to find her coming towards me. She stares me straight in the eyes.

  "Please turn around, please turn around..." I whisper over and over again under my breath so quietly, hoping that nobody notices.

  She stops abruptly, looks utterly confused and turns back around. She goes back to the board and begins teaching again, right where she left off.

  My mouth drops open in utter shock. I snap out of it when I hear Claire, "Psst."

  I turn to look at her. Her face has turned an ashen shade of white. She put my sweater on and since it's longer than usual she's able to wrap the cuff over her 'would be hands'. I stare at her in awe. Her arms are still in fact there but we just couldn't see them. How is that even possible?