Read Project Earth I: Origin Page 4

  Chapter 10

  Live Communication

  I get up early the next day and drive to the nearest Radio Shack, fifty miles away from home, where I find the Motorola PRO 126 transmitter radio, just like Jon said. After shopping for groceries and some household items, I head back home.

  We plug in the radio, get the battery fully charged and set it to the channel with the highest frequency. I push the “TALK” button, say “Hello!” and wait a few seconds. As there is no immediate response, I repeat this a few more times and finally we hear some noise and a voice, “This is Jon. How are you Lee?” A very interesting voice, nothing like those you hear when watching a movie with aliens or “ETs”, he sounds almost like a human.

  “I am good Jon. How are you and Leo doing today?”

  “We are doing well. Please let me finish a communication I started with our Base. I will be back in two minutes.”

  “Sure Jon! No problem. Take your time.”

  I turn to Gina and ask her, “Did you hear that Gina? They still have communication with their planet or Base.”

  “I know,” says Gina, “their communication system must be so powerful!”

  “And that’s a relief, because then their people know they are still alive and they can help them make it back home someday. I have no doubt their communication system is really good. I mean, they tap into satellites to get on the internet! Lord knows what else they can do.”

  “We should have made a list of questions,” says Gina, showing how organized she is.

  “We want to know so many things, but I am sure we’ll get many questions answered just by talking to them. And more questions will arise, too.” I tell her.

  Jon comes back on the radio. “Hi again! Do you hear me well?”

  “Yes. We hear you Jon.”

  “Do you understand my voice?”

  “We do. Very clear.”

  “Here is Leo too,” says Jon.

  “Hi there!” says Leo, “I have not practiced as much English as Jon. Very sorry if I trouble you understand my talking.”

  “No problem, Leo. We understand you very well,” Gina says.

  Jon takes over the radio. “So, I was just talking to the Base and they want me to thank you for your help. I told them you are wonderful beings and want to help us out. They also said that they may be able to reactivate the mission we were originally sent here to do.”

  “Well, we would love to help, but I don’t know your…um, people…” I stop talking due to my uncertainty about calling them “people”. “Can we call you people or is there a better term, like beings or...what should we call you?”

  “People is fine. It is also okay if you call us ‘guys’. We are all beings—in the end; we just wear different bodies, so to speak,” Jon responds.

  “Wow! That’s an interesting concept,” says Gina. “But we think you are more intelligent, more developed, and have more capabilities than us.”

  “We all have the same capabilities guys!” Jon says. “And I mean you as well. At least we all did when we first came into existence. The problem has been, after every lifetime we go through, we…we sort of deteriorate a little bit. Except that some of us have managed not to lose many of our native capabilities.”

  “But what are those capabilities?” I ask. “Is it like being able to float up in the air, fly, or throw laser beams at others?”

  Jon laughs. “You guys spend too much time watching TV here on Earth. I don’t mean to offend you, but I know a lot of people waste so much time in front of a TV or the internet. I am going to tell you a little bit about our capabilities and then we will go back to our earlier subject. Our main capabilities have to do with communication!

  “Did he say communication?” Gina asks.

  “That’s what I heard,” I reply.

  “You heard right, and we could talk about the subject of communication for days. We call it ‘The Universal Solvent’. There is no secret about this ability. The main concept is, ‘as long as you can communicate, you can handle and control things in life’. As an example: our mission failed because of a lack of communication. And getting shot down can be traced back to a failure in communication.”

  “How could that be?” I ask, “You were attacked without warning!”

  “My ship, even though the radar was not active, had recorded some activity ten seconds before we were hit. That was enough time to activate the shield system and get away. But we neglected the message from the ship.”

  “Why?” Gina asks.

  “We were distracted; looking at the scenery and what not. The other guys were new on this type of mission and still learning. Nothing would have happened if we all had our ships under ‘Protected Mode’, which makes the ship ‘invisible’. But we were not shielded, not invisible, nothing.”

  “So, you could have avoided the wreck by telling them you were in a hot spot?”

  “Yes, I could have told them to protect themselves and blast off, and nothing would have happened.”

  “What a pity! So they all died?” Gina asks.

  “Well, their bodies were killed—of course; they reported back to the Base.”

  “What do you mean by ‘reported back to the Base’?”

  “We don’t really die,” he says. “I mean, our bodies can die, but we, as beings, go back to the Base and get another body—so to speak. I know you are probably wondering how, since it is not common here on Earth. I will try to explain it to you. Just think of it as if you had an invisible string attached to you and your home, so no matter where you go, you can always find your way home. We are, in a way, always connected to our Base and we can choose to go back, if we lose our bodies. That’s the main reason we stay aware of our existence, our past lives and what not. And that’s the main reason we don’t ‘deteriorate’ as beings. I understand if what I am saying is not real to you. This could all be above your head, your religious principals and beliefs. That’s fine.”

  Gina and I look at each other completely surprised. “I believe what he is saying,” I say to Gina. “I always thought we weren’t just bodies, but spiritual beings with many capabilities. I understand what he is talking about.”

  “I can very well understand it, too,” says Gina. “It just doesn’t make sense with some religious principles taught here on Earth. But hey, there are many things here on Earth that don’t make sense anyway. This makes more sense than anything I have heard before.” I nod.

  “We understand, Jon,” I say to him, “That answers some questions we had and it also brings more questions to mind. I’m sure we will have more time to talk about it in the future. Now we can go back to the earlier subject you mentioned; communication.

  “Right! Communication!” says Jon. “And I want to let you know, we do move in space, float in the air, and move things without touching them. But, once again, it all has to do with communicating. Just like when we first met. We communicated without speaking. Right?”

  “Yes! That’s right. What is the secret? I did not know I could do that.”

  “There are many things you don’t know that you are able to do. The main ingredient is called ‘intention’. There is no secret. We simply communicated with intention when we first met. I had strong thoughts and got them through to you as a being. You did the same with me, because we both wanted to communicate.”

  “Interesting Jon,” I say.

  “Yes, interesting, but simple. Now, let’s talk more about our mission, shall we?”

  “Okay, so you started to tell us that there is a chance of reactivating your original mission?” Gina asks.

  “Yes,” says Jon, “and it would be a long term project. It has many steps, but we want to get it going before this planet gets messed-up beyond help again.”

  “Wait a minute! Hold your horses Jon!” I interrupt him to ask, “Earlier you said that you were on a mission that had to do with establishing peace in this sector of the Milky Way. And now you say the plan is to stop this planet from g
etting messed-up…again? When was it messed up before?”

  “Okay, sorry if I confused you. It is all true. I told you about our original mission, but it has changed some. Before we establish peace on an interplanetary and intergalactic level, we must help you establish peace and fix things on your planet. We have had plenty of time down here to find out that there is a lot of work to be done. This planet is deteriorating at a great speed. Just like it deteriorated 9050 years ago, 55320 years ago and a few other times before that. It is heading in the same direction, again.”

  Gina and I look at each other, not questioning what Jon is saying, but wondering how he knows all of this, and also becoming aware of the fact that it is not the first time that Earth is in bad shape.

  “How do you know all this?” Gina asks.

  “We keep a record at the Base. We monitor all the major activities in our galaxy and even other neighboring galaxies. We did not have a detailed record of what has been going on here for the past 300 years. But like I said, after being here for some time we have had the chance to investigate and discover the current picture.”

  “Okay, so what are the things that need fixing?” I inquire, “I am sure war is one of them.”

  “Well, yes and no. War and weapons are just indicators of things having gotten out of control a long time ago. War is in fact the result of bad communication, no responsibility, and poorly educated people…”

  “I don’t get it.” I tell him, not letting him finish his sentence. “People that decide about going to war, and that kind of stuff are supposed to be well educated people, with many years of study, and in high positions of power…”

  He interrupts me, “Lee, it doesn’t require a lot of study to say, ‘let’s go to war’, especially when those who decide about it don’t have to go and fight. It actually shows a lot of irresponsibility to decide to fight and kill your fellow men. Don’t you think? It is actually pure cowardice”, says Jon, his voice rising. “That’s what I mean by poorly educated people. If people with power, well-educated by scholarly standards, really want to solve problems, they would communicate. That’s why we call communication ‘the universal solvent’. We want to make you aware of other important things that are going on here on Earth and bring about a better communication and understanding, and thereby solving the problem of war, among other things.”

  “Now I am getting to understand things better,” I say to him.

  Chapter 11

  Cruel Facts About Society

  “What are the other things you want to make us aware of?” Gina asks.

  “After a lot of research, we found that we have to tackle the subject of drugs.”

  “Hmm…drugs.” I voice. “So...first communication and then drugs?”

  “Yes!” he asserts. “We use good communication to make people aware of things. We apply that subject right away, you see? Just like we are doing right now.”

  “I get it. So we have to make them aware of the effects of drugs and what not. I have heard of so many drugs out on the streets—It’s crazy!” I voice

  “Well, the drugs we refer to are not only out there on the streets, it is worse than that!” says Leo.

  “Pharmaceuticals, too, correct?” Gina asks.

  “That’s right Gina. There are all kinds of drug campaigns out there. All designed to pin down human beings and thus make them more controllable. We can go over this subject in detail later, but I wanted to mention these things to you so we can think in the same direction and then we can decide what to do about it.”

  “I did not know it was that bad. Now I can see why you guys are so concerned about our current affairs. I am finally seeing the whole picture here. I don’t know what we need to do, but we are willing to help stop this—right Gina?”

  “For sure! I’m with you on this Lee.” says Gina in full agreement.

  “Like I mentioned before,” says Jon, “we have a plan and we just completed two steps of that plan.”

  “Cool, we are progressing fast!” I say. “What steps have been completed?”

  “Number one: Made you aware of what’s going on here on Earth, and number two: Got your agreement to help us.”

  “Right on, Jon!” I voice. “You sure got us on that.” Gina and I look at each other, chuckling, “What are the next steps? Sorry about asking so many questions.”

  “Don’t worry about asking. It is part of having good communication. That’s one of the ways we become aware of things. We would be disappointed if you two were not asking questions.

  Just a small parenthesis here, before telling you about the next steps,” says Jon. “Leo and I had doubts about returning home, before, and started to lose hope, but things changed after we met you. Things started to make sense.”

  “Well, thanks for trusting us,” says Gina “but you could have landed anywhere.”

  “True, but…there is a reason for us to be here. See, as part of our philosophy, we strongly believe that we can affect our own future. We cause things to happen.”

  “So what you are saying is that your crash here wasn’t by chance? Couldn’t you have crashed on dry land or in the ocean?”

  “We could have crashed anywhere, you are right. But right after we were hit, and knowing we were going to crash, I decided, with a lot of intension, to end up at a place where we could not be seen or detected by humans, and where we could someday be rescued by our Base.”

  “But I already saw you and Leo,” I say. “Does that ruin your decision or intension?”

  “Don’t be silly Lee. Decisions can be changed at will or as needed, with strong intention and self-determinism.”

  “That sounds mint!” I voice.

  “What does ‘mint’ mean?” Jon asks.

  “It means good!” says Gina, “Lee is very good at picking up phrases and words from his buddies; especially his friends from New Zealand.”

  “Yep!” I comment. “Do you guys want to know some bad words…?”

  “Lee! Stop it!” says Gina, giving me a stern look.

  “My bad! I will tell you guys some other day, on a different chat.”

  I star to hear some beeping in their background. Jon says, “It’s cool. Our computer is actually updating our vocabulary and giving us all possible combinations of words that you use and the frequency you transmit when you communicate something.”

  “So your computer can register all that and then analyze and de-codify what we say?”

  “Yes, and it is very accurate. I also learn and keep track of the correct use of words.”

  “Unreal!” says Gina. “Is this how Leo learned English so fast and improved within minutes of speaking with us today?”

  “Yes, that would be part of it, and we are able to understand and assimilate languages very rapidly,” says Leo.

  “So you can learn other languages, too?” I ask.

  “Yes, just like English,” says Jon.

  “That’s impressive, Jon. So what is the next step or assignment?” Gina asks.

  “We call them targets,” he replies. “I will give you the next target tomorrow or the next time we get to talk. Your voices are changing. I think you need to have some food and probably take care of Sarah. We don’t want to keep you so long.”

  “Okay, we’ll call you tomorrow morning,” I tell him.

  “That will be mint!” says Jon.

  We get off the radio and notice the batteries are almost totally run down from the long talk with Jon and Leo.

  I sit back and take a deep breath and say to Gina, “Boy that was the most interesting chat I have ever had Gina.”

  “Yeah, same here,” she says while sitting back and relaxing in her chair.

  I feel like I just got run over by a train; so much information from Jon and Leo. I think that’s why they did not want to talk more for now. They did not want to overwhelm us with so much information, and with further evaluations about what’s going on here on this planet. These guys are loaded with so much truth; I bet they c
an hardly walk.

  Despite all, I don’t feel tired. I am excited. So many ideas and plans are going through my head. I don’t know if I am going to be able to sleep tonight. I am sure Gina feels the same way too.

  “I can’t wait to see what the next target is. They probably want me to get that ship out right away. But where are we going to put it? I bet that thing is huge! I forgot to ask for ideas of how to get it out.” I chuckle, “Silly me, that was one of the main reasons I had wanted to talk to them.”

  Chapter 12

  Construction Planning

  The next day....

  “Hi Jon, Leo. This is Lee. You there? Come in!”

  “Hi! Good to hear from you again,” says Jon. “Here is the next target: You need to build an underground garage. It has to measure approximately twenty long, twenty wide, and six high.”

  “Okay that’s not very big,” I say. “It is about the size of a two car garage. We are talking feet, right?”

  “Sorry, I meant meters,” says Jon.

  “Okay...” I hesitate, “that’s big!”

  “Sorry guys. I know it is quite big…” he pauses, “but a hole of that size gives you enough space to build a strong floor, strong walls, a strong roof, and still gives enough clearance for the ship to fit.”

  Gina’s face looks hopeless. “It will take us months to build something like that Jon. Why not a simple above ground garage? That’s cheaper and faster to build,” she inquires.

  “The main reason is that our ship has to have at least ten centimeters of dirt above it and around it—about four inches—in order for us not to be detected. This ship is made out of a material that transmits a frequency which gets picked up easily by some of Earth’s radars. And because the ‘undetected mode system’ is not working, we can be found without much effort. We have found out that dirt and water are the only elements that keep the frequency from reaching out. That’s also the reason why we are safe down here in the lake. We can’t come out unless we have another way of protecting ourselves.”

  “That explains some things for us,” I comment, “But it will take us quite a lot to build the garage. I don’t want to be negative about it, but I can’t really ask a bunch of people to come and help me out. There would be too many questions about the whole project.”