Read Prominence - Retribution Page 10


  Relv and Ibek walked briskly along the passageways of the Prominence on a direct route to the bridge.

  Ibek had used his security chip to locate another one of Mira's hidden agents onboard the hospital ship and the woman had helped them sneak onto a transfer shuttle. They stowed away as part of a medical supply cargo transfer and they were 'unloaded' by yet another agent in the cargo bay of the Prominence. Now that they were on board Relv started having second thoughts, but he forced himself to press on. As his nervousness increased so did his pace along the passageways.

  Finally they came to the bulkheads that lead into the bridge. As the fleet was still on high alert and at full battle stations the thick doors were shut tight. Relv stopped short and cursed under his breath.

  "There is no way we are going to get in there without a security chip for the door."

  Ibek stepped up to the door beside him and pulled out his chip again.

  "It's ok Commander we planned for this contingency," he said as he tapped the chip against the panel. The display on the security panel changed from red to green and the hissed open.

  They walked inside and Ibek locked the door once again behind them. The flag ship's bridge, like the flag ship itself was at least five times the size of the minimalistic command node back on the Abarath. Not that is was opulent, far from it, every part of the design was utilitarian in typical military style. It was well populated and filled with the type of ordered chaos not unlike that seen on the trade room floor. Despite the flurry of activity their entry was not inconspicuous and several bridge staff turned to look at them. They had also caught the attention of the ship's Captain and the Fleet Admiral.

  "Commander Fexl what the hell are you doing on my bridge?" asked Captain Penrar. He was the most senior officer in the fleet and second in command to the Fleet Admiral. He was also the only person in the entire navy with a tougher reputation at being a hard ass than the Fleet Admiral himself.

  Relv saluted the Captain sharply. "I have vital information for the Fleet Admiral's ears only."

  "I was not aware of this. How did you get clearance through the doors?" demanded Captain Penrar.

  Relv ignored him and walked over to the Fleet Admiral with Ibek a few steps behind. He snapped another salute and stood at attention in front of the Fleet Admiral before he spoke.

  "Why are you not with your ship?" asked the Fleet Admiral sternly.

  "I see you are disappointed to see me as usual Fleet Admiral."

  "This time happily disappointed Commander. You did a good job down there taking out the enemy defences. However that does not explain why you are not on your ship overseeing the repairs as ordered."

  "I have an urgent matter to discuss and I need to do it with the political officer present," replied Relv loudly. There was a sudden hush across the bridge.

  "Drago Exnar at your service Commander," said a middle aged man dressed in governmental robes as he emerged from the crowd of bridge officers. The tone in his voice was one of well practiced condescension and smugness. This was a man used to lying through his teeth daily and stabbing anyone in the back who got in his way. "What is it that is so important it has you disobeying orders and breaking protocol?"

  Relv had no idea what his level of authority was as political officer in a military fleet. His type of political sway would have been quite intimidating back on Vaslus even to a seasoned military officer like the Fleet Admiral, but out here in the big black in the middle of a war Relv was wasn't sure. He just hoped the Drago was able to back up his level of smugness with the same level of authority or this was going to be a very short lived gambit which would likely result in he and Ibek court-martialled for mutiny and ejected into space.

  Ibek was well aware that the next few minutes were life or death for them both and his voice was open with nervousness when he leaned in and spoke quietly into Relv's ear.

  "Tread carefully sir. Drago is not one of ours. He has been seeded here separately by the Ezati. If he does his job and follows protocol he should be on our side, but don't take it for granted."

  Relv pulled out his security chip and handed it directly to Drago. It was all down to the authenticity of the orders and whether Drago was a typical bureaucrat and would do things by the numbers.

  "You will find that chip has all the necessary security codes to be authenticated as orders directly from the Primariate herself. Feel free to read them in full, but I have been authorized to take Command of this ship."

  "Over my dead body! What the hell are you trying to pull here Commander?!" yelled the Fleet Admiral in an explosive outburst of rage.

  "Fleet Admiral Mafex...I believe these orders to be authentic," said Drago the shock clear in his voice. He looked back and forth between Relv and Ibek as though trying to read their thoughts.

  "I don't care if they are or not! I will not give up command of this ship! They can throw me in prison when we get back to Vaslus if they want, but I am going to command this fleet from this ship and finish my mission!"

  "Fleet Admiral I am not trying to take over the fleet. My orders are specifically to take command of the Prominence, nothing more. I am well aware of the weapons systems this ship posses and it was made very clear to me that I should prevent the use of those weapons at all costs."

  "Chief of the bridge arrest these two men!" yelled Captain Penrar as the Fleet Admiral's face started to go purple with rage.

  Ibek reacted immediately, drew his plasma pistol and pointed it at the Chief before he had a chance to draw his own weapon. Relv followed suit.

  "Everyone get their hands in the air!" yelled Ibek as he waved his pistol back and forth around the bridge crew.

  "This is not the way to do this Commander," chastised Drago.

  "My orders are authentic. Are you going to follow the orders of your Primariate or the Fleet Admiral?"

  Drago paused for a moment then reluctantly stepped over to the Chief and removed his side arm from its holster. Relv trained his own weapon right at Drago's head, but Drago simply threw the weapon onto the floor in front of Relv and Ibek.

  "I am sorry Fleet Admiral, but these orders are from the Primariate. Might I suggest that everyone else here tosses their weapons to the floor as well please? I'd not like to see any bloodshed."

  Relv turned back to the Fleet Admiral as weapons were tossed away and clattered to the deck.

  "I am sorry Fleet Admiral, but I am taking your ship and as many enemy prisoners as she can carry back to Vaslus."

  "You are going to have to shoot me you son of a bitch!" replied the Fleet Admiral fiercely as he placed his finger against his neck communicator. "Major Juvef we have a security breach on the bridge. Your squad needs to regain control of this bridge at all costs!"

  "Fleet Admiral I implore you to rescind that order!" urged Drago. "I assured you that Commander Fexl's orders are authentic and no matter how drastic you cannot countermand orders from the Primariate!"

  "The Primariate who gave those orders will be long dead by the time we return victorious and my orders were also from the Primariate and very specific. If we failed in the ground war I was to make that planet uninhabitable using the main weapon of this ship! The ground war is still far from being won and until such time I will not relinquish the Prominence!"

  Relv wanted to shoot the Fleet Admiral in the face so badly that he felt his finger edging towards the pistol's trigger sensor. He probably would have done it too if Ibek had not whispered into his ear. He raised an eyebrow slightly then lowered his weapon.

  Before he could say anything there was a hiss from behind and in charged the Fleet Admiral's personal guard. It was an eight man squad of highly trained and heavily armed marines, each of which was handpicked by the Fleet Admiral himself. Their loyalty and dedication was unquestionable. Relv immediately dropped his pistol and raised his hands in the air and Ibek did likewise.

  "Major, arrest these two, and the political officer!" ordered the Fleet Admiral.

Juvef was a hulking figure. His head plumage was cut back severely in the typical marine style. It would have caused him constant pain, but such was their dedication to their duty and their code. He lowered his own weapon and stepped directly over to Relv and Ibek.

  "Hands down slowly," he ordered as he drew out a set of plasma cuffs.

  Ibek slowly lowered his first and presented his hands to be cuffed. As he did so he opened one hand to reveal his security chip. It was glowing red. Major Juvef stopped what he was about to do and looked into Ibek's eyes.

  "Check yours," he said to the Major.

  Major Juvef pulled on a chain that was around his neck and drew an identical security chip from under his chest armour. It was also glowing red. He quickly read it and his eyes went wide.

  "Squad stand down! I have authenticated orders from the Primariate. Fleet Admiral Mafex and Captain Penrar are to be relieved of the command of this ship immediately."

  "What the hell is the meaning of this? You report to me!" bellowed the Fleet Admiral.

  "Sorry to disappoint you again Fleet Admiral, but I am now in command of the Prominence," said Relv with as smug a grin as he could manage. "Major I want everyone except a skeleton crew and your security squad transferred immediately to a carrier of the Fleet Admiral's choice. No harm is to come to the Fleet Admiral or any of the crew; he has a fleet to Command and a battle to win. Then I want the remaining crew of the Abarath to report for duty on the Prominence. Once they are aboard we will begin preparations for holding as many enemy prisoners as we can, we are heading home as soon as possible!"

  Fleet Admiral Mafex walked up to Relv and starred him down with a powerful gaze that Relv could not match.

  "You may as well eject me into the big black now because the minute you let me off this ship I will order every ship at my command to fire on the Prominence and not stop until its vaporized!" he said through clenched teeth.

  Relv took a deep breath then looked into the Fleet Admiral's eyes again.

  "No you won't Fleet Admiral because you would be killing innocent people and destroying a top secret super weapon. The value of this ship is bigger than any revenge you want against me."

  "You underestimate my resolve Commander."

  "I doubt that Fleet Admiral. You told me once before that you would do anything to win this war. That's why you kept me around. As much as you hate me you know that we share that same philosophy."

  "You are a bigger fool than I imagined if you think the pacifists are going to win this war."

  "I don't know what I believe anymore Fleet Admiral. I just know that I will do whatever it takes to win this war, even if it means looking for peace."

  "This will all come out when we return to Vaslus."

  "I am sure it will, but until then let me take my prisoners...then after I am gone make sure you kill every last one of them down there on our planet!"



  About the Author

  Shane Griffin lives in Australia near the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. He is a part time author and full time scientist. He has been writing science fiction and fantasy since age 19. He has published over 20 short stories in magazines and ezines such as Potato Monkey, Antipodean Science Fiction, Ripples, Eclecticism and Masque Noir.

  With stories like Accident Man, Border Patrol and the Duel proving popular with readers Shane is now focusing on e-publishing under his own label - Poupichou Press.


  Other Titles by This Author

  Science Fiction Short Stories

  Accident Man

  Antipodean Collection

  Antipodean Collection 2

  Barkley's Body Swap and Pawn Shop

  Border Patrol

  Blue Pelagic

  Cancer Stick Addiction

  Cure Overdose



  Generation Next The Real Thing

  Heir Neekay

  Long Odds

  Manjac and the Nosebleed Section


  Necrofairies 2

  Prominence - Jump Master

  Shady Hazy and the Subliminal Criminal

  World War H

  Fantasy Short Stories

  The Duel

  The Mercenary

  Visions of Magic - The Kidnap of Gabrielle Ulan


  Apocalyptica - Rogue Memories

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