Read Promise Me Once Page 10

  But he did neither. Instead he hooked my leg around his waist and then the other, sliding his hand along my outer thigh and bottom. With no effort at all, he lifted me out of the truck, his lips never leaving mine, my legs wrapped around his hips.

  I squealed against his mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled, low and deep, and held me tight. With an arm around my waist, he reached down and pulled a blanket out from behind the driver’s seat.

  I threaded my fingers in his hair and swept my tongue over his bottom lip as he carried me to the rear of the truck. His jeans scratched my bare thighs and his belt buckle poked into my lower stomach. Each roll of his hips sent waves of pleasure through me.

  At the rear of the truck, Cash popped open the tailgate and lowered it with one hand. Dropping the blanket on top, he eased me down.

  “God, Cash, do I have to beg?” I asked on a hitched breath, tearing my mouth from his as his fingers eased under my dress again.

  He laughed, a sound so deep and throaty that I shivered.

  “I would like to see you on your knees, princess.”

  He didn’t have to say more.

  Chapter Twelve


  I jumped off the tailgate and reached for his belt buckle, dropping to my knees in the grass at the same time. His hands buried in my hair, urging me on, as I got the buckle undone and pushed it out of the way. I licked my lips and reached inside.

  But then he stopped me.

  Cash grabbed my upper arms and jerked me to my feet. That’s when the cowboy who had taken a bloody nose for me, that saved me in a drenching rain and screwed me in a public restroom, became a mad man.

  He had me on the ground in seconds, the blanket somehow appearing under us. He was desperate and greedy. Oh so eager and crazy for more.

  He gathered the edge of my dress in his fist and pushed it up my body until my breasts were bared. The night air made them pucker but it was Cash that made them ache. He cupped one in his hand, squeezing it gently.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, running his thumb over the rounded curve. “Perfect like I knew you would be.”

  It wasn’t the first time I had heard a man say those words, but when Cash said them I felt special. Worshipped. Loved. It frightened me. I didn’t need someone to care for me. What I needed was a good fucking.

  “Stop talking, Cash,” I demanded, playing the part of a horny, cold-hearted bitch so well. “I’m getting bored.”

  Cash grinned, clutching my breast possessively. “Well, can’t have you getting bored now can we?”

  “God, no,” I said in a hushed whisper as he leaned over, his mouth going dangerously close to my nipple.

  “What is it about you, Cat?” he whispered, his breath rushing over the rosy peak of my breast. “You’re a little hellcat with sharp claws and a nasty mouth. I should run but God help me, I can’t.”

  I didn’t get a chance to respond. He lowered his head and took my nipple into his mouth.

  I arched off the ground, sensations shooting through me. Cash sucked and nipped, twirling his hot tongue around my nipple. Again and again he did it, never giving me a moment’s rest.

  I whimpered, foreign sounds escaping past my lips. My body quivered. I wiggled and arched into his mouth, greedy for more. Jesus, I’ve never…I’ve never had a guy’s mouth do this to me.

  He drew my puckered tip into his mouth and bit it gently. I cried out, the orgasm coming on hard and fast. Unexpected sensations rocked my body, shattering me.

  Cash didn’t stop, even when I tugged at his hair, trying to pull him away. I couldn’t take anymore. Surely, I would die.

  But he just continued, taking my whole nipple into his mouth. It sent wave after wave of ecstasy through me. He teased and toyed until I was an exhausted mess.

  Little mewling sounds escaped me. I was dying. Unable to take anymore. Cash had made me come with just his mouth.

  I grabbed the sides of his face and tugged his head away from my breasts. He let go of my nipple with a pop and glanced up at me, a question in his eyes.

  “You bored now?” he asked, a challenge in his voice.

  I licked my lips, breathing out of control. “No, but I’m in trouble.”

  I fisted a handful of his hair and pushed his head back down, forcing him to give my other breast some much needed attention.

  He obligated, closing his mouth around my entire areola. I gasped as he sucked then flicked his tongue over the tip. It fueled the fire in me again.

  He ran his fingertips down along my stomach, sending shivers over my skin. He grazed my belly button in a leisure path, taking all the time in the world to touch me. It made my skin come alive, but what he did next made a sharp cry escape me.

  He slid his fingers between my legs like they were finally finding their home. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as they glided over the sensitive, wet area of my pussy. His mouth left my breast and trailed up my neck. His fingers played with me, running over my opening and then to my clit. His tongue darted out to taste the skin of my neck, my jawline, and then my mouth.

  When his tongue delved past my lips, his fingers plunged into me. Finally. My back came off the ground. A cry tore from me. He swallowed it with his mouth and worked his fingers in and out of me. It felt amazing.

  I reached between us for his cock, shoving my hand in his boxer shorts and wrapping my hand around him. I needed him. God, I needed him so bad.

  He hissed as I started moving my hand up and down on him. He was ready and I was wet. My dress was sticking to my skin with the heat, but I didn’t want to waste precious seconds pulling it off. I wanted him in me instead.

  I let go of him and shoved him to his back. He fell back with a grunt, his fingers leaving me. His gaze roamed over my body as I threw a leg over him, straddling his crotch. I rocked against him then leaned over, kissing him passionately.

  Cash reached up, pushing my hair out of the way. He kept his hand on the back of my head, slanting his mouth across mine. I felt lost in his kiss, almost loved by his tenderness. It was a false feeling. A lie. The only thing that could ever exist between us - the only thing I could ever feel for him - was lust.

  I reached down, grasping his cock. It was time to prove it was just about sex.

  Cash tightened his fingers in my hair. “We need protection,” he whispered.

  I gasped in surprise when he flipped me onto my back. He was on his feet in seconds, striding to the truck quickly.

  I watched, wide-eyed and lustfully, as he stalked away. His jeans were unbuckled and his shirt was untucked. He leaned inside the cab of the truck, the solid muscles in his back flexing with the movement. A second later he was striding back to me, his eyes a piercing gray as they stared at me on the blanket.

  He dropped down beside me, his gaze running over my exposed body. I watched, almost salivating, as he grasped his dick in one fist and rolled the condom down on it with the other. His large fist around his long, thick cock was the hottest thing I had ever seen.

  With the condom in place, he turned to me. He leaned over me, pulling me close and touching his lips to my stomach. A tremble shook me as he ran his tongue slowly and leisurely across my skin, marking me with his mouth. The coarse stubble on his chin burned me as he kissed a lazy path down my body, taking his time. Memorizing every inch of me.

  But when his mouth grazed my hip, I froze.

  “What’s this?” he asked, running a finger over the tattoo on my hip.

  I stopped breathing. I knew what he was looking at, what he had found and the full moon gave him enough light to see. A heart tattooed right on my pelvis and below it a teardrop with Luke’s initials.

  “It’s a tattoo,” I whispered, afraid to look at him. Afraid to see his mouth so close to the heartbreak inked on my skin.

  “I know it’s a tattoo, princess,” Cash growled playfully, leaning down to bit at the heart.

  I jerked away. The tattoo represented death and loss. Heartache and pain. It re
minded me every day not to love or care or give a damn. Cash touching it threatened to break me.

  He eased off me but ran his fingers over the heart again.

  “Why the tear?” he asked in a whisper, watching his thumb make a slow track across the tattoo.

  I stared up at the midnight sky, not wanting to answer.


  I drew in a breath. “It means my heart’s crying.”

  Cash went still. I could feel his palm flat against my hip. Warm. Possessive. Tender.

  “Why is your heart crying? For L.C.?” he asked, touching the initials branded into my skin.

  I flinched. “Yes,” I answered, my throat thick. “And that’s why the heart’s black. Because it’s dying for L.C.”

  Cash lowered his head, not bothering with words. I didn’t need them anyway. I knew from experience that they couldn’t heal me or make me love again. Nothing could.

  But I was about to find out that I was wrong.

  Cash kissed the tattoo, right in the center of the heart.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his breath warm on my skin. “But maybe I can make your heart come alive again.”

  He suddenly rolled over, taking me with him. My dress fell down around my thighs as I landed on top of him. He ran his hands down my sides to my waist, bunching the material up high on my body. With one push, he plunged into me.

  I cried out but he kept a tight hold on my waist, stretching me with his cock. Making me whimper with his length and width.

  “Stay still, sweetheart. I want to fill you clench me,” he demanded, running a hand down my spine to cup my ass as he pulsated deep in me.

  I nodded and bit my lip, fighting the urge to move.

  He groaned with satisfaction and pulled me down, putting his mouth near my ear.

  “Good. Now let’s pretend, Cat,” he said, his voice a deep rumble in my eardrum. “Right here, right now, you’re mine and I’m the only one that can have you. Just once more.”

  “Yes,” I said breathless, willing to agree to anything if he would just start moving in me.

  Cash tightened his hold on my ass, keeping me still when I tried to roll my hips. His voice rasped in my ear again.

  “Say it.”

  I swallowed past my dry throat, not sure I could utter a single word. He was so big in me, so encompassing. I was forever spoiled.

  “Cat?” he said again, tightening his fingers on my bottom to get my attention. “Promise me.”

  “I promise,” I whispered, out of my mind with need.

  He tightened his fingers on me, holding me in place, as he withdrew slowly then plunged back into me.

  I threw my head back. “Oh, god. Oh, god,” I whispered as I moved on top of him.

  He let me set the pace, a hard and fast one. I lost awareness of everything. The stars. The moon. The water lapping at the edge of the lake. All I knew was him and his cock filling me.

  “Talk to me, Beauty Queen. Tell me what you need,” he instructed, thrusting into me slower, drawing out the torture. “Do you want more?”

  I breathed harder, trying to keep my wits as he slid out gradually, inch by torturous inch, only to ease back into me. It was delicious. It was heaven. It was hell in its meanest form.

  “More? Cowboy, I want it all,” I managed to say.

  At my words, he wrapped an arm around my waist and flipped me over onto my back. I wrapped my legs around his hip and dug my nails into his back as he started pumping into me, hard and fast.

  I reached up and brought his head down to mine.

  “Make me forget, Cash,” I whispered against his lips, the words slipping out before I could stop them.

  Cash plunged up into me and buried his fingers in my hair, holding my head steady as his mouth went to my ear. “I’ll make you forget everyone, Cat. Everyone who’s ever touched you before.”

  He started moving faster. With each thrust my breasts came close to his mouth. Finally he latched onto one. His tongue and teeth found my nipple.

  And that’s when I exploded.

  The orgasm hit me. I went flying, rocketing out of control. I shouted a nonsensical word I can’t even remember. It sent Cash coming right after me.

  His mouth left my breast and moved to my neck as he jerked, trembling and riding out his own release. His lips moved against my skin, murmuring words I couldn’t hear, as he shuddered then stilled deep inside me.

  We stayed that way forever, my body still clenching him tightly. He was breathing hard, holding his weight off of me. Our eyes locked. I let my guard down and let myself feel for a minute. Just one.

  Then reality intruded.

  The wind shifted and sounds of the bonfire party drifted our way, reminding me of another night. Another party.

  Another boy who had made me cry out with need.

  It was a slap in the face. A shock to my system.

  I blinked, my body going stiff. What had I done? What the hell had I just done? Yes, I fucked around but being with Cash was different. I couldn’t put my finger on way but it just was and that scared the hell out of me.

  I pushed Cash off me, crawling out from under him. I couldn’t get away fast enough. He represented all I hated. Love. Tenderness. Caring. It was all a load of shit and for one moment in time I had let myself consider rolling around in it.

  I was such a fool.

  I crawled away from him, pulling my dress down at the same time. Cash reached for my ankle, his warm fingers sliding around the fragile bone.

  “You okay?” he asked, his voice hushed in the night.

  I resisted the urge to kick his hand away.

  “I’m fine,” I said in a clipped tone, averting my gaze from his.

  “You don’t seem fine,” Cash said, running his thumb gently over my ankle. “Did I hurt you?”

  I scoffed. “Nobody can hurt me, cowboy.”

  Piercing gray eyes stared back at me, looking so deep in my soul that I wanted to crawl into the lake and swim away. He looked too good. Too real. His hair was messy and he had dried blood on his face. His lean, athletic body was relaxed, his sleek muscles at ease. He was gorgeous and I could almost picture myself falling for him.

  But then I remembered Luke.

  I yanked my ankle away from Cash and climbed to my feet. I can’t do this.

  With angry strides I headed for his truck. Grasshoppers hopped out of my way and grass poked through my toes. I heard Cash buckle his belt and arrange his clothes. I didn’t care if he followed me or not. I would walk the fuck home if I had to.

  “So stupid. So goddamn stupid,” I murmured, blinking hard and fighting tears.

  “Cat. Hold up,” Cash called out, jogging to catch up to me.

  “Take me home, cowboy!” I called over my shoulder. My heart started beating quicker when I realized how fast he was gaining on me.

  I lengthened my stride but it was too late. He reached out and grabbed my elbow.

  “Don’t touch me,” I snapped, spinning around. The tears in my eyes betrayed the harshness of my words.

  “Too late for that,” Cash said, staring down at me with intensity, refusing to back off. “You want to tell me what’s wrong?”

  “Not really.”

  “Cat,” Cash said, his grip on my elbow not going anywhere. “Talk or we’ll have another go on that blanket.”

  I jerked my elbow out of his hold, glaring at him. “Are you threatening me?” I asked, my voice gaining strength. “Because if you are, you don’t know who you’re messing with, cowboy.”

  He gave a short nod. “Yeah I do. You’re a spoiled, little rich girl that is used to getting her way. Now, tell me what’s wrong.”

  I stuck my chin up. “Take me home,” I insisted, spinning around and heading for the passenger side of the truck. “Now!”

  Cash didn’t respond and I didn’t wait for him to. I yanked open the truck door and climbed inside.

  A second later, he appeared at the driver’s side. He stuffed the blanket back behind th
e seat with stiff, jerky movements. Without looking at me, he got in the truck and shoved the key in the ignition.

  I ignored him and smoothed my dress down. I had to remember who he was. Another notch. Another fuck. Just another man in a line of them. It was the only way I could protect myself.

  I took a deep breath. I was back to being me. Cold and cynical. A bitch in heels.

  And like the gossips in this little hick town said - I did it well.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I ran my hand through my hair, annoyed.

  When I walked into that swanky restaurant’s restroom, I knew being with Cat would be a quick lay, plain and simple. I would get what I wanted and so would she. But I didn’t count on a second time. Now I was questioning my decision.

  I glanced over at her. She was staring straight ahead, her long dark hair cascading down her chest in messy waves. Her delicate jaw was set, the memory of kissing it almost sending me swerving off the road. She must have caught me staring because she stiffened and snapped her head around, glaring at me.

  I alternated between watching the road and watching her, worried she would turn on me like a rabid animal. I had somehow managed to piss her off and I wasn’t sure how.

  Then I remembered the little black heart tattooed on her hip. Who was L.C. and why was her heart crying for him? I couldn’t imagine a girl like Cat inking her body with a guy’s initials but stranger things had happen.

  Like me having her…twice.

  I let out a breath of resignation. I either had made the worst mistake of my life or the best. I had a feeling with Cat the line between the two was gray and a little faded.

  I reached for my cowboy hat, lying on the seat between us. I put it on and pulled the brim down low, a little trick I had for hiding my emotions.

  Frustration made my foot heavy on the pedal. I floored the gas, aggravated. The truck revved, the exhaust loud in the night.

  The awkward silence between Cat and me was about to drive me crazy. I reached over and turned up the radio. The sound of two broadcasters filled the truck, loud and clear in the night.