Read Promise (the curse) Page 1





  By AnonYMous

  Copyright 2015 AnonYMous

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  The soldier mounts him on scaffold, his legs were bleeding, and they stand him with support. One of them who look chief officer opens the packed scroll, which was court notice for execution and read aloud

  “MARCUS LOUIS JOHNSON You has been charged with sins of breaking the laws of higher church by committing adultery and murder of a lord. You have broken the oath of church and disobeying God’s laws. For that the court of lords and church decide to give you death penalty”

  “Do you have any last wish?” the man wait for his answer, his hand tie back, his legs are tie, his face covered with black cloth. The blood on his clothes showed that he was beaten very badly. The whole town was gathered to witness this event.

  It was full moon night but moon was hiding in cloud but its lit fall on ground. The wind was blowing slowly. The place was dark, torch of flames placed on the walls of both sides of court. The execution place is in the middle on its left side there was building where they keep prisoners.

  The man waits for his reply but he did not say anything. The officer looked toward a man whose standing under the building. His clothes show that he is a lord; he was in-charge of this execution.

  He was backing everyone. His face was covered with long hat, he raised his finger to signal, and the executioner put the rope around his neck and pulls the rod. The man hanged his feet shakes. The men standing heard the voice of breaking bones.

  In the crowd a six years old girl run inside the prison as the man hanged. She was crying and running so fast. She reached to the lower dungeon; no one was there to stop her because every guard was watching the event.

  She stopped in front of cell, where a girl who looked so injured lying down her head on the bars of the cell. Her face was covered with her red-brown hairs, her white dress have blood spots as she was bleeding lately.

  The dungeon was light by fire torches placed at the walls. The girl sits on the ground as her head fall on the bars of the cell. Her cell was in dark.

  “They... They kill... Killed... Him aunt... Vic ... Victoria” little girl said as she catching her breath. A teardrop from the girl eye fall on the ground as she put her hand on the rod without raising her head and takes a deep breath.

  “Elizabeth... My love, do you love your aunt?” the girl asked.

  “Yes aunt very much” little girl said and came close to the cell then start crying.

  “Don’t cry then... Dear can you do me a favor and in return I will promise you wealth and luxury life” the girl said.

  “Yes aunt... I will do what you say” little girl answered.

  “Promise me you will do what I ask you to do” the girl asked again.

  “Promise aunt” little girl said.

  “You need to Move that stone behind you, you will find a box. In that box you find a necklace bring it here” the girl said.

  Little girl did as she told her when she find a box. She opens it and in it, there is a necklace, a heart shaped sliver color necklace. It had five curved lines coming towards center of a necklace; in center, there was a hole, which was transparent.

  “I find it aunt... What do I do now” little girl ask in innocence, “Put a drop of your blood in the centre of it Elizabeth” the girl said. “But aunt I can’t... I am not bleedi... Ouch” before little girl complete her sentence she is cut by the box and she did not understand how she is cut. Little girl drop her blood in the centre of the necklace as soon as her blood drops, the hole turn red.

  “Now... Elizabeth listen me carefully when I...” she hesitate then continue “when I die you keep this box very carefully, you and your generations will have great fortune... Tell them my story... Tell them that I suffer too much... Tell them that you promise me... Tell them when a girl born in their family, she will belong to me... Tell them Elizabeth that no one should come between because you promise me... Promise me Elizabeth that you will tell them,” the girl said, little girl can feel she was crying as her voice was heavy.

  “I... I promise aunt I will” little girl said as she was crying. Suddenly she heard someone coming

  “They are coming aunt... They are coming for you… aunt” little girl shouts.

  “Run... Hide!!Elizabeth doesn’t tell anyone about this, not even your parents,” the girl said as she sits straight. “No... Aunt I will not leave you they will kill you too… I will not leave you” little girl hold the bars of the cell. The girl holds her hand then said, “Go... Elizabeth they can’t kill me” as little girl heard this she feels calm and run to hide.

  Little girl hide behind back wall and put her hand in her mouth. She can see the through the hole in the wall, the guards came in cell and push her outside they cannot get her stand so they grab her arms.

  They take her out of the prison building, moon lit fell on her, she raise her head, her hairs sides enough to see her half side of face. She saw the whole crowd for a moment, some people turn to hide their face as if they know her.

  Then guard pushes her again to stand her. She again fall over the body of that man who just hanged, and look toward the lord who was not looking at her still backing everyone. They mount her on scaffold, her hands tied behind her back they stand her. Chief Officer takes out another scroll and read it out loud

  “Victoria Margaret Elliot Walter you been charged with committing sins by practicing black magic which is a satanic act and helping in murder of a lord for that higher church and court of lords gives you death penalty... Do you have any last wo...?”

  Before officer complete, his word he is chocked and falls down. He was groaning in pain because he cannot scream, his face turn red in pain. All the fire torches cool down, suddenly breeze get faster. All the people stand there get terrified when she raises her head and open her red-brown eyes…then a painful scream echoes...



  She open her light brown eyes and saw him looking at her smiling “What... What is it?” she asked him in her British accent as she wake up by horn of car pass near to their. She was blushing then realized they are stopped “are we reached there?” she asked sitting straight and looking out of the window.

  “No… we are broke down but don’t worry I already calls my Uncle he’s coming to pick us” said Ryder Jenkins in his smooth charming voice, black hairs which is falling on his forehead, his light-blue eyes staring at hers. His handsome face cut look shows
that he is in his early 20’s.

  They were seating in car parked by the road going towards Seattle, it was bright sunny morning, their car was broke down and it shows that they been travelling for a while.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” she asked. “Because you look so beautiful while you asleep” Ryder said she smile in modesty.

  A car stopped in front of their car and a middle-aged man came out of it. He has black hairs and eyes with a moustache on his face. He have white complexion with medium height, he was Ryder’s Uncle Eddie Jenkins.

  Ryder gets off from his car to hug him, and then Ryder points her to come out of the car. She tie her blonde hair back, her light-brown eyes with white complexion face shows she nervous, she get off the car then smiled and dimple on her face make her more beautiful. Her name is Laura Craft.

  She was very young, wearing Gucci tops and blue jeans with sneakers. Her clothes show that, she belongs to very rich family. She was wearing gold chain with red sapphire locket.

  Ryder holds her hand and introduces her to his Uncle “Uncle meet Laura and Laura Uncle Eddie... He is my best friend. He’s like my dad so close to me” “hello Mr. Jenkins” Laura said then move to shake hands with him.

  “Nice to meet you Laura... You are beautiful more than Ryder describes about you,” Uncle Eddie said and everyone smile. They reached at home, Laura get off the car and stare Ryder’s house when Ryder pointed her.

  It was single story small house it’s looks shows that it’s not been painted for a long time and small garden and garage place, she was thinking about this house and suddenly distracted as someone calls Ryder.

  Ryder turn and smile at her, she ran to him then hugs him so tightly “oh Sara... Easy you will break my neck” Ryder said, she push him back then said “shut up you... Idiot you didn’t call me for a month, you know I was so worried”.

  It was Sara Ryder’s childhood best friend they grow up in same neighborhood. Her blue eyes shine as she saw Ryder, her black hair fall back with fair complexion her smile makes her more attractive.

  They go to the same college, Sara loves Ryder since they were in 8th grade in school but she never dares to tell that to Ryder. Ryder’s Uncle knows that but he never says anything to Ryder because he knows that Ryder do not feel about her that way.

  She said everything at a time. “Hold it... Sara give me a break! I know... I was kind of busy,” Ryder said. His Uncle take their suitcase out of the car, Laura was standing next to car nervous. In excitement, Sara did not see Laura, but when Ryder turns, she saw a young girl standing next to car.

  Ryder introduced her to Laura by saying “Sara meet Laura... My girlfriend and Laura meet Sara my best friend. We been friend since we were in 5 grade” Laura moved toward her but Sara was heartbroken she looked Ryder with question eyes, she never thought Ryder fall in love with someone as he was never been with anyone in pass years.

  Before she loses herself she looked at Laura then said “I ne... need to... go... I... I have... I will meet you... in University” and she left. Ryder was shocked “she is very moderate person, give her some time. She’ll be okay,” Ryder said try to cover his feeling.

  “C’mon Laura lets go inside” Uncle Eddie said, he know that Laura understand Sara reaction and Ryder needs some time to recover himself. Ryder was surprised by Sara’s reaction; he saw something in her eyes something he never notices which makes him so worried. He saw love.

  As they enter in house Ryder follow them, he introduced her to his family. They were all waiting for him in hall, when he realizes everyone staring her. He take her to his room told her to relax he will be back. Leave her there then close the door, Laura was confused by the whole situation.

  Ryder goes in their garage where his Uncle was waiting for him to give him explanation about Laura “I thought you are mature now... You just call and tell me you are bringing someone to brought Her. She’s so young... What were you thinking?” Uncle Eddie shout as Ryder enters.

  “I know Uncle... I know she’s young... May be too young, but I can’t... I can’t live without her Uncle... Seriously, I can’t I try... I try but I failed... It kills me even to think if she leaves me” Ryder tries to explain his Uncle. He looked outside his house.

  Laura was seating on the bed, she haven’t put her purse on the table just seating still staring the room. She looked in the mirror, which placed in front of the bed, remembering her big room, her big house in New York, her parents, her father was a famous dentist.

  Her Uncles were also very rich; she was the only girl in her whole family that’s why her father never left her alone.

  She remembers, she sneak out of her home to go in her friend birthday party because her father doesn’t allow her to meet normal kids. Her father is Kevin Walter Craft.


  Today was Lindsey birthday, she was Laura’s best and only friend so don’t want to miss her birthday party. She told her mother that she going to sleep early as she feeling tried, then sneak out from her window. Lindsey leaves three blocks away from her house

  She reached to the party; she was searching for Lindsey as she was in hurry. There was so crowd in her house music was so loud everyone was having fun. Laura looks everything Laura was wearing yellow stripes frock of Dior and black shoe with bow on it, her hairs were open.

  She saw Lindsey near her pool; they hug as they met after a long time. Lindsey was so happy to see her, Laura hand over her gift and said “Happy 18th birthday Lindsey, here’s your special gift I email you about”

  “Thanks Laura and thank you so much to come lets go inside” Lindsey said and grab her to take her inside “I can’t Lindsey, I am sorry daddy will be home soon” Laura said and turn to leave but hit a guy and shout “oh my… I am so…” then freeze to see him. It was Ryder. They look at each other for a while then Lindsey said “Laura he’s Ryder, Jamie’s friend and Ryder my best friend Laura” Lindsey pointed toward Laura.

  “Hi nice to meet you” Ryder said in his charming voice. Laura smile and said “thank you” she was blushing. Ryder was Jamie Wyatt’s classmate in university he came with Jamie to meet his family. Lindsey was younger sister of Jamie.

  Laura reached home before her father, all the way she was thinking about Ryder. In the morning on the breakfast her father asked her “how is your study going Laura” her father asked, she get nervous because she feels like her father know something “very good daddy” she said.

  Then her father looks at her and asked “why did you go to Lindsey house last night?” she was not surprised, because every time she do something her father know it and she never understand how does he knows.

  “Sorry daddy… I tell you she’s my best friend and I want to go to meet her,” Laura said in low voice. Then look at her mother “how many times Laura … how many times I have to tell you that they are not like us and I don’t want you to have their company, when will you understand… if I heard about all of this one more time, you will be home schooled. Do you hear me?” her father said in rude tune. She nods in yes.

  She reached school by her car. She studies in New York best private school. She was upset but then saw someone and smile. It was Ryder; he was standing far from her school. It has been a week Laura was so happy she knows that Ryder like her and she really like him.

  She told Lindsey about all of this. She was happy too, Laura mother notice that she extraordinary happy.

  When she gets off her car today, she was shocked because Ryder was standing so near. He move toward Laura, her heart was pounding so fast when he came near she notice his eyes looks tried, as he hasn’t sleep for days.

  She knows what Ryder say to her but her heart broke when Ryder said “hey… I’m leaving… I’m here to say goodbye” she looked him with puzzled eyes; they look at each other for a moment. “Ok… goodbye” Ryder said and without turning, he left.

  She couldn’t understand what happened. Her tears start to fal
l on her cheeks, she runs her home. She cried all day in her room. Laura’s mother do not let her maid take food for Laura, it seem like she already knows what happen.

  Jamie feels that Ryder is not feeling well, as he’s been drinking too much which make Jamie so worried about him. He knows that there is something Ryder is trying to forget but he can’t.

  Ryder was lying on his bed unconscious, when Jamie calls his name to wake him up; his eyes have dark circles like, he’s not sleeping for a while.

  His clothes were rough as if he’s not taking bath for days. Jamie was sitting right next to him

  “Why are you doing this to yourself Ryder?” Jamie asked. Ryder sweep his hand over his hairs then said “I’m leaving today Jamie” Jamie down his head then again ask him “do you love her?”

  Ryder look at him then down his head and said in very low voice “I can’t… I just can’t… take her out of mind Jamie and I… I can’t have her either”

  “Why… I mean how’s that possible you never meet her, you never take her out. You never kissed her or anything. You don’t even know what she feels about you and now I look at you and it seems like you love her for century. What is this Ryder?” Jamie said.

  “I don’t know that Jamie, I just know that I love her so much and I know that she love me too” Ryder said.

  “Then what is the problem propose her already” Jamie said in excitement.

  “Are you serious she is 17 and I am 22, she is too young” Ryder said. Jamie feel that Ryder is trying to hide something “there is something else Ryder tell me” Jamie insisted.

  Ryder get off from bed and walk toward the window then say “I’m afraid if one day she leave me or say that she don’t love me… I can’t bear that… I can’t live without her, once she came in my life I can’t let her go”.

  “She won’t leave you ever because she love you more than you do to her. Since the day you told her that you are leaving she is her room crying and didn’t eat anything” Lindsey said who was listening to them. When Ryder heard her, he told her “can you call her here please… can she come?” Ryder gets so worried after he heard about Laura “yeah she can… only if her mother let her and if her dad is not at home” Lindsey said.