Read Prophets: Heaven's Adversary Page 3

  Combining the deadly art of close and long range mechanics as her signature chains as her primary weapon of choice. They can be forged as long broad swords with razor lined tips at an amazing length, a single swing of her arm can slice an armored van in two divisions, along with creating defensive dome barriers that could make a laughing joke out of U.S. Government machine gun shells. After gaining a more domineering self esteem, Andromeda easily dropped the “Princess” in her original name, ill-suited for a monster of a one woman army.

  Methods of Madness

  Every one of the Prophets has extensive biological enhancements as well, super-human dexterity, stamina, running & jumping abilities. All of which would adorn the armor, head piece-like war helmet that double as “walkie-talkies” and affixed retractable goggles, and ceremonial capes worthy of Damascus. These capes are retractable, to the fact that with a push of a button placed on the belt buckle, would cause the cape to roll into the top center back of the armor. The outer lining of the cape gives of an illuminating glow, even in direct sunlight composed of photovoltaic materials. The cape lining is visible from the open panels of the front of the armor, the cape actually coils from the front and overlaps, cascading from behind.

  His war has now been hurtled in to full progression with all the chess pieces needed to secure his dominance. Every head piece worn supplies home base with the vitals and brain wave activity of each of the members for an important purpose: Every instruction must be obeyed to the letter, no matter the grave difficulty without any question that would spark on their morality meter.

  Any noticeable volatility is easily detected and can be remedied with the use of broadcasting radio frequencies directly into the user’s brainwaves for immediate correction leaving them devoid of empathy and free will. His new horde of enforcers have now been unleashed to create chaos on those who maintains persistent defiance towards his actions, leaving behind a scorched trail as a reminder of what unfavorable actions may bring.

  With the mounting amount of successful campaigns has allowed Damascus to decrease the number of appearances assisting his Prophets from one raid to the next. There have been strikes on fertility hospitals in order to gain access to a sizeable bounty from embryo banks that can later be used for further study and analysis.

  Multiple air strikes have been made on Military outposts throughout the globe, jamming radar detection with little effort, brilliantly executed by his chosen six. Every mission designed to retain classified technology to acquire with maximum casualty of course. All under the watchful eye of the most sinister strategist Luther and displayed on the large video monitors for Damascus’ sadistic entertainment. Personal hover carrier technology has been newly implemented within the Naval Forces, which has the size and style of a traditional sport motorcycle yielding top flying speeds of 150 MPH.

  An impressive model created by compressing the Hover Battle Cruiser’s main engine drive into a smaller and much more agile version was must have addition to Damascus collection. After much reconstruction and customization, each of the Prophets will now have what has been nicknamed as a HellRider of their own mounted with a variety weapons at their disposal. These mini-cruisers can be dispatched upon command while housed inside either one of the HBC hanger bays.

  Damascus terroristic front continues on without rest, his Prophets displayed enhanced levels of endurance would result in unbalanced matches against any adversary. The blades of Victoria swirl about in a whirlwind of death and decapitation. From all angles far and wide, she targets her prey from high above, stories below. Minister continues his rampage causing more harm coming from his foul mouth rambling of war-cries in comparison to the range of his wretched deathscythe as he dissembles and dissects officers like fields of wheat without any possible fear of self-injury.

  Tortorus’ steps boil the very ground in seconds, reconstructing his immediate environment, immobilizing his opponents, which can be much easier to make full use of his mammoth sized fists. The shimmering chains that drape Andromeda from shoulder to shoulder extend beyond her embrace. They form a flattened mirror-like barrier directly in front of her deflecting all fire power, soon accompanied by metallic spikes impaling her assailants.

  Sniper fire is heard from a block away causing panic amongst seasoned FBI Agents as they watch one squad member fall after another. Courtesy of the Gunman’s wicked precision on those who oppose The Teachings of Damascus. There are footsteps that carry the bass line of rolling thunder coming from Arson’s friction intensified leaps from building. Nearly pausing and deflecting oncoming Desert Eagle bullets hurtling towards him, then igniting the air surrounding the squad car obscuring his immediate path. The skies are set ablaze with blinding artillery from countless HBCs, battles waged in Russian air space have been terribly one-sided, assaults continue on church grounds, shopping complexes, government buildings.

  En Passant Capture

  Having to witness this staggering amount of waves of annihilation, hopelessness shakes the kidnapped scientists to their very core. To perform one heinous task after another has taken its toll on every member along with their own family members, we are also bound against their will are often at risk. At times, they too are publicly maimed and ridiculed in the name of disobedience and punishment for failure. The scientists had to plan their method of retaliation with great secrecy, Luther, Kimono and Damascus are well briefed on daily internal activities, any acts of defiance can be easily be detected resulting in horrific execution.

  All of the Prophets vital readings are prominently displayed on every screen, keeping each killing machine in a fully conscience, near Neanderthal-like state with the use of brain altering signals. These signals are a series of radio codes transmitted and received by the squad’s coveted headpieces which are key for maintaining stability to achieve optimum performances. Conducting the formula and software to break and re-write the code can be easily done, maintaining their shroud of their clandestine operations will be the general task at hand.

  The reprogramming of The Prophets’ brain waves would be the only way to break the cycle, no matter the risk of casualty, it is unanimously decided that Damascus must fall and pay for his many atrocities. Six Prophets, six disks containing individual data that would counter-act their mandated settings and parameters that would restore their mental independence.

  This daunting task had to be very well-managed. Enough time must pass by for the gestation of their plan to take place in order to disguise what could be perceived as a “malfunctional occurrence” into something very much an intentional strategy. Anonymity is critical for this project to become a success, data disks have been created and can be stored inside the hidden compartment of the heel of the Scientists’ shoe without detection. The inside of the heel will be lined with dense cushioning with a small indentation where the disk is rested and the heel can easily be detached with the press of a tiny button. Once retrieved, the data must become downloaded and transmitted to each of the headsets in one simultaneous sweep.

  What transpires are highly sensory subliminal commands, in a sense undoing and reprogramming the complex web of digitally implanted “thought barriers”. This causes an undetectable trace of data that generate a series of thought patterns to interject their merciless killing instincts. The re-awaking of self-conscience is nearly an instantaneous process, allowing their independent minds to take reign once again.

  This takes place during mid ceremony onboard The Obelisk as all six stand their vigilant watch over the crowd along the outer perimeter of the gathering hallway. There is an odd moment where Luther makes a quick glance towards Gunman (as he has a regular tendency to do) standing firm, arms rigidly straight with both eyes closed. The same behavior takes over Andromeda standing on the west wing, Tortorus on the far south, and so forth. With Luther taking these occurrences into consideration, there is very little time to mentally formulate what is very soon to come.

  Without warning, a loud outbreak cause ruckus and confusion
amongst the legion of followers, watching as their sacred Prophets turn their blades on those who worship and adore. To compound the disarray amongst the Damascus clan, there are reports of systematic failure within the power grid monitoring and maintaining security/defense systems throughout the flagship HBC.

  Bite The Hand, Chop The Head

  Internal communications are now sporadic, locked corridors are randomly releasing their locks allowing the captives to make a desperate escape for freedom. Roaming foot patrols are on high alert to shoot and take down all fleeing detainees with as much aggressive force necessary. These soldiers, however, are greeted by the receiving end of Minister’s steel along with Arson’s flurry of focused super-heated streams melting their bodies where they stand. More and more images begin to populate on Damascus’ main screen are filled with actions of treason.

  His own methods of deception and larceny to amass his collective resources have now been proven counter-productive. It was the captive Scientists’ plan all along to help build his empire and construct the instruments to smash it into oblivion. Their escape left a trail of Damascus’ most faithful behind them and was victorious in not only commandeering a highly sustainable HBC of their own, HellRiders and all, but displayed in his video screen was the taking of his prized Penelope in the clutches of his counsel, now gone rouge. The stage is now set marking the beginnings of a successful coup; this will be the day where Damascus’ own agents of destruction will turn their blades in a traitorous act of insurrection.

  Baring his sharpened fangs in a humbled scowl, he observes these series of events unfold from each of his stadium-sized monitors. Damascus stands in shock; watching as his Prophets successfully shuttle away from The Obelisk, one Hellrider at a time. Each escaping with additional human cargo as frightened passengers while out-maneuvering the opposition, slicing through a portion of Damascus’ fleet.

  They manage to acquire the rearmost HBC, which was selected by choice, housing the remaining Scientists and a vast number of sequestered family members.

  Breaking away from Damascus’ air armada, he becomes humored of their decisions to act against his bidding and allows the one HBC to break formation. With the pawns out of the way, it will be time soon enough to reclaim what is rightfully his and put an end to this comedic chess game his Prophets have decided to play. Revolutions are expected to encounter causality, of which Damascus will make sure his revenge is exact, a declaration; the heads will fall of the culprits of such blasphemy against his holy name.

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