Read Protected by the Alpha - Volume 1 Page 6

Chapter 5

  Noah’s cock was painfully stiff as he held it in his hand. He had to relieve some of the pressure or he would turn around and go back into the kitchen to fuck Amaris right there on the counter. He planted his feet and reminded himself of all the reasons that was a bad idea. None of the reasons he came up with sounded like strong arguments to him, but they were all he had. Noah cursed out loud. Amaris’ presence in his home couldn’t have come at a worse time. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to keep her forever. When he’d heard her scream, he’d only just stepped out of the shower. A million worst case scenario’s raced in his head as he bolted to get to her side. He didn’t know what to expect when he got to her, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure she was okay. Seeing the pie on the floor and her holding her blistering hand, was the lesser evil. The salve he’d used had been one his grandmother taught him as a child. It worked on any scraps, no matter how bad. Noah was just happy he’d though to mix up a batch the last time he’d been home. Some of the ingredients were hard to come by and he didn’t like leaving things like this to chance. Luckily, the mixture had a shelf life of twelve months and he didn’t have to tend to it or worry about it going bad before he got to it.

  He’d just wanted her to be okay. The tears in her eyes and the pain she was in prompted him to act. He hated seeing her cry and wanted to make sure she knew she was in good hands. He’d pulled her into his arms out of a need to soothe her, at least that’s what he told himself. It had been to his detriment. He hadn’t intended to kiss her, but the minute their eyes met he’d been drawn in. He wanted her, and he was failing miserably at keeping it to himself. Noah considered that some part of him knew the risk he was taking charging out to save her naked. He rationed his subconscious was trying to make it clear that he wasn’t the only one battling desires. Amaris responded to him almost instantly. Her mouth opened to his kisses and his wolf wanted more. He’d had to tear his mouth away to break their kiss.

  Noah gripped his thick shaft. He stroked up and down, in a slow rhythmic fashion as he aimed to relieve himself. The thick pink tool with bulging veins piping from the tip to the shaft filled his large hand. Noah couldn’t remember the last time he’d jerked off. When he didn’t have a partner he preferred celibacy. This time, he’d have to relieve himself or make a fool of himself while trying to keep his feelings for Amaris at bay. He rubbed his palm over his nerve riddled tip and groaned at the sensations growing in him. It was her mouth that caught him off guard. It was the way her lips felt against his and how her mouth tasted fresh and sweet. It was supposed to be a light kiss, just something to let her know he’d caught her staring and didn’t mind. It turned into something much more. For years he’d thought of what it would be like to kiss her. When things were really rough, he’d remembered her face under the moonlight. The time spent apart from her melted away as their mouths touched. She’d just tasted so sweet that he didn’t want to tear his mouth away from hers. Then when she made that sound, his wolf took over.

  Noah’s growl was rumbling thunder, a prelude to the storm inside of him. His hand worked vigorously to bring him over the edge, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Amaris and her sumptuous flesh. It wasn’t her pink lips or her large, round breasts driving him to please her. It wasn’t her scent filling his nose with lust and a need to brand her with his mark. His frustration mounted. His wolf yelped inside of him, paced back and forth in desperation for his response. Noah wasn’t thinking rationally. He could lose his job and everything he worked for if he let himself do what he wanted most. It had never been hard for him to maintain his control before, not even when he was the bodyguard for famed model Ana Dockvich. She’d come on to him one night wearing nothing but a thin robe and begging him to fuck her. He’d refused, citing his professionalism as the reason he’d kept his distance. In truth, she’d never appealed to him. He liked women the way he liked his steak, thick and rare.

  Noah released his cock when it became clear he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to climax. There was only one person who could, and the idea that she was so close and still out of reach was driving him mad. This was useless. Until he was wrapped in Amaris’ legs, he wouldn’t be able to climax. He went back to the shower and stood under an only cold water spray until his cock softened. Too bad there was nothing he could do to cool down his thoughts. Noah got dressed and returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess the pie made when it fell. The kitchen was spotless. It was if there hadn’t been a mess there at all. He walked back through the hall to Amaris’ room and knocked on the door. He’d told Amaris he’d clean it and wondered why she’d go against him. Amaris came to the door. Her skin was flushed, and her lips were swollen from their forceful kissing. Noah took a step back to keep from claiming her mouth again. Amaris’ eyes dimmed when she saw him.

  “I came to check on you,” said Noah.

  “I’m okay. I cleaned up the kitchen so you don’t have to worry about that,” said Amaris.

  “What did you want to eat? I’ll fix it for you,” said Noah.

  “No, thank you Noah. You go ahead. I made a quick salad. I’m okay,” said Amaris.

  Noah could tell there was something else going on. He could see it in her eyes. She was upset with him for pulling away when he did.

  “Amaris, spill it. What’s wrong? We’re going to be here a long time and I don’t want us tiptoeing around each other,” said Noah.

  “Nothing is wrong. I’m just used to taking care of myself and up until this psycho had me in his sights. I was doing that very well. I’ll be okay. If I get hungry, I’ll fix something else. Otherwise, trust me when I say I’m fine,” said Amaris.

  They were at a stalemate. Noah thought to push but, he knew she would refused to budge. Over the years, Noah had gotten accustomed to a certain amount of authority. He was used to straight answers from those in his charge. This small slight of Amaris refusing to let him in was enough to grind his teeth. He’d known enough posturing to see that Amaris was asserting herself not because she didn’t want him to take care of her, but because she didn’t want him to notice her needs. It would make things easier if he didn’t, but he couldn’t do anything about his ability to see through her raised chin and curt tone.

  She wouldn’t look at him. Instead, she looked passed him and Noah was annoyed. He could see the wall she was building between them. The subtle way she closed her body off to him by hiding behind the door. It was a cool hearted acknowledgement that she was hurt by him pulling away. That wasn’t his intention. After having tasted her sweet mouth and felt her soft skin, he wanted her now more than ever. He knew the sentiment was lost to Amaris and wasn’t sure how to relay it so that she would be comfortable, but he didn’t want her to think he was rejecting her. Amaris had always been his perfect match, he’d known that for years, but that small fact only heighten his responsibility to her.

  She deserved a protector, not someone who could put her life in danger by becoming entangled. Maybe their time together had come and gone. Their first and only date had been right before her parents died, the night he should have kissed her on their doorstep. By the time he made it back, she was gone. All these years he’d wondered about her, wanted to know that she was okay. Now that she was here, and running for her life, he couldn’t let his selfish needs stand in the way of her safety. Even though his position meant it would likely be months before they could ever fall into each other’s bed. Noah’s wolf didn’t like the sound of that. He pawed the ground and growled as Noah tried to explain duty and responsibility. All his wolf could see, could feel was need. Amaris went to close the door and Noah stopped it by placing his hand against the frame.

  “Amaris, you have to understand how much danger you are in. If I lose sight of that for even just a minute it could cost both of our lives,” said Noah.

  He didn’t know why he’d stopped her. He just needed her to understand his perspective.

  “I know Noah. You’re just doing your job. I promi
se I get that,” said Amaris. “I um, I’m going to sit on the patio for a while, probably read something. So, I’ll be out of your way. I’ll let you know if anything rattles me again. Oh and thanks for the salve. I can barely feel the pain now,”

  Amaris closed the door and Noah stood there for a long time debating whether or not he should just open it again. The sadness in her voice was enough to wring him dry. It was there in the dip of her words that she felt he was hiding behind his work as a means to say he didn’t want her. Amaris couldn’t be further from the truth. Noah pounded his flat palm against the door and headed toward the kitchen. He would eat, and then he would go out to check the perimeter. He needed to get out of this house, let his wolf run free for a while and spend some energy. He wouldn’t stray so far that he wouldn’t notice the changes in the air should someone uninvited arrive. The plan had been to take Amaris out so she could get a feel or the land, but now was probably a bad time. Noah couldn’t wait. He had to get out of the house for a while or else.