Read Protector Page 27

  An evil smile twisted David’s lips. “But Holly stays with me.”

  Mason stiffened. “No way.”

  One of his brows inched upward. “I don’t see you having much room to negotiate. Make the decision I want, the one that is your destiny, and she will be fine.”

  A bullet sound whipped through the air. Tad grabbed his arm, a scowl filling his rigid features. “What the hell?”

  “Option number one just arrived.” It was Sterling. Mason didn’t turn to look. Didn’t have to. Sterling, the “Renegade”, most certainly was up to something wild and crazy.

  And Mason was damn glad.

  His guess was Tad just took a tranquilizer.

  “You’ll pay for that,” Tad said, moving toward Sterling.

  Sterling laughed and made a come-to-me motion with his hand. “You were always more talk than action.”

  In a matters of seconds, fighting broke out around them. Mason and David stood staring at one another. The battle was between the others.

  “Join me, Mason,” David said, in a voice so quiet normal ears would never have heard it over the sounds of battle. But Mason wasn’t normal. “Make this nonsense stop.”

  Mason grimaced. “Be a man and leave Holly out of this. Our battle is just that, between you and me.”

  They stared at one another, a measure of wills passing between them, a test of who was stronger.

  Abruptly, Holly darted forward and, before his eyes, as if in slow motion, Mason saw Roger reache for her. She flung her hands and feet, kicking and hitting him. Mason reached for her mind, trying to calm her, his premonition of disaster suddenly dangerously certain.

  But it was too late.

  The gunshot rang through the air like a missile seeking its target. Holly screamed. Mason’s heart lurched.

  And then she crumpled to the ground.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Mason’s scream reached beyond the ears of those directly around him. His pain, his absolute devastation, echoed through the mountains for miles.

  Every muscle in his body was tense, his fists balled at the sides of his thighs. All movement around him simply ceased to exist as if every living creature within hearing range could actually feel his utter anguish.

  Moving forward, Mason dropped to his knees. “Holly,” he whispered, reaching for her and pulling her in his arms.

  Blood oozed from her chest, staining her cotton shirt, representing her pain. His pain. Mason felt her body ache, felt her mind sinking into darkness.

  Yanking his shirt over his head, Mason pressed it to the open would in her chest. The bleeding was extreme, the blood loss too fast.

  Holly’s lips trembled, so pale, so deathlike, Mason wanted to die himself. “Holly, please don’t leave me.”

  She tried to smile but her lips only trembled harder. Even this near death, he knew she was trying to smile because she wanted to comfort him. But her words held a reality he didn’t want to face. Not now. Not ever.

  “I…don’t fix like you. I’m not sure I can.”

  He buried his head in her hair. “Don’t say it.” His voice held desperate denial of her unspoken words. “You can’t leave me. I love you, Holly.” He breathed in her scent, soaking in her very essence. “I need you.”

  Near his ear, he heard her whisper. “I…I…love—” Her voice trailed off.

  Mason looked down at her, finding her eyes shut. “Holly! Holly, please, no! Don’t go.”

  Tears were streaming down his face. He wasn’t aware of when they started, nor did he care. He just wanted Holly, alive and well and by his side. This couldn’t happen. Not now, not to Holly. Urgently, he felt for her pulse, desperate to find one, struggling in its absence. Then he found it—weak, slow, nearly gone.

  David’s voice broke through his torment. “You can save her.”

  Mason looked at him, still holding Holly close. There was no hesitation in his question. He needed to save Holly. If David knew how, then he had to know.


  Diego moved forward. Mason’s eyes landed on him, stopping him in his tracks with their intensity. And though the young, dark Arion halted his steps, he didn’t shy away from his intent. “I’m a doctor. Let me help.”

  Mason eyed him cautiously. Michael trusted him but it wasn’t enough. This was Holly and her life was on the line. With a critical eye and every sense he owned, Mason assessed the man, never forgetting how near David was, observing,

  “Yes,” David said as if he felt Mason’s awareness of his watchful eyes. “Let Diego tell you what we both already know. The answer is not as simple as a medical procedure. Holly is dying. It’s too late for anything short of a miracle.”

  Mason fought the panic growing inside. He was aware of the group of his men, of David’s men, gathering around them. But he needed help none of them could offer. Except Diego… Could he help?

  With an obvious Hispanic heritage, Diego’s dark looks only deepened the impact of his black Arion eyes. He looked the role of a fighter, maybe even mercenary, not doctor. But it was the combination of intellect and kindness he saw in his eyes that won Mason over.

  “Yes,” he said softly. “Please help if you can.”

  To Diego’s credit, he didn’t hesitate and Mason was thankful. Too much time had passed already. Holly needed help now. Seconds later, Diego was kneeling next to her, taking the shirt from Mason’s hand. Mason remained by her side, holding her limp, cold hand, not willing to break contact with her.

  “Take her to the cave and stabilize her,” David said and then snapped his fingers. “Tad.”

  Mason looked at David, trying to understand why he cared about Holly, what his agenda truly was. Helping was only to benefit his cause. There was no question about it. Still, if he helped save Holly, Mason would accept his efforts.

  Sterling stepped forward. “Tad passed out.” Sterling looked at Mason. “Holly’s idea was brilliant.”

  Mason nodded his understanding, feeling proud of his mate and praying she would live for him to tell her of her success.

  David spoke directly to Sterling, “Help Diego get her to the cave and stabilized. I need a moment with my brother.”

  Sterling looked at Mason, a question in his eyes. Diego spoke then, his voice soft, lightly accented and deadly serious. “He’s right. She won’t make it without his help. I can make her comfortable but she won’t make it through the night.”

  “She doesn’t have to die,” David said quietly, his voice unreadable, as were his eyes.

  Mason narrowed his eyes on his brother for a long, tense moment before turning his attention on Holly. Gently he brushed a loose lock of hair from her face. She looked so weak it ripped at his gut, making him tremble from the inside out. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to her forehead, letting his mouth linger on her skin.

  It took effort to pull back from her but he had no choice. His eyes locked with Diego’s. “Take her to the cave.”

  With superhuman will, he released Holly’s hand and pushed to his feet. Forcing his spine stiff, he nodded to Sterling. “Stay with her.”

  * * * * *

  As Mason and David both stepped forward, stopping mere inches from touching toe-to-toe, Mason had the eerie feeling of being about to sell his soul to the devil.

  “Talk,” Mason said in a clipped tone.

  David’s eyes glinted dangerously in the light of the overhead moon. He looked every bit the madman. “What price are you willing to pay to save your mate?”

  “I won’t bargain with Holly’s life,” Mason bit out, silently praying it wouldn’t end his hope of saving Holly.

  “I’m not asking you to. But there is a price. One that will impact Holly. You, and only you, can decide if you are willing to take the steps to save her despite the repercussions.”

  “These word games get old,” Mason said, eager to get past the puzzles and down to the hard facts. “What do I have to do to save her?”

  The corners of David?
??s mouth lifted in a barely concealed smile. “You always were impatient.”

  “Just spit it out,” Mason ground out through clenched teeth.

  “All right then,” David said in a slow drawl. “The answer is quite simple. Convert her to Arion and she will live.”

  Mason blinked, David’s words barely infiltrating his brain. Convert Holly? No. Never. He couldn’t.

  When Mason didn’t immediately speak, David added, “She is already connected to you, brother. As your mate, she is halfway down the path to conversion. Unlike the steps it would take for another to transition over, the process is quite easy for her.”

  Mason had a near tornado-like formation of thoughts running through his mind. He didn’t know what to do. Would Holly want him to convert her? How could he survive without her? How could he be selfish enough to think of himself?


  Without knowing it he had spoken the word out loud.

  “Yes,” David said. “Let’s talk about God. I know how religious you are. Arions are creatures of God as much as humans are. Would you end your mate’s life rather than simply finish her conversion? If you believe we are all creatures of God and that God answers your prayers, is this not what you would want? A chance to save your mate?”

  Mason laughed bitterly. “You of all people have no room to talk of God and religion.”

  David smiled but it was not a happy look that filled his face. “God has answered my prayers, brother. He gave me the power, and the word, to lead. Your destiny is by my side. My mate is Arion. Make yours so as well. This will help them help us as we create the New World that is the destiny of earth.”

  Mason could hardly believe his ears. “You’re crazier than I thought. God didn’t tell you to take over the world and, no matter what fiction you formulate, I will not be fooled into following you.”

  David’s response was quick. “We shall see, brother, we shall see. Your role is by my side. I know this, and so will you. Together we can create a new world where weakness is no more. I’m going to spare your men tonight as proof I believe in our brotherhood. For now, all you must do is complete the binding of your mate. You need her to be strong. “

  Mason ignored everything but the part about saving Holly. David had given him the safety of those around him. In the back of his mind he knew David wasn’t as in control as he hoped he was. If he knew the depth of the uprising against him, he’d never free them. “A blood transfer? Intravenously?”

  He nodded. “If there is time. The easiest method is more natural, the way of our race. Ask Diego and he will show you.” Then he turned, the wind picking up speed, dirt spinning around their feet.

  Mason’s mind was replaying David’s words when David turned back to him. “Acceptance is the only way to use what you are.”

  David started to turn but hesitated. “Once she is one of us, she will be able to produce a child again. You will want this to carry on our name and our leadership.”

  “How did you know she couldn’t—”

  David cut him off. “The same way you can know things. Acceptance, brother. Harness what you have been given. Our power is great. Soon we will show the world. Two brothers with world power.”

  Mason wanted to tell him to go to hell, but Holly was dying, and his men were weak. He needed to buy time, so he remained silent. The day would indeed come when he and David would be one…in battle. And good would defeat evil.

  David smirked. “These few troops you’ve brought together have nothing to offer. My force is massive because my path is the way of the new day. I know you, brother, and soon you will join me. Together we will dominate.”

  And then he was gone, leaving Mason wondering just what his words meant. Just what exactly his twin had in mind for humanity. Knowing this battle was far from over. But he had only one real concern at that moment.

  Should he convert Holly?

  * * * * *

  Mason stepped off the elevator to find Michael sitting on the couch waiting for him. The minute he saw Mason, he pushed to his feet and faced him.

  Mason felt dread spiral through his gut. He was afraid to ask. Was she dead? “How is she?” he asked, in a choked voice.

  Michael’s expression was grim, his tone weary. “I won’t lie to you. She’s not good. What did David say to you?”

  Mason watched Michael’s expression closely as he spoke. “He said converting her was the only way to save her.”

  Michael nodded, his lips tightly drawn. “He’s right. She won’t survive otherwise. You have no option.”

  Mason ran his hand across his jaw. “It’s Holly’s choice, not mine.”

  “She can’t make that choice now. Choose life for her, Mason. It’s not selfish to want her to live.”

  Mason’s eyes widened, registering his shock at Michael’s perceptive abilities. “Isn’t it? I want her to live for my reasons. What if she would choose differently? What if she lives and hates me for choosing wrong?”

  “She won’t. Holly knows you need her and, more importantly, she knows the world needs you. She wants to be there for you.”

  Mason’s voice was hushed, his pain etched in every syllable he spoke, “How can you be sure?”

  “I am.” The words were spoken with absoluteness.

  The door to the bedroom drew their attention. Diego waved at Mason. “Time is short. We must act.”

  Diego’s message was as certain as Michael’s words. Holly was about to die. He had to make a decision.

  It was now or never.

  Did the love of his life live or die?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  She looked so pale, so still.

  Mason sat on the bed beside Holly and couldn’t contain the sorrow and pure pain he felt. Burying his face in her neck, the tears came like water from a faucet.

  This was his woman, his life, his mate, and, in as basic a sense as possible, his wife.

  “I love you, Holly.” He whispered the words over and over, praying she could hear him.

  A light touch on his shoulder made him still.

  “It’s time to make a choice,” Michael said quietly. “Will you give her life?”

  Mason let out a heavy breath and slowly lifted his head. His eyes lingered on Holly, memorizing every line of her face, dampness clinging to his cheeks.

  “Will you give her life?” Michael repeated with the same controlled voice.

  Mason touched Holly’s hair and mentally he reached out to her, his words spoken silently, to be heard only by the woman he so loved.

  “Forgive me, Holly, but I am perhaps more human than I realized. Selfish as it may be, I can’t let you leave me.”

  Then, like a light breeze, he felt a flutter in his mind.


  Did he dare believe she had just reached for him, that she understood his decision and was okay with it?

  Somehow he felt as if he had received some form of acceptance, as if she had blessed his decision. Yet, still, he wasn’t sure. Had he really felt her mind connect with his? It had been such a brief contact.

  “Mason,” Michael said urgently. “I must—”

  Mason turned to him, cutting off his words with his own. “She can’t die. What do I have to do?”

  It was Diego who answered, stepping forward to the other side of the bed. “You must exchange blood with her.”

  Mason looked at the IV drip beside the bed connected to Holly’s arm. It was a clear fluid that dripped into her vein. Not blood. “By IV?”

  Mason already knew the answer before Diego spoke. David had already told him the facts. “There’s no time,” Diego said. “Arion methods are more certain and less time restrictive.”

  Mason digested the words calmly. “How?”

  Diego looked up at Michael and then Sterling. “We need privacy.”

  Michael and Sterling moved without hesitation, wordlessly accepting and responding to the request. The quiet click of the door shutting sounded before Diego spoke again.

  “It is
natural for an exchange of blood to occur during the mating ritual and when conceiving a child.”

  Mason’s brow furrowed. He knew Holly bore his mark yet they had exchanged no blood. “But Holly and I never exchanged blood. She bears my mark.”

  “The ritual can be completed without the blood exchange; however, it is a limited connection at best. With the exchange there are new benefits and abilities made available to both partners.”


  “The two of you will have a mental path of communication; she will share your powers and be better able to protect herself. Those are the critical factors. There are others we don’t have time to discuss. For now, we must proceed. She is too weak to wait.”

  Mason took a deep breath. “How does this exchange occur?”

  “The shoulder. At least, that is natural during intimacy. For now, wrist to wrist will do. She will not need a lot of blood,” Diego explained. “Arion genes will connect with hers and heal her quickly. With sleep, of course. Just as you require.”

  Mason willed himself to calm. “Are you saying I have to bite her? Like a damn vampire or something?”

  Diego fixed Mason in a steady stare. “It is hardly a vampire-like act. You are not sucking her blood, you are simply exchanging, creating a blood bond. As for the method, you have the ability to sharpen your eyeteeth if you concentrate. I assure you, nature will take over if you focus your mind on what comes natural to our race. She is your mate. You will want this.”

  Mason couldn’t quite fathom the concept of biting Holly and drawing blood. To sink his teeth into her flesh seemed barbaric.

  “There is no time to think,” Diego warned. “Just do it. Start by biting your own wrist. Gently drip your blood into her mouth. A few drops will be enough. Run your tongue along the wound and it will reseal in a matter of seconds. Then do the same with Holly’s wrist. I will leave you alone with her but I will be right outside the door. Simply call my name if you need me.”

  * * * * *

  Mason let Diego’s words play in his mind.