Read Protector Page 6

  But it didn’t change the fact that she wanted him. Like she had never wanted before.

  Purposely she changed the subject. Afraid he might read her thoughts. Why, she wasn’t sure. She just was. It was an odd feeling but not near as disturbing as it should have been. She pointed to his empty plate. “You want more?”

  “No,” he said, giving her a knowing look, “but thanks.” He stood up and started to pick up the used dishes on the table.

  Holly followed. “I can do this,” she said reaching for the plates he held.

  He let her but then said, “I’ll help.” His tone was insistent. The look in his eyes said he wouldn’t be dissuaded.

  Holly was immensely aware of his gaze following her as she moved. Suddenly her spacious kitchen seemed small. And she wanted it to be smaller. For him to be near. To touch her.

  She set the dirty dishes in the sink, her back to him. She was suddenly thrumming with desire. With pure, hot need. She wasn’t surprised to feel his hands settle on her waist. Just relieved, and excited.

  Her heart flip-flopped with a hint of nervousness and anticipation.

  She felt the hardness of Mason’s body pressing against hers, deliciously warm, as it trapped her against the counter.

  He nuzzled her ear, his breath tickling her lobe, tantalizing her senses. “You smell so damn good,” he murmured.

  Her hands clutched at the edge of the counter as her neck rotated to give him better access. “So do you,” she said honestly. “So good.”

  He made a low sound in his throat and she could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against her thighs. “Tell me to stop,” he ordered as he kissed her neck, feathering light kisses on the sensitive area.

  “I…can’t.” It was a mere whisper of a reply. She was already reaching for his mouth, her hand on his cheek as she turned to him.

  She wanted this.

  She wanted him.

  The minute her lips brushed his he rotated her around to fully face him. Then, he was kissing her passionately, hungrily, as if he could never get enough. His tongue delved into her mouth, teasing and tangling with her own, and she didn’t shy away from taking as much as he offered.

  She had waited thirty-two years to be kissed like this and she wanted every bit of his amazing, unique flavor. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she rose up on tiptoe and pressed her body against his.

  Her breasts tingled as they molded against his chest and her hands longed to explore the ripples of steel that her body was molded against.

  She had wanted this earlier. She needed it now. Her hand slid under his shirt, loving the feel of hard muscle beneath her soft palm. Hungrily, she touched him. But no more so than he did her. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip and his hand slid up the back of her shirt.

  Her bra popped loose and she eagerly reached down and tugged her shirt over her head, tossing the bra aside. His eyes dropped and, for a long moment, he went still.

  She took a deep breath, willing herself to be bold, and reached for his hand. Pressing it to her breast, she felt her insides tremble with the impact of his touch. He made a low sound in his throat and then he was kissing her neck, filling both hands with her breasts.

  Her head fell between her shoulders, giving him better access, while allowing her to enjoy what he did to her. His lips traveled down her neck and his fingers teased and tweaked her nipples. The harder he pinched, the more she moaned. She couldn’t help it.

  And the lower his mouth got, the more she wanted it on her nipples. Her hands went to his head as his tongue lapped at the side of one of her breasts and then trailed upwards…

  “Mason,” she moaned, wanted his mouth on her nipple.

  He stopped moving. Her head tilted upwards. She sensed something was wrong. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked at her, his eyes full of turbulence. There was also so much smoldering passion it made her suck in a breath.

  She slid her hands to frame his face. “I want you,” she told him, feeling as if he needed to hear the words.

  Her breathing was heavy, or was it his? He seemed to be trying to gauge her response or perhaps his own; she didn’t know or care, she just wanted him to kiss her again.

  Another quick movement and he lifted her with ease, placing her on the counter, gently nudging her legs apart as he settled between them. The sweet pressure of his arousal nestled so intimately made her moan.

  Pulling her close, he kissed her again, no less passionately, maybe even more so, though she wasn’t sure that was even possible, because the first kiss had been amazing. Her head swirled, her body heated, wetness—a true testament of how much she desired him—pooled between her legs.

  Yes, her body screamed in her mind. This is what I have been waiting for all my life.

  Then, abruptly she found herself on her feet almost shivering from the loss of Mason’s touch though it was far from cold in the room. She blinked, trying to clear the lust-induced fog.

  “Mason?” she asked, confused.

  He leaned against the refrigerator. “I’m sorry,” he said, torment clearly etched in his tone. “No way should that have happened.”

  “But I wanted it,” she said, not wanting him to think she was offended. “I still do,” she whispered.

  He opened his mouth to speak, scrubbed his hand across his jaw and shut it again. Then, “I have to go. Lock the door behind me.”

  And then she heard the front door slam.

  He was gone.

  She was alone.

  Left in complete, utter sexual frustration, feeling rejected and more empty than she had since losing her parents.

  * * * * *

  Mason sat in his truck, staring at Holly’s house. It was going to be a long night. Since his transformation, he didn’t need much sleep. A necessary skill in battle and certainly a handy one on this occasion, allowing him to ensure Holly’s safety while she slept.

  Silently, he willed himself to stay away from her. Turning the key in the ignition, the motor hummed to life. He backed out of the driveway and scanned the area for a discreet place to park. He’d go back to Holly’s place unnoticed and on foot.

  Thinking of her so close, nestled in her bed, probably half-dressed, knowing he couldn’t hold her and touch her, was going to be hell.

  The new day couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Four

  The glowing, green light on his truck clock read five-forty-five in the morning.

  Mason sat in his truck, watching in disbelief as Holly moved through the dark parking lot of the university toward the lab. The woman was crazy to think she was safe in a deserted parking lot.

  He wondered if she made a habit of going in to work this early. Or maybe she had been as tied in knots as he had after their little encounter. Maybe she hadn’t been able to sleep.

  He watched her disappear into the building, letting out a silent sigh of relief when he saw the lab lights through the window.

  The sound of an engine drew Mason’s attention. Sterling had pulled his Mustang into the parking lot. Seconds later, he slid into the passenger side of Mason’s truck. In hand, he juggled a bag and two giant drinks.

  “Food,” Sterling said, setting the bag down between them and handing Mason a drink.

  “Thanks, man, I’m starved. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how fast my metabolism works. It feels like I have to constantly eat.”

  “Yeah,” Sterling said. “Same here.”

  Mason pulled a wrapped breakfast sandwich out of the bag, ripped it open and took a bite. He and Sterling each downed a sandwich in silence. By the time they each reached for number two, Mason was ready to talk. “Walsh led the Arions straight to Holly. If they didn’t already know what she’s capable of, they’ll make a point of finding out now.”

  “Which means there’s no question she’s in danger,” Sterling said and then took a long draw from his straw. “The question is, will they want her dead or alive?”

  Balling up a paper wrapper Mason reached
for another sandwich. “I’d say alive is their first choice but dead before they will let her help us.”

  He felt his body tense just saying the words. The thought of losing Holly hurt him on some soul-deep level. He was beginning to wonder about his intense reaction to her. It went beyond physical. Mason opened his mouth to tell Sterling how he was feeling but quickly clamped his jaws back together.

  He’d not been with a woman for a longtime. Maybe he was just plain in need of sex. All of his senses were more intense since the enhancements. He felt the bitterness of resentment. Enhancements he’d never known were taking place.

  Immunizations given to an elite special ops team without them knowing what was taking place. Now, he and many were labeled super soldiers. With that came improved vision and hearing along with a keen sense of smell and taste. God only knew what else. It made sense that his sexual need would come with added potency.

  Which would explain his over-the-top reaction to Holly. He ground his teeth. Except, other women didn’t impact him as she did. There was something different about her. About them together.

  Sterling flicked a glance at Mason. “We’re going to have to take her into protective custody.”

  Mason sighed. “Yeah, I know. This is really not how I wanted this to go down. She’s really against super soldiers and the whole war thing in general. I wanted time to make her understand.”

  Sterling pulled out another sandwich. “Once she knows about the Arions, I have to believe she will see our position. It’s not like we’re creating war. We are simply defending our country from one that already exists.”

  He laughed without humor. “You haven’t met Holly.”

  Sterling didn’t say anything for a long moment, finishing off his sandwich in what appeared to be deep thought. “What is it with you and this woman?”

  Mason crumpled up another wrapper and shook his head. “I wish I knew.” His voice was tense. “There’s some weird connection between us. I can’t even explain it.”

  He didn’t say more. Wanted to, but didn’t.

  “Does she feel it, too?”

  “Yeah.” He saw no reason to lie to Sterling. “She does.”

  His voice held understanding. “But she doesn’t know what you are.”

  “And she’s not the kind of woman someone like me messes with.”

  “She’s a scientist,” Sterling argued. “She might be the exact right kind of woman you need.”

  “She deserves a normal guy who can offer her a family and stability. Hell, I don’t even know what kind of crazy things were done to me. She could be getting a monster for all I know.”

  Sterling’s jaw clenched. “Yeah,” he said. “I feel the same way. Sometimes I wonder about the very government we’re fighting for.”

  Mason looked at Sterling. “Don’t. Our country is about our people, not the power-hungry men who tricked us into this genetics nightmare.”

  “Immunizations for new diseases, they said,” Sterling said in a low voice, anger coloring the words.

  “We are what we are, man. It won’t change.” Mason said the words with confidence, no evidence of how close he was to choking on the words. “Make the best of it.” Easier said than done.

  Bitterness replaced Sterling’s anger. “One more level of injections and we could have been Arions.”

  “But we’re not,” Mason reminded him.

  “No,” he said, “but you were right when you said we aren’t normal either.”

  Mason cringed inwardly, cursing his own bad attitude. He’d allowed his negativity to rub off on Sterling. His role was one of leadership. He was a motivator. Or was supposed to be. There were immense reasons why he and his team had to stay focused and strong together.

  Namely, the safety of the human race.

  Who else but the super soldiers could battle the Arions?

  “As much as I would love to turn back time, we can’t. Be thankful we aren’t normal. We’re the only hope humanity has.” His words were laced with conviction.

  He was prepared to serve his country.

  Sterling grimaced as if he didn’t hear. “Any chance this Holly woman can actually give us some semblance of normalcy?”

  Pretending there was hope wouldn’t help Sterling deal with what he had become. “Nothing can do that, man. The best we can hope for from Holly, or anyone else, is help fighting the Arions. To understand their capabilities and weaknesses on all levels would be a great resource. She can be a great resource. We need her.”

  Sterling met Mason’s gaze. “But you believe she won’t ever accept who you—correction, we—are?”

  “You mean what we are?” He shook his head. “No way. A group of man-made soldiers. She has made her feelings quite clear about our kind.”

  Sterling seemed to consider Mason’s response as his gaze shifted. His attention went to the lab. “I’m not overly comfortable with her safety today. There is no way we will know what is going on inside. Not when school starts.”

  Mason’s expression held concern. “I agree and there is more than one entrance. After today, she can’t go back.” He considered.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her while you go shower and freshen up,” Sterling offered.

  Mason nodded. “I’d appreciate that. I doubt they will make a move in such a public place but who knows with the Arions.”

  Sterling made a frustrated sound. “Exactly,” he agreed. “If they want her they won’t delay. They will act quickly.”

  * * * * *

  Holly sat at her desk, grading tests.

  Glancing at the clock hanging above her desk, she grimaced. She’d been at work two hours. Not fifteen minutes had gone by without thoughts of Mason.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she willed him out of her head. After several long seconds, she gave up. It was a useless endeavor. She hadn’t slept and now even work wouldn’t clear her mind.

  She had been shocked at his abrupt departure. And as misguided as it was, she had held onto hope that he would return. Several hours later, she accepted the truth.

  He wasn’t coming back.

  At that point, she had paced the floor, calling him mean names. It hadn’t solved anything but it had at least given her a direction to funnel her anger…and her sexual tension.

  Hours later, in her lonely bed, she had stared into the darkness, unable to sleep. At four in the morning, she had woken abruptly.

  She had dreamed he was there. Touching her, kissing her. Naked, his body entwined with hers. It had taken long moments for her to decipher dream from reality.

  She had been aroused, her body pulsing with need.

  So real were the images…his mouth on her nipple, his tongue teasing, his teeth nipping. Breathing hard, she had slowly moved to a sitting position, her eyes searching the room. As if he was there.

  In her room. Waiting for her.

  But it had been nothing more than a trick of her mind.

  Pushing her chair away from her desk, Holly picked up her coffee cup with the intention of refilling her cup. In the two hours since she had arrived she had almost finished off a pot. Before she could take a step, Roger walked through the doorway looking as cranky as he had the night before.

  “You know what?” she said to him, motioning with her finger toward the door. “If you are as foul as you look, you might as well turn around and go back home. I’m not in the mood.”

  Holly glared at him a moment and then marched toward the kitchen, ignoring his startled expression. She poured the remainder of the coffee into her cup and stood debating about making another pot.

  “What was that all about?” Roger spoke from behind her.

  Holly turned to face him. “I should ask you the same about last night.”

  His tone held nastiness. “I don’t like that guy.” He leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t even know him.”

  “Neither do you,” Roger countered.

  Her eyes narrowed. “How would
you know?”

  “You’ve never brought him around before. In fact, you’ve never even mentioned his name. You just met the guy, yet you were necking with him—like some…some school kid—right here in the middle of the lab!”

  Holly couldn’t believe her ears. He had some nerve. Irritation turned to outright anger. “I don’t share every little detail of my life with you, Roger. And I was not necking like some school kid!”

  She grabbed her coffee cup roughly enough to slush coffee on her hand. “Ouch!” She looked up at Roger and scowled. “Look what you made me do.”

  She looked down at her hand, a bit shocked by the heat, before sitting her cup on the counter. Turning to the sink she ran cold water over her skin where the sting was growing.

  Roger spoke to her back, regret etching his tone. “I don’t want to fight with you, Holly.”

  Holly let her head drop forward a moment, feeling the strain of emotions so unfamiliar. Since losing her parents, she had remained relatively alone. Suddenly, Mason, and now Roger, were making demands on her, each in their own way, but both overwhelming in nature.

  She turned off the water, grabbing the hand towel lying by the sink. Facing him, she said, “I don’t understand why you’re so angry at me.”

  Roger took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers. When he returned them to his face, he said, “I’m not used to seeing you with other men.”

  Holly was a bit stunned by his statement. Other men? There had never even been a hint of more than friendship between them.

  “Other, meaning what, Roger?” She frowned in confusion. “I’m not sure I quite get what you’re saying here.”

  “I guess I always thought…” his voice trailed off.

  “Thought what?” she encouraged, hoping to put resolution to at least one of her newfound man troubles. As awkward as this was, it was better dealt with now than later.

  He opened his mouth to speak, shut it again and then finally said, “I thought—”